Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1951, p. 8

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tr the acton free press thursday april 3th 181 iqtai nrvs fttnu jor tm rohtmn may b phomd to 174 or to thw ttn jmg offic h acton suxs crimfes in cans failure in cant all radio licence expired on kfeisch 31 the flfnt snowdrops are blooming this week mr and wtra james mann have purchased a house in brampton the hiah school feludewfcvcre all tested for t b in a mobile ettnlc this week drivers and pedestrians have been encountering roads that seem to be dlsintertttintf with sprins ufclnetf p harlan wilaon nassniia wey has purchased the house in darbyvllle owned by mrs james fiosurbrooic the kin of beasts wtt greedy about top bullnk thl year march came in like a hon and went out like one too five scouts from the acton troop and the scoutmaster attend ed the boy scout cyclorama in the coliseum toronto on saturday mrs uoyd robinson enter tained at acup and iaucer show er last week at her home in hona- or miss betty wlnfleld a bride of this week working both morning and afternoon last saturday collecting scrap paper the bptscouta were unable to canvassall theatre honrv noskinsf m p will be one ofc n partv of about 50 whp will fly tcuctiurchill on hudsons bay for a weekend visit this sat urday they will touv nrtrnv navy and air force campa the post office retried a rush twice in the iast few weeks once njnr the match the twins contest deadline nnd then again at the know ontario contest deadline bags filled with nothing but entries were forwarded to toronto a counterfeit 110 bill was passcd in acton this week of porer quality paper bogus bills can be detected by moistening the serial number if it smudges chances are you have one of the counterfeit bills which have also been reported in guelph and other towns in the county winner of the georgetown in dustrial league and the sheeney tost trophy is the smith and stone team of georgetown although baxter laboratories u at hopeful of taking the league tills yejir the s and s players stormed through in an end of season spijrt to u in for the third year in a row canned meat sent overseas by iode the- april mectinr of the duke of devonshire chapter iode was held at the home of mrsg- mason with a good attendance the recent mrs a lone vvas in the chair numerous cans of tinned meats and salmon were received from the members of the chapter and they will be packed and shipped to headquarters to bo sent overseas a drive for used clothing for overseas will be held by the chan ter members and the garments are to be drought to the next meeting which will be at the home of mrs m schroeder a committee was appointed to present iode greeting cards to actons new citizens when thev have completed thur basic english classes in june there was a discussion on how to raisi rium tor the jnr but no dt clslon could la miitr ind it ill bo brought up 11un at the nit unit ing arr him mints an bcint rmdi and inform ition will bi avillnult- at thi mn meeting concirnink tht dinnlr to be held nt cutten fulds golf club guelph which will be the regular junl milting mrs clvis kirkntss diluhtnl thi indies b rnding i un humorous poem by robert scrvict a puasnnt social pi nod follow id and lunch was stiwd bi the hostesses mrs baliss mis boul ton and mrs drvsdiw knox presbyterian ladies aid meets mrs robin rirku wi ho u s to thi kno pnsbttinm iuli aid fm thur mmh m link 1 hi r hitnu turk a t in thi ibsiiui of th pnsidmt who v is ill thi mil tint w is i n ducted in mrs i ndi rson the worship pi nod w ls ukrnbs mrs a m mcphi rson ind mrs it l d i idsim ttui minors if thi tnilln bisluts nportid on thur rap rss a lovlv limit lip w is rmiviil rinm mis rib it 1 i u a form i rvsid nt mil still m in t rst it n nib i m ml i f f rod to pilii li i i th s mil th nu n v i t i tli vid fund sslst in s w li in mi ii 1 sist nt th nt r chunli li uli m thi iniliil ihunh mil twlv in mix rs tf r d t i l v 1 i s for th s mi vnt toll iw ntf th bu n l i il mrs j nu inn m biuilit i diluluful kisi in ss ii it 1 il pint t ibut li lhivs vvhi hid lsslsld m th ea t r hurvli vins wih xnil mntim if tht young 1 ipli whi hid niiilu t hi the sunns struct mrs j d nnis rad i inuip f tu lections from thi book quut comers including little thing moods and blivsings thi singing of th church i oni foun dation and the lord s prav er concluded the mcc ing r a social time was enjovd when ilrs 15 matthews conducted a contest with the awards going to mrs c somrrvtlle and mrs f anderson mrs j dennis with her com mlltee including mrs peter mur- my mrs james jsmlth mrs a j buchanan and mrs norman mc- eachem assisted the hostess in serving refreshments bringing a delightful aftarnoon to close why has nobody improved the bed a heny coverlet to go on top of ev ervthing else on the bod v ill serve to smooth out nil but the more prominent u rtnkles caused bv not having straightened the un derlying quilts and sheets properly or at all one may reach in under the coverlet after getting out of bed in the morning or even before getting out and give the under covers a tug or two if anything is left hanging down the side of the bed like an old sweater or a scal lop sheet or empedocles on aetna it ts not considered good practice to cut them off even with the bot tom of the coverlet and it is not well cither to pull them clear for throw ing out of sight under the bed ns pulling may pull other things out pf the bed too things could get so bad that ou might ln e to turn the covers back ind mikp the bed it is amazing thit no effective libor saving dcvict ins so far been invented for making bids the irish who exctl it not letting their posmsmon if rinv possess them ind int i wholesome dislike of bothtr rmdi a grt it tr it solving tin probu m w ht n murphv came out with hs bed tint theoretically dots not mid to be midt but the quilb ind sheets ind pillows tend to jam if nothing n done about i bed at the wall studio couches and otht r such contriptions also have sheets etc i ind ukt working at as an rail- w i porter know a self strniht- tninj sheet is something that the rtmirch ixpnts of the cimdi in tctiu mills should be tr ing to i figure in some of thi south sea isles thi nmvis usid to sill thiir bids in tlu morninks this w is not vi i on sighted vih anothir tuhl likilv to emm on vintuallv w in n thi imrku for bids w ould stunkthin but it did dispose of the i i nbli m mormnks smuul coliridl1 s mtthod of avoiding niakink his bid wis to nu vi winn his bid and tht rest of ins loom became too untidy ttn for i poet coleridjv strollenl w i ind n tiled some other lon di n h dkiiik c lmpitiktrips art n i in itu n of the coltiidt svsteni tlthouih thi effort ustd up in cut i tin ind living bilsun boughs to build tht bed in th tvinini eineil tiuuli if tht sue km pliasuit of li ivink it bi hind in tht mormnk foi those who do not ippueiiti tlu ut of mans disinclination fi i i td miking eonsulir what hip ttiitd it tlu c h ite iu laurie r dur inv tlu r iilw i stuki whin mini uis ut r uii i mm fi ind that lhe h ii to make thi u own btils tht sti pi id tlu strike i from the tlntid wndi 1iriisi single class- of income taxiwvirs in cinada in lt wire business emplovees 1 737 ww of a total of j36as46 income tax pavers farnworth memorials mmbmrnu at uaderata price cemetery lettering elora rd at cewieie ry gvepii ont wi ladies hear historical account the greenock womtnrj institute held the march meeting at the home of mrs ii turner with u good attendance the president mm t hrmvley waa in charge of the meeting the scripture leuon was read by mrs a mckeown books are to be jiurchaaed for the hchool with the leglkiauv krmtat rectivesd canvassers w re appointed for the red cross and for the cht xrav clinic to be held at ospringe on april 2th mrs turner gave o very inter esting talk on nylon allowing pictures and samples in the varioiu stages of manufacture alio many sample of th finthdlproducl the historical klcsearch conven or mr rnbl allan had charge of the program and gave the hu- tury of the churchill united church formerly congregational giving name of pioneer who wt re the first members and the many pastor havlngcharge there- mrs chester allan assistant enn j nor gave the history of tlu lr farm situated on lot 7 concisfiiou 3 erin township iloth these histories provedyety ihti resting a recitation fnrgi tful pn wns given by muriel allan and a vocal trio by mrs robt allan mm t mccuteheon and miss mary reld the church by the side of the road concluded the program lunch was served by tin commit t e in charge tm sign a good timi 4 miust acton phone 1 10 continuous mon thru n from 7 00pm sat and hoi from 6 30 p m matinees sat and hoi rt 2pm visit our refreshment bar in the foyer dont miss the good ones frisat april 67 ic ss lltkxas shvecochran cry f roth cootorilftll payh0nd hasscy ct i iiioi co baboara payt0n stuart heisler plus wish you were here foiling the fox montues april 910 births marriages deaths etc bokn 1kck on saturday mireji 3ut au uuidph guilnil hiwph tu mr and mra uougluu k 1eck tnuu lleule hemd of george tuwn u baby duugliti r still born iiahuinc mr and mr iloy harding itit nu 2 aclun wisli u uiinuuiiee the birth ul u uui at ciuelpli itiural lluspipil on bupday apiil 1st lual a b other or cordon and ajun vmcllugh mr and mrs slun we ll ugli ura happy to announce the birth of their daughter at st josephs uuspitu guelph on monday april 2 1031 a slsti r for put mother and baby well mcmullen mr and mrs jack mcmulicii m8 bower ave ac ton wish tu announce the blrtn of their kon terry allan at the nursing home acton on april 1 1051 mother and baby just fine leslie mr o7iumrartsordoii a luilic are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter norma anne friday march 23 ut ute guelph gintral hospital a sister for bobby mother ind baby doing fino anderson to capt and mrs j m anderson j41h ji h av bw calgary alto u son john thornw mcmurrnn on latlcr sunday march 25th 10il u wit brother for margaret jinn nnd bnrbira fcllen mother and baby imth fine couutney mr and mrs m courtney 175 guelph st acion are very happy to announce th birth of their son john fred erick at the nursing home on thursday april 5th a brother for jonn mother and daby ju t fine chisholm mr and mrs bis chisholm 344 mison blvd ac- tun are very happy to announce the arrival of their diugh er laurie mae it the nursinu hume acton on sundiy april 1 1051 mother irld babyi doing yll ti died reed near hamston on satur day march 31st 1051 kate beed daughter of the late marpirm and robert reed in her 90h year funeral service wis htld in f erton church monday with inter ment in fverton cemetery lill1e suddenly at her reiid ence r r 4 rocki ood on saturday march 31 1051 sarah brown widow of james lillie in her 87lh ear dear mother of edith mrs a mills hamilton wesley and jt nnie mrs g orre miclo of r r 4 rockvood funi ral service wis held it tht victor b rumle r urn r il hoirn acton with intiumnt in e rlon ctrntery in mfmk1m kennedy in h me nu uu r f ahti r iu tbi th ktnmd wh pi id iw i m ueh ii 1011 lo nut itt rru mbi m li ft 1 1 t r b iili r mi 1 isonrin iffictiomtt iminurj of m dearest friend lot h on who died suddiil fciiti r moi n int april oth 1950 our sepiiatc 1ils hie onu midt loe dumr and beautiful nz distint m in ins are where ill the lit u hill i i t t i h other nd it ie no seir wantads for sale roil sal 3 child ileel cou apply sm yumasl- lolt siauc lurgc bi roll lup wtllinu dink phoiit 17iw u poil sal ten wtonllim mk c mill muclftuj jmlolli 3iji2 n fon sale- 85 kurd loupi c njiyliml frmctnt phunt 2i1w n wanted old dishes china ulauwni old jewel1ry liver r- niiml nt old jnroptf clockii and furiilliirc kflth burbr gunc mown 47 1 u rohsalk i let hox75 lbiup octly 1 m llarrlr 75 llowi r avi roil sale ud moffut euo lne uan rtovo luruc slzt like new phone 47w2 a332 miali qtt disai1led anim als wanteucouti 12 m hnr- 111 12 50 hok h71 cwl wc pay cnh nt your form phoni guelpli 1314 collect for immodlato service wm lalnt opcrntinif for gordon young- atf foil sale sampjul automnic furthmmthermaiiut mri w gow- dy 48 ntilw sl north s a foil sale grey thorly tprlnu coat ffrcy xult black and pink drew ailalj12callll6 4-vlctonir- avi foil sale power cltancil ilea- ver oats crown from riglstind aeel jlobtrt ktrr and sun phoni 4iw3 0 x3n sale ti urn or b ly pi r cheron maris 7 and 12 about 2000 wlii matched phone 4cij1 acton a foil sale condn milking m i ehiril 2 uniu with irintor in 1 pump compli ti ixctllint irmiln inn phnnl 00w4 a iou sale ifolsti in bull ulu two r monthi oni 2 months i r 2 uitki old arthur swjckhiuni ii ii i acton phoni ollw foil sale the host in thi county rec 1 bi nvi r onti rfl g ilon birlty enm l llmorht gordon i i slli aclon phone riu k wxxl 0lrl2 1 foil sale 1 white enamel medium size kitchen- stove guit- oble for wood coal perfoct con dition rensonable price frank toth sr 13 mill st a383 for sale 1 hln duty gn himttte nnjji ttt i force ring eltc 2 beitty tubs nnd stind ap plv mrs gordon gibbons 274 ar thur st phone 233m a w wantkdheiip faring 50100 acr i suitable jihrcp pasture part hiitth buildings write box 2o0 free prosit m wanted riockt to supply u with hatching eggs for 1ku aeasoo on some breeds we can take g practically thw ymrr btorrrrd if- you wouldllkn anywhar from 15c j025cjuhoxcn more tor your eggs than marfcevprice pn the year around contact us at once regarding the breds we want apply tweddle chick hatcherian ltd phone 400 fergus ont au t lost ixst fi twtwn flliotts ston and brork st si r want if i ft it fn i pn 15 office a iostred 7ipp red walh t rm- ining 1 irgi sum of mom y h aartl if left it fni pri1 tittrt a personal air- mcmy mlm womkm cattt r td li lbs mw pip try o trx tunic tiblits fur new h tlthy fh h n w vigor in roductorj icepi itnti d only ftc all drug- glst miscellaneous for sale comfortable dwell ing house ih everton parage stiblc garden small fruits pos session june i bradley and pin fold dourlis st guelph roy hindley salesman n38 2 washer repairs rolls parts complete ovirhnuls ernie radio and electric georgetown phone 405 roxy theitre bldg a tf rdb ol- thanks the story of the kid who wanted to tit on a queens throne extra red ingle and gang lost a foundling jomir mattv fptonn our since- re at th inks ind ippreci ation for the manv jc of kindmsi niivmhi of consul it i in and wn path ind floril tnbu ts m mr sad br iwimnt in thi in s of a btloid husbind ind fithtr giotk- h ird we tspciall think dr john scott re l dink ind ri t j rits tlu hird finuk the daughters of tht latt m- i john j dunn v ish to txtend their incre thanks and ippreciatior to their friends relative ind neighbors for thtir manj kindnts ts during thi prolongtd illni ind h pisiink of thur diar mo i thtr spicnl thinks art al o t x tt ndi d to rt fr morgan ind dr ktnni for tht ir c in ind kmdiuss duiine ihest tars for sale bov s bicvele fl mon hs old in good sbipe 1 sec ond hind bicvcli hivi equipmmt for splitting inv kind of hirdwood in hngth rnsombu price lornt johnston phone 1 1 j 1 2 i for sale girdin trietni uitiloo is hp with plnu disc culli ttoi ind liwn mnv i itt ich mt nt also nu dt 1 a r ord ti utrr v ith in i dut tnn missn n ind it it ili ii th in lk ii u i diln n ii ol on spt sidt b for sai i- it i i r i n 1 b it r oi buff d cl n ft my i jr idid with awn irpilpnu nt ir iiiiiuik cirt r i rt ur h pr it h il 17 bu hi n m rn m nt il d bit s f fr ffin ind son ac on out phi n ft n 2111 b for sai f 4 n irni d t t li htuoni ind unronm til k tt h ii with b nit in eupbm d full 7 d bist mi nt 2jtx u t n bl n h kh idditlnml fruit cr 11 ir- ft t itt md hiiv wiring im d i pus i ssion phon 34m iftt r i i cill 12 church s for salf 48 ch dm ponti ic coieh 17 cmc pn i 3s ford coupe 34 doriji 1 n hi c ir n ids m top rtjjnr t j 1 cht eoupi 12 ponti re i in durmti t rd on tnctnr cl i ship m uswiin m tor ph nt us actori i sewing machines sale am service repairs to all makes ernies radio and electric phon 4g5 roxy theatre bldg george town atf for sewer lateral inst- allations at 2 25 per lineal foot maternl included guironteed cont ict j sarin ko co t r ink toth h mill st a 382 kitchener upholstery hive your chesterfield suite re-jp- holstered for as little as 80 for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one wet k s service mqjckjrttie aem if i i iii l k i i in i i us h ffi v will d hir i l to l nit md u our il d h i lull i n 1 w i d up m wh it b th condition of tht rmrls b it d ii t h sit it to j- s i ill r n tht phone v irt b ginning to t ip with tht rrqttm mi nts foi pring buildini ind hiv hid v r il ntpnru s ibout he scirn r mitt ri il do drop in md i t us h lp c u for sale cimdi in kruwn ilfilfl irpporti d ilfilfi fmti rid cl n i r p tl bnnd p isturt mix bromt jriss orib ird cr s lodlno cloeer certified m i on m i r iw n ind on ino h bnd corn willi im couse ind son limi j i stnttmllt phones 18 ind 111 for salf i0so cmc 1000 n 1 s thro rpi irtt r ton pick id 40 wittrtoo girdn nct r d ti n tritnr 249 with plow pr irt ir ill ruw 1 irk ct btx h snmll k iox nlarlv mw s3j oldt r ice box wood s12 r u j wi ht rs from saaio up pht m i f mcmullen 6fi cton hb b bi prin t i n mackrvif son coming events for rent c vitge 1or rbnt ppu ii h i cdlor bytechnicqlor hmkd goki nl mucit it mw km world nw a marry chat rolling thrills coming soon coming soon jong solomons mines kim itltcnmbthfhighest mouwtain ma and pa kettle back on the farm the acton free press classified advertising rates now im fftelt no chare for announcfminb of biaths marnaccs deaths and encabfmenls la mtmrlu itt plus lc scr llae tftr rcre articles for salt rnt etc 2c a word minimus rub jsc iu sh paid until after insertua slelf bax na l thli mice lie additional cominii events 10cper count line wih 30c minimum all flammed advertuemfnu mual reach the office before konjvedneaday kn hurl h c hnlr i iinlilm a t i mil i ikiiik mii silurdu ifur- ri ii a pi il hth i i p m r vi ry i i tl hi i i 10 2 dttme mt rmliv april itii ai th it n r n ii ill ir n j i is k hk ind hi- i- iii vih ti i dmis i i iot b ii it n xkliiim u i h i j uhr it ii nn k1 un s h mil t il iv april b ii 11 ii in i u i i ii c h pn 1 tl i jml am ii 1 i ith r i 1 s i llin- i i t i b h 1 i t th i c a n thurvljv april 11 iji lar i il i xt u for your babrs sfet cot the uoyd folding canusi with tho new safety stand and brake rba creatett impeovewnt in baby camaget in yean lloyd carnages alto offer many new and worthwhile features lor com fort convenience smart style and value see the new 1051 uoyd folding carriages acton home furnishings hone30j acton hill i 11 i hall ti iiy a ii i 0 h 10 ii irp lunch virv id cm pr vdlnu- i lit ipn i i i n auxil ir a ir i c nc rt irritii miss hiltli i ikju mtis lilt d hurrh apr i 11 0 p in admission v u pic s jrtndly clrcli a it kill ir mutiiik iikialdi chip- r lodr in thi ukuin hall tu viai april 10 8 1 pin hard tim- part pri7 fm tht beat costume a two classis in mrtal working vaiii betin at acton y on tuesday april 17th on from 2 s uie other from 7 10 instructor mr andrew fuueu toronto call mrs wee bealtle 108 halton preabyterial woman m a- soclatlon u holding its 3rd annual w a day in the united church of acton on wednesday april 11 at 10 am whether or not your local woman s association is affiliated with halton presbyterlal all assoc iations are cordially invited to aend representatives to this meeung mra searle of dominion council u to be the guest speaker luncheon is arranged by the ladle or acton do come and enjoy the fdllowrhlp of all united church women of the county

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