Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1951, p. 6

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tmi acton hub thimaoay aran iu last ltviakuiwww ss co inn vaccfnatrd in halton in 19w calfhood vaccination as a control nwvuyetforhtonav becoming a general practice on the part of all proaresivocara 6wner in hnlttm according- to fujurvs recently released the ontario veterinary cortege 3285 calves were vaccinated in halton in laso thulbalrrt08la fifty percent- in crease over the number done fn ima while calthood vaccination is not 16d per cent perfect neither is vaccination practiced a a control measure against eertalrr human dl eases however it is sufficiently effective in controlling bacillus ab ortus thai no longer u the deadly dlaeaae one of the major ills which have to be combated in this county ttte campaign spoiuored some two or three year ago jointly by the halton livestock improvement a- jroclatlon and the halton federation of frleuituret has borne good fruit tlalniiiaililir w s of halton cattle owners bi ktoad the procedure which meat be fbttowed jttst a few cuya aajs n ttartos taw owner who starved up foe ilihtaaaa vaccination reported to u thai mi veterinary had failed to call and- do the necessary work 1 realize that it la up-tohirtnjwdtirf- cattle owner to advise his own vet erinary when he has one or more heifer ealvra between the ages of alx and nine months which require vaccination unless the veterinary has to make a special call the charge is 100 per head we alao occasionally meet the odd cattle ownerw4io states oh ive never had any trouble with hangs so why shcwlwi 1 bothcr tliere orenv many people in this day and n4fwho take that attitude on fire- and yet an out break of bangs in a herd can be just as disastrous and costly as a barn or house fire cows which have been vaccinated at the proper age aa heifers- and which have returned negative are the cattle whether g or pure breda whi a in demand and which command a premium kinotieav kltpanis donaies nine scholarships r nine schourahlna each eonailng of a weeks short courae at the oac will be donated this year to winners in boys and girls club work tn halton we understand that the club programme being un dertaken in halton this year in cludes the following i tractor maintenance club 2 three calf clubs one with holstelns a second with jerseys and guemaeys and a thlrdwlth baby beeves 3 a swine club and mlwograjn clubs uwmbitamrafc3wm pe b nf it an 20 years who have not already made their application they should im mediately contact the agricultural office in milton organization meetings for the respective clubs will be held in late april or early may dont take risks with those valuables you cannot replace a safety deposit sex at the b of m celts lots than twe cents a day its surprising how many posses sions of rear value most of us have there are bonds and important documents like deeds insurance policies and fomily papers there are personal valuables like jewel- lery and those which worth little perhaps in themselves are irre placeable because of the memories that go with them if you are keeping possessions such os these at home you arc running a constant risk of their loss through fire theft or just for- gctfulness maybe not a great risk but it is there oil the time and it is easy to dnaway with for less than two cents a day you can give your valuables the protection of a safety deposit box in the vault of the bank of mont real not surely a very great price to pay for the peace of mfnd it will bring drop into the acton branch of the b of m when youre next that way and ask gordon oder the accountant to ahow you his nest of safety deposit boxes why your railway ticket is punched whenever you ride a train the conductor punches your ticket to j i jones on the ottawacap rooj run i by check in p the daily ticket report i it ls determined that these conduc tors were on duty yyhen you made i th trip the punch marks on your ticket uhen checked against the records show that you travelled cancel it now no two of these only front montreal to capreol ticket punches are the same each hence the caprcolwinnlpb part punch like a human fingerprlrttttof your ticket is refundable leaves a mark that has no duplicate since punches play an important this variety in punch marks is part i role in making refunds they are ls- of the canadian nationals account- j sued with care when a conductor lnfi system the hole your conduc- receives a new punch its -partic- tor punched in your ticket today i ulars are filed with his superinteiid- may make the outline of a ladys ent and with the auditor of pas- head a hih button shoe or a top senaer accounts at the latters of- hat in any evert it will be unique fice an additional record for each identifying not only the conductor punch is maintained it is called but also the section of the cnrs the record of ticket punches this lines over which you were travel- record contains all the transfer ling when the ticket was punched made of a bunch until it goes out the railway will ntver run ahort ot service something of a master of these punch marks for while record also ls kept there and is usd there an- 2000 in use the company as a ready reference this record has 1500 more dies punch marks l oil the punches in use and include the letters of tjio alphabet amejthc conductors to whom they establishment of basic herd aided some points to consider in th establishment of a basic herd are suggested tut follows 1 it is designed to remove from taxable income that portion of the returru from the sale of breeding stock which can reasonably be det ermined as capital 2 it i not designed to remov- from taxable income rturnsfrtnri thejfidc of breeding stock which has been built up by natural in crease when- accounting on a cash basis during a period when the farmer was taxable or when the addilion of the east of such stock would have made him taxnble 3 if can be applied to breeding herds or flacks of cattle horses sheep or swine unless the holdings nf sheep swine or horses are fairly large or perilcularly valuable it may b worth maintaining the nec essary rsjirdsttn larger farm op erations 11 may be a significant factor it do not apply to market livestock but only to breeding herds 4 tuate herd celcuhaions can be applied t breeding herds nf either grades or purebreds where both aw kept it may require two cal- culatlbns 5 tn the ease of tb and bloadtejrt recwda are probably the moat vtluskbt in cauuuhlnff whst your basic herd ahould be these can b secured from yur district federal veterinary inspector and the further bmck you go the better in mast cst north easx wmy south news rkom au directions f sloektltjurouldmost likely be reg istered stock and these recordi would be valuable any comparable records are valuable 7 application must be made 20 days before a dispersal or reduction sale which might cut into the basic herd 8 where it is desired to establish i basic herd it should be done as soon as possible for the following reasons a the base period is jan 1st 1w7 the further you get away from that the more difficult it m be b i is m better to work it out when there is no-pres- sure of an emergency such as a fire- an unusual opportunity for n sale or the settlement of an estate nb tax returns rmist be filed rcrularly to maintain a basic herd 9 for farmers starting since jan 1st 1w7 the commencement of op erations will be the base period 10 a basic herd number refers to a number of maure livestock and has no relationship to values u where a taxpayer is account ing on an accrual or inventory basis it may or may not bo to his advantage to establish a basic herd depending largely on the relation ship between his inventory values land the actual value of his animals and the trends of the market it is relatively easy to establish a basic herd where ocburate inventories have been kept and accepted by the department 12 the basic number can never be more than the actual number on hand it may be considerably less but provision is made for increasing it 13 the official directive and ap plication form can be obtained from the district income tax office a specially trained person is in each district office 14 the farmers guide for 1050 income tax return should be sec ured from the local post office and examined closely and amnhte and inanimate objects urh us star a mushroom a half moon a hatchet an anchor a fish why englishmen prefer australia writlnn from england recently a farm worker told the financial post that he would like to emigrate to canada but will probably no to have been issued and the runs on australia the reason as he sees it which they art used all the rec- j and as a great many of his country ords bear the marks of the punches men probably will see it is simple throofh the mills georgetowns tax vote announc ed in the herald last week is 43 mills based onannbscsamehtot 3sno0o0 clast year rate wa 88 mills ookvlllcb new rate has borio up to 135 mill it was regret fully recorded in tho fjakvllle- trafalgor journal mlltonu rate is 45 mills actons 43 never tty ule oita officials onswered no very politely but very firmly to georgetowns bid for more hockey competition laat week financially embarrassed fter a nonetootd season the georgetown team hoped to be allowed to enter senior d to finish the season no the officials aald water weary vu no more flaunting the wave for the lakeshore pavilion at bronte beach which waa damaged in atorma last fall after 40 yearn of rugged service the pavilion hu been torn down it l hoped to haiva n new pavilion built by may mui not quite so close to the water administration sale the administrator of the estate of john stark late of the township of tqueslne in the county6t hnlton farmer will offer for sale by public auction at the east half of lot 8 in the fourth concession township of esquesing on r haturdav april mlh 1011 the following real ehtate farm stock implements and household goods real estate parcel 1 the east half of lot no b in the fourth conccsslonof tpwnsnippfjlesriue3 ing containing 100 acres more or less of choice warm- sandy clay hockey oakvillc is making plans for a junior 11 olfa hockey club for next winter gi oupwl in the dbi- trlctthe teom is getting ready for future tnnglen with brampton aurora hnd posuibly dundas and burlington cammjand thompson who ployed this ynfrr with milton ore expected tobe on the team with- on kvju juvenile tfi- chartered theres a new rotary club in burlington word was just recent ly received from chicago that the club had been granted its charted by the board of directors of rotary international there are 21 charter members nwiuttuucal new the readers of the milton cham pion are joining in an old cocn date collection through the columns of the paper the oldest c4ni brought into the office so far are roman pieces and many british coins a old as the 16th century have been recorded several of catiadas early coins round out the list which u still growing last week a collec tor wrote that having noticed that the king and queen attended maundy thursday services the week before easter he thought he would mention coins of his evi dently silver coins used to be gfven out on this day although tho prac tice was discontinued in 17m the kilbride man actually owns several of these coins dated 1w thcm ark canadians n n recent broadcast j b prleat ley wellknown xntfiah writer suggested that canadians were too inclined to ap cither the british or the americans the financial poet asked a group of crthum about this point while most of those replying thought that there was more cansdianurn here than priestly seemed to find at the sarne time they admitted that was not enough wait being done to ex land ltahd to pubuelxtts- hy suggested that strong efforts should be made to counteract yis in fluence and to continue the de velopment of a canadian nation ottawas estimate indicate that the federal governme wh spend tnoretriaris66000o0 in iftsl ephead optometrist eym examined s4nrrklry masses rttjed glttph m sl c rnong is yrfamut la tan bilt0n perry limited plumbing heayingt- air conditioning and sheet metal coftract0s acton ftuu rrry 2avw ontario phomtt u juitoii s41w no answer the oldtimer hud tried to cater to mettonly in his hardware store spofinlizinn in anclyirs ropes tools and houn hardware but the times were too much for him i was in there on day buyin paint ringmg a trowl the four symbols of play- so th when a conductor turns in it s cheaper to travel all the way his ticket report his punch mark his signature canadian national magazine shaving was originally a protec tive rpeasurr since long beards were easy for opponents in combit to seize ing curds a horses head and many lather as we hnv said they have a direct beuring on the accounting jystcm they an a factor in prov ing thtt a portion of a ticket is refundable the railway doesnt ex- piht a passnger to jay for more than jit has received if you have uspd only a portion of your ticket the eotupany is- prepared to rftuni your monov on the nmainder however to make refunds possible the railway must maintain an ac curate tally of the tickets and parts of tickfts that have been honored on its trains thepunches used by its conductors provide this tally lats suppttse you bought a ticket from montreal to winnipeg and that for some reason or other you left thr train at capreol out of montreal and ottawa tht conduc tor will live their punch marks fa dimimvd jnd horseshoe v to indi cate that you travelled the distance of their runs that ls montreal t capreol boiled down and digested these on nurn to montreal you apply statistics confiran what has long for a rtmd from capreol to win- j b suspectex- namely that the nlpet your application and ticket i standard of living of our middle or are forwarded to the auditor of pas- white collared class which suffered tenger accounts office there by body blow during the war has consulting the records it is found not recovered and so long as that the diamond belongs to con- lwr necessities liki food and shel- ductor smith on the montreal-ot- m continue to be high and taxes hwea run andhat the horseshoe j tin ue to be heavy it will not re- punch mark belongs to conductor cover i- dangerous sgn 1 canadians are still among the most fortunate of peoples but one important irroup of them the white collared or middle class is not quite so fortunate as it was ten years ago some new official in formation on personal income and expenditures says the financial post u worth the most careful study it indicates some signifi cant deterioration in the economic standing of a group this country or any other can ill afford to see weakened xo australia under the govern ment assistance scheme than it is to take the train journey alone from montreal to winnipeg this man is a trained dairyman and tractor driver and comes from one of the best farming sections in britain he seems typical of a class that has proven to be a most desir able immigrant from any new country yet he holds no hope of coming to canada at his present rate of wages 5 to fl a week he figures it would take him nearly 15 years to save enough to pay the fan for himself wife and child to a point in central canada if the canadian novernment in its present expanded plans for im migration hopes to include british farm workers declares the post the facts mentioned in this letter from en eland must be recounlzed and faced the prospective emi grant wo must remember ha con siderably more than just an ocean fare to meet if he intends to settle in any of the central regions of the country there were more cattle sheep and lambs but fewer horses on ca nadian farms last december 1st than a yer previously the num ber of horses has declined steadily since 1041 igam coil on which is said to be erected a seven roomed 1w storey framo house with summer kitchen woodshed and workshop attached the house has hot air furnace and soft water inside on the land is a barn approximately m feet by 80 feet on stone foundation also on l bnrn approximately 3p feet by 80 feet ties up 14 cattle and 6 hor ses with large open shed and sev eral box stalls roofs on buildings are in very good repair on the farm are two wells and a never failing spring creek supplies water 22 acres fall ploughed 23 acres new seeding 13 acres lucerne and 13 acres in fall wheat there la a good maple and cedar bush containing 10 acres this farm land is in ex cellent heart the buildings com- i mand a picturesque view and oro situated close to and on a good open gravel township road parcel 2 the south half of the west half of lot no 8 in the fifth concession of the township of es- quesing containing 50 acres more or less of good light sail on which is said to be erected a six roomed 1 l storey brick veneer house- with hot air furnace and 1car goroge this parcel of land has 23 acres cleared and a choice pine beech and maple bush containing 22 ac res more or less the above lands will be offered for sale in one parcel and will be sold subject to reserved bid and conditions of sale terms of sal15 10 per cent on dav of purchase and balance without interest wilhiil 30 days thereafter sale of real estate to commence at 200 pm chattels horses and harness 3 bloc- ky bay horses aged good work 2 sets heavy breeching har ness collars bridles blankets bells etc cows and young cattle- 1 roan durham cow due time of sale 1 red durham cow calf at side 1 roan durham cow bred to fieshen in april 1 part jersey cow tn full flow bred jan 3 1 jersey cow fresh time of sale 4 durham heifers 1 vrs aldrnot bred 1 dur ham heifer yr old 1 jersey heifer 1 yr old 2 durham heifers 8monthsold 1 veal calf automobile 1 pontiac 4 door 102it model hay and grain10 ton mixed hav 4 ton baled hay 300 bus fall whenf 300 bus oats 300 bus mix ed grain oats and barley h bus timothy seed c poultry sheep ond hogs- ps heaw hens in heavy produc tion 10 cross bred ewes 1 ram b farm tools w frost nd wood grain- bin der 0 ft cnckshutt hay loader syei deck side rake new idea grain drill deerinc 11 disc int m inure snreader deering mower m singlefurrow riding plow sloop sleighs walking plow hav tedder light wagon 2 farm wagons brooder stoe dump rake extension ladder disc delaval cream sfparjtor land roller platform scales 2 sets harrows cutter buggy wheel cultivator bag truck flat hay rack grindstone steel and wood en barrels hand power clippers with sheep head oil barrelsrnew tongues quantitv of stove wood nd drv lumber large assort ment of carpenters tools includ ing hammers hand saws planes bits cross cut saw adzes etc a ouantity of household fufiriture assortment of dlah- at 100 n m terms cash for further particulars ond con ditions of sale apply to the under signed solicitor thomas a hutchinson kc solicitor for jhe sterling trusts corporation administrator for the estate dated at milton march 21 1051 hindley and elliott auctioneers and the telephone was persistently he as persistently ig nored it and i finally said ill wait while you anwser oh i hear itwic said disgusted ly fool women they asked me so often why i didnt have a tele phone that i put one in just to keep em quiet but i iiever answer it the readers dikes t pa i ii v c mftr popular brand of a in i j nationally advartitatl palnh carried in wallpapers waupakrs to cimmm from in wfm ontario books lock stationary supplies toys kennedys book store 25 wyndham st gualph angus konnady prep for more pull yoa cata aay sootlbj to tractor tit ihrtloa worrje lot long long time utjroa let at fill and weight jfotif tractor fir by the solution 100 method yooll get greater traction leaa alip more drawbar poll lesa tire wear save money this afire easy economical way drive in for further details let us put solution 1 00ln your tractor ims thompson motors 130 mill st9eet phonc 69 fjrdmonarchsles a setvics a comfum utv or ooopvtai tmhj mats upmuaim a sattusi jane powell illustrates what the welldressod teenager of the early 900s wears in her dreams in mgms captivating new technicolor musical two weeks with love playing at the roxy next monday and tuesday ricardc montalban louis cal- hernjnd ann harding also star in the lilting comedy of a girl whose troubles begin and end with her passionafp desire to own a corset wool grow art organization wool ship collect to our recrlttered warehouse no 1 weston ontario reliable grading prompt settlement shrpprrs may obtain sacks and thinr without rharar from j archie kerr no 2 acton clarence denny acton roy johnson acton or by wriunr trrct to fvain coolkrattve wool iltovvkus limited 217 may strrrt toronto canada

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