Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1951, p. 7

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tbtmsqay 1caxch 3mh 1181 the acton rb pros pacuc sbvbt potfs comer nature through a monoclr er spring you perfectly priceless old thlnsl li frightfully bucked t the uga that ana mm the jolly old sap in th topping ltrec- the priceless old lilac apd that aort of rot it jolly will cheers up chap does it nott w ao fearfully bum j so amazingly right and one feel a one feel if one eta rather tight taerva a tang in the ah m yuu hi wt i mean and the fraas as it ware isao frlftrtfully green we hall soon have the jolly old bee on the wing mr spring challenges fcoy scouts plan achievement a personal challenge to each of canadas 11 000 boy scouts to make real progress in scouting in the next three years was officially launched across canada on january 2nd by jackson dodds c 19 deputy chief scout for canada iwskmnygirls get lovely curves cdstlkkwia bmiih lowly urvm kww pm oid remhy a georgia rural schoolteacher drove up one afternoon to ow uf those combination gasolineend gro cery stores characteristic of the more isolsted bar of this state nobody came hear her ao she sot out and approached jj rawboned farmer who was dosing orf 4h loafers bench could you tell me whether or not i heed any olt she asked the old codger turned hi thouahtful tfase on her shifted his tobacco to the other cheek fco maam 1 taint efcactly tell if you need oil by just looking at- you lout a good dose at oil never hurl nobody prom lifes like thai in the leaders digest its moi0er about ten days after i landed in america from england i hailed a new york taxlcab and instructed the driver to take me to thr- threthre west tend avenue he repeated the number tree hunert tollytr and immediately began questioning me as to whether we were short of food what did x think of churchill the- labor gov- eroment and so onoll in the rich est brooklyn accents as i paid him he looked me up and down and stated in tones of awe dee bud dy you sure do molder the eng lish langusgel ephead optometrist eyas examined scientifically classes fitted guelph u st gearges b phonk ism established myean easy as renting a safety deposit box would it surprise you to hear someone say that have safety de posit boxes seemed to you rather outoftheway things complicated to rent and not for everybodys use in fact thounh renting a safety deposit box is very simple you juit drop into your local branch of the bank of montreal and ask for o hunt the accountant he u be very hnppy to make over a box to you sign your name turn the key and you have your own pcrs onal strong box in the banks vaults and there s another thing a safe ty deposit box at the acton branch of the b of m will cost you only wa 3 oa thats less than tw cents n day store your bonds or import ant papers and jewellerv in it ou 11 be ffk ing them the finest protection money can buy and get ting yourself a solid chunk of yea- long peace of mind sunday school lesson sunday aphil 1st ibm godswonderrul creadon golden text o lord how mani fold ar thy works in wisdom hast tbou made thorn ail i 104 34 exposition i the creation v 1 in the first verse of gen 1 wo have all the clear and positive in formation that man possesses about the original creation of the heavens and the earth the universe did not come into being byehance god created li it is therefore good has u benevolent design and is subject to him the universe is not god but gods handiwork god is in the universe but separate from it and nbove it how he created it we are not told there is a profound philosophy in the first four words of the bible in the beginning god in the beginning of t worlds history cod in the begin ning of all true science god lh the beginning of all true philos ophygod in the beginning of all right living and riuht think inty god in thebeglnnthg of every wise undertaking god in the beginning of every day god ii rehabilitation of earth to be come mans abode 25 in verse 2 we nre told the earth was or became waste and void r v the words translated waste and void arc used in the bible to express god judgment upon in jer 4 2327 ii v the words translated confusion njidl north e ast west south news from ail directions injitred in kttrcs pie pari beerman the only sol dier from georgetown with the princess patricias in korea was reported wounded in action at i art report he expected to be an other few weeks in hospital in tokyo easter ffrg 11 u just in time for vaster was an egg laid by a hen up erin way meas uring 0 by 8u the egg contained two separate whites and one yolk as well as another normal egg shell and all gradesuper aa plus easier in oakvlll last saturday in oakvume the youngsters raced through the parks on their third annual egg hunt colored discs were exchanged for chocolate eggs and after the hunt there were movies doughnuts and chocolate milk three hunts divid ed the youngsters by age monday there was a special show at the theatre tuesday o swap day wed nesday a family skating party at the arena and thursday a mam moth marble tournament friday there will be a big indoor camp saturday said the recreational director will be a holiday for all kdoeauattal emergettey tito desperately inadequate facili ties in oakville- which have result ed in staggered classes for the youngsters will be alleviated before long as a 12- room one storey new school has been authorized sur veys proved that six more class rooms- would be needed in 1052 with an additional five in 1053 council members considered the need was so urgent that immediate authorization without a vote of the people was warranted hwperby dtflnb superbly dumb was a compli ment paid to the lead player mrs barbara new by the adjudicator at the central ontario drama festi val the oakville club players presented born yesterday cur rently a popular moving picture with mrs new plnying the beauti ful but dumb superbly dumb billle dawn although the oakville club was not rivep any award both the audience and the adjudicator were pleased by the selection and breathed into him his own breath or spirit from this un ion of body and spirit man became a l soul 12 7 emptiness in isa ii ore the p n w w w h m puss climbs peak of alp mahrhom same words used here isaiah tells spiritual origin he is allied more us in so many words that god did directly to god the history of the not originally create the world human race begins withcods blcs- waste isa 45 18 r v it is sing v 28 it has continued with plain therefore that in the begin- gods blessing nlng of verse 2 we have the des cription not of the creation of the earth but of a judgment that came upon the earth after its creation presumably because of the sin of some prcadamite inhabitants what follows then is not the story of the seps of the original creation 1 1w after man years of ot- but of the rehabilitation of the earth tempted conquest edward whym- to become the abode of man if p nn h guide cror at lost this view of the passage is cor- climbed the mottcrhorn the hithcr- rect there never con by any pos- lo unconquered swiss peak that sibllity be any conflict between lies near t italian bor his anything geology may discover in example has now been followed b the record of the rocks and that i mtza seven month old v kitten which is here recorded not as the w has eclipsed him b making steps of creation but as the step the ascent v ithout rope or guide in the refitting of the earth this intrepid boast belong to seen limes we jire told god saw josephine of zormntt v ho for the that what he had make was good i p twenty summers hos bein the three persons of tht trinity 1 nl lnt bohedere hotel which ore found in the first throe verses stand on horlui rid at jhc tooi in erse 1 ue hae god the father of tht matterhom the btkedin in ot2hp have the spirit l i uiu usual stattlng place for verse 3 cand god said we have climbtrs- makinr on attempt on thi- the word the- phrase and god summit and the kitten has watched said occurs ten times in the chap- mar of tnew dflwn departures jocl mccrea ellen drew and little dean stockwell as they ap pear on the roxy screen friday and saturday in stars in my crown aagaai stirring drama of a twofisted cavalryman turned preacher who brings love and laughter to a pioneer community alan hale lewis stone james mitchell and juano hernandez are others m the cast theres money seed atthoboffm far assay fanttts opsrauof funds u low at his ttsas ol yaax it ts sstbraaa ptrtod whse ihssas lots ol cap n iiitls mroas l dus u you prohum talk u oa with your b ol m sssnssjtf if you caa plaa rspaymcat from your latm imcomg taseti asoasy lor you at the b of al for issd fasd or farulusr bank of montreal acton branch gordon oder manager woikino with cahadtani in iviy watk op ttl ltncl 1117 tor gods creathc work la done by his creative word gods crcatlvj work is also done through his snir it cf ps 33 6 job 33 4 ps 104 20 30 a moat majestic declaration of the power of god is found in the 3rd verse he slmplv said let light be nnd light was the hebrew word for da is often used df a prolonged period and gods days are not twentvfour hour days chap 2 4 mic 4 c dan 8 14 2 pet 3 bt if thr interpretation of these verses given abov c is the true one it matters not w hether the dos in this cose are 24 hour da i or lengthened periods god could certainlv rehabilitate this fallen earth to bo the abode of man in six davs of 24 hour each indeed ho could creati it ortginillv in six das of 24 hours if ho would in fidels of an earlier generation made morrv over the first chapter of there was cosmic lipht before the sun was made but terv wellin formed scientist now knows that there was cosmic linht befort the sun becami a neparat ind distinct bodv lit creation r man 26 31 i t us msikt in full of mtaning in it wehflv the plur ill v of pi r- end heard many odd stories from the guides who never fail to visit josephine in her kitchen uhtn their employers stopped at the belv edere david de krassel bbc reporter in zurich told radio listeners that one day mitza decided to see for herself where all her human friends went who knows he said what dreams she may havt had of a mdusc eldorado ns she sot out one morning following the footsteps of her favourite oung guide edward diner but mitza was unable to keep up with bintr and his partv and fell back at midnight she gave a gihde a nastv shock he took her for the ghost cat said to guard the treasure which is reputed to lie hidden in the schwartzsoe the lake at the foot of the mountain in the meantime josephine hod misled her pet and sounded thi nl trm and as a cook alwavs has a large number of friends she soon recruited manj helpers the first report came from the solwav hut twtlve- thousand five hundred feet up the mountain whose keeper r ported that mitra hnd arrived before he was up next morning forced sale waupapersr- wtmmpsjfmvft fs cftomsj tpsmsi in wmimn vtnssto slock pa u vf sam of lh morai popular brands of a i n i 1 nationally advarflsad paint cswriskl in toys books stationary supplies kennedys book store 35 wyndham st ouolph angus kannocry prop carrolls we were having the gas tank filled befqre jjrnvlng the big horn fitowjju wiienljlg mdiijudriiuc j about the road i walked over to the car the driver was pale and seemed agitated but the man sitting beside him seemed calm even i little smug yes its pretty rugged up thrc the driver replied to my question i met this fellow motioning to his companion in a place where we couldnt pass and neither of us dared back so after 20 minutes of haggling i bought his old jaltpy and pushed it over the edge from fllfes like that in the readers digest clearing auction sale of reg and fully accredited hoi- fcteln cows and heifers stockers hogs tractor power implements tjrm implements snd bred grain the undersigned have received instructions from ll jiasson sons of the god hood suggested in the kiittn was off again nose set the vr first chjptor of the bible for the summit next dav a group 3 22 11 7 isa fl r this pluralitv i of climbers from italv passed her is also indicated bv the name of and wore convinced that her god whjch is a plural noun man mountaineering skill i not ht t wah to bo rrudt m the image of spirit would bo overcome b tht the godhead this tmige and likr difficult rope siabs and lh rnf nps roferrrd rather to intellectual and mort likened than to physical likeness col 3 10 eph 4 24 jno 4 241 flut god does manifest him self in material form phll 2 6 ex m 0 10 isa 6 i- snd this form ls seemingly in some respects like the human form though this image has been blurred aid mar red by sin it has not been oblit erated jas 3 0 this image and likeness was perfectly rvalixsd lh the perfect fjfn in typical uan the ideal man the son of uan jesus christ 2 cor 4 4 col i is heb 1 3 this glorious image is completely restored in regener ation and what follows it eph 4 23 24 col 3 10 1 jna 3 2 god appointed man to have dom inion over every created thing on earth ps 8 4tj the incoming of sin has interfered in s measure with the perfect dominion of man over the animal creation but it will be restored in the regeneration and restitution of all thjngs us 11 fl 6523 rom 6 21 god formed man out of the dust of the ground hazards which had defeated much more experienced cli the wore wrong seme hoilrs later mitza tail mill bravelv erect tolled mewing to the fourteen thousand tven hundred and eighty foil summit and joined the incredulous climbers who had passed her on the slabs thcy gave her a rapturous welcome the guide who was taking his party down on the italian side of the mountain did not think ultzas paws should suffer the long climb down and ignoring any mews of protest put her in 4he rucksack arid brought her to the first inhabit ed outpost on his side of the fron tier any question of feline passports being waived when last heard of mitza was still there happily fat tening on mice a swiss guide recognized her one day and wanted to take her back to zermatt but the italians refused to part with her it looks as if josephine will have to climb the matter lorn in person to fetch her property back to sell by public auction at his farm situated on the mardcn mary- hill county road 2miles west of marden h miles east of no so highway on monday april 2nd at 1 oclock sharp the following cows and hxifers reg hol- stcin cow fresh 6 weeks not bred reg hols tc in cow fresh 8 weeks not bred reg holstcin cow in full flow bred feb 18 reg hol- btein cow in full flow bred feb 9 reg holsteln cow in full flow bred jan ib reg holstcin cow in full flow bred dec 12 reg hol stcin cow ln full flow bred nov 12 reg holstcin cow in full flow bred sept 17 reg holsteln heifer 2 yrs old bred nov 29 reg holsteln heifer 2 yrs old bred dec 2 reg holsteln heifer 2 yrs old bred jan 28 reg hol s te in heifer 2 yrs old bred jan- 1 reg holsteln heifer 3 yrs old bred feb 5 4 reg holsteln heif ers i yr old 3 reg holsteln heif ers 7 months olfl 2 reg holstcin heifers 3 months old 1 reg- hoi- stein bull 1 yr old 1 grade hoi- stein cow in full flow bred jan 5 4 grade heifers bred to freshen noxt fall all heifers 2 years and tinder vaccinated 24 stockers and feeders 4 feeders 000 to 1000 lbs 4 feed ers 800 to d00 lbs fl stockers 800 to 700 lbs 10 stocker calves 400 to 800 lbs hogs and poultry 3 mature york sows bred 2 months 8 young york sows bred between feb 5 and feb 13th 4 young york sows bred between feb 20th and march 1st 44 choice york pigs between 8 to 12 weeks old 20 hens grain 100 bus ecaviir oats suitable for seed 100 bus clinton oa s suitable for seed atl rrcleoned 150 bus of whoat and barley so bus fall wheat implements john deere tractor on rubber model b just used one season offset disc 18 dlate 8 ft killefcr like new 1 rj c 3 furrow plow tractor culti- vator in al condition lelty 10 plate grinder with coarse and fine nlates rubber tired wagon rack set of 3 section john deere har rows 17 ft cockshutt drop hd hay loader frost t wood afower temdlln fanning mill turnip sow er stable boat scultltrltstfonn scales hand weed sprayer stew art electric clippers bag truck forks hoes chains brooms etc daitiy ectnpment delsvsl stirling milking machine two units plolng and motor solution rarks four can woods cooler ten gsl milk cans palis strain er etc household eftbuto apex fleetric washing mschlne meclary electric sove 4 piste and oven acme cook stove coal or wood large size coal heater a had in tjhtip bath tub 40 sap buckets 1mi ford deluxe coach in excel- ni rendition terms cash settlement with clrk day of sat no reserve as the proprietor has sold hi farm and is moving to a large fullv equipped farm lunch counter on grounds nindlev ft elliott aurtfoners ph lfr3 roekwood or 177j mil nn j rellly clerk 38ib you couldnt pick a bttr thus or a bttr pue t vco ouutad ooeds w kmplns our prices dawn until the last a ihu uoniat suy how at carrolls and 8avb peas sjevb 46 1eok ttm vrrm vaxii aook as4 lima bea 33c aylmer corn x 33e kernel coiun ffi pork and beans i tomato soup 3 margarine 15oz a good lttok 1m tkq xvsixlc xtt a9e 45 royal manor abflobtkd puddings and laelllf powders its both smart and nseassur far most of as to bt utrlfty h daysiaa hsra is a rsa opportunity to hit moaay oyal uanor podding fovdsrs maka tasty pis fllllnsa as wall as milk dssssrta that ar good for tha whols family shop aarly t sactirs yooz fatorlta flavors 3 packages jlc atlkeb red saa plttad 1soe tik z16 cherries avcs olobb 1boz gr castvp scssebtay nm pineapple juice x3se tea rags r 34c 67c sr m pt hi m m k l e suet o az nn cisttun ucht vvs sllcio 20 0l tih stjsh tomato juiced 3t23e special process peas t baby foods atlmeb 3 pie apples zz lie green beans sae tomatoes 3 2 39 sliced beets atuibb isoc m 13e swrrrs cleanser 27c 1 florida new gaeen cabbage lb 12c ccixo na 1 tomatoes pkg25c california large buncheh carrots 2 for 23c california navel uts oranges doz 45c fresh daily calcry radlahaa bananas caxaaabara lrllacr caallflawar

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