Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1951, p. 7

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s thursday may mth ibb i the acton free press paok sxvxm shop refreshed st published unidentified man was first president of fall fair here la another former citizen of anion hi may bo remembered iy some but who will doubtleu not be known to moat who u hv f una yourself a feelinsof ijecurity by saving part of your income at i lie jttn tl w siiitl our bns mjnager it a ptvxi man to knon in atton he is a vt hadon the uit jllcture wu of the late oeure havlll and eeverml re ported recognhilnt the ssehtleman who died about ten yean o mr havlll wa keenly intereeted jn acton affair and wa the fjret president of the fell fair when it wu ortanlaed in 1013 ttnlaw he waa the reeve of the village and u councillor for many yean later he wu auditor of the mini- iclnalltv ilia hardware atore waa on mill st where holtowaye barber ahoo u now he ived at the comer of frederick and asnm sla hiji ami now uvea in oekvllle and who la thla week gentle man the bowl s treelined roods of puerto rico we were reading of the small parkways that thread the island of puerto rico and of the beautiful drives through shaded arbours of trees underplanted with ornamen tals we read of the origin of this roadside development as follows at a very early date the puerto means encountered the problem of road maintenance and the solution was the adoption of what is known even toda as the camlmro svs tem a man of the locality wis hired on n permanent basis and uai kiven n certain strctchof the road which it was his job to main tain he had to clean the ditches and repair the chuck holes ont of his additional duties being to plant trees alongside the road since it s quite uncomfortable to ridi- along on horstbiek undor the glar ing sun not onlv did the camin cro do tlu original planting he also maintained it and replanted when ever neccssarv since there w as jmt a great deal of direction from the top the individuals could use their initiative and that probablv explains the several personalities in the character or the planting along the various roads this system continues today and we have also heard that the camlneros always competed with each other to have the most beauti fill roadside development theres tome indication that this idea is be ing encouraged by the modern board of tourism in any event we have here in puerto rico ar- borways u ith ubend scenic vistas of which we ore proud it was a governmentsponsored project but n lot of individuals have a hand in its development arborftum fob mcgiix mcgill universlt has dedicated a ni ncrt trfict of woodland near macdon ild college at sic anne qui bee ns tlu morgan arboretum the proptrt is tht gift of mr and mrs jnmis morgan and their son llu old m morgan who preserv ed the woods for future genera tions btsidts being a beauty spot on tlu island of montreal mcgui university plans to use the arbor etum to stimulate canadians to realize the mcessit for the con servation of the dominions forest resources v filmed in africa on a five month safari king solomon s mines is a specticular p dure of the adventure classic to be presented at the roxy theatre starting next wednesday stewart granger de borah kerr ind r chard coulson take refuge here behind an em bankment to escape the murderous hoofs of a stampede dolt yourself resurface your own floors new dustlass electric sanding machines sogers floor polishers for renti ted bludd painting and dicotatino 440 p o box 40 ocotoftown ont late jack miner pioneer bander it was in august 1909 that the lati jnck mimr eatuht and banded hls firit duek which was shot by dr v f rra of ndirson south crolina this constitute the firm romplitt record on this conum nt of uhun a bird was banded and w herr killed lam fill 10m tlu argctt cauh of canada tree so rvtr to be made on thi mimr sanctuarv or elsewhere in tarth was caught in th miner trap on november lmh atfloopm in the catch wer 732 canada fle s of this number 403 wr new one that had nevcr been caught 192 had ik- n pn v tously caught and banded in pre v ious calctu s the same all w9 and 137 had been bamhd in previous veara as far back as the fall of 1038 all bird banding records made at the jack miner sanctuary are filed each ytar with the united slat s and cahodian fuh and wild life services hello homemakers the other day a friend of mine oponiml her purse uud out dropped u number of thing including a penny a com pact and comb were retrieved along with the hydro bill as the penny rol6dnirhehrasrmrii t hpul never mind ii a only one cent however as wi drove along the highway wu v called how much housework we juki accomplished before setting out it was mrs d who in one morning had vacuum- etl six flimirs prtasiwi a unit mi ruled a rip in n imlr of overalls modi a gelatine salad and served two cups of ti n using her new electric kt tile for the other john she had used t lectrk mulpmi nt too mid tin cod of opi rating all iii si appliances ihrniilihmit tin moniing was tin latin amount l ft in the grasn urn u tinv trulv wi should u krjiti fill that th st rvlees art blltid in iih aft r w hnvi had tin advantage of th ust ttf iwdro with 10 lavs grace recilvt n discount with this in ililuljslluultlplckup our pt nuli and piv within this given period mv fatht r alwayn sild take can of thi pinnlta and th dollars wi i tilu cire of themselves take a tip 1 defrost the ltclric refrigerator when the frost becomes pencil thick this is usually veryjjuo wirrlrtirrrr as quickly as possible after clean ing this saves the motor from working ovirtlme to establish the normal temperature required to keep foods fresh 2 if a normnl temperatur is not being imlntilned ns lndlcaei by the uu of a r frlgerntor ther mometer thit is 40 degrees in centre of cabinet tin n call a serviceman i when an nilv aroma permeaws tin rtfrijentor cabinet at this timi of iar it mnv be dm to thi fresh onngts of the juicey tvpt during mi ind november it ls advisable to store omnges and grapefruit along tht walls of tht c ibmet i if tht n frlgt ntor dial ins not been turnt d ti fre ezlngfor at least 1 hour be fori travs of ice cream mix an to be placed in the unit let crystals will dt v elop in the dt m rt this mav hi parti illv pnvmted bv cover ing travs with foil or w axed ptptr bv the wav excessive amounts of sugar in tin dt sst rt pnvtnt lfast fnozing and ingre dients should be cartfullv mea sored damage to the porjccslatn of i refrlgeritor mav result from a crash bv n kiddie car or sharp objtct a small chipped portion mav be patched using porcelaine tnamel paint purchased from an electrical shop follow diric ons on tht can of paint fl the motor of tht electric n frig erator should bt clt aned ocea sionallv a acuum clt aner at tachnunt make this j ensllj 7 foods storid in thi n frigi rator keep wtll if in good conditi n let h t foods become cool then iivtr and plan in tht n flrger e so thit air mav pirculatt on all sides of tht dish sort foods out tvervtimc the unit ls defmst d s dusht s of fooi should onlv be tacktd if thorouglv chilled or if food has bt en frot n in freez ing unit and is being kept fro n o wri all strong fiaord fo ds urh as cu melons b rru h mid not bt washed mi ti juit bt f r th v art t b s r hi v r rip btrrks will kt p r ni dnvs if arrinctl loos 1 n tra r pi it 10 fr h ni it li uld b ununp- p nnd plat d m mrsit k pr if th p r is to larc and h i r i b i i u sd in i platt co r u ith w a pap r ii if i rut s have an unpl asa i t x t ht trav sh uld b rmp l d an i ih d m warm u at r which bak ng suia has i in adi cd it ns tu ic in ct id w a t r vr t b aik f r diridlans rnik ng a banana whip o thi mixur d n t dark n ansi cr banana h hip 1 will np ned banana tup oingt jute juice of 1 it m n 1 cup sugar f w rairui of talt 1 dip whipping cream or x vaporatt d milk f 1 and mash bananas witi s a nl ss st 1 1 f rk or w ood n mash t r dd fnxit juic sugar and salt stir wtll and chill 10 minutes in tlntria n frlk rator f ild i partiallv vv hipped mam pour in a fni ring trav and set it on the bottom of the refrigerator unit id approxlmatt lv 1 quirt mrs r p ask for choolate lu crt im r ip that is not ti suwt ansuf choeolare ice ceam 3 tt a spoons gtlatlne cup cold water 2 squares bitter chocolate s cup confectioners sugar 1 cup milk klnch salt 1 teaspoon vaiilllu 1 rntm whipping cream or tvported hi ilk snfteii gelatine in wafer is mln- utesl meltciucouui oviar th low heat of your ranv add sugar and bit tul thorotigjhly add milk gradually brlnsf tojhe bollng point stirring remfc nemovfroni heat and adil g latin and sail chill in electric re frig rator until thickened beat well with a rotary healer add vanilla and fold in partially whipped cream pour inlo hdloin of the fret jlug unit have a frtizlng trny and se4 it on the tin ttmptraturj control to rnldext point fur fret ring people ball fights papers which4 llmvywolallt chiunlilnrillilp flshls tmvi i ninny penplr 1 mllrimata for n lnni time fnt rnn rnl linw niawlllli mint lw ixcnuiw thn inrl won lirn rlehtjiter iho ncconi urmpapy ttinnry un tile inna riiimt nni tin- iiirjiaainn of world si rlra mnrks out the yrora in a morr onlirly fnslilon for moat of mnacullnr- north america balje itnllia iwfnllng lo when he wonlrf r usually t vcryxwo i it i t r zr on the r rrlgeratot uw z v i rta anim n i b lh h tide of in ten st football games heard or seen thretpj the autumn weekends together for many hockey games overlap football and occupy cana dians almost to summer the na tional league variety of this prov iding the unsportsmanlike brutality that all too many listeners or vlevv ers would like to get away with tht mselves some radio program like charlie mccarthy is a weekly main event in x number of estimated homes throughout thi cool r months and othtrs lilcc twenty questions fill up a half hour for some people the year around ports of each day for otht r carefully istimatcd numbers an dedtcittd to comic strip char icters such as iafvvood i il abnt r and pko tlu church is a durible link from childhood to old aee for more petipli than mijjit be prtsumed il- though for fewt r thansnown in the statistics hauling folk up to tht ir fet t ajain tint timt when tht foot ing was uncertain ntd pratt nnd robert frost an ht dside companions of a eratt ful few and fliot and audtn of a few otht rs the jood painters sculpton t stayists philosopht rs musicians nnd business leaders of the times share with these and other poets tht distinction not being overly set upon b fans as for novtls there are rtnny pi ople just treading water until hnrnblowtr sails by again so they ni iv tie tht ir lives lo some more of his adventures others have long sinct movtd in and settled down at jilm ntwspaptr columnists have a plnci at some time of the day in most homes the mon serious of them ht lping along with the edi tonal writtrs to ia the readers courst throiilh tluse catastrophic ears millions fiht and d met and sing and lovt through the seasons in compan with thi ir favourite mov it stars feelink t smug reri t w ht n the star fides to tit come almost as obscure as tht fin st rv ic clubs iimim s political piri w m n and chantv or iniati t link tl vt irs for vast numbi rs n i tr ru d couph who strvtd ti k ther on a chihirt n s shtlter board for dtcadis retumb rs t date of v inn ridke ttiaust th n canu it i shelter o i tini u ht n w til known i i it du thi n is this addtd s idnrs that ni m who h i vtcinullv a sotiattd tht nist ivt s w ith thi st n w iv di ad tin pirtlv with th n i n vv irt t in will known si tht rr is not much t n ral intinst in this who an just startins out in lift tht offspring of flizabeth ind inkrid b inr reecnt exctp ti ns i otht r living human in tht f n e w irld isniav his so manv p r s nal asstciates whim he do s nit kn w as has v mston churchill milh n hut str ini tht ir livts on his for what set ms a 1 ni time al th ugh he mikht be a v t xing ft how at sttady close rant this awesome musing krtattst nan on earth has spiritual room mates evtrywhcre fven on tht ix nch of a second dii- sh n club ht rates n t ui far behind sonn comic strip radio and movie your eyes deserve the best consult mra3elt kvqisfovtd opwfiimiist nwm 33rla krin pasture wanted for 30 he of ynnnq dairy csttla koiw coluct mampton 379r32 get happily settled in your own home new with half acre near town right for small holder sovon rooms privilo waler supply under pressure drilled well built in ball and shower large kitchen with cabinet sink and amplo cupboards wash jlubs in utility room ono floor hot and cold running waler just right for iho family that loves peaco and quietness with amplo room to move in iho sun parlor of acton price right immodiato possession about 50 down we havo inquiries for dwellings farms small holdings and business properties wright raul ettfito nni insiifoitre pt rst nai s f r sustained pulling pow r hi mav tvt n in said to compart though agutlv with a nt w hat a ganit of cards the girl i wn th stnn t r w hat s f r iin nr fuh r lunmtktl wa rcntl mirhiani liilunni his attn llou mon tima muit i tkll x u not lo apak ihrn vnu havi aomeoni in wnir mouth appraisors realtors 1nsurors r l wright oftlee m wllkur hl au pluau h n h wrifm ohu t mmtsfmm hl aclbk hum uuw yes we have others as weil as small holdings and building lots oil is canadas fuel enjoy it h with a background of years of practical knowledge wa sotf- gast to you that it pays to buy experience are you planning on miking a change in your heating system are you interested in saving fuel dollars we welcome inquiries and our advice is free we can replace your present outdated heating system to a modem gar wood oil burning furnace with amazing savings in fuel oil compare and youll choose gar wood automatic oil heating at its best installed ancttarviced in acton georgetown milton and erin districts by b1lt0n perry limited plumbing acton ont and heating contractors phone 269w or 341 w j harold wtes m

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