Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1951, p. 2

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scx r thf acton fke press t1hjwbdav april lath ids living together u typical of he uncompromising world attitude today that the- adjusted hlgti school levy in north gallon would no find unanimous ap proval there have been five years spent in this county on making an assessment for county pur- postilhaj would be fair to all the municipalities there have been unnecessary delays and eva sions in splteof the fact that a common manual was set down for guidance all know that then have been many changes in the past thirty years in the growth and de velopment of halton some sections have grown more than others such too is the case in the north end of the county and it affects the amount paid into the high school district comprising five municipall- ties the board agreed almost unanimously to let the matter go to an arbitration board for an amicable settlement it is rather interestjng to note that acton milton esquesing and nassagaweya councils have agreed to accept this settlement and that the one refusal is from georgetown the town whioh held out of the district until financial as pects of the district were so attractive that it was advisable to come in it is also interesting to note that while refusal nf lh vipgcmfh l wm made the estimates of the town provided for tius amount no one likes to pay more than necessary true esquesing and nassagaweya will benefit in the edustment while acton and georgetown make up this benefit but based on the figures available it is an equitable edustment pending a hopeful completion of the county assessment certainly something can surely be done among northern neighbors awaiting the whole of the county to become equalized active and non-participants- after world wars i and ii it was quite a com monplace remark to hear that the settlement of these wars would have been better carried out by the soldiers than by the politicians this pre sent conflict has given some testing to that state ment while the battle still is being waged general macarthur is making publichis views much to the discomfiture of the politicians and it appears that we witnessed a show down on who knows the most about the war the man in korea or the men who s t around tables in the various capitals and argue the geneial seems to have one thing in his favbv the settlement of wars made by the poll ticians has never been very lasting whereas tne statements from the fieldman have to tho best of 1 our knowledge never been given much of a trial we dqn t profess to know which is right or wrong but we do think it s a healthy sign to see men with the courage to make public statements regardless of what the politicians may like after blttherearetwosidestowhatlhepub c should- know and all the brains are not assembled in our elected representatives maybe the men who f ght wars should have an opportunity for ex pression as well as those who talk wars and world events round one s ever biggest housecleaning yet if there ever was a year when tprlng clean ing would need to be townwide it is this year in acton weve had an upheaval of sewers with an unearthing of underground that has left our town in perhaps the dirtiest slat in its history out the job is done now and lis spring and time for putting our house in order true the restoration of our streets is a muni cipal ob but if we are going to have some re semblance of cleanliness again house cleaning will hav to be undertaken by all the citizens and we ii certainly get real satisfaction in the amount of jdirt that will be turned up in every corner therell be a need too for much painting and decorating after the dirt haibeen cleaned away spring cleaning will be no idle effort this year with a minute searching and for more than the housewives yes and its likely lhat spring cleaning will of necessity be carried on right through the summer months but let s tackle it now and got our town clean and orderly again and a place that will soon live down the reputation lhat it has had for the past two years when everything has been so dis orderly u keep running inio more and mow mvk re- ststance everv day the good old days may have seemed better jijlovesjto grow bureaucracy just loves lo grow declares the financial post it cites a case of 9 95 worth of paper work by tne u s civil service to make a purchase of a 50 cent magazine says the post it would be interesting to have some com parable figures for canadian government pur chasing while the cost of paper work might not be quite as high as in the united states because our bureaucracy is younger and presumably hasr not had quite the same opportunity for flourish ing our record might not be good eithor bureaucracy is something like a small tree one plants on the front lawn it ust loves to grow sending out branches and roots in all directions tho only remedy is constant pruning if one doesn t do that regularly and severely the whole place would soon be overrun and that is exactly the remedy we must apply to our bureaucracy too editorial notes you can always tell the wise man and what s more he ii listen late afternoon from four o clock on is the most dangerous ttme of day for children on the streets and highways the average family says a chicago profes r consists of 3 4 persons we suppose thats pa there behind the decimal point this is the time of year w the grass fire is so easily started and so difficult to control be careful and never leave it once it is started housing facilities a close approximation of the extent to which electricity is nov used in canad a 1 homes in all pans of the country will he obtained when the ninth decennial census of canadi s taken in une this year serv ng more canad ins now than ever before it forms the keystone of indus try and our rising standard of living extension of service has reached new peaks in recent years especially to rural areas and the work is still progressing it s opening up large new areas to industrialization and mak ng the advantages of modern conveniences and labor saving machin ery available to farm and other rural homes the census enumerator will ask every fifth householder what principal lighting facilities are in use and comparison with jhe 1941 census figures will provide an accurate measure of the progress made in the decade the 1941 census revealed thot 69 per cent of all canadian households used electricity for lighting purposes in a sample survey conducted by the bureau in the fall of 1949 it was found that the proportion had risen to 86 per cent a striking rise in a period of less than nine years according to experts a person s big toe is really a thermostat they claim that whenever the air temperature drops the big toe acts as a thermostat and begins to shut off the heat the body sends to the arms and legs this conserves the heat needed to maintain the temperature of the interior of the body at 98 6 degrees which is essential to the smooth functioning of the vital organs it also explains why toes and fingers often get cold before the rest of the body in leresting but how do you ad th big toe thermostat the travel these days is from south to north as the birds and the florida visitors come back tc their northern homes for the wlrnier weather that ic now due here our congratulat ons to two of our exchanges en anniversary occas ons tho elora express has reached its ninety ninth birthday and the grand valley star and vidette has started its 67th year of publication mi c n wonder if the latest cost of living index was f s m u taken when butter was at its peak it s to be hoped the next summary will show decreased living costs or else were in for another round of price increases u back in 1901 taken frow the iuu f the free preu of thuruuy april 11 1m1 gardening operations have com menced mr waller of fnirviow ave takes the bun for befnjr the first nt the enrden mr joseph agntw wishes the free pre to say that he uses the shop between the dominion hotel and the campbell house for a dark room for dcveloplnc photographs and that the persons who were in the premises on sunday evening 31st ult when it was raided by the women were not there on sunday w ith his consent that there has never been liquor sold on the pre mists nor any oamblink done with his knowledge the grand trunk railway has already sent n min out to set that iht launs at tht stations art put in ordtr for the spring this is ill erv nice but if the gtr man aktnunt would provult men e com fortable qunrurs for thtir p isst n kt rs in some neglected pi ices tluy would be ixcustd if tht omitud tht huns and hardens one even ing int week when tin ti uns were i itt ind a nin wis fullim 1 ulits were obliged to wait tlurt m i crowded room with i numbi r of mm smokmj tin mm could hirdl bi blimtd foi tin h id no otht r plie to ko but im iint tin discomfort for tht lidits tht april number of the lnl md printtr of chicjo tin lending tr idt jounul of tin- i oriel in the printing indilstrn tout nn t beiu 1 1 f ti 1 h ilf torn entriini of i bis ke t of pi i ful cits ind kittt ns curiomk the pholeu lph of which iv is tikin b mr a t breiw n f llon tht luinur to mr brown fqi this excellent subjttj is all the t iter w in n it is kntwn th it hi nt the photei b 1 1 quest the e il u r hiwni sitn it in i eoluctum of i d und in chic ije th re or imz ill n mi t tun of tin ti nms club wis held list wed msej evening with the fi iu w im effuers elected hon pie dl c i kt 11 pre s w stirk iu pits miss minnie nt imiii set at our ne lrt itsitrt i v in ul w h is suite i int k of ipi mli citis is slihtk improved dr w v civ en hu sun who suffers frum the sum dlsiasi is ilse recovering btftrjn 1931 taken from the uuc of the free pn si of thurmdav april 0th 1031 enrly ones ore al- the gardening op- some of the rtidy stnrting tntions a visit to the suvor bush these days forms an intensely interest ing experience mrs ilobert royce of hock wood had a pleasant surprise when her brother william bolt of snjrinenu mich paid an unexpected visit it is 42 yeari since they had met he was born and brought up in erom- osn township but left for the states 0 years ngo frie nds here were shocked to leirn of the sudden death on thurs div of last week of mr j e bald win of hillsburg formerly of ac ton a vaung chip out of work and trive ihng through the country took idvintim of the never locked door of st albin s church on fri div iftirnoon ind i nte rod ind took po i sion of the offering box near the door it wis wrenched from th will ind tho contents between si 00 ind sfiofl rifled the april mt ling of th iike side chipter iodf wis held list ivenint it the home of mrs- eirl vmct nt w ith i pirtv mirking the fourteenth innivcrsir of the chip ur the bimbill club for im wis ore mist d on tin sdiv evtninf with tin following officers president mr j l mcdon ild hon pre s ide nt mi h h holme ci ninutt mi j gould ind mr c i uh in in secietirv mr frink hollo w i nifn pttfrso t his him n mil ton on sitnrd i pril 4 itu willnm h pitt rs n m h s mth m ir sici air m the him if hi ltpr mrs this veir it 20 sixth cone i p ni ikiwim t vv n hip on frul n pr 1 ird ifml donald s mlur 11 el re i ir cortisone elements obtained in plants elor has set a tax rate making a reduction of 1 mills this year while walkerton has gone to 70 mills for an increase of 10 mills georgetown s rate is 43 mills on an assessment that was more than double that of last year so the tax rates go across the province with few being lower and all of them raising more money to meet added costs r every newspaper has a few contributors who submit personal or news items with the qualifying comment please do not chance in any way says the bracebndge gazette it is very difficult to explain to such people that what goes into the news columns of a paper is solely the responsibility of the editor even an adver tiser who buys newspaper specs while given greater freedom to express his own views in his own way is also subect to editorial limitat ions the simple fact is of course that an editor is personally and legally responsible for every thing that appears in a way which vyill make it acceptable to his readership at large to sucjgest that news shall be printed n this way or that is simply nobody s business except the editors church influence mot of i koiip interviewed t tin hinincia post rete ntlv thought the influence of the church hid de chrnd from i fie titration im but mim eif thtm ilst be in v eel that the pe ndulum was now b ginning to swing tht othtr wa the fight against communism has helped to strtnjthfn th church some feel against this others point to the growth of materialistic influences failure to develop church education among the voung and the fact that government and private agencies re taking ov mome of the service work previously performed by the church higher pay for the clergy and a higher standard of performance in the pulpit are recommended tqlu lions to the problem of setting more ministers and more people ul to the churches the idea that alcohol acts as a stimulant to the nervous system is no longer held in pharmacologic circles says a medical consultant in answer to a query in the journal of the american medical associa tion the apparent stimulation is heresalrofnhittinwoacrdcwonror alcohol on the inhibitions intense reseirch into the p sibll it if producing the wonder linn c rti m from pi ints is b inn cir rn d en m the 1 iber itorns of s ve n n itiems i product d up tt now from inimil hilt at ids there is a posstblli thi eiru mi im extneted from tin afncin vine known is strephan thus s irme nttisus the n im s which entwine themselves around tiees and erew to a he icht of so to 100 feet an collectesd b tht ruitiv rs and bit wed into extract which is used to poison tfps of arrow s htcaus of this the ir cultivation bv natives is forbidden in the bri tlsh colonies c i l agricultural news re ports experiments in cortitetne produc tion are also btinff conducted with a second group ef plants which ield potentially useful starting material for the drug they are certain members of agnv e dios corea genera found as far north as the south western united states other plants under test include the soybean and jervine a plant com mon to both canada and the us among its other names are indian pokt itch weed meadow poke and puppet root among tht btst dtfences against disetast are soap and water clean liness has much to do with the inttrbfjurfrj tit eiwaha auuj tw r a riukndlv ciiuhch lronago 2n liowr avhu phone m fcv a urry ma tt mlnlater rflm o 1st ftmjia4 astxwi organ ut ahd choir laadr sunday awtil lath 1011 1060 aintbiindny uhoii uuo am morning worwhip sutw wt th ilible itu rrnnn no ft in arle 700 pm- k venlng worship wwi is wty 8 36 pm communicants cluui an bout at praise prayr fellowship and atudy thought for th wk the kingdom of ood is not mast and drink- but rightaouuiau and pce and joy in the llolv chotft rom 14 7 t albatttai bfurr sunday apiiil imh ibm 1000 am sunday school 1100 am holy comtvmnlon anil bgfnnra clnu 7 00 pm eveninf proycr junior confirmation cioku wed neaday ot 7 p m a wlcom awalta you 6utmb uvv mohmtf if aumntkovtt m a mitiuler sunday apijli nth igsi 11 wj u tn mfirnlnu womhlp tm p m vvi nlniraivonihlp vlmltom welcome mttytimt flhurrl sunday ahil 15th id5i 10 jo nn sunday school and bile claat ii 30 am dr c kitchen me- uaater university thuriday 8pm prayer moetlnit i rlday 4 p m mlaalon band b p m b y p u bpeolal ipeaker tueitday april 176 30 pm mli nlon circle annual illrthday sunpi r ueetlnn at thf homi of mm lome garni r more than one third of all wo men working in factories in cana da an i mployid in the textu in dustrlei professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g ckenney phyalclan and fiurreaii succeaaor to dr j a mcniven office in symon block mill st acton office phone 71 residence churevgl phone im dr d a garrett fbyalehui and sorkeen corntr of willow and river sta entrance ilivcr street acton ontario phone z3 dfntau dr a j buchanan dental surreon office lushmnn block mil st office hours i i ni to g p ni x hay tuhiionl 148 dr george a sirrs ilrntal suneon mill st conn r lrcdiritk lttn olficc mollis dim am to jo p in ffcw i hont 1j mihcellaneous the victor b rumtey funeral home funeral llawe heated aubiiuuw phone 30 nlfiht or day btrvlnn the community for 45 yeara eye cake by appointment wm c miuigan ro optouetrui wed 1 1 a m to 0 p m at mill st residence of a t brown puase ttlrphone 3b5j vftfhivary li oai b d young bvsc c i young dvm vrtrrlnary surgeons offi i hrookvllli ontario i in ni milt n hflr4 f g oakes v s b v sc etrrinary surcron ollm ind hisiilintt knox ave actm iniiiiu uo c f leatherland ilirristrr solicitor notary public officl 22 phone fits 151 acton lever 4 hoskin hartered accounlanu suttt ss rs to jinkins ni hardy 1 his ii tr lit in bid h victorll st tori inn hl mill willoughby farm agency 1irl st and oldi st n i in s cin idl hi id offici 11w1 biy sl toronto phone empire 3 0804 ci i rkt t wn hiprt si nl itim tom llruvon phone georceloun 332w travellers guide cray coach lines iiis irue actov lutnthound hi 111 ii m till am 1123 am ill pm s 3 pm 0 33 pm i 33 p in t 111 ill p in wektliouod hi iv im 1 1 ptrf 27 pm 7 pin 7 pm 12 pin 1133 i tn 1 i- i in sun to kitchener i i i i f j tils i k t surui i ind lioll diss b situriinv siniiiv hid holl- d i wright rfal estate and insurance f i wright n b wright 20uilliurst mudnnmllst arti n ont oni lph ont phone oi pimm 491sw aluatont realtor lnuror mi mbi r apprnsil inititutt of canadi mtmlnrs clui lph ond district rial esutt h ard minitxrs guilph and district insurjnci ait nts avsotiitun canadian national railways latbound li ii i 44 i tn duly ixcipt sun 1 1 4 i ii 10 p ni sunday nlv hi pin dulv i xci pt sun dis hmt it gm rkitovii d02 am 11 ills mm it giorkitoun 1011 pm wrilliound dull ixupt sundjy ind mon div l ti a m sunddv ond monday til v u31i i in duly exctpt sun- iiv h4h a ill fl r p m 7 41 pm d 11k i xn i sit and sun 6 10 pm flikstipi saturday only 2 30 p m sundi i nlv 0 43 a tn iflaflitopl sund ii onls myir at guelph 7 06 i in ttate of both personal and eommun ity health v 1 1 the acton free press the onlu paper rir publlihed in acton publnhed each thursday at s mill st acton ontario aatkarlied aa ileoanal claaa mall pa ohlee dmyaartaaeat oluwa rutteud in 1i7s ueaaber awlll baroaa ctmadauaa cwna and oauuhaqaekee dlvlauai cwnja advohtiino autos on rtmimrat subsouption in advance jj in canada 3 00 in unitbd statts 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones bu and ed office 174 residence 4 131

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