Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1951, p. 6

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paokaux me acton fkec press l thursday march jtth 1mi tsafoa shaw cstaanpletuhtat wi by v b bradley th wvcnth annual bacon show ww jheid in conjunction with the halton sd fair on march 17 in the milton town hall the town- lhlp director of thrr hilton hog- reducers who selected the entries rem their restvecttv township two veeks prior to the dhow did such an excellent job that ft was with some difficulty that w a mcmiil- imi and hi stam of the federal live slock branch nude their award seventeen of thei twenty hog entered and on display were orad a atoww all avade a tea do not nuke ton or lint quality sides the grand chaaplea aide fun a from a hog bred fed and marketed by v b bradley of milton with the reaerve going to roy kllefttfln of lowvule other with tint quality enlrte were percy henry hornby w r iteyle oakville rayner bros milton glen camp bell milton of w carney george town and w h reid and son of georgetown trafalgar 1wnshlj weal the in- tertownahaa award with nelaoa township aa aeceatd place harold nanna of the federal live nfflank wiairnitn ilywf the ayeongratulaled halton coducera on being the second high county from the etandsoint of grade- as in 1051 with sj per eent others who spoke briefly were stanley l hall mpp cedrte harrop and percy merry the lat ter two being the secretary and president of the halton hog pro- dueera c f picket president of the halton crop improvement as sociation was the chairman for the excellent afternoons program annual entertainment delight large aadleatee the annual e spon sored jointly by the halton hoi- stein breeders and halton milk producer was held in the princess theatre milton on wednesday ev- cning of last week and aj usual bad a capacity house a g hunter president of the halton holsteln breeder extended a word of wel come aatd took charge or the pre- ae of the e j meagher memorial trophy the actual pre- aentation was made by bert bruns- don manager of graymar farm oakville to messrs j f trimble trafalgar township and roes segsworth of freeman who were the joint winner in 1s50 m c baaty president of the halton milk producers was the able master of ceremonies for the outstanding program which con sulted of a skit entitled s s ber muda presented by the palermo junior farmers nancy lou gill and larry kendall a versatile pair of juveniles from brampton mr and mm john aher of port credit in solo and dueta and an acrobatic team called the nixbeej the fueil ipeaker capt the rev nor man rawson is an old favourite of halton audiences and it anything surpassed any previous effort local- ly capt rawsons ability as a speaker is too wellknown to need any eulogy here his appearance fn milton was the 45th consecutive night he had spoken somewhere in canada or united state along with his wit and humour he pre sented an intensely inteksting pic ture of conditions in great britain germany both in the united ni- tions and ruxsian areas t italy and other european countries which he had personally visited during the past summer all in all it was a deltchlful prugram and well up to the hijlh standard establislithl by the sponsoring organization in foi- nut turs garnet nerrtsh tap junlttr judge at italian heed rlr twentynine junior farmers from all sections of halton compet ed in the junior farmer seed judg ing competition at the annual hal ton seed fair and bacon show the young men judged classes of oat wheat barley alfalfa pota toes hog carcasses and identified mounted weed and forage plant garnet norrish 0 ifottat waa the higat man of the day and was also awarded the halton cream and jjesutter trophy tor the high score in the judging of hog carcasses and potatoes the halton seed growi trophy emblematic of the champ ionship in judging grain was wan by rowaon ruddell of ashgro while fraser ufcnabb of ksqiieslast township won the stralheoau orchards trophy for the score in judging small seed etc other awards were as follows fhfl mui senior gordo darby bock wod yrvin tttosrtpis hornby geo c wilson georgetown intermediates john w pick hornby johnc wlllmott milton frank wilson georgetown juniors harold lawrence har old brain small seeds beetle seniors fvaser uoksbb geos- town mac sprawl acton richard course hornby intermediates don milton of georgetown john currie george town earl wilson norvnl juniors gordon bird george town don johnson milton hag carcasses mxui fetat section seniors garnet norrish moffat wm brain norval fyfe somer- vtlle acton intermediates howson ruddell colin ho j von ruddell elected preldint of norval juniorm tsit 1 currie and howmxi rud- dell were elected as the new presidents of the norval junior inutute and junior farmers re spectively at the annual meeting held in the home of duncan uubm- on on tuesday evening of last week agricultural representative j e v hit clock took charge of the ettvlson of the officers fur the jiiniur karmits and also gave an illustrated address based on the ha lion bus trip to ohio robert cooper of brampton who ha accompanied nine plsoe ship ments of livestock to south ameri ca addressed the joint group hi address bajunfon some of the hijjh- lights vt these trips was intensilv tnterestinit the election of officers for the commit year resulted as follows junior farmers president how- son ruddell vice president don milton secretary duncan robin son treasurer john currie direc tors fraser mcnabb elwood car ney frank wilson cliff mcdonald and earl wilson junior institute president isabel georgetown colin marshall mil ton he for third herb loplor mil ton geo rogister milton juniors bob broughtbn bronte cliff norrish moffat hj aucilvt thoqkb small in an eontajm all tfc foaturei be- esaary fat any bom wnethfrf larm 01 ama 1l all the roouu of the ajfr sr 60 on floor without baaetnaut 01 eeohl floor in addrtlon a third bmrrootn an b muhed by a tlta- pl eonvvralosi of tn torae closet into a connectm corridor the first floor slab rests on a gravel fill with the supersiructur of frame with siding 9aept that the front living irootxi wall la tact with atona or face wick storage ape is ifatiftroiasly m piled by is closets hi all dlatrtaast- ed in evry room- tk twstva closets ratmn in typ from wi robe closets in the bedrtotn to ura storage cloaata in th trtlllty rooan the tusaaukalesu of th algas ajr 50 feet by m f i wcw araals planned to ha 1149 uar feat tfca cubage of this bout total h6o cubic feet alas poor diner as beef costs rise eri wusaa awarded short deorse scholarship the achievement day of the hahoabejlycrljoatclubjwasjeld in conjunction with the annual halton seed fair and bacon show eleven of the club members com pleted the project which was spon sored by the halton crop improve ment association and initiated in the spring of 1050 tli5 scholarship award donated by the klngswoy kiwanis club was won by earl wilson of norval other winners were as follows stuart alexander georgetown john w picket horn by john c willmott milton har old brain norval frank wilson georgetown harold lawrence oakville bob brought on bronte geo rogister milton duncan robinson norval floyd brigden hornby new road signs follow us lead the sorrowing oter once dis played on the countrys billboards deploring the fate of his brother condensed down to pint size today has something in common with the equally sorrowful consumer wor rying about the rapidly diminish ing value of his meat dollar mr john public fails to sec why the steer that brings the producer 30 cents a pound on the hoof has to cot him up to 00 cents on the plate and dainks-thc-prico-sproad-ib- m justified much of this misunderstanding arises perhaps because the consum er does not always appreciate what happens in between officials in the department of agricultures marketing service at ottawa point out that when each step is studied in detail there might be n better understanding of the problems confronting the producer packer and various distributors concerned in bringing beef to the consumers table what is the story s for example behind a choice twoyearold 1000 pound steer thot farmer john doe sells to the packer for approximate ly so cents a pound during the steers short life he would normal ly have spent about a year and a quarter feeding on pasture con sumed one ton of hay four tons of silage and about 600 pounds or more of grain depending on the finishing method adopted by trie producer who collects about 300 for a thousand pound animal when the packer finishes his part of the business cycle however he finds that ho has only about 000 pounds there may be considerable variation in this figure of beef to sell the retailer 40 per cent of the live weight of the steer being auction sale of holhehold fuknituke the ontario department of high ways has announced it will change highway signs in the province and replace them with others conform ing with recommendation of us i hichwny safety conference the the uudersined has received in- change will be made gradually and structions jgnj it mi take several years before j ac bv publu auction at her resi- completed i denci victoria st milton next to the adoption of styles and shlpes icnh station on of markers now currently used al- i tth ire j vi i at o clock the fol owinii one us and state highway is a mahogany settee with 4 chairs to standardization move that besides match i- rockers larje hijjh knd making highway signs more rad- antique sota corner whatnot able will make thing easier in kaft jfertkrr1 cud kocken dininu room table buffet 4 wicker st pining iloom eliminated in the dressing procels at 80 cents a pound grade a car cass beef sells in canada today from 30 to 54 cents the packer will receive about 300 or approximate ly the same amount as he paid the farmer the packer must rajy on the value of such byproducts as hides fat casings sausage covers animal feeds and feriilixcrs which go to make up the 40 per cent re duction from live weight to carcass weight to offset dressing handling and selling expenses and allow him some profit on the business trans action t to the aetlvltiesofthe retailer we find that when he converts the 600 pounds of beef he bought into retail cuts this in turn suffers a considerable shrinkage and the retailer mdy end- up with only about 340 pounds of saleable beef recent research findings on the chicago market show that even the choiceststeer will yield about 40 pounds of porterhouse steak which the retailer can sell at n top price of about 00 cents a pound compared with about 160 pounds of hamburger and stew beef retailing at a much lower price other of the more expensive cuts include sirloin and round steak totalling about 130 pounds rib and i rump roasts 70 pounds chuck or cheaper meat about 100 pounds and about 40 pounqs of fat bringing the total quantity up to about 540 pounds of beef that the retailer sells at varyinr prices o the con sumer on most canadian markets and will undoubtedly vary with different animals and varying mar ket requirements hot water bottle provides tea heat from the imouri wlltteh by chnrlck dickens we got some idea how the itabl f ton drinking rum tinned to grow nmnnu all classes in queen victorlnh reln dickens fnmoiim pickwick ivijwf for in- numce there in n humorouft account nf how sum welter persundod hln fnthw to go with him to n meeting of the brick leiiive branch of the united cfrnnd junction ebenezor temperature association thepoor old gentlemanwas nlarmod to see the members drinking great quan tities of tea n ho said urn young ooman on the next form but two has drunk nine breakfast cups and a half and shes swellln wlslbly before my wery eyei william kwsrt gladstone the grand old man of british poli tics was one of the heaviest tea drinkers of- victorian times he proudly boasted that her drank more tea between the hours of midnight and 400 am than any other man in the british house of commons th story is that the great man ud to take a hot water bottle filled with tea to bed with him at night bealdes using it to keep his feet warm he could have a hot drink of tea whenever his thirst boeame too much for him afternoon teas make friendly entertainnent salada tea k it i i nit bilt0n perrt limited plumbing heating air conditioning and sheet metal contractors acton ontario run pctry 36w fhonis ed tultoti 341w v tl ft lf we ilk to visiting u haw thr peopu projaee testtllea a gaol many eoma to visit ua and wa hit ihla too all aula oeuntrim hav textile induatriest asul people cans fraaa thtr oasuttrih in tho wsi group to mudy our mthojiatii uxtili industry bar ia canada u aiuong tha laailara ia taohnlcal skill and olfectivanaa and along with tba us it pay tlia bigneat wages for teitila employment any when in canada thai industry is the largest employer of manufacturing laetor textiles alaa pay tha largest manufacturing wag bill in tail country i thee hsnaa t alaa and tec ahtlily tha inilaaliy aia important featuraa of canadaa strength dominion ttxrili cqufany lim4tid manurattuuh 0 will make things easier tn ontario for american tourists- vvhtjts dollars make such sn im- wrtant contribution to our econ omy it will also make travelling easier for ontario motorists tielow vh border a they will have bo- come familiar with the american usag in keeping with american prac tice verbiage will be eliminated as much 33 possible for instanc a sin that now reads caution traf fic lights ahead 1000 feet willbe replaced with s concise signals ahead warning signs now square will bo tipped up to form a dismond however prohibiting sign like no parking will remain in their present square form railway croa- sue sign- will also remain the thes changes will be made grad ually all signs are covered with a reflecting material called scotch light this wears out and the signs havt to be repainted reshaping of the siim will bo dope at same time atxistirig signs that are dam aged will be replaced with the new type fish u too ofwn overcook od losing its delicate flavor thus kick odd round ii rung iloom table with leave centre tabic chairs hinh fumed oak 2 fumed 0ik heavy hookers fumed oak hvavy armchair hull top secre tary studio couch kitchen table uid 6 kitchen chairs ljirge lawn wicker chair and bench to match electric itangettc elrctric toaster largc sue iron bed and springs victrola and itccurds 2 raymond sewing machines 1 drop head both in good shape oak bed springs mattrrss dresser and waahstand to match low oak brd dresser and washstand to match quilts s feather mattresses blan kets sheets comforters drapes cirtainsv iillows large no of hooked mats bag carpets hang ing lamp painted shade with fir isms coleman lamp oil lamps jirge brass kettle trunk hand washing machine carpet sweeper sovcral iiecrs of linoleum set of flat irons lawn mower wheel barrow quantttv of wood swede saw sickle grass shears mot toes pictures pamtinis silver ware gloss toilet seta china in cluding t yery old complete set of dishes several incomplete sets cooking utensils garden tools 3 burner cool oil stove with 2 ov ens large quebec heater and other small household effects terms cash ssritpement with clfrk day of sale no reserve as the proprietress has sold her home fftndlev and elliott auctioneers w randell clerk b337 when summer comet with its ninny ikirs and longawjitrj holidays this couple like thoutjndi upon thousand of other hns customert will have tht money they need to enjoy a happy holiday v they have made chit possible by putting a few dollars each payday in their bns savings account- it takes bat s few minutes to open a sstings account which can become your pasasort to the many things yott want to buy drop in and start a savings account today and remember wherever you go throughout i canida and abroad look for the sign of good friendship in banking ltmkauana a um mm t on a w haydon manager acton ont

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