Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1951, p. 3

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iwurftpay afh1l 8lh 1mi the acton thee pkbs paob fashion hint r the a horde coat will again h the anawar to coat problems thin aprlntf ad kimmer for aaay comfort able wearing the flngertlp coat la highlight in any wardrobe from 0w eaaual dared back right ar ound to the formal tuxedo front the type of ahortle aa pictured can be warn to moat advantage on all occaauma the attractive hand- atltch trim la an eye catcher here aim at court the affect of variety call be obtained almnly by wear ing the coat over different dreaue and auiu with different bright acarf aad with contraatlng acceia- erica iw the moat axpatrluuntal pertiapa a navy blue ahortle with aunny yellow hat puree and glovet bowl tw cecil acarr x optometrist outem douglas si tl 1091 hello i tomem takers tito accepted and long cwlabllihed method of making cukei is undergoing greutt chnngeu many packaged mixes nre being bought and no wonder since the results arc oxcollent however upi6 is the rural hnniemakm who has to u 10 up cracked eggs good drlpplrtg and who gets ample milk from the dairy herdjdjp too wants to know n quick method of pro ducing a coke that in foolproof no matter what method is used there arc a few simple rules that must be followed in order to achieve beat result the most im portant rule in to measure accurate ly that meani to level off measur ing teaspoon of baking powder and measuring cup of hour and sugar with a knife all liquid too shauld be accurately measured by heaping a tableware apoon you get too spuch baking powder or by using too lit tle liquid you are courting the fol lowing dlsiuur 1 uneven hump aervlce too much flour or overmixing 2 coarse texture too much baking powder or wrong type of flour 3 dry or tough cake too much flour or not enough sugar short ening or liquid 4 heavy cako too much shorten ing or liquid or not enough sugar h streaks in cake too much liquid in cake batter 8fnlilng of cake too much leav ening soda or baking powder takk a tip 1 preheat oven to the correct tem perature make sure top heat has been off for ton minute before cake batter is put in the oven 2 grease coke pans with aaltfreo dripping melt the fat and dip n piece of paper on the surface of the fat for greasing pans thh prevent cake- from sticking to the pan j fit iea0y money for the floahead canada needs all you can produce and diflfbofm ts ready co lend you the money to build up dairy herds buy seed fertilizers implements and for a score ofother pur poses see your nearest bofm manager today asjk er write for jowquiz for a goahead farmer wbanir mleallawauuauf cnjnj 1 x k o i v o x t r i a 1 stop paying rent by buying your home from this select list priced right for quick sole all uncontrolled get on the road to prosperity with the prices of materials rising and becoming scarce now is the time to be thinking of that new home get set tled early and avoid the spring rush we have a large list of modern houses stores and businesses some with immed iate possession do not waft until controls are lifted enjoy the pleasure and security of owning our oyn home insurance department now is the time to review your insurance arc you suffi ciently protected values are much higher fire rates have decreased though more benefits have been added such as additional perils automobile insurance has been modern ised do not drive without sufficient protection ask us to exptam miscellaneous coverage and medical expense en dorsements you can now obtain inclusive coverages for bodily injury and property damage this at only a small extra premium charged for basic amounts strong and financially sound companies that can handle unlimited amounts place your insurance on a sound basis there are no bargains in insurance wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors 1nsurors v i wright office to wilbur st elon phone- s3 v b wright office c9 mscdonnml st gurtph phone 4915w yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots 1 if you arc using the eloctiic ntlxei the motoi imuit he turned in nlow or no 1 hpeed an the sifted drj inured lent ore added quftkly but evenly mix only un til flour disappears using tin rubber jferaper to jmlah mixing t do nnv try to bake n square ako in lens limn 4 or 51 minutes nt n const tint temperature of 30 lgi teat the mice with a tooth pick fb see if batter is dry in the ccnlre 1 if the cake pan is hlnck and thin invrrt nn extra cake pnn on the shelf below the enke to divert the heat vtlvh cake quick met hod 1 liaee 3 etftf whites nnd h cup soft butter or shortening in a cup kill measuring cup with milk ft room temperature add h teas- pooti almond extract 7 sift cake flour and met jure 1 cups into m alfter add u tea- apoom baking powder and u tea- ipoon aalt sift dry ingredients into a bowl make a well in the centre and pour in contents of the measuring cup 3 beat with a rotary beater for 8 minutes tempi n a hides down 3 ar 3 times with a rubber scraper ir beat for 2 minutes with on elec tric mixer 4 graso bottom only of an 8 by b inch cake pan turn batter into pon and bake for 35 or 40 min utes in preheated electric oven of 3v dew 3 cool and frost with sen foam jclng feather cake 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup coke flour 1 tap baking powder lsp salt a cup milk 1 tbsp butter j tsp coconnut flavouring grense nn fl by fl inch enke pnn sift nnd meniure flour mix nnd nift drv ingredients melt butter md hent milk nt same time in double boiler bent eggs until light grndunlly ndd beaten eggs to milk stir in flavouring stir milk mix ture into flour thli li a very thin batter pour into enke pnn and bike in prchented electric oven of 350 degi for 15 minutes invert to cool but dtf not remove from pan thu mnkei n higher coke in n 7 by 7 inch pnn 1 feather icing 4 tbtps brown sugar 1 thsps soft butter 1 tbip crenm coconnut crenm butter nnd siuinr together place in oven under broiling ele ment to brown for 1 minute re move from oven nnd cool grodu- nll then blend in the cream spread on cake nnd sprinkle with cocoinut the question box mm w r asks for coke recipe using maple srup answer canadian maple calt cup butter or lard cup maple fyrup 1 cup brown sugar 2 crrs 2 cups pastr flour 2 tsps baking powder tsp bnklng soda j tsp silt cup milk creim butter blend in maple svnip nnd sugir bent in the eggs sift flour measure nnd resift 3 time- with biking powder sodn and salt add drv ingredients altern ately with milk bike in greased 8inch cake pin in preheated elec tric oven of 310 digs for 45 min utes mm t l asks for cake recipe ilsins tomito soup answer tomato scnip 1 tbsps dripping i cup grin ul a ted sugir i tin en im of tomato soup i niv cike flour 1 lsp biking powder 1 tsp b ikinn sod 1 1 tsp cinnamon i tp nutmeg 1 cup riikins i i dip curr mts 1 tup out wilnuls crt im buttt r add sugar ond tomito soup ndd sifted measured dr lngrtdii nts then fruit and nutfl beat 2 minutes bike in a greased 8 b 8 inch pin in preheated elec tric ovin for 40 minutes written specially for tht acton rv prfit by gwetotaolltmi k curk rait jtamilitm optometrist 72 st georges squhe guelph complete eyesight service if i want nn ex tin dose of fan mail i know how to gel ltt just let mi make one incorrect wtntn- ihehl nnd rtlong they lome lil torn pnpei 4 nnd mugnylnes to prove that what i nnld wim wrnngl all tight all rljihtmu admit i made if mpttnke and am now suitably downed in snckclotlr and ashen and of course i dont mind being corrected one bit after all w ure none of us infallible are wet if any other readers have correct ions or criticisms to make regard ing this column just aend them along this columnist accepts brick bats jmt ns readily as bouquets- it in all part of my job and now in case you wonder what all this proamblo is about here is the story two or three weeks ago i ment loned my mothers methods in deal ing with cold when we were child ren and i mentioned one patent cough medicine that she dosed us with i even mentioned the trade name but followed it up whh this statement i think i am safe in mentioning this trade name as t hnven t seen it mrntloned for years no i imnglne it is now extinct that was my undoing the cough medicine i dare not mention the name ucnln k nppnrcntly atlll very much in existence ns was evident by the papers both eng lish and canndlnn that were sent to me with the advertisement clenr- ly marked well i nm sorry i slip ped up on thnt ancj nnd it sur prises me ns i nm rather good nt noticing ndvertliepients ao often they are odd nnd interesting for instance in one english pnpr with the cough medicine marked there was also another advertise nient in connection with the fest ival of britain and showing j vil lage scene which i knew so well ns it wan taken from suffolk my home district believe me anything wns wel enme last week that helped dis tract ones attention from the dis mal weather we were hnvlng rnln fog more rain nnd then fog ngnln almost impossible to do the work one hnd planned what i had plan ned would have taken me out to the country on several trips need less to snv i dldn t make nny of them it wns even nn ordeal to ko down town ns they are still bus with i new sewerage job half the main street is torn up and the shovel is still in operation on one- side of the street it is impos sible to park nnd the other side his no pirking signs most of the wav well i suppose walking us rood exercise but when it s wilking through mud and slush with nn armful of parcels it be comes exerclse plus but thnti the w i it goes for everv convenience there k nlwnt n period of incon venience before vou get it thit ls so etn in our own homes i remember what it was like when we hnd the furnace put in and the hdro and the water system with all these jobs the house is more or less torn up from attic to cellnr is it worth if well you know the inswer to thit one of course this w eather put nn end to anv enthusiasm one might hive for houiccleining it killed mine nnvwav but still there ls ilwavs prelim tnnrv work thnt can be done if ou make vourself do it and i have been doing juit that in fact i hive been absolutely ruthless in my redding up op- entions the thought came to me when trouble cimr- to our familv i few weeks ago now if nn- thing should hippen to me whit 1 a job i was letto far someone else to do going over pnperit letter and all kinds ot-per- k on nl atuff with no one knowing whether there won anything of value in them or not it is a terrific job even fni pw there lire rt tnhr things that i want to keep 111 long n i nm hert vet thev wotlld h of nn interest to anyone ik not even iv own family so i have put them lnji box properly lulu 1 led n now the box nn he pwked up nnd burnt mm im mnvho you think thin is rather a morbid nnd depressing topic it nn t renllvexcopt for the fact that we me nil inclined toslfyvnwav from jientiues which is the vornl kind of ihelffflhttitjiij for hutanre there nre plenty of women who know very welj that it is pnly right and proper that lumbands ahould make n will yet a lot of hem dan t know whether one has been mode or not and thev donl ukomo nsk for fear of what he may think a lawyer ipeaklng over the radio lost week gave as n rough estim ate thnt in his oplnnn about av per cent of persons pats away without leaving a will somp folu nre superstitious and think that to make a will hastens the end but the wise person man or woman who has the groatest consideration for the family left behind ts the one who sets his affairs in order if thin has not already been done there is no lime like the present greatest pull yet tha huakf arettlf fiacad lug on thla new improved supiir soregrip are bullc bigger broader thicker for greater irs the newfcvjarc lower coat coohjrtagar drwe ih next time youre in town let ue how vou all tha extra advantage super suregrip tractor tire thompson motors 190 miu strut phonij v rordmonarchiauj a mrvicj cikan mh jock vou aim taltr your morn- inn bath dill novcr ml it bometlmon i tnkn it hot jomrllmci cold and whrn im in n hurry i takr it tor rrnnted crkahina- auction sale of tractor combine farm implemknth toolh furniturf etc have rei elved the undersigned initructloni from john hardy to tell by public auction it bin farm lot 11 con 3 twp r nel son 3 miles west ot milton on tueuday april loul ibm at 1 30 oclock the following farm implements etc mil tractor on rubber pncemak- er cockshutt combine 0 ft cock- ihutt grain binder ft deerlng grain binder 7 f t m d mower 0 ft mh hay loader dump rale rubber tired wagon f nt rack with hllding rack 4furrow tractor dbtc plow set of double discs blssell int 13dlsc grain drill spring tooth cultivator flsectlon wd harrows 6section steel land roll er 3drum 3furrow disc fiiow 2furrow walking plow walking plows cream separator foirrel sprayef ilp sleighs i hor cultivator root pulper w u el- bnrrow steel stone boat numb r of st el barrels grape hoe 30 large cedar posts 2 brooder hous- s 10x12 jnmcway oil hmnlt stove incubator 250 eggs chick- 11 fountains and feeders fence stretchers cutter anvil 2 work benches large gas funnels cyc lone seeder grease pump um pump oil pump qunrt meisur 2 gas pumps 00 gal tank and pump set of heavy harness odd collars bridlt s halters cros tut sawi swede saw 4 heavy tnttcir logginstchalps 1 light loggin i chuns double trees neck yokt fork shovels etc furniture electric w hing machine dnv hed large old fash ioned side table lirge diuble an tique wash stand larre antique chtat of drawers small cneit of drawers spool bed 2 small den tables hanging limp with prisms 2 pine cupboards one with gluns rocker odd chairs 2 pantrv tables several trunks 2 dressers 2 wall mirrors 2 elghtdav clocks no of oil limps aladdin lamp 2 wood en beds nnd springs electric cook stove with oven mcclnrv cook stove coal or wood with nservoir nnd shelf in emiru i sultan cook stove coil or wood coal oil stove 3 burner white enamel 2 lawn mowers odd dishes ind other sm ill housi hold effects terms cash settl ment with rh rk div of stic nn resere as the proprietor is giv ing up firming hindlfy and elliott b 3j1 2 aurtl ineers seasons last farm forum broadcast gives coasttocoast reports results firm radio forum proadcnsls for the st 1 son nrt now complctt d since mondiv night march 26th w is nvuw niitht for farm forum the broadcast consisted of prov in cnl rt por across cinada lut i ning in one felt pndi in im ing bun orfianied the mv co op r otive hospital at shelbournt and an increase in cotintv mt dical s r v lees hi rt ports 870 forums- in ontario fit closed b annoiincmti the provincial annual flin tine to be held in the rov ll york hot 1 yotm vood boxiijut utrrs uaum xr aamitoicxiit w trfasmi aw tlvatu4 id cssffau tut ktntll inareluuiiil aa m ugsuc mt u aaaaby tkf aktv hre bm jturt fv f u 1ubu oa vueh oatnlfi ay y muy soaf flakes oaltaoub u9 box tomato juice x 7s blended juice 36c tea bags raokaob 34c jt ouasks vkoetakiak ob pork and beans a 1b0z mt tins heinz baby foods 3 x7e heinz ketchup 25e nucoa margarine 45c romar coffee s 96e kipper shacks bsaetpao tins peanut butter fr sliced cheese 31c velvet flour 24c 36c milko 8kmad milk rat 35c raisins a0btrauan seedless lbs golden cornr 32se aylmer peas x 2 31c tins mtt i7e green bean6rz sauerkraut ubbvs 28oz tin ir smil unil of this large organ- toronto this month tion as prov incial s4cretiries as allen dtsmod from vancouver b c reported on the activ itu s of that province for the stnson then nov a siotta nt w brunsw ick and princt edward islind gave the highlights of thur findings for tht difftrtnt radio broadcast and sub jects as all forums studied and an- swtrtd the sjnu quistions we then iieird our ovvn ontario rtjirt as dure purt emphasized the results of farm organizations throughout ontario and declared as a result we had achieved more complete legislation for fanners as law makers have rallied to farmers requests tte nu ntioned several county folk schools which had flov d gr sbath as n ittnml seen tar for farm radio forum rt ports that across the dominion minv forums art 0 u bnting their tt nth birthdiv anniversarv he extended an invitation to all who could be prestnt ot atnluirbt hot 1 in novi scotia for lhe nitionji mihting this summer man of our countv forums havt ceased the lr wteklv meetings but are planning monthlv met tint s for the summer bovne plivedj hist to omagh forum mimbera while other groups met tt answer the questionalre which was sent out tfram the ontario farm forum office and later enjotd bingo or other games marmalade orange and qrapepkutr st williams 24 oz jar 5zc red salmon lj frenchs mustard tl i4e heinz willi a sauce is oz tin lyc iiernz packaoe mt 3c spaghetti baby cereal parp ro va x7c 1 1 t mnnusra nafi 2a oranges doz iau xize li pineapple each frfhll grfen pascal 4 celery stalks iai maclvtosh apples basket 49c 33c 2 for 25c 59c fresh dailyceiery hearts spinach salads radishes bunch carrots rhubarb lettuce

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