Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1951, p. 1

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wkt jvttim mttt press volume ol n 45 j acton ontario thursday april 12th 195 eight home print pagessix cent acton athlete killed in crash puc orders meter for new station acton public utilities met in regular session on tuesday even ing those present were mil or e tyler commissioners t wn tt mncarthur superintendent lambert reported that the wutprmecr was oncrder for the new pumping station it u a 4inch meted- nnd will corl woo ho plus tax superintendent lambert was al so instructed to purchase 150 gal lons of gns for the waterworks dcpmtmcnt this gas is used for the truck nnd nlso the caroline booster pump the order wns to b placed with mceachern s ga uge the insurance on the hydro iruck was placed with wm r brack on with n coverage of 25 000jv 000 j5 000 superintendent lambert reported the leak on knox avenue had been repaired but four families or two houses were out of water on young street work was to start on this broken feeder line which crosses under the pavement it was decided to place two line ncrossthc rond instead of n one now servicing ihe houses secretary mcgiachic presented on estimate for nstalling transoms in the windows ibove tb main entrance to the office h was delegated to make arrangements with the y board for the work to begin it is expected that the n tinting of the water ui lit will b comp leted this week if the wcatnr re mains drj enojpfor paint to be applied foreman k mcphail whon ask ed b maor tler if he had stated t tree on peel street dd not need to come down denied making the statement and also that he had hid his ttuck smashed and ablaze 23 yearold jack centner died in an accident about three miles west of acton about 2 30 monday afternoon the heavy dump truck carrying a load of gravel from i glen christie to actdn suddenly cut across the highway plunged down a five foot ditch into heavy boulders and finally stopped on its side between two trees the exact location of the accident is shown in the lower picture taken after the truck was righted upper right is the charred cab of the truck in which the driver was trapped the young father pictured above left played hockey i with the milton coops this year and also played wseball with acton he leaves his wife jean kentner and a four yearold son staff photo j track overturns burns killing acton athlete jf tragic death came suddenly to jack kentner jr wrll knew- oc krv and baseball star of cton when his truck went out of control ntv t ntgnwmx thw ii es west ct cior crashed mto the duct vr overturned break mx immediate into flames the accid occur about s- on m n a no actual w tra o the crash jack mho owned hs o- dtp truck ws haal ng clashed from glen christ- to p on c c road he was cor nc i tut ton load oa i s truck- k caused the accidet w1- -eve- b knovr but n tome manner t truck crossed drrcir c thx i vide of ihe cvad rd we- a fe foot dc t ed mh bare boidv tse d cvr ed and jusc ad jk cas into a r4 4s ja trre tw d w ed yckare v- be r 5 ie v- v ehx 4c ari n ev re t- ma-h- tcai t v ok t kwjlc- x r ge aj i joi tie x c a sne cc o hf of t v tiw th t x o iie 71 4ier hr c4x jve th scee m tike tnaohtc miikii htt faermtf asi kxc seci2rf- a kr honeymoon in usa fos young coup1e wh3 saturday in knox manse s- e x matj aoi ie vre oi a u edd or sairda p ur r h ajtrc- i m r ia iax b n ma- j w n5 e d thd- dathv c mr is isr e f ei c a ay v se vv of m ta cft h rvkccfci fr brad w rjjed and did tmtd v- aoe 7rvs siase t trank ad tj- se srtt vx a rftvr trock svnvr bvfeev lir sad ui br oi tse ctrrd ieria et tia kajrr atirtr crc bevtf saoi ktax- sr lad mrs jcvm- ke- te aafll w scs a kmso ni rarvtivt j aai ct5rvad sua 4tjjt sx- lr ccf z ibwiys az otf ute hearti cd a ci of ut lf v w- tatj ti cir tjsr w hr bfiddw hr- odai o- i ti t a ts 5r ar if bc6t 5 r paste tjc s ts 4 cira- beddre ad c ae oari ccnice i3tartr 5 fx ood a lcd ji the f ctl aroi vx- thrty f cz anrd rd- tfe roepcc a tse hrt- oi m- asd mrs ttj- walk r 5 vrtcts rcctjxr ts yac v bftirf- rsecf- w a da savy tae fajf ad tsf isci- c ti rcccr aai a drras cf x ftt bjrt xce ccrar dfv pk kfe t5e torrcce a bed it f 5o a bct is th ro g aokfucuef aed ct a akiar rit oc ti r- t cvxie wd sesrd a wrk mflcr r ca ai tiar t j- rtt grcs itiewid th ce cuc fv gieer w5b g-vv- casa5fciro ad hrcod v mtz xs actee build pump house on main st north i ok began saardax on the tm pomp hous on main street voth on the hafnagel fam when ijled the new unit 1 double con s waenfuppl the well benralh the pjmp baicnor under conatruetonar dufi las fall to supplement thr w je- uppl comjis from the p ng pupjs aboj 150 aaonj of nv a mnue the additional jf 5ip w each he ia ii e utie uus 5imrer tne corac fo the bcd g e parp houstf wai gren to jores nd var g s as- ca- lhoub thee s acjalh cowfih e o upp v he- to o w pu cwisunp or o et ncs e s 15 cors deab t vdoctcn nut- pp e tars o- m5ps c c nade p ije v -e- p v a a ivi y jijfe e pomp i conversation u ith the persor mentioned for some considerable time this question wa hrou would herself up due to the controersy re the removal bf a tree on peel street which was necessarv to facilitate the proposed w idening of the street and consequently the mo inff of the hdro line back to the ctdewalk plans w ere discussed fo- the improving of the hvdro garsge and w orkshop a motion uas passed authonz ing the pavment of 500 on the ac county rote less incorporate bronte a slight decrense in the levy of the rate to cover cxpenspp of tbe county wni recommended by w jljjiujdnschairman of thefinnner committee at the regular meeting of eountycouncil held at milton tuesday afternoorr genernl expenscafor the yenr have been estimated at 180 000 00 while revenue is expected to be s41 750 making a totnl to be ra fl ed of 157 31080 of a rate of 7 mills in connection with road expenditures it was estimated that department would require 03 71 07 or o rate of 2 8 mills total rate for the year wos rt- commended os 7 5 mills to raise 231027 87 this is a reduction of 4 mills over the 1050 rote it was explained while there was a alight increase in budgeting fir general expenditures estimates in the rond department arc expected to show the decrease halton will have a 10th mimic ipolity on july 31 council decided when thepproved a bylaw es tablishing bronte as n full fledged village this action terminated a move by the residents of the pol ice village which began about four ears ago to have trie village in corporated they will hold their first general election for reeve and councillors on august 13 with ver non busby clerk for the 4 as returning officer a hne month delay following publication of hl bylaw is necessary before the legislation becomes legal at present the population of tie fast grow ing villare is 1 075 ond will cover over 500 acres in th mjn icipality a deputation headed by a jen nings chairman of the bonrd of trustees v aitcd on council and thanked them for their prompt action to establish the vllage stat us he assured members bronte honorablv in the traditions of the couny others in the deputation w re o a allen and w sargen warden k y dick and depuy- reeve w j higgins milton were chosen county representative to the board of governors for the haltonpeel home for the ad their duties tit commence may m ic w clement was awarded the contract to lay a fireproof tile floor on the second floor and con- council delegation night session lasts unt 3am peven delegates hod matters to put before council on friday night in a scislon which lasted from 7 30 pm until 3 00 o clock on saturday morning council gem rously heard the groups and the argument from citizens in supportof the various items rave their decisions and the delegations retired while council worked on into the early morning to transact other business mrs a dessernult protested the cutting of a maple tree which wl nectlng corridor in the jail on the count of the painting of the wa er recommendaton of j m wickson tank the following accounts passed for pavment hydro department mesrs bowman black shoemaker sunnev ing highway garage repair etc ghjwoodt co hd supplies whithorn s garage gas suherland i schultz supp d h howden l co ltd supplies nonhern elec co ltd supplies federal w re t cable co 0 75- chairman of the building -ommit- tee counoil made this wrision following an inspection tu- t short time ngo rotrtjabiliu insurance poicv big masonic night on ddgms visit about 175 masonic brethren at tended walker lodge a f and a m on monday evening on the o ensiom of the official visit of ht wor bro w g kitchen of guelph there were morry visitors from lodges in the district ond the neighboring towrttnnd cities the brethren ond the district deputy grond master were very pleased with the work of th of fleer in the lodge room undc- w bro j watkins who olso presided at a delightful banquet served in the gymnasium of the y mda the toast to grand lodge wns proposed by bro earl cooper senior deaeon of walker lodg in responding to this tonst rt w bro kitchen said that masoni lodges were more than frnjern its the word fraternity was not inclusive cnoufi masonry is a fraternity of brotherly love the speaker stressed the need for loyalty to home to country to lodges and our established insti utions v w bro charles darby mad the welcome ring true when he proposed a toast to the visitors responses to this toast were from it w bro george guthrie r w 1 bro dr flath and r w bro har- rv pike all of toronto and r w bro c b wilson of bolton the candidate of the evening a so spoke briefly and the junior warden s toast by bro l lovell brought a fine fraternal evening to a close the banquet served b walker lodge measured up in every respect t6 the fine hospit ality a1was shown by acton masons obituaby expes- suppies a id an spo 417 wcvnrorka derxjfnent was renewed w ith the general j accident insurance compai t 9 25 j jg5 73 this is an increase over tast years premium of 585 78 825 1 frank cowan representing he 16 i compan stated that increased 1 67 premiums were experienced in ill municipalities this was du m- 12 10 creased claims being paid he fur ther adtised this was preveldrt it 17 54 a counties in western onaro grants to organizations included 300 5 caradian national instiute for the 8c3 blind 300 salvation armv ox halton music festival assoc alon fconrtmied on page wphr ballinofad farmer dies in hospital funeral service was held at the victor b rumley funel home for the late alfred sw mdlehurst who died in guelph general hos pttal on mar 2flthhxas inhu 80th year bom in erin township mr sin dlehurst farmed fo- many vears near bllinafad h milage since hj ars ago he is survived bv a sslter mrs surah mclean er n and a brother georgt sw mdlehurst f ve j lii keard h- john m snh of georg- oa- frductd the smicf iner n a as in er n ceneterv five feet from her property on young street it wns said the tree wns so unc ond her property was affected by its removal she asked who was going to recompense her for the loss of the tree it wns re quested that the tree stump be re moved two nw trees be planted nnd awnings be provided for the windows on her home it appears the removal of the tree on peel street wnrrrecomnwiidea by the hydrroffrctffitsoriht utilities commission ahd this was passed at a meeting on reeom- j mendation lost fall the commis sion hod taken the rrmovnl of three trees up wth council at this time the poles on the street had been moved back and if this tree had be n left nnd trimmed it would hove left two limbs overhanging the property nnd would have been dangerous the workmen who mnde the removal were under con tract of the commission the following resolution was pas sed that the road committee in vestigate with the hydro and if the planting of two trees will not inter fere later with hydro that the two trees will be planted to replace the tree cut down on peel street or if not possible on peel street at any suitable spot designated by mrs defserault mr ed footltt as a ratepayer protested the purchase of the snow blower and asked for economy he felt the town could not afford the equipment mr w j mcleod questioned the legality of the purchase of the snow blower at a special meeting of the council he was against the pur chase of the blower felt the motion should be rescinded and the matter should be handled in a regular way the snowblower purchase wo discussed and mr mcleod felt the purchase at a special meetirftf was illegal and if it were voted on at a regular meeting jthe purchase would be defeated the solicitor was not prepared to state if the purchase was in order the ques tion was reopened for discussion the question was debated by many of the citizens present the following motion advised by the solicitor was presented toeoun- cil that je endorse the resolu tion passed at the special meeting lvod nearthii on m 1051 rirtmrnt t lh pha of mow load uh jilectric control at a cot of f3900 plu tales ui and be it further re solved that wi approve and author ize the actions of the mayor and clerk mxifninic the order car ried by a vote of 5 favouring th it otion continued on pagr fire -2- te t eve- eeded kco- fre pess pce- heat a sprff waacx l temai ltd d ond mxca lc co ltd- teipioi mo0s ci- bii co ld st 3 a 15 1 61 wl report card sale at guild meeting tii apr seevrg o sl aibar g d ed at th hoes of xtrt w netr en wednridav apr 4th th s serrbri prese te rretii opeoed rth the cjd prayer after hrf tbe presdectf ccothaeted a vared bus- iis caranar lrsten boxes mest tiared aad also ariuci cf awx for iie spri hxaar a 9or was gms on a saltr cc eveday rvag cards aad aal a vere cotnpjeted far jae bazaar aad consattee as- i5ed as eacocagrag rrp- wtj fsri or gmpft aifted by ir- ddals far ta parnn ha2 faad te hcstra pcrtos o b xftst was clced rth tse be ed-tr- a tirrr rssfc ssor te wred irr ihe hostess isrjted b mrs v uete arii mrs c sctton building progress reported to wa th rarlhlr eetf tof the wo- ar s axsociation of the united church was held jt th home of mrs c pickett on ttirsdav th presdent airs j wodersnln pres ided th devotional period was taken by mrs c l pool and oil cal was answeed br the ord the laclrs are prrpsunag qui or cirrtag agbi work is gocag ahead oc the church kitchen and tt will swan be vadt fo- udhfe to otr isarr th aeetiag dated with orayer mr pickett macmed bv mn ctear mr gi mid mrt- w2- tia ata a nf of i b ac council elected to pan te instead of by law t the bailing ul and i ifn pveket fmca tjkftr aukilnry lwt saturday april 7 are from left to right councillor a tt1w rj ceee r he- boene rorrjte xrl a tile unch cilor l wtxk aaayor t tyler councillor j greer councillor c e wood sewart and beeve j margrave seated it councillor mj either taylor f or th marrw hildby thm fty court- deputy beeve j j

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