Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1951, p. 6

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page sdc the acton free press thujujuay may 34th 1m1 meadoum promising seedlntf of ftprlnsj arulmw wss pfacticdlly completed in lmcti irut weknd this wuailmijjcndjiyi utter lhk hormal and w cin haitk ly look forward to bympjmlnr- vftrt tf w ul fworjible weathi from how on e rhiy yet be aareeably surprised in any event meadows look much more promising than thoy have the nam two spring some of the flelrti mav be a bit thin but it makes one feel better just to see the alfalfa s one drivel nlonjr the roads in the-countrymany-4lalton-dairyrtieiv- have found it necessary to buy haj this pant two seasons and it doesn t take many tons at around the wo 00 mark to step into real money it la no wondor that many dairymen found it difficult to break even under ntesent price the main criticism we hear from halton producers is the reduction of quotas and the high bicentake hiuh junior homemajur thu vear of ontario junior parmer and the ontario department of agriculture since midapril are to be in hal- ton fiom friday june 1st to j lint 41 h we understand front david pellelorio pr o italian junior that the two young men in the party will partlclpnta in tha ilalton junior farmers tivtock judtflnu competition on saturday june afad ihonn6tlnn with thu event they uilt visit some six dif ferent ifalton forms and inspect and judffe some of halton top yorkshin jptipvi ho luteins shorthorncrclvdemlalifl and hnmp- ihire sheen at the same time the two scot tish oiina ladli s uill tie interested jpert itom at the achievement day of hilton junior homi maker which u biintf held in the milton town hall for some ears halton district wonu n s initltutt hn e doniied championship trip to the i many hallon music lovers will jour- my uj to wiwwitkk for thu out- stnndinu tvtit of their milk being paid for at secondare or manufacturing prices if the recent contract made b ontario cheeetc producers with great britain results in a higher price tor manufacturing milk it will be some help to the v hole milk shipper crop zmpropemenf boouet wntoakml uijtisrffhrnrp tended to flnr th first time n slmlliir 1riv to the ilie of 50 00 it belnd donated h the hamilton spectator to the hint junior farmer this popular annual eent alwas brings a record turnout of juniors and with the attendance of the scot thh ourtff people an added fea- lure tt is anticipated mn new conujn wjlf be o an imitation it halton rural ptm we refer to the addresses tttd proceedings of the annual meet fug of the ontario crop impnne- ht association held in toronto last january while all of the articles are time ly there are several of special slg- nlfic4hcesueh as water require ments of crops b dr l l har old experience in soil building by dr l h newman progress on legume seed research by dr j r weir experiences of a num ber of practical farmer with barn ha drier nmm silage sprinkler irrigation etc copies of thi book let are now available at the local office of the ontario department of agriculture those interested mi secure a cop upon request and without charde junior farmers to fntertain scot tish juniors thi fur scot ish juniors who hat bttn tourm ontirio is guest s ounc people ju n lor farmer choir concert thi second annual junior farm er choir concert u cheduled for the recreation hall fair grounds woodstock on saturda ma mth at boo pm seven junior farmer choirs arc participating from the counties of middlesex oxford wmtworth bruce halton norfolk and perth each choir is singing three numbers of its ow n choos ing not exceeding ten minutes we ilo understand from dick course pnsidmt of the hilton chftr that inch choir is allowed to enter one duet to sing one numbi r ind ill choirs will be massed at the cloe c4 the concert to sing two selected number dr roy fenwick will act as critic for the concert and director of the miss choir it is expected that there will be our 100 oices in thi mi choir it is ilso inticipited thit moiv about ttata juulhloru since our previous an nun client that thi multlmor uw tan 1m secured this fall from thi depart n nt of iandit and porosis tht rt hatf hecji juimc application forms at the ayritul ural office in milton shue the piv vlous announcement some ftddlt- lonal information on the mult i flom hose has been secured from j c taylor of the deiartment of horticulture at the oac prof yavlormakes he following c men is the iue of this plant in field hedging in a development of the last tlmv or four yiim thereftiro inform atmrrastirhmsrlrbivh a v on varinu ioiu and undi r the rangf of climatic conditions which octur in ontario is ratht r scurce tilt re nre no mature himlgoi of this plant in ontario as et ulthniigti qulto a mimlwr have tie n plant d within the lost three eara it then fore follows that it will be s viral vear iwfore nuiih li known about its usefulness ti a field hedgi in ont ario rosa multiflora in w ii kunwq aji a u irden plant and nu such it hi provi n hanlv hen but the crowing conditions in n gardi n an di cldely different to those uround fields in open and w uul iwept loc atlous the indications art that it will be hardy in southern ontario the plant grows on an average of about 7 to ft feet high more an good soil and about ni much through it makes a very dense thorny growth and reachs its mntmv height nhrut tit yetlts af ter planting from then orr it does not increase much in helghth or girth occasionally branches will die back but this should not be ser ious a hedge of rosa multiflora planted about p feet apart will form an impenetrable barrier the oung plants will require to be watered if the soil is dry at planting time sothey get a good start elect officers at halton presbytery a iiu ling of humitn pieuhvttty wau held in hetlu i thihd chtirth with liloinlhu woiiihlp uindiuttd bv itv david wivnof lluilliiuton the 1rthhvltry offheis weie up iwititttmi i0irmirm tut follows chulrmun itev j i itlttir twrt4iry itv w j dtdve trtiuiitvr mr j s torry corres pondtutt rev 2 orgii almaok the stfttumwnt c riusstiuat- lvx untainted wrtin llev j jj nialr uev u kolth ivh and rv w jr dlvi- j y kvhiui of a eft rg town led in the opentntf wowhii of the af ternoon ketiiilon the annual he port of the wmr uiui read-iihow- ind splendid advances jj all phiw- i of the work mrs reld oakvllle prsented thi annual n uirt of th halton priubytery w a she stressed n iletilit thut all hveal w a nran- iratloni uhniild affiliate with the pivslivti ry wa while ib have joitiitl thin an 10 im ill organl7 atiuns who have fatleil to affiliate a1 v t in jhytcn exprissid its disap proval of it ipei i h bv mr gordon conont in whh h he stated that l dulizotlnti of gambling mid lit h ii solution to problem in that ft id dk mim bv mah when i was in paris last summer i tried earnestly to make the mes sages on the postcards i sent friend back home short and per sonal for a sculptures friend t chose a picture of the statue of the venus de milo glorious in her un armed unclothed beauty and on it wrote naturally i thought of you when i saw this some postal employee exercised his traditional right to read post cards and when it was delivered my message carried this enlivening postscript you must be quite a dame arline from lifes like that in the readers digest clearing auction sale rristerrd and grmde ilalateln cows and heifer hor grain tractor and farm implement local ladiis intmtainid bv ouflph branch iioion at variitv show last pridav 11m lutllttrt from tin legion ljuiliui auwllury jnlnrf ttwmlixra tf ihi flttmtfntown lilniuth hiki ihi- yul u pioiiffini iwiulltxil tar tllr1 in lublph liy 4h 1 ini ijutut allklllinytjnirliir jt4 nit rldiiv hviuililif f tiul win k ttn umiikin f ihrt ounlph umuo wr mill rnlndil u u vithsly nhow ihwt arlnhjiiila imtxiiud u amiulnu iimilcul uml annibllntm nn uii ilmjh lil th uimt plnvnl hlnun anil lunch wan rvm alxhit hndlrfrmn atton onil 10 fnhn giirifttnwn tttttdtt tho irlp by inn to clililpli fnr th ev oillntf rr everton many visitors on pleasant weekend mr and mrs harold wright ami moved to norwich on thursday wlu re mr wright has a position mr jim fountain who is m the navy was home on sunday mr nnd mrw vnd naptlc on prlngc visited on sunday with mr nnd mrs william smith mr chnrleh fountain and harvey jtfltln wire home from st cnthe hlm forthe wtekend mr and mnt duncan kingsbury and cothcrlno and mr and mrs william h robertson visited on sunday with mr nnd mrs mac mcleod nnd family thornbury mr and mrs t d mccutcheon spent thursday at their cottage at thornbury the disciples church of christ arc planning a competitive garden party early in july mr and mrs robert patten and diane guehph wero sunday visi tors with mr and mrs john alton mr and mrs dart pal ram an were sunday visitors with mr end mrs w h hortop new compound the undersigned instructions from have received jfibsj be free from help problems mechanize with masseyharris machines manpower is not too plentiful in fact good experienced farm y f bcntco even at the present high wage rates industry needs manpower for armament production and making of civilian goods and the armed forces are recruiting to bring their units up to strength in the new program- yet food production must be maintained in these busy and critical tuns m spite of the shortage and high cost of farm help mechanization is helping more and more farmers to get work done when it should be done farmers are proving easyoperat ing fastworking machinery to be their most dependable help from the complete line of masseyhams equipment you can select machines that will help you master the help problem masseyharris makers off hlflh quality farm implement for over one hundred years frank avuzis to sell by public auction at hit farm lot 2 con 11 twp of es queuing on friday mav 251b at 1 00 o clock the following dairy cattlb rlr holstein cow fresh 8 weeks not bred reg holstein cow full flow bred jan 20 reg holstein cow full flow bred dec 8 reg holitcin heifer p yi irs old open reg holstein heifer 8 months old reg holstein heifer 8 weeks old reg holstein bull 2 years old bred by r rcld ind son norval ont grade hol stein cow due july 2 grade hol stein cow due july 5 gnde hol stein cow due july 0 port jerscy- holsteln cow due june 22 grade holstein cow due june 0 grade holstein cow fresh 0 w eoks not bred grade jersey cow fresh six i eeks not bred gnde holstein fresh 2 months not bred 2 grade holstein cows in full flow bred jin 16 pirt guernsey holstein cow due jul 8 grade holstein cou in full flow bred march 20 gnde holstojn cow in full flow bred march 13 gnde holstein row in full flow bred apr 23 gnde holstein cow in full flow bred dec 5 3 grade holstein i heifers l eiri open grade llolsein heifers i veir old 2 gm i gnde holstein heifers 7 mos 2 gnde holrtein heifers 4 mos 2 gnde holstein heifer 2 mas 2 gnde holstein bull calves 2 mos voting cattle vaccinated herd recentlv tb tested blood test pnviltges gien previous to siie grain poui try fqutp- mfvt s hogs 200 bin oils 100 lb5 timothy seed t conl brooders 2 incubators 1b0 nnd 3v egg 1 el- eeric hrge roll high poultry wire fene new no of lirge window ish feoders fountains etc 12 york pigs just weaned trctor farm tmplent- fvts etc md 10 20 tractor on nibb r on front w hi els in good meehinieal condition md 3 fur row tractor plow b i well double disc m h hsv loader 3 tectlon inn harrows steel land roller mc gnin b 8 ft low farm wijjnn md tehtlher grain drill 13dlse cockshutt no 4 manur spreader almost new 2 row corn rultkator 4bar cockshu t side nke new 2w heeled cultixitor 2 wilklng plows dump rake set of seed harrows set of heavy breech ing harness almost new guerney cook toe portible milking mach ine 2tinit vational 2 ton stake bodv 41 maple leaf dual wheel truck quebec heater child s steel rnb forks hoast bars chains oil drums and other numerous articles terms cajh settlement with clerk dav of sale no reserve as farm is sold and the proprietor ts giving up poa session immediitelv after the sale invdley avd eluott auctioneers phone 10r3 rockwood or 1ttj milton grge currie clerk b45 3 a new corrosion inhibiter d- eloped by the canadian national railways research men may save the company up to a half a million dollars a ytur in refrigerator car maintenance s w foirwenthcr vice president of research and development an nounced that the new typ antucor- rosum compound is now being tested on three refrigerutor corn enrlu r laboratory re mi ha indicate thit it is c ipable of irristfng 7fl to d- per cent of the corrosive dction of brine and witer used in these cirs auction sale of almost new turniture the undersigned instructions from have reccjved arnold crabtbee to se11 by public auction at his residence queen st milton on saturday evening may zth at 8 30 o clock dst the fol lowing kroehlcr chesterfield with two lirge chairs to match wine dinette suite in beige shade including table 4 leather upholstered chairs chmi cabinet bedroom suite in cluding stel bed and rustproof springs and spring filled mat tress with dressing table and chest of drawers three quarter size steel bed with rust proof springs spring filled mattress dressing table and chest of drawers 2 end- tnbu s 2 reading lamps comb in ein heifers 1 veir old open i nt lamp ond copoer plant hold ride holstein heifers 9 mos or westinghouse electric washing machine westinghouse electric ndio banner ash sifter all this furniture has been new in the last 14 months and has been i xceedlngly well taken care of no resere as the proprietors are moving to toronto and arc taking their linen and dishes with them anyone wishing good furniture would do well to attend this sale furniture is open for inspect on previous to sale hindley and eluott h so 2 auctioneers perfect tea is so easy to make with samoa tea bags ml wallpapers paints o waupamuu f ko in wmim 0uri of tha mar popular brand of nationally udvrilfd palnta carrlad in tloek books stalienry supplies toys kennedys book store 25 wyndfiam st gulph amu kthuiesly ptp hw fm atlamll u ajctwm tlviiu u hw mtl ipart iumi vf ihcoi vm mj uillaal nw j admlml prmthtmay m pim u tmtw tffm ltai mumi tkm miur nly i a f tqwrn ani wfc autww cuaw m hm w aalmirar mmmiifij fjf4r fltowtry tub ty ivm iwatt vuu vvy nhml admitml 1vrm tuiwlufl bwlllia tufmujmj ufa nmm c- mmr mw tv ult illm admiml uint mlu tmd i tu grmtml tv wltm f lll mvi hassard phone 330j radio cornar mill and main 2r stop and see us for- pontiacs buicks vauxhalls gmc trucks parts and accessories tires and batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors acton onl aaain st tel 326w micafil t4irst the naw itqhlwghl nunaral aggr0oia i ardulectt haiteran cofttradon ond home owneri who hove latted mjcafil oil toy if b aailar to handle bacauta weiohtonly 8 iba par cubic fool lottt longer doei not absorb monture dries without warping or buckling does not crack dissolve disintegrate or rot 0 affords greater protection aaairot sub zero cold or intense heat against are hazards favours low insurance rates replaces and in modem gypsum plastering construction see your btcco dealer or contractor today i atoavaca of asphalt jhwjous simnot 4 sotu colouri tou loonmos ailuwlaw lmd shiatwmos ts luut4jf toorno mahmau kco waluoards trlaleir oi ipa urtey l ssuitey tile kastic ctmimts a wata00 paimts oof coatiho nitct uni ocx wool insulatiom micau hhiln far haaler cearrale and lasulatian s your bbco daalar aewl toormes modern plumbing and heating store acton ont

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