Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1951, p. 2

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pack two the acton wee esv thursday april 8th 1m1 tax dollars municipal tax bills have been sent out and like everything else they are higher there is always one actor that makes them more palal able than other imposts for your municipal taxes you see the local work every day for which your money is spenf there are your schools your water services your streets your sewage disposal system your garbage collection etc these and many other services are provided by your municipal lay but did you ever try to enumerate the things hat are done by your provincial and federal taxjevies balance them off some day and you will find that dollar for dollar you get more that vitally affects you from your municipal tax levy than you do for your provincial and federal tax assessments then of course other levies are more difficult to put your finger on as they ere of the concealed variety whereas your mun icipal taxes come out in bliint and bold amount the farmers raw material farming is big business it is a trade a craft a profession and it certainly is a major consid eration m the economy of this town and this country its importance has never been truly estimated and never will for it is the flour barrel of the country and the provider of the nation the individual farmers are business men taking a living from the soil apd in turn provid ing necessary products for public consumption the good farmer ust as the good business man must keep a watchful and understanding eye on his raw material one of the farmer s big raw material sources is the soil its care is as important and vital to thi town and this nation as is the farmer con servation has been preached in one form or an other for several years but still there are gigantic steps of improvement to be taken before the sit uation is nearly satisfactory a recent story m a nat onal magazine pointed cut the importance of rater water s one branch and an mportant one in the over ail picture of ccnservat on so i erosion is another major factor n the nclus e term conservator we have never been ben nd a plow or cultivator lut we understand thar s ripler to plow by the ccntchjr iet fran oy the stra qht furrow not cvk thjt but the method s an mportjnt advare n the f e d ct ccrserat en soil eros icn is wut to a m n mum s nee the water as it passes ever te t eld s sowed up and the top so i aepos ed on the and rather than in the nearest reev or ter nat en of tne small r velet haiton county s tak ng steps n reforestat icn nat are help ng mmense y but the woodlots must be reta- ned s n trees hold mo st in the ground where t s so necessary the farmer s not the only one concerned w th the v tal ssue ct conservation we in the town have known he scare ty of water with shutoffs and curta iment in the heat of summer months and conservat en m the so i and its water supply have been dr ven home let us look a our raw material source and ictam the caut ous watchful eye thai the soil and tts care require make conservat on a by word when ou plow vour f elds using the contour method th s spr ng do our share to wards the betterment of a country and a nat on another nuisance tax it s so easy these days to slip in a new tax to meet government spending thaf the general public does not arise to th seriousness of the tix until it actually hits their pockelbook under discussion at ottawa now is a pro posal to amend the canadian ccuisrhullon british north america act so as to permit the provinces to impose indirect taxation the scheme that the federal and provincial govern- tyients have concocted is that the provinces would be allowed to collect a tax of three per cent on gross retail sales and would apply the amounts so collected to paying their share of old age pensions naturally such a tax would add to the cost of living of everyone in the- country because all taxes that increase the cost of goods must be- paid finally by the consumer of those goods but to collect the tax the retailers will somehow have to add more than three per cent to some of their prices but what about the application of a three per cent tax to the small items we purchaso daily a three per cent retail tax on the six cents you pay for the free press would be about a fifth of a cent to collect this the retailer would be obliged to charge a cent since no smaller coin is available the same would apply to soft drinks pipe cleaners and a multitude of small items the retailer would have the option of absorbing the tax or charging if and perhaps losing the trade there are already sufficient bothersome taxes now the hme to stop another one being foisted on the public is now an eight per cent sales tax is sufficient let the governments gjve at tention to pruning their spending father than devoting energy to conjuring up new taxes big and small theft the exposure bv the f nanc al post of the afta rs of the un ted emergency fund for britain is a publ c ser ce and a warning to all that there are oo rrany smooth tongued operators who are w ii ng to drag the name of char ty in the mud tor the sake of personal ga n it ap pears according to the post s f nd ngs that of the s 593 000 rased bv the u e f b only 880 went to buy food few br ta n the sordid deta is as g ven do not make pleasant reading we cannot see the need for a slow government investigation now that the damage has been done but there is a need for safeguards to se that there can be no repetition of such betvayal of public trust and a need for adequate punishment of those who have com rnittedsuch a sin against atl chanties such a betrayal of trust is going to be detrimental to many public chanties in canada most of which are well administered and carefo1ty supervised surely in this land where we have laws that provide punishment for the theft of a loaf of bread we can provide adequate punishrnenj for those who divert chanty funds to their own purposes father than those for which if was given surely our laws are for the punishment of the big operator as well as the small t me -thief- community centre rash the huntsville forester recently commented that that town like a lot more ontario centres came dangerously near infection with the prev plent community centre rash when the whole province was being swept off its feet with a rapid current of enthusiasm the town without a community centre specially designed and built tor the purpose was something of a back num ber in v or ous parts of the province ample time has new passed to test the practicability pf the idea towns where there was impetus yielding te the crae have now an opportunity to sit back and study the w sdom or folly of their impetu osity in a recent ed tonal the toronto daily star discusses some of the experiences the follow mg excerpt reveals results which amply justify the caution exercised in huntsville the star says the latest centre to hpve an unhappy ex penence with a new arena is fergus ontario where scottish thrift has been shocked by the existence of unexpected capital debts of 9 000 on a building owned tty the municipality but operated by a commission on which the village has only two representatives the municipality will issue 10 000 worth of debentures to cover the loss waterloo has advanced loans of 20 000 and 5 000 to the waterloo memorial arean com mission th s winter attendance at the hockey games has been poor faced with a quest for a 7 000 debenture issue to cover debts unpaid when artifcial ice was nstalled in its arena kincard ne council suggested a further drive for funds nstead owen sound arena which paid well the f rst year is sa d to have fallen behind s nee then the obv ous lesson to be drawn from the experiences of the towns referred to is that municipalities as welt as individuals must sit back for a period and give intelligent consider fltion to projects supported by a frenzy of public clamour precipitous action is too often followed by regrets tt appears now that many of the townyieldmg to the pressure are in the regret ful class editorial notes l woulrvf tvtn considtft th on makvht mud wive tt uamno the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 tnki ii from tlu im of tlu hrtt prtss of 7 uurntiav april 4 thil spring roads are pretty much as usual throughout the county not suitable for motor travel but the season of mconventenca is gen erally short the increase of milk prices by a cent or two cents creates more furore than the increase by a dollar or so on a bottle of liquor but then of course liquor is not an everyday necessity to ttveryone tht imiisw an nut tuioui iktd to do much ixploilinn on tin struts hirt tt tht milton kifoinui sajs a juuni oupli not many miks fiom milton wtih lo toronto on ilnii wcddmi lour tluy ixuiskrtd at tlu huttl und went to thtir room the a room li ft the bride m tla room nnd winl to tin office when he returned he knocked at hie door and butd hum y no nnt vur atjum rip ind honey and then iiiilli the ri plv go jwi uu idiot this isn t i bn iilvl its u b ithroom he hid knoekid it the uriuii dooi v b iseb ill elub u oil mied foi the following si ison tiudiy iwniiil with the following of filers iketid lion pies w a stou pus 1 minus first mil pni liuui j smith seioint m pi i 1 gentles bll tlels fried h u i ni hi ie i v bt attu ill in imhe eimmitfii w stuio h h icun h it in fa i mikinm n d hi itlu r kder piopnt loin mute h k ms min ibb t h 1 iu t urdi w is not i pi ipnotois tin for tlu nulliiniv opt mil h thi tmfnoui ibh wi i in i uul slusln w ilks did not heiwivii cktii i l i dl luuubt i of lidu from tn tuniitf out to fi ist in tlu displ i of hit ind bormetspiip md b skilful finueis for sprnik tin visitors to iknderson ind c i show riwms found thmbihis in ihinn nir snrioundines amnrik the mull i tude of sths shown thi pine ikt hits pnxiomm iti nnd tlu pi tel shndis are eerwhei in evidence v erv prettv en i ion ls i v iou t hit ind mother eqinl ittnctive is t forrtt nu not new colors in trimmink m old rosi ind intiqu- blues ind the tnniniines jht m stives comprise t profusion of flowtrs quirts chiffons nnd li1 tffeets the b gnnnm co mule thi ir bow is ni ri rs o tlu lidus w tnts in nullini r isu rdiv thi trimmuiks aitl flowtrs f h il rib bons chiffons tifitti mlk md tht ri ts i touch of l ild or i j id hide in marlv ivirvthink in iu w nhides pun pmks uni hi imp hihs in nunu ions fri iiht tnin brokt in tw j ne wtst tin mond i mornine whi climbing the ridt t tw n h r ind k h kwood f r om timt mm mi hit um etirnn th it in old slink on mi i st wa t mmbhnk ustrt whuh wis frtttuntfd b i numb r f omit ft hows w host nior ils wm ut impriivid tht n b it wis t hinttd that liquors wtrv sold there s people rt turned home from church last sabbath evening smoke wat to be ct n uwsuinil from the chimne nd a ultam of libht here nnd tht rt itrnved ihrouflh the enrt fullv chinked windows and walls a trio at women in town raldrd- the place with the temerity of th came nation order after conikur- abk difficulty identified the in mate and secured poajeuion of a pack of card it la hoped that acton will not he again duf raced by the pretence within her borders of such a disreputable den back in 1931 rah i it from tin ixhu ir t of tknriifn april 2 f tl hm lilt m ipti siiip is now on tin mir- k 1 tin pi lit nskid lot illy is j2 0 pi i u ihun tin t ul i nd of wintt i in tht fust of spiintf sums to in provid- inj thi hinvitst snow fulls of thi t ir miss ci ir i fbbnro rt lunii 1 to toionto inst wim k after i pleninnt visit in tin old homi town on mondnv nikht tin rm mbt rs of tin knox ymiiik pt oph s guild pud n frntt rnal visit to tht guild in in ilhboiirtnn goorfii town in spiti of llu disinnnbl we i tin i tin com i rt and pi i b th w united chiiuh wins club dnwi kood eiowd a bright musictl and litt i u pioliimni couph d with th pi i tint n isnl pit mi le in i ntt r nnini i i nine at hi t oimtv count il nu i tm tin wi k il in s uul illow int i s wi tut iboul sijmo mi p mton i tirinf clrrkhv i li n in honor ii uni t f dir i wdods t s i ph hospit 1 giuljili on thursd i mirth 1011 g oij t w md i h t d hush md of alit i t ti it in r in his r e ir p in th th homi mun sin i t alton on tin srli m irih 11 1111 mn ann h um av if of v illi mi fri r m hi r nth ir sufdisii nilr ror s ti wd 2 rt indcer ire to bi broucnt from northern swtdon to scotland a i limited experiment to find out whether reindeer cin be usefull ind succtssfullj reired there challenge outside too much strain xkay photos british doctors uishina to con suit urgently with colleague in other countrio can now tronimtt x ray photoi by means of the pot office cable and wireleu photo netrirniphy serwtw at tmt inllrb dlurrl at cbuhtibn aoloh onurto a ritinniy cmmcii pnwmtmki 2d nowr avnu iiiohii no ktv v a futrry ii a mlnltr mu o m lathjiua atamh orgahlut nrl clwilr ladr fillndav alltll iiiuj 101 111 no ii mi usuiiijiy kihuil 11h ii nt morning wirili 7 00 i m kvxnlnu worahlp ftl albaua crurrlj aullcmlt kiwlop uv w j ijimlba ba sunday apiui illli i iw i kuati r 3 holy nmmiinlnn stinduy hrhonl ii m a in iii 110 ii in ii ml n in 7 1x1 inn iliulnni m clow fvinliig lruy r wiiliuuilny april ii 7 p in inr cnnflriiliitlnii c limn a welrom awalla you jul tfablitrrun tsrjurcf in dnoi knox- ailue attton itkv lutlintl 11 aumhthrtnlt ma mlnuur hiinday aimlll hu 1011 hi fh u in iilinluy sihool 1 1 ml ii in lllvliii womliln 71x1 ii in i- vi nlnu wnrlili xlhllnrn wilrorrlft t4llpl dliwrl 4uniay aiiui ttth im1 iii hi urn sunday k imnl uul llhlii cluiu ii 10 ii in mr alfr il kllilicn 700 ortl illntrli t yining lrul a sirvld in lijffliliultl tliurwliiy i i in v proyri mret ink mldiiy 111 11 hi mli n ii nl h p in ii y 1 professional directory and travellers guide midi al dr wgc kennely lltyulrlatt ttiitt huricron lsu jtmr v f offlci ui symnn ulock mill st acton office phone 7b revldenre c hurrh hi phone 1m dr d a garrett phyiilclan and hurgeon ctirntr of willow nnd river 3u fntninct illvi r strut acton ontario phone 23ft dr a j buchanan dental hurgran office 1 1 inhm in block mill st office hours dam lu fl p m x itay trlmhonr 14fl dr george a sirrs drntal surgeon mill st tornii ritdtrak attt n otfin hours 00 a in to r 10 p m ii i i ihoni l i rai c f leatherland urrislrr solicitor nour public offllt z2 phoiu h s 1 1 at ton lever hoskin harterrd crounants sucet ssoi s to jrvkins and iiakdy 13u5 mttropohtin bide 44 victon i st ti rt nto rlk 9131 willoughby farm agency lirtst ind oldtst aienc in cinidi id office 3g8 biy st toronto phone empire 3 0g04 cieorjttown rt prt n nt iti e tom ilruron phone georgetown 332w right now is a rood time togo outdoors and look iround without bothe rinn to re nd further in this ou would be much bitter off out doors anv timt ls jjood for coins thi re but this moment is the inl thru ou cm do it iindw ichiiit th doinr betwien rerreti fo not gittink out more in the pist and dttirmimtion to m iki more of t point f it in tht future mo it pi nph like it btttir insidt though f w will ndmit ti ttils sureh i must b so howtvir for is humins hun h im control ow r thi ir en irmmint ind divilop ci ilbntion ih t nd to mor indoors uhere thi sit r nintl in i complim thnt tht in not rt ttinc out t noiirh thi troublt with outdoors is thit it is more of a rtraln indotirs it easier on the body and make less of a challenge to char acter whenvou are out there njay be the vast sky to see or a brook trees the ocean perhaps ir mount alnj or a prairie appreciating them require a depth of feeling that make one wonder why he does not do this more often but after a while there comet a fatigue of the spirit as well as of th body even leaser sights that one en counters outdoors real peculiar sights like a sidewalk crowded with other humans challenge the ego and the streets are so much longer than oneself the buildings so much higher indoors is the place for the poor in tplrit where they mav dwoll upon their little pictures and their brie nbric shutting nwnv the fnr sweep of the iinlw rse or whore thev mnv sit writing this must qet out more though tht print 1 trvotr i wright real estate and insurance f t wright n b wright 20 wilbur st w mtcdonno st acton ont gin iph ont phont os phim 4mw valuator rejltors inrurom mi mbt r appnisil instituti of c in id i mimbirs gut iph nnd ditrut he il rst a ii ird mi mbt is gut iph ind dmrut insui met al nt associ itu n mihf fmavpoijh the- victor 0 rumie funeral home tunrral llomr heated awbuuim phont 10 night or day s rvlng tin lorniminity for 4 ytiira fvp cattp by appointment ro waa c milligan bplomelrlst wh 11 am to 0 pm it mill st ruildence of a t brown pltojil telephone 385j vftfrivary b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary hurgeona offict brook v ill onlnrlo- phnni milton hflri g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon md id mii net knox ave att n lh nt iu travellers guide gray coach lines 0hs iravp attov itihthouhd hi if i m 11 r i m 1 1 23 am jm pm r pm mi pm nss p m blomi prn westbound wit tm 121- pm 2 v p m s 7 p rn 7j7 p m 0 12 pm 1133 pm ii tin sun to kitchener onlvi i lul txctpt sunday and holl- tl 1vs b siturdiy sundiy nnd holl- tl i s canadian national railways mat bound diulv 144 im daily except sutt- it04tm 7 10 pm sunday onl h ib pm dilly except sun- d iv flvt r it gtnrttown 0 02 anx dmlv hvir nt ctorgetown 1011 p rn westbound li iik i xtt pi sunday nnd mon ti i 1 r i rn sundiy nnd monday n 12311 am daily xct pt sun- d hah ant bio pm 7 44 p m inl xct pt sit ind sun 6 10 pm siturdny only 2 3fl pm 111l ifcntmi w w sunda fnl fl al am iflnkktop sunili nr flm-i- nt cut iph 708 i i the acton free press th otiiu pajrr f i rr puhlljhrd in acta rubliihkl i ich thurvdn jt 56 miltsi actum onurin aulbarlird srcond iu mall poat off let drpartmrnt ottawa founded in 1875 mrmbrr audit baraa clrrulattab c w v a and onurloqurbm dlvulan w v a advshiiihg rafm en requaat subscription in advance jj0 in canada 300 in unitsd states 6 monthi 1 50 single copies c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 progressive merchants advertise

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