page six the acton free press tiiuhhuay mayswii 1011 club ajtiihra hold oroattltdttoh mrhno the court hou milton wu nearly flllril to eatvctv4wi friday ewnlmi of lut week whan the ttwmunf of halton i ttuc calf clubj and two grain club held their fjraanlxatlon meethia agri cultural hepwien in live j e whlte- wk imi hla atautanl j m xuiott vereln charge a tntul of 1 voting people art enrolled in calf club work and 24 in grain club work kollowlnuthe dlatrlbutlon of thtflr club manual etc and an ixplan ation of the rub and retaliations tuo evcellent tllmi were acrei0d one depleting the atorv of bov and olrl club work acroaa canada and tlif otjur of the cnlunrv rodeo the election of officers for the arinm clubs resulted ns foil own firit year grain club pre don jovct milton vieepres nndv buchanan moffat sec denn toy lor strand year grain club pres floyd bnsden georgetown vice pre john wihmott milton sec geo rut rncuter milton bab bef club pre a lit rb la fier milton vice pre cliff nor rlh moffat soc evetvn mcconn milton qtiernimyjfuraey calf club prat ornt dvlln bftlumi vie- pi en dutld lilly crop waterdown dec llob joyc mlltoh houteln calf club pre john picket hornby vl5 pre halph cuniilnuhum aortflowu tier chrutiuu marshall milton county coutirll 5nbtdli4 ivmhi- tat rihq s several wum ago halt on counu council hi a refntm of a tveoro- iiu ndatiou of the hal ton cnnaerv ation commit ee pawed 0 bylaw uhuh prm idei a aubaulv or tfrant of 10 00 to any property owner who tnuji a ftfiim to prottct hu uondlot ftmn livestock suut t hut time quite a number of llultoii u 1 ml lot owners have aval lid tin 10 it kas of tha aatitt- uiui thi n in no restrictions re urtixilnn the t pe of fence ai lontf n it a 111 turn llveatock and pro tect the ounji it edllnn tn e thoae lntinted should howeer first tontmt mi wm dean t haltnn countv clt rk and secure a copy of tlu b 1 iv and arrange to have i1l1 wood lot approved before pro tei din u ith the erection of the ft nee doknt mean much an oath of loynltv dopant mean anything to n cnmmuntat aa a group of co nod ions interviewed by the financial post for that reason senral of those who antwered the pot question a lutle advantage in the action of a canadian manufacturer in aak- inff prospective employees to take an oath that they arc not and have not bn communisu the true communut these re- ipondents point out at hamt been connected officially uith the partv and hence ian t known as a communut or b isn t worried about pen urine himself others h ho answered the ques tion felt that somethinjj should be done to stop communist infiltr tion particularly in defense indus tries mori careful personnel se lection iieril felt might be the answer without the necoslt of an oath i instead of steel wldelv used in world war ii be const of steel shortage glued laminated timber beams and raf ters are attain comlnff to the fore in canada for defense construction reports the financial post they are being used to replace steel in almost every type of con struction with the exception of re inforcing for concrete their in- creaslnff use promisee to release lane quantities oi structural steel for other and more essential pur poses this glued laminated construc tion is being applied where con tractors and engineers a few years ago never dreamed of using it its going into schools churches fac tories even bridges into airplane hangars garages warehouses workshops birracks and nil otlur tvpts of dtftnst building hiight of thi hock of gibmlter i almost 1 m30 fttt beaver dam battle hostilities cease kleuvetii releurftul in nutguweya tnwnahlp in 140 ere out of the piojectu promoted by the halton cunservullon commutes whlth hjn ijuttrtionroincmmryo one of the few counties in ontario attempting to carry on an active cortttrvtlet prostrajn thts beaver have definitely proven that when it come to conrvlntf water they hiv in a claju hy ifcttmaalvutf un fortunately they do nou always build their dams at mites which human beings might nelect in short their engineering ability la unuurpfeued but they dnmnfworry themitalvea about floodwl roads a veur ago they floods one of najuaguweyu township roadh which runs nearby the township council raised the roud a good twenty in ches and all went well until this tipring when the industry of the beaver couplodwlth t exc rain flooded the rood again ah n result the nauaagawevn ciiuull ttqunhil the department of lunds and forests to either provide flnhn- ilat nsulatante to rnii the road or to remove the beaver departmental officials immedlntflv proceed wl to rmovi the in aver bv live trapping onh one w as 1 1 nun 1 d but what a storm of protest w ent up over the countv nevt g o currle eh ilrman of the halton conserv ation commltttv immtdlately cal- hd hiii commlttte together and what a met ting it turned out to he it wan the largest attended meet lug of any ot held bv the com mittee strange ns it mov neehi no one presmt wanted the beaver n moved not even the members of tht nntiogouieya township coun cil thiy did feel howtver that nas- sagoweya township should not be solel nsponslbli for further ex- runditurei on the rond in question with this everv ont else at tho meeting was in agreement conserv ation of water is nn important mat ter in this county and in particular in thi two lower townihlpnwhero already it haa been necersorv to build at unit 100 farm ponds ev- 1 ry vear in the county a large number of formers find it nt cevwry to haul or buy water nnd it is not onlv most inoonvpolent but very t xptnslve conscqucntk it int the recom nundntion of the consorvotlon committee to tht committee on agriculture and rt forestation of the halton countv council that halton countv reimburse nassagi- wevn township for any further esc- cwi law au tit ts is ayilaci w all farmimrltmihrs raim products laf farm taoci or nw h0 uttlt uihanctmco houiir satis ivcilci houiit utis or pit uaskf hlllit umaoikn nthis cohmodiilif t0til ihdei of ail couuodjtitj ulttlthllrit sttia eaiccs m cihkok or cah1di1m ui0c filu luflcuehtt a mdu or camidlam uiu n00uctl wagi rates ihon of fuu wage rate farm implement prices held at low percentage of increase offer outstanding value for the money the chart above clearly shows that in the postwar adjusbrients to higher costs of material and labour an outstanding job has been done in main taining a low percentage oi increase on the retail prices of masseyharris implements made in canada raw materials are shown at 103 7 and wagas of masseyharris canadian plants 119 1 increase over 1941 yet masseyharris puces of canadian- made products were increased only 53 m the same period this is a very moderate increase indeed when compared with the index of all commodities which is up to 83 8 farm implement price indices increased only 53 whereas there was an increase in the price oi farm products of 82 3 and farm wage rates of 1343 the great world demand for combines tractors and power machines has created a volume which permits high operating efficiency in relation to production and selling costs making possible the partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour masseyharns will continue to offer the utmost in uptotheminute design quality of materials and work manship and price value cbart tkowjl tncreom to octobar 1950 ovr octobar 1941 xcpt farm vou which allow tk iacraaam to aug 1090 ovar auguat 1941 domlnun bulau oi slatuiica wholaaala prioa and faim wag rata ndioaa masseyharris company limited mtakrt of high quality farm implamanti for over out huwdrod yoart pi ndllurrii on the road in jiummou whlth are utmtufeuiry u a result of furlh i fimmliutf bv the im nvir llenit mttntatlvtt of the dttot of lumtu and vortntt who wore prda tut louuiid the mietliiif that no fin titer travel would he romnvtwt in jdutrt un uimlthe haa hp altfofed untt while uoiue delalla hadujuul to im winked out it would dofln- lyiiolvritnuhtnutlle nnfou- vei hum in ovirund the iwmvt r will he tdlowtwl to carry on their wonderful fniflntwrln irojutlii and trte bndleh of water which will help fo rnenith jome of hatnn h fiillhui ttprlnj unti wellu noo fhoducbus join in purchasing hamilton packing kant ifoil nrodum ra of nluo ontario tnuntlim have joint d in buying a nuat twiekliiti plant in hamilton to opt ral it au a en operative ilipnuentiitivis of the hon prod up rt auuoclntlun in wellington countv hove innt with ntheni from owford nnuil norfolk huldi- mnnd almoin welland wentworth and pluln and approv the ox- ptndlture of ahout a00 0o0 thi tdant u ro ported to ho able to bundle 100 ww hnjw a yoor nt ti i marketing condition and low- ir inath to cotibtimorw art the alms s v n other countlta may join tho co oporntlve ask formers keep census schedules in common with tht roit of tho 710 000 furmerir of canada the fuinieim of thli tlulrlut during tlu taut two ot throe wtmka havo rt- t i7wd tin ottiflntui inulu tophui of ihn uuiluilluial lutmtloniialrtf that u lelnu loiid in tha 1011 cenaiu of cuundn if then ar any whom it hut not riachtvd they may ob tain ii copy at their nfarat ptt offui tho faim tuiludur waa uttnt out bv the ooiulnlom rtunuu of sut- iqiii in advame in order o n- ulitn farmer 1 tepaiv4halr atiwodi to the oueunn3 at their ouvenliihi and thus aave time whin the eimuu enumerator rolls home time in june an at romp nnylnir leltt i linked thafarmera to complett the xchedtilo mi far aa thiy onld and have it on hand in wad- hu hh fur tho vlalt by the enumer otoi in hpltt of iblrt nmieat neverui tlioumind farmom from all parta of canada have tompletid their trhi dult h and hi nt thi in to ottawa it has 1 eu antiouiutd in ennru- tpii net tin flureiiu hn nent out a mptelitl r t tin jtt to all the weekly in wmper of cnnada nnftlnu fliem to n mind tht ir farm render to kt lh- in hedute until the comma taktr uirlvi4 to romplrta the do- tullu und to pli k it up kormi thut ute mailed to ouawa will jut ho mulled hack to th aondtir alncu ibey iiiiire eompltlnn on the uiot bv the miumerulor u vrntiitrv etimpluta tiinaua tiwvtage makes hospitality easy enjoy a happy holiday holiday uhi far batwmo dooi rial apollln ibam wllh dansaroos mornt faulty tint drlva in and wall quip your car wltb traction goodyaara mamfxiri nowi mka l a hal oodye ar holiday fam bom tlr tides worr staafhifcfcojlfcttt thompson motors 130 mill syktlt hjonli cordmonarchiaui t mftvk ai at home and abroad serve can ada in the front lines of freedom with the men of a hundred tradea maitcra of a thouaand prnbuia wrviiir canada and canadaa army in eounlleaa waya tlio koyul canadian engmerra are key men in canada most important bumnnu today defonre working against time to build up our defencea one of canadaa moil urgrnt need u more mrh for uio acuve force tim faat growing army of oura ncrda men with tiie akilla to give our modern army the power to make tilings happen fait tn the cnnadiun army many of tbeae akilla belong u the royal canadian knginern tliey include everything from the lluildrng and sliop tradea through sarreying ami map making to operating all typea of equipment it takea time a lot of time to train engineera join nowt i cam the akilla of thr men who muat bo everywhere in tlie canadian army wc muntybe ready to di f nil our liomra our friends the way we want to liw join the kuyul canadian engineer i to tnust ji vou must 1 b a canadian clllian er trfriali ubfacf 2 ba balwaan 1 7 and 40 yton of e 3 b tlnals 4 maal army tail raqulramanra 5 voluntaar for sarvica anywbav kt mght away to frntmt daf wllta km slam a caaruma ta ottawa ow cwaua dr foaonto oa i littan to tha vole of the army wadnaadoy vanlnej dotatlnlm