Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1951, p. 7

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thubsday apful lt 1h trfe acton fftee mtess poets corner tmssot nome treasure i uko the stately trees that grow by gwdeti street or dune but there are those i 1 most the friendly trees of home the sprightly spruce tree stands so straight a bmutf complacent fir about his sturdy fry grant form the winds with healing atlr the lombardy has velvet robes a mystic old and wise and x would learn the prophecies hewhlaptrs to the akje three elms corned as every tftorrjing lift peaceful arms in prayer their hams are faith and hope and love trvfserne vndt ai the little poplars young and warm the maple gray with tears weave myriad atmseta through their leaves ard pluck the twilight aurs oh there u grace in many a tree by rock or aurf or loam but hone hold half the tenderness of the friendly trees erf home mary at mccullough tn the sky was my friend sunday school lesson sttiiiyiii gain5 cm mw is vi vfcor um airku4 huatr bmai imk mm- ammlw kllfa mmmm ww ui w- rr tr rj ml itttmly lt4ltkylkls harfltt ttaw uathk tit rlml ilaaw ihiiiiiismt tul ubh ultf it inwlm twdtfih jrtit- anas l wuic4j food tjtv in mat turi in i mil feat baa n t rw atim too fl hue fcia ym fatil tu s is is r w tt m ktd fr aarml walghl cwu llttta mw isuud r4 mir ytt fimu iuw trtai wtluu iw c r cross s s auto parts parts oil anti freeze for all make cars and trucks tires from 30x3 825x20 woods hoist and bok 3y yard chev dp axles to bus res phone 9031 milton robert st phone 131 sunday ajpiul 15 105 god s covenant with his people golden text i am thy shield nnd thy exceeding groat reward gen 15 i uwn text gen 15 1fl 175- 8 lfl10 exposition i abraham just ify by faith is- 16 abram had won a great vlctqry ch h over the four confederated kings after they hod defeated the five kings who 0cht against them butflfter histv ictory- f eft rentered into the heart of abram such as had escaped might rally and attack him or new enemies might rise to fight him seeing that he had now become a warrior in his fear the word of god came to him in a vis ion with that message that god sends so often to his servants fear not then he gives abram an all sufficient reason why he should not fear i am thy shield no harm can touch the one whohas jehovah for his shield over and over again docs the psalmist ring the changes upon the glad thought that jehovah is our shield to every believer and so no harm can touch him and ev ery good thing is assured to him ps 8411 rom 83i but jehovah said more to abram than i am thy shield ho added i am thy exceeding great reward abrnm had refused anv reward from the king of sodom ch 14 23 nnd now jehovah himself was to be his reward god is better than nil gifts even his own gifts nnd to have himself for our reword is tjeuertknntffhnve nil elsofps 16 2 73 25 but there was one thing abrnm desired above oil else a child vs 3 4 god bid abram in hls uncertainty and doubt to look up his seed should be as countless oi the starry hosts above his head ch 13 16 22 17 the starry heav ens in the lnnd in which abrnm lived produce on impression of countlessness that they do not in our atmosphere this promise seem ed absolutely incredible gods promises often do but god has fulfilled it deut li 10 10 22 heb 1122 abram did not stumble nt the seeming incredibility of the promise nor at the apparent insup erability of the obstacles to its ful filment he believed in jehovah against nil hope thnt looks at prob abilities nnd resting in the hop thnt builds upon the nnked word of god he believed and through simply believing the promise was fulfilled nnd abrnm become the father of many nations rom 4 ib all god nsks of us is thnt wo be- kltevc in him nnd therefore take him at his word so god counted abrnms faith to him for rlghtebus- ness in the come way today if we sjmplytnkejjodathi3 word- especially in regard to jesus christ god reckons that faith to us for rightcpusodss no motto how un righteous wq have actually been- in our lives rom 438 gftl3fl 7 gods method of justification and salvation in the o t and n t are precisely alike faith is reckoned for righteousness but without faith it is impossible to please god uleb ll 6 jehovah further strengthens a b rams faith by reference to what he has already done for him v 7 god had brought him out to give him nn inheritance nnd it s for the same purpose thnt god brings us out of the world todnv 2 cor 0 17 18 ii gods covenant with abram 17 58 1819 at 00 venrs of age n full thirteen years nfter the birth of tshmne abrnm received a visit from the lord this was a theophnnv or a manifestation of deitv in angelic form it was evidently necessary at thnt day when there were no scrip tures ns we have them today god dealt with men in direct mnnner tlif do you know already we are starting to pay for the i sewers be ready when it goes into operation keep the work in acton by hiring local contractors we have al ready done some of the toughest obs so let us have that easy one of yours well start any time you say 223 per foot j e mcmullen contractor phoneaoj or 66 i 136 bower ave stub sn cr0wth because ftltchfbjrtfsr chick starter has 20 protein bcnmbud b ioiiikmi has cudt appeal i has extra growth proven for maximum growth no watt uvm feed- mora palatable full numnon ctonms colly controlutl attractive to chick from the atari contain apf l mom wtrh nriwomc pjw ftth toluuo j feeds are guaranteed w uafn the tenia count of vitamins in our chick aarasi to be la oca of tha raaulnmcnn ncagnitad by bate known authotttitfc bucchiottl fniu itisjiirl j a kerr r r no 2 acton ont i am the almighty god title employed in the lime of the patrinrchs it was to show the power of god gcn 18 14 28 3 ex g 3 abram was an old man the promise given him had not vet been fulfilled gen 13 5 c everv dnv mndo it more impossible but with god all things arc pos sible matt 19 2fl god assured abrnm the covenant would be ful filled god s covenant twns one of grace anctrjyjurnricetonikc natufo with the covenant wc have with our lord josus christ heb 8 6 there was a change of name ab rnm meaning a high father to abrahnm which means father of n multitude of nations in antic- pation this looked forward to two seeds 4 1 that of the israelites and 2 that of believers in every age who should be looked upon ns his spiritual seed rom 4 1118 gal 1 28 2fl in those dn s a change of name m nnt a chance of statu god tidopt d the custom of the eountr to reial the ccrtaml of his co riant it is god i purpose that we sh ill biliti hun nothing so kiievts him as our disbtlitf he hoe far to confirm what faith vt hae and t ncouranes us to hit man m1 0 2a look in t down thi 1 1 ntui u s gl nvsun d abrrrnij that hi- stl should possess thi lnnd ihe did but not as fullv as gottc7id th should and as the dt scendints of abraham surelv will the kfts nnd callinr of god art without repentance irom 11 20 b 3110 jno 10 20 h the pnimim of the land to abram and o hi- is a tpe of the coen- ant of our lord in r iid to hea n wt nn to post ss our heavenk home in tverlastini ijilss tjno 14 11 htb 4 0 0 131 this uill onlv b ours if w bthei god- and hts son our siiour 1 jno 1 2 21 the chahles planned for n narrow lot is only 2fl feet wide front entrance leads into vcxtlbue wilh coatcl6svrcablhplsfindllt- phen equipment ore uroup at one end of kitchen leaving other free for d this s lor tor three bedroom house but for lorger croups living room may be used for dining the side entrance lends directly to basement and kitchen the three bedrooms have large wardrobe type closets while the bedroom hall has closets for linens clothes and general storage rear bedroom opens from side vestibule and is convenient as workroom having nccess into kit chen exterior hns siding except for brick veneer at fireplnce iloof shingles are nsphnlt the overall dimensions ore 2fl feet b 4fl feet 1 inches with n floor area of 1 108 iqunre feet cubage 15 totalled at 21 r2b cubic feet this superb ted gudrayxtees the flavour of every cup sa1am pekoe money for fertilizer at the b of m value of languid fields not seen fields arc the holiday spots or the poor theyuquld- prefer a month at the seashore or in the mountains or the piney forest but thev can afford to get to the picnic i grounds nt the bus stop and spread themselves for the afternoon or nt least until it rains a great thing about n field is that the children can run farther without falling off into and under so many things so often a field may be used for looking at or f p pimcs or for fighting a battle or for growing aid for mexican farmerr mare thnrr fl million will 1 loaned to mexican farmers to in crease wheat and corn production nnd 1b million for the purchase of irrigation machinery and for dril ling wells this is part of a recent ly announced antijnflntioh pro gram ov the mexican government to increase agricultural production nnd to restrict food exports in order to enlarge the domestic supply iffy bank g5hj the purchase of fertilixer is sometimes headache bccsuse the need for it usually comes af a time when there sre a jul of expenses and little income avoid that headache this year see your b of mr manager about a loan repayment term are easy suited to a farmers require ments drop in at your nearest ii of m branch today or as soon as convenient bank of montreal acton branch gordon oorr manager woikimo with canadians ih iviiy waik of lut since 1117 take chance urge of frozen food man 1 i would do what i nu all ni hf kl if i wi lia bet n d j lroqnd asking a lot of fool qm stion and taking chant ts clartnte i birds f ro7 n food pionter sa s in tht april htadttb digt st jn an aititlt tiwii nstd from tin ameri can niafcazim difdst vt sis that at 20 h ave up his mire till strvic pomtnm to go to iabrador and sn- if sikir foxi s toulti be transplunt- id to tin united states is brrtding stink tin venture failid but he rtsrutpd his loss s m the fur trade and brought a bride back to liw in the wilderness like othtr dwel lers in arctic climate the birdb- tis usd thejr batkvard toy an ice box one dav mr birdsee won dered w h the foodb frozen almost instantl in midwinter kept better than those frozen tn spring or fall i cut paperthin slices from the frozen foods he relates and dis covered that the quickfrozen flesh was firm the slowerfrojen foods were grainy because of large ice cotals in the fleih and leaked juice when thawed he remembered this fact he says when he returned to the united states and went into the fish busi ness experimentation based on the qbseration laid the foundation of the frozen food industr clar ence birdseye now 64 has sold out his frozen food patents for 22 in 192 between sept 1 147 and dec 1 1050 average weekly earnings in leading canadian ind rose frnnt certain things while trying to pre vent other things from growing a field is for walking nd sometimes for sitting or lying supine to mark the course of clouds how they move across the skv mountains nnd the sea and the forests are natural wonders more acclaimed b humans but the fields are more used by them the fields feed them even more than dots the sea and the fields bring them even mnri wealth than do the forests and the metals and water power of the mountains i those v ho li e in those ast fields the prairies nnd who have not merely remarked them from a pullman or plane window but who have been sweated and have pondered and laughed there and been di ft ated and got up again and have tattn graingrown turkey these are professionals from the big timcjjdds and they have thur special flinns about f n ids less r folk the smalltime field people of the east cannot ma kb the westerners peculiar emotions about fields but thev spend a great dial of turn in fields one wa nnd mother some of them farm al though the prairie man queries do vou call that a field then there is the sundav stroller w hob- traditional habitat is the fit ids there is the park loafer he is a real field man a pro in kfis small wa for he has found the cops do not make vou move on so much whin it is a park vou pick for loafing rather than a street corn r there art the fellow pit ching horseshoes btvond the end of tht subdivision the thousands at tht ball game the mushroom hun- ttr tin golfer although the field is to htii just something not to get off of into the woods i and the lov- t rs although converstlv with thtm the fit id is just something to cross to r ach that chumrm grov u of tries i fu ids are bare place on the tarth but man have in their mem- orv mime particular field that is not bare of wonder perhaps thev vv ert taken there as a child or walked there among the bird calls of evening or at sunrise or sow then one time the tw ined grass flow era reallv saw tht m fields are for the poor but he is indeed poor who has not some such vision- ed field for his very own refugee money canada u becoming to an in creasing degree a refuge foi european capital reports the fin ancial post the trend has been noticeable ever since the end of the war but it has been accelerated greatly in the last six months some of it is going into direct investment into the setting up of new plants expan sion of extsiing ones but even more is in the form of purchases of canadian securities in 10m the canadian dollar has about onethird of its 1m1 buying power in the sa p hourly j wage rates hove multiplied by five the surefire gunners of the ff0w7uv the csrudun army active force is on the alert the highlytrained expert gunners of site royal canadian artillery stand by their guns ready to defend canadas freedom the fighting men of the royal canadian artillery are expert soldiers they are trained to work and fight in smoothly co ordinated teams and proud of it canada needs more men like these sure st- gunners amaa who prize canadian freedom tnmigh to fight for it you can take your place itcside men like the as a axmlirr of a field guns crew by reporting immediately for training as a soldier of the canadian army active force csmmim ttttds you mow rtporl odsj to inust vou must- 1 m m canadian cwa r tririih iylitt 2 h 1 7 aaal 30 yaars ai llaalaala 4 mast army tear walranam 5 vel far eervjee aavwha ifpoat might away to ha s j at a castutosm ottawa oat hj s fnmil fcml mgi mk tet at awlartom em m i bum olim fomwo m labtta tfklieabv bafj l tohdor ou help make canada strong join the canadian army active force now twi to tkavalca arisaio w eywlwaa dawlalan natwatk

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