Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1951, p. 10

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raamrtm the acton free press thursday june mth 1951 rma jot thia column may b phond to 174 or mn to th fr trm otftc u acton tt py to bo honet but not enough to suit omo peopl th wcond initnmcnt of town uxti 1 duo friday june ibth vnsmne hitfh school examination mr blntf written in tho itcnut hall tbu wek v school4idrh frirtny fn tudtnu who patttud wlthmic inglfxflmfnatlon worn juno 1th to jim 13 til acton nolle wrote out 17 tickeh for b lnw vlolntlonji the victor ii huniley funernl home rwhvod delkerv of n mw funernl coneh nut ueek won lfemu nnd john anr have miecefwfully niihurd thi ir yearn nt o vc guelph mnrllyn mnrkii of acton wn fifth plnce in tin ikiv tompilitlon kponnorel hv thi county council while burnlnu knnn nt the bnl linnfnd bnll dimnnnd mil snniir- ville hnd hl imnd nnd leu bndly humid officers and mi mbcrn of almn iodtfe gnlt took thi dtinii woik at the meetlna of wnlki r loduc on monday ev ntnji hie weather hns been lovely this week no we cnnt complain about that but the mnaqultoen moke a splendid alternative following the communlu nuc lion last saturday in the uupn mnnv nrticles of all shop s nizi s nnd styles switched homes a baking wile was held in thi y wednesday afternoon the pro credi wire to bt used to help mind tw odel rente s to a y cintennlil conentinn in cleelnnd nrxt sunday 1m the day wv nil advued to take kpeclal note of fathcri profit on the kltebenei dream houw on which ticket w re unlet in acjxin total umi about 70 00 the hniik won by a lon don ont man i now up for hale isaac walton a pi nimbly ptoud of itockwooilltr alan jhason who chuttht ii brown trout that mnmuir ed 10 inches and w iflhed thru pounds rlht in the 1liif mi mon day tin uniuinl ripoit of the up i r canada tlibh so tit should two from wi illusion cnuntv on thi honoi ml fm stmnji as oftii lis fm mil 2 m a in g ntk ii i nn n hmkunnd 1 inr and h 1 nndurtl iiunlmrifh j7iars clnssis in nit adjourned for the minimi r lust thursdtn i vi nlnu nt thi y w ith tho instttu tu kh miss dorothv ston uien flowers nnd mam thanks oil pnlnttntl lessonh hitvi bn a fintim of thi act nil arts nnd nifts rmip stnti christ mas mis- mn si its h n n colv id word luvi suturxlny that shi had hi i n awardid llu vittnilim ordt r of nurms scholarship intlllint in i to tuition at tin umwisllv of wi stt rn ontario shi also won thi giorm h waiwjck pliyi for nursing ilis null hrokin in i dlvi into ui ijjki on wctttiimhtn of inst wik mithjul mi ci mull will bt in i t is fiom hi ad to waist foi six months th st i ituism si of rm injur was not ilist ov i ks until huit thursday whin an inv in gin iph prov isrl that th tu t k w as broktn l mill st services soon all of copper cohud ftota po out a letter from thi imperial insur jince co cae formal notici of thi termination of the fidi litv nond on j mcgcnchie this bond hns been tnken out with nnothir com panv a lettt r w a read from iu nrd more nnd co dintlnj with the r monl of wins nnd poles on flrin st from church to arnen sts a special meeting w ith i pn htntn n lli s of tht companv wns tn ranltl for next monrin cm nine the resignation of miss j wnlker from the office staff was recuvcd applications were opi nid for the vacancy in the offict staff it waj decided to hold thtm oir and a cain advertise for applicants nnd to deal with this nt tin mxt mitt lnc robert mncarthur chairman was authorized to hn c ncct s to the enfi ty deposit box nlonk with sic retarv j mcgeochit superlntcnderil lambert riportid a water service dnmnrid nt the anclicnn rector during tht instal lotion of siwtrs accounts w t n passt d fot pi merit as follows hydro account tht trtmco co j40 7i canada wire and cabli 361 04 masco jelectric 23 28 i industrial wirt nnd cnblt 308 4b can gent ml fltctric 6 i0 northern etcctric co 700 16 packard eltctnc 772 14 j k kt nrne 1667 hichwa garurt 00 acton v oodcraft 2 40 grnnd and to 10 00 ii g barlow co r li norwich union fir ins 16 i enrl tnrzwtll 3 v williams supplv co 10 04 acton fut prtss 23 06 f a f llilhtnirik chtqut unur salts 6 7 rtttitr gtntral 23 3s ptt cash j8 31 with mnufntttirt pt of ilfrij- irilois snvis nnd such re quiring bijiui r down payments for thi it liuh1s wt hi n nn nhk to s i the down pamtnt on o il md buildi rs sup plus his mir chnnrid this month will s i thi md of sum- nn r prici s on coal w inch ii now 2l pi r ton for nut nnd mo hih ou m dow n a inih ur tu u inti i s supph of coal don t f i i t to look it tin tint i uni miulik ifmoffitstn s m h i t on dis i li i n macki-n71i- it son acton ontario for dad on fathers day faster closer shaves than he ver thought post ibl the sensational new j eu s5 umtrr rraunu m mcmilun 40 00 art vine 146 25 cnnadian brass co 3112 69 nutionol iron corporation s0iu acton puc llmiro 9 49 acton frc pris 420 quoidalo nurstrus 37 v thompson motors 3j0 btordmort und co 300 j730 32 farnwortk memorials mmwbli ml mdru trtttt icbmetery lettelling curm bil at ceuutery gvelttl ont no beard too touk no tkio tooteair twiccatwid shav inf turfaca civet double tbe beard coverage entirely new tbape it tmaller in tbe band aatier to handle morecompact more powekul motor than ever before comet in beautiful gift caie now availabll at rnchlin jewellers acton want to relax take in a movie i ion mill st acton phone 110 continuous mon thro fri from 7 30 p m sni and hoi from 7 00pm aaallneet sl and hoi start 2 p m visit our refreshment bar in the foyer frisati june-15-16- stv v it unihmllnrtrnatioffl meet7jhb mws61eman htk nancygurd-adelfjergehs- uini fuul kiuuj rtifut wlw hhmi scimuy by omr u rs m dtkic i dinaido ut mt caw dih by aunts uuow ftticti by howuid chbish saulu mho willi im imtjhi luir so you want to be an actor crashing the movies mutiny on the bunny four heart warming days mon to thurs june 18192021 the w mountain r technicolor births marriages deaths etc horn swarkhattehto mr utul mm i k kvvui khuntr in tut tuliv jiuu 13 1uk1 ut ww cilili utiudul itmtllul u tllulljilt inu jlllh luto pink siiuliilv ui u r rihlhiim mum slimt alton on mondny luiw ii id m slllll imiiu miiiitflthmm tiilnvnl wift nf lmink iinu untl dim innthi nf fin it in lit i mill vi ui iimiimu ut ith vi lor ii nunilt v fmmuiil llnim alioii until ijiiic ituv u lit ii fmif ml hirvin u iii in in lil nt ui ui hw it inli urn nt jjtn v ii u l nn t i v a ton itirssi i al lu mi i il lliilltlil nn sulimhiv junr llth kill ijmi mn ihi it il until l r ir tin i it i in nut al xhiki ii kiijlii ii rniimilv of iiiii lup hi im i mill mm i 1 nt tin vn im ii itiiinl v 1- 1 in i jit lliinn at ii n uirtll im ilnv liiktn iti it r n i at linn ii ill itniiil hint h inl nn nl f i liwf it in tin i linn ii mm i i v k1iikniss n llmiiiliiv vim init i hlil luiuiitu h- n hi mtrl mi nnl niltli nf iii iani avi itiiiinlti im nv d wti tif tin hih divld kit u 1 1 1 ti iiml id ut miiltu i nf mm jut k m h liniium k itln inn mm llo lmi v mui ui ilti i mai inn mi i- 1 unit lit i win a tni n i lit id nm and ituv ut kn ion m nf i nl all kltkin i nf at tun finn i al tivlii w it in id in tor until nn sunday and in llraii in nil mnndnv int i mi nt xmih in unlnn umllii mi at i lirldit wantads for sale ou huk wthmllli itu bun iiinu itiowii alton u toil saik i iumwi aliti luki it n blown pliom 111 i j ii kill sa1k kunuriti pun lliully tu w aiily llv 1til st u kill aik hi t of i lirpi ml i i icuiih s ilp i lllii mill hl a kill sai i- lhl i m iii vi ii i niml loliilllloii ill jllin mill sai h hv iiiniii lotluui with uniili apply jo i mill si ai km u in mimoitlam at lan in lovlnil in morv of out id in piiniitii mr mill mti win athiii who pinmil nwiv iiiim jl llll inii lino ii iimj tin it im inory l- n cli nt to ituv ai in tin iioiii thi v pus ill nwiiy aluns ii in mlii nil liy tin fiiinllv hi hit in lovlni norv of itoliiiul mllot who p ism i nwiiy liliu ii iimj i in vim- jo hv hut no inorli i miiy a- ji it mil ih n at viiiyijiv sutlv mtln il hv his wlf m iri- an t hk msti i mill fiiinlly tfjllor in lovlnr tin morv of holunil 1 lllot uho pus i il uwav lull il imj von in not foiiolli ii r itlu r nil mi u til s on hi a loin o lit ami im inoi la t wi u ill ii m mh i thi i sifll ml ill i his il uiihli r mik mt 1 mi lin in ioviiil iiiimoiy of a ill ii moth i mi j ui mutiii lilllihy wim p is i il iw iy jinn i luil hit mimioiy is i id ii to il iy a in tin iioiii shi p usi il h vi i it iii lohi i il h li in if ict t unity i tilt sai i i i i 111 it i illuii lllll sllvi i lllll uwhi at v it ii i all r n 411 1 i tils i till sai sllmitiil on loll fioiii imn applv lo i lyiui ph i i lulu t a i hi i him gu ii all i mi m iilni l i pall null li i i i tilt sai i si lino potato n ami i i il ii posts applv to ni i on amli i mi it it j itoi liwmil a hilt sai i hav loait i in w phom lllljl ailu in t o lohiill i a yiiiuiii ii it j a mill sai i iii h v al ii m itltli ii omi owiu i i ai t ash mil applv mi s ft haiti v phom 4lw a mm sai i i li iii 1 noil milan mall i m 11 l llll in il o i mm applv 4 i t him li si w milt sai i j ilu il piup i shorlhoni hulls 11 nnd 12 monthti old applyt ipirrty nm vnl sy m i si v hal rls ilium ml wiiiuiiiu i lllipi i sh w ill phi in i solid i all 1 wi ih mi hi il wlilli applv i i hump on motois i oh sai i- hav liiadi r i w applv i ll i m1h sai i il i tmx ml a t iltli i oi i inn hmis for sai i ii 1 an fliinaii tompliu with plpi s anil hut wat i mil haiifaln for ipm k il ii w hlntori sr ill aki avi a mill salt i undid ipiuiiil h mloik anil plm hitilitimf lumh ii mlxid alihn hv tin trui lp nl w s mini hi hum ijilwl 7 411 ii mill satf 10411 fiakshult 70 trirtnr in roid onli r with im il nihhi i will inttli or sin p mil ii fr iv it it 1 mllliiu phm imlrlj wanted waniku yfilllik tlilk tynltt dimiih i inploymi nl ihoui j44r ai tun m wanikh lf htlv sir ii noli l huh unit mi bill ihiiuii lllll win shi phi il i tu wanikii fuiriliiid link kofpi1 ihhiiiii puit tlm vnrk ill i i lulu 4 u llirnikst ijikkh khr fiwl i in k in llnttonvllli iouftrv jki1 litisr stntinn phrhr uiauitlnnl4vi4 oi i 1111 1 h 111 wanih triilii ihrmli i with hll iw i llttl i must iii iii iiml ihipi and ii ady to ip to ok i iwood wlli it it 1 t ii ik ii- ull i iii all ill i1isaiii hi anim- al s wan i ml town i2 11 luir sn 1jmi iioiii hi i wt w pay i iihii at vour fin in ihon titulpri 1114 i olh i i for lino ii iti i rvl a win i aliiu opi i itliik fur d trdorft yoilitu i tf wanihi li ik fm hi tlhllr llnllllia tlffl i ii iislni pli i for p i ui mint i mplovi i id is i si it iluv inpiitiil anil ipi illfi it lis appln atlotih must hi in hy i nili inn llll al i oi lo k i j i mil ii im si ntary u for rent milt mini i room anil i li li m hi alt i oiivi nn in s avnlahli- luly i apply mm oirli findi iii kii9av ail ii iilmn i knrrav miscellaneous show alllls ikiis trili ht- l mil mi kin man lunfiit n iiuiiji st w phoni 3111m j wasiikh hkiaiiis unlit parth tompliti ovi rluinla krnle a it ullo and flfttrlr ginraitlwn phoni 4111 hoxy thialrr nidi a tf siwinf maflllnls sal 1 ami sirvlii hi pain to all mull 1 rnli s lladlo and eli i trie phin 14111 itoxy tliiutn hldu c sirilii- tnwn a ti kikhenem upholstery havi your ihetterflrld tullfl re-up- h 1st n d for al little at 140 ror prompt and t fflclent errvlce call 101 alton onr wet k aervlce mill sai i mod f mil on 1 fl pour iiiouil 11 hki in w ij7 loil st ik inn it jjill applv v i 111 ui i ii ii i alton or phom i i art i i mill sai h llll inl lultlnk m11sihi in i vim in morv of i inpl ti will iilowi r pip in din in in i who pisul ih s i id lull ml i1mi i ir for slul tr ilk w j ma lilt wi hunk uf vim d ai mothi r i llr and uni in uls in illnl with pinij wiii sai i coming events im i iluill spiinl fi i ryii aii ii mini ih iiii ih this i ii 111 woufil li in ivill si din low uioii 1 nr iltu still dm ru li i7w artm f or in thi hi it ts tn it luvi tt ymi tji t your rm mnry urik i y i saw o auto itonis km tvtr run mix nd by hi r unity virun wwil n a uiii nuw 7 1 iiaaoit in immi mi mnry nf nnr fihir koland mlmtt whn p imil aw iy juui 15 1im2 gitn it thi f ic w icivtd mi djtr silmt it thi void wi invid tu hi r tun fir iuy for mkht or picth hut not ton fir for a thniiht to n uh k tf sw itt to r im nib- r him w hn nci v is h r and who though iijm nt is just i d ir alw ivs nmimln rul lv hi diucht r mrs u fuuntain tr m mis ij md f irmly lint win blui n d ind hi m k hi f k kr i n md bl it k tu k ioirii cirnr motors phom jija alton i vxh salf jtilord pi iy r to pliik iii r idlo 10 1 iri w ool ici tiox s10 hi in m in pi mo v wnkir ninth hint iblt for vi rand ih tt im n s b illosjintirt hyllfast wh 1 t lhiim it2 a ioit sali- 1 nt v bilf on y tr k tquijipid with fluid dnvi cards of- thanks i would ilk to think m m ih bnn tnd friinds for thi flowi r c irds md fruit i rinivid whi in hospital thi st kind uts will ilwns b ri mi ml red mrs wm iiouoa i would lik pri nittiun for f i mt md flowi ni st i in hn ii mini hnmi 0 plymouth bl ok m imvmou h stoti i kr n 4h hr sli r rn irfw n ij t hi v oupr 17 in h ilf ton pm 1 10 rnod 1 a toup mitsuiiu motor phf f i h alton a tin v tiris thus cltanni pn m nt stock it old pi t ind top illow mrt on your u d tin fnpiil r in ik s ff- iri s iw rniin m tyt r il d o r r i k foodr i h tr rm ri n ikiwiyi id i iirty mi kvill ii s inly a li o c itii n it mil m ri u h int w 1 i oi i ai i irk 1- llll i i i n ii ilj r r 15 1 ii i ii hi pn fo 1 it i in i h ail pu i i it in a ix tr i- vi i h il a- li oil a strict iry si i il t h iri lull tiiirih 1 nil iy iiim 1 itii on it ii oilixk slnwlrrn ft r fri shuufit ailmlssion 5tl a tin si out ouuli uro 11 uil t ih tin 111 planiu d for tj wljy juiu iii vill li li id tin fill j tin viiuili juiu itl it th si i hill 1 ii 10 p m a ilikmi sh mil wustl r r a it tin homi of mm f a sirr silurdiy jim iu 13 i u luc ud up aiupiis utik of 1j viri h ri h ipt r 1 o ij 1 a an i xhlhltion of airitu i h i i work im talwork siwo and t iilormi wifl hi thi fi itur if a u i h id hy thi alioh artj ind j r ft s j i up in th y m in- i il v iff rum n u il i vi no i j un to i xpn ss mv ap i vv thi nrds i ind s i ill iii m ilurini i oltnf tulnut motoils ril pit il mil inn ri ih i i2llw at in alsn for thi in inv niiiiri s think ou milt sai f suds fir j vinn hiblir llui ie hybrdfnslik ln 1 li ill tfi rmin i im ilu khi it th fan iv of thi iii tin mil 111 hvi it pi si d sudan huniliv iii sin to i xpn ss llu ir cris alfalfi uid hr n crass ippriri i ion of thi kmdni ss shou n i tl hrind pis in m x 1 sun dunnc tin illn ss of thi r f itlu r n r sn dun w th u i iiim ct p for mil thi vmpithv th it fi ind x q m k r mil will in t i nil pi sin in so mills wivs it thi s i 111 j hum h ih id 14 i mi of hi pi smi thi dtti nlion stri i ts ili i 4 t vin hv ir w r c kirinis u iidi i tl ippri ct i iil i tin 111st aniiiv ruary of b lots 1 1 iiri kation will hi hi id n suri- il iv juni 17th sirvuin at 11 j m ud 7 10 p m ij s t th- i tt sa ikl r will im hi v fn1 i i mils ti ri nto spiilal musii he i hi ir r j j 1 ii li n iii tr i w i ir ib i i ih ir vlth aiinivi r i il m i ar ii i r i iy j i 2nth i i i i i uh 1 huuh 11 1210 1 miss hi 1 oli iii in w mi 1 1 im r i mi rs m ui 1 i i i ifu st si iki r w t i ii 1 hi 1 ji in mi sni ii li 1 t s irv it it i milt 1 rory calhoun tubal litu cjm ttcuurt i w tat ulw uttlurl ud thc u fton1 or uuomit aiowiu thats bully the ducksters pbize fighter- alexander knox n m henry king cu uuljuttnottl news guests of the week mrs trkd mrrltciieon w j gould mrt ii l eitc hie if your name appears above you are inviteb to enjoy a complete evening of movie entertainment for two as guests of the theatre management on any night during the week of june 14 to 21 merely make yourself known to the management on arrival at the theatre and secure admit tance free of all charges cars must be sold make us an offer new vouxhall 4 cylinder 49 dcdge sedan fu iy tqi pped 39 chr sler sedan 38 chev coach 38 podge sedan 37 chev coach 35 plymouth sedan 34 chev coach y iii ioit s 1 i n t t 1 1 it 1 d n i 1 i ii 1 lit 1 11x1 1 1 l 1 i 1 i mt 1 snii tl o r p fl a h 1 1111 li 1 r pi 4i hav hi 1 al 1 a n ih ir 1 mp ir tw 11 nj in r off r i i mil n t m iv mil 1 is4rj m l tt k 1 1 1 tl kh sai r n v h 1 1 for mini 1 1 1 1 vi v 1 ra h v 1 la 1 rs jvm r 1 f- rn ur r d h rs 110 rs ii 1 r s id rs 1 urn r hortt i md r ri pllm uid hav r 0 s i v m r 1 dl r h irri d nn 1 in a nil t a ri d w atcm r idi rs dsi har a and 3 furr it 1 1 a p h fu bn of r pa c kkhut md t 1 rs f rs n r is s 11 m rh nts our millinu co ikal phun il ac r mil n jfvt n h a the adon free press lost fkalisi sjku unilitl lost a man black if athrr hand tooled pocket book containing sum of monrv la vicinity of church and elgin stmtl acton would the finder pleat return to arthur nightingale of rockwood 1 pleat phone 87m reward a classified advertising rates ow is ertrtt si ihrti fr anrniincirj f ilishs marnak- iai and 1 niuii m ntt in mrmoiun mr pint 1 r lis for vrrmea artlclrt for sale kent etc 2c 1 word ulnlaaaaa taab lit i if aal paid onui after uuehiat kel ram va ta laia afflea ue addlluaal coming eventa 10c pr count line win 30c minimu 411 cuaaljieil avrruaeausata atut rcak ik amtee iwfar t pja ma wraa

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