Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1951, p. 2

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page two the acton free press tiiujisday june 14th 1951 fathers day sunday is fathers daya subject a little more difficult of approach than mothers day since mothers do nbt write editorials the light hearted approach has become bolfi traditional anct char acteristic of the difference betvyeen the way we celebrate fathers day and the much move full- haariedwarmlh we associ with mothers day behind the surface levity of fathers who write about thoso in the same category there is an ad mission by sons and daughters that once a year there is a need for tribute to fathers and most families and mothers where home relations are right delight in recognition of the head of the home well sunday is father s day it s not neces sary to make him king for a day to win his grati tude but you may be sure he will appreciate any recognition your heart may prompt and it need not be an expensive gift it is your thoughtful ness and recognition that warms his heart three days of convention just back from a three day gathering of newspaper folks held in montreal and of course convention travel and thoughtsare upper most seemed hard to realize that it was seven teen years since the ontario and quebec publish ers had gathered in montroal but time does fly of course we have been in montreal between conventions but there are many changes this was brought home by the missing faces and the larger attendance of younger folks who have come into the weekly newspaper fieldmany of them sons of publishers of earlier years travel between hen and montreal is quite rapid and convenient it s possible to go to bed in toronto and have breakfast in the eastern metropolis by train travel comfort on the rail ways is constantly improving with new types of sleeping cars which we have told readers about previously we like the new roomettes that are a marvel of compactness and efficiency this ear the windsor hotel one of montreal s oldest was convention headquarters it was here the king and queen were entertained on their trip to montreal and a large picture of the banquet in their honor hangs in one of the halls newer hotels are the mount royal and the laurentian would bo very attractive when city lights are blazing here a delightful luncheon was served a musical program given and dancing enjoyed before the return to the hotel before nine oclock mayor houde li a fine host in spile of his bulk which we udge would put the scales at well over 300 he gets about and personally met and chatted witft everyone in the party he was thering masleroftlieoventjentoringmto the shop talk newspaper conventions devote a large part of their programs to problems that are common to printers- and publishers ideas are freely ex changed and discussion is vigorous and helpful much of the discussicwai anf jiepnveniin floor and more of it is in smaujrtjbpi a e ses sions not all of it relatesto printing either and even school district problems of various towns might be the subject that finds common ground or civic improvemepts and their success or fail ure ah towns in ontario and quebec have com mon problems which give broadening ledge by association and discussion enjoyment with enthusiasm that was contagious he spoke only briefly and requested there bo no formal thanks youve seen his photographic and know his attraction is not in his build or his beau ty he made no attempt to find a dancing part ner our tour of the city did not include the mont real harbor but when our friends mr and mrs chas symon asked us after dinner on saturday night what we would like to see wo withou hesitancy asked about the harbor knowing full well that charlie knew how to drive the route it was a delight to once again see this busy port few people fully realize iho size of montreal harbor we won t attempt to describe it but rather make some observations the lachine canal with the boats going through was most interesting its locks are not large boats seemed to have only inches to spare itsoperation is not modern but still it is interesting one cannot suppress amazement at the hundreds of english made cars which still are crowding all vacant spaces and the inforrmrtion that more are being landed each week there s no shortage of these motor cars anyway rather surprised also to see structural steel beams being pijed on the docks from a boat dis charging its cargo one cannot help pity the english folic who cannot get cars and overseas countries which require rebuilding but are sacn ficmg for our dollars montreal homes on the mountain are beauti ful and indicate the wealth of this city construe tion here must have been costly and maintenance ery heavy mr and mrs symon took us to many beauty spots our trip of thursday had omitted and to which a bus could not travel know then there are competitions for news pap improvement with the papier s judged accord ng to population of towns winner of the ed tonal page was the newmarket ura v ith the fergus news record third the trophy for the best paper m villages under 1500 pop6ation was won by our neighbouring contemporary the elora ex piess trophy for the best front page m towns of 4 500 population and undef was captured by the aurora banner w th 76 po nts the l stow el banner with 73 points was in second place r ch mond hill liberal was awarded 71 po nts and the acton free press 70 po nts papers were not entered in the com pet t on but all papers n on tano came under the scrutiny of the udges newspaper editors from new york stjte fra ternie with canadian eaitors at convent ons and in montreal there were several who attended brought greet ngs and exchanged txpir ences from south of the border a few tfars ago a c nt convention was held n buffalo n th an er can d tors distributing products montreal s shipping facilities have been much improved during the past year by the opening of a new marshalling yard by the c p r not many could have the opportunity afforded us since a special train left windsor street station on satur day to take us to this railway installation one of the cars in the tram wasflat car with benches for those whp desired to rtde outdoors the c p r marshalling yard is the latest on the continent you have all seen engines shunting cars into various sections at stations with the engines placing the cars and brakeman operating switch es it s a long job at the st luc yard one diesel brought in a tram of 70 cars while we were there the cars were examined weighed and per j in any one of many sections of track with only one man along the tracks uncoupling the sections the whole operation was done by elec tncally controlled switches we were told over 1 000 cars were put over the hump in one e ght hour shift and it was the plan to put 3 000 cars a day through the yards space will not al low detail but if you re interested you may see the descriptive book we brought home which ex plains the operation the yard covers 632 acres and has 75 miles of rail in a total of 1 1 1 tracks the switch signals are repeated in the locomotive cabs while the construction is nextdoor to the metropolis not a single dwelling was removed and t crosses no highways the good old days may have seemed better t t t i back in 1931 f mm tin isut of thuriilay of ft jum hrt uth im i f urit u ct nu u r imp row tit tu hit m inv idminrs mi sinuliv it thi oddfilhms dicori inn st rv ict ri dr t alhirt moon u ill prt ith immt rs ir m rmuiis m tht united church rockuood ntxl sinulin iuv c l fook bd itltncufl tht libr ir instiuitt it h imiltcm this vvttk rrpn i ntmit alton pub lie libnr tht pi int of tlu out inn mi m back in 1901 takt ii prt from thi iksui of tht of thurxtlay jum n j jo j mr j c mituiiu- bi i n t ikmj i couim cnui m tit lit villi his ho h i it albit ur iduittd kintf viiv tndttihli si hiding h took t xn ption tllv hijh st mding in minim n i il 1 ivn irithrm tic ind composition acton fin dri it will hold tlu ir innu il k irdi n p irtv in tht pirk on fndi it nmg tht prt jr immt will compn i i m m s of ithlt tic c om titions for u hich ami compin in acton his b n v ihi ibh pnt s m of ft nil i tut id tn kihjruion bros of toronto f tt bilwm t ims of gi orii uho will uld in w iqmpimnt i id ind tion i- in mt n chin s s xpind thi busimss tn nimistir of tht town uid mu ic nt irl i hundnd ipphc itions n thi cnrni t rind tn rituxid b tht sihool do trd for tlu two it mm on tht con tint ition school stiff with silinc- i nimnj fium sio up to swo0 on tin d n tinnik hi itoi li clkt of wiodmm of th win id inurtunid tt isitm ft m tor onto md tin from- mil ton thi di jrn u ini fionf thron o iminpli fud thi digr is ir cirtfull md niiril m w numbus w miti it cd into tht order mmtuifd vllan johnson on siturdnx jum 6 1931 at thi rtsicunci of tht bndt s pirtnls mr ind mrs fr o johnson sunnsidt firm b tht rc c l pooli b d flonncc mirtfn to fdvwn cht ttr llnn on of mr uin md tht lit john llm of frin township olfcd robertson m cilj irn m i n siturdn jum g 1031 don ild sti w irt robtrt on of milton be- loitl husbnnd of kitlunni di w ir in his 03rd i ir nassagaweya s s no 7 sightseeing in montreal newspaper convtnl ons differ f rem most business gatherings ow ng 1o the fact that they provide n opportun ty for show ng attrnct ons to a wide field thursdiyaf ttrncon tht qroup wtrt guests of the city of montreal on a ghste nq tour stopping at such famous places as notfe damt cathedral brother andre s shr r t nt wax museum and the aaidgttb pal act montreal s famous for ts churchts and histor cal build ngs guides were with the party making explanat ons and pointing out important features another popular tourist attraction of montreal is the open air sight seeing street cars which offer a ten m le trip at 25c and which enjoy a good patronage our tour ended up at the chalet on the top of the mountain where mayor houde was host from here can be obtained the best view of montreal with its buildings its bridges and har bora the view was inspiring in the daylight and food we hive always been enthusiastic about the food served on our canadianrailways in our ex penenct the meals excel anything on the lines south of the border on jhe trip out to the st luc marshalling yard the cpr arranged to erve a buffet luncheon to the party we won oertd how it would be done but we soon found that the otficials had solved that problem in their modern coaches with collapsible tables th s luncheon excelled the excellence of anytn ng we have seen or partaken of hi any hotel or elsewhere we went to see the table the tull length of a special lining car with the array cf food wh ch had been prepared not often does a country ed tor gae on such a display of culinary art we hesitate to give a detailed des crpt on but mrs dills does more ustice m the rtc tal than we could do and we suggest the lad es who may be interested secure it from her n casual conversation serving of the food was as quiet and efficiently marvellous as the pre paration and arrangement the chef who had prepared it beamed over it all as only a master rf the art can and modestly accepted the many compliments heard on all sides as he hurried be tween kitchen and serving table wms ladies aid plan school picnic thi wms ind lidu s id win tntcrtnimd in tht harm of mrs fd drcdiit ricintu wi h mos of thi i nit mbi r pn s nt md fiw isit r- riins win m idi for tlu stindix i school picnic to lit hi id i irl in i juh in low will pirk mrs robt j eiirlv sjnj i bt hitiftil solo m tisk iciomp mud b mrs ilod cr iw f oi d da uk i is dri djt pi i i d i ftw numbers on tht pnno rt j fsulhi rl ind kiw m idtinss on hi mi mission woi k of our own church ind ciom d with tlu motto christ for tht world ik poinwd out tlu t isk is for thi wholt church not just thi li id rs a npirt of tlu sprinj kall it i- irus w is jin in mrs b i- r i mm ind mrs d hi ndt rson mr suthirlind ilsid thi nu 1 1 hik with pi ii md mjrs llridht rttt tt untv r frthtm nts ind i son il ht ur w is i njnvi d mrs piul mtt tin k idi it pupils jouud tlu utht r si hot is in i i us tour to ii mult n hi i k udtiis md ottu i i u i s f mti r st lit wik tin tinsus tikti i bus in tins tlistrict mrs um ndi rson s f 1 1 nds in thi dtmuct win orr to hcir of tu r aiiuunt last wnk whin she ml and broki htrltj sht is ton fintd tu gutlph gttural hospiul th v m am nt m show s which isiti 1 tton hn s ituid i i ti it d i i 1 u ji ti owds to tow n fro n i widi i iduis tlu trim which brought thi outfit to actnn irn d it in i iru hour mil thi t in is citv w is pitctu d oi ht fr nt f i 11 tf thi lit irdmon firm on qui i n strut shortu bt tort ntkin thi pi idt took pi ici md v is iwid b thotis md who iiniri tht strtcts it w i tht nitest pnttntious pirid which ttr rnirsitl thi struts of this town ind cr ititt quiti i fin on thi mm i in w i pronounce d ir mk1 so fir is it u nt b i of emu i w is not o i ti n iw thit ii tin shins which cill t tht t it jt the- circ u i t it d o hii bt i n i jood i w i t xp ctid tht r wis i uli nth t- much m tin t niuiifi tt d in ht tpiritinn of iniduu tlu shtw in tin c ir i tht show tti if t t i oilotk 1 ii thur di h fire bt 11 nnc out i fu rn ilnm md imnudiilil upc n iron m r m thi ir slumb r or cat i iw th it hind fl mn 1 j htcd up tht i nlirt town it u i xm i or uni d thit tht siw null whtr hi f n onjmiid wi ilnit ttiitrth ti n unifd hi fori tlu fin w i tl n t n 1 or thi f nit pi in id j mill w u ifiiit d whm thi dtounnk th mint jnt i foothold tht ri tht build in wih is spundid outfit of oi w md miprid mithint r k is sm n inirilv uid in i nniirktblv br f s i ic omph ti dost row d mr bnjun h is no mti ntu n c f r tmi id in bu will cut oul thi with i portiblt null sixti t n r ithtun nun wm tiipltmd i tlu m 11 c i in- n nt r i set thi circus n ii ur 1 i runt md i surd iv mr i mitthiw in cri mi 1 iw n w hi ul ir 1 i t v ir n s bt lifh iti t i it t tr i it it willi im md rt rk mo i hid i bu unit tin mondi mcrn uil u u if thi mmu n us di b n ir md r u i fi r hi ru w 4 00 i u vitttfb hlurrlj of canaha aetea ontjurio a miendly church palotuic 30 bower avenu phone b0 hv e a gury ba mu minutcr mt o ml immnvr atj0lml orgnlt and choir ldr sa stlnday jun hui id51 pioosc note sunday school will not bo hold thin sundriy 1100 nm children flooforsfcr- v nu cjtlldrens choir bl rdi- and fltvwprt special rponkor mr goorjo pernio hownrd pnrk united church toronto 7 00 pm wtinl chnstinnity la no 0 v vupliist ojburrh acton sunday june 17th 1051 1010 am siindny school 1110 am morninjj service 710 pm evtnina sorvicc wtdntsday 0 30 pm priycr moitirtk fridav r10 p m n y p u siturdiy 23nl lismn circlr pic- nit coanaba knox cinjrclt acton kkv llobrrt ii armhtkon41 j wji bd mlnulcr sunday june 17th l5t 1000 n m sundwl school 1100 nm divine worship 7 00 pm divine worship all aiie welcome autlkmu sunday june 17th 105 trinity iv 10 00 mi sundiy school 11 pi nm holy communion bi kinnt rs cln 7 m p m evennonp aniuiil picnic for sundiv school ind conrri kitmn siturday juno 23 to old mill gutlph lawn of corni r stono for now pin h hill sundiy jim j4th it 110 pm a welcome await you professional directory and travr4rs-guide- w i rt t1 tl tow 11 t n sit i n m i n t will p i h h w l so ix p urd i it w 4 almost ull lnfflkh sparrow s in canada an descended from nyht psirv imported from england in 1bs0 agricultural research mr hi rbi rt morrison nritain s liird prisidmt of trn council uud ncinil that a ch im tf 13 t xpt n nu ntal hub mdr f irmi is to bt sit up b tht ministtr of agricul tun at ihiv stations m w miih ihis of rim irh will bi tried out on a f u id vcalt undtr controlled con dition mr morrison stated that liovt mm nt i xp nditun on atfn cultural ntsirch in 1050 m would amount to 3 million pounds dr w g c kenney physician and kwreon succissor to dr j a mcnivin offict in symon block mill st acton office phone 7r rriddence church st phone i5 miscm ianfouh dr d a garrett phyelclan and surron corn r of willow and ilivcr su entnnct itivtr strttt acton ontirio phone tvi dental dr a j buchanan dental surceon offjco lfishmm hloclf mill st office hours f i m to 6 p m x ha tr i lpiionf 148 the victor b rumlef funeral home funrral llonr i ira ted ambalittm lu n 30 niibt or da suvini th community or 45 j i ar yl care uy appo ntment wm c milligan r o optamr trtit ud 1 d wdduys j i m r h 2 pm o 9 p t mill st kisidfnce of a t brown pltose ttltphi nc 325j ttehin ahv dr george a sirrs iirntal surgeon mill st t rnii frtdtrick acu n olfili ht uis k am to 30 pm tlllpiionl id legal c f leatherland lurrlster a solicitor notary public officu 22 phom rcb 151 acton b d young bvsc c l young dvaa etcrlnar surceom olu t broi kmlh ontir q itu n milttn 14cr4 f g oakes v s b v 5c vrtrrlnary surf eon o ti md hisulfiut kiijx av tton i hone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines lever hoskin t bartered ccountanu sulci ssorj u jfnkins nd hardy ijbj mttiopolilin btdj 44 victori l st toronto flk 9131 willoughby farm agency larn t ii7d oldest atnc in cinidi head office 3fifl ba st torono phone emplro 3 0c04 gtorjttown kt irt st nt iti t tom hrwvon phonr ororcetown 332 v daylight saving time 0tiifs ltave acton i- ant hound fi if 1 m it 18 i in 1123 am j hi p m 103 pm g 33 p n 8 33 i m bio h p m wcsthound 10 17 i m 1j 5j p m 2 p m r 7 i m 7 27 pm 9 12 pm 11 j3 p m 112 i m i sun to kitchener i i 1 i t dulv i xit pt sunday nnd holl- d is l s iturd i sund iy ancj holl- tl v wright real estate and insurance f i wright n b wright 20 uilbur st 59 micdnnncust cton ont gutlph ont phom 0 phrm 4911w aluators rraltont inurom mtmbir appr us il institnti of cin id i m ml rs gutlph md district rt il fst it boird mi ml i rs gutlph md district in- i nu n nts assort tin n canadian national railways standard turn fa at hound d iis i m j uly i xript sun- 1 i s 4 i m p m sunday nl 1 t pm dail t xci pt sun- rii htr it gi ore town 0 02 am dil hwr at gtriitown 10 ii p m went hound d nl i xci pt sundiv nnd mon ti iv 1 u a m sunt iy ind monday t 1 v u0h im dilly txcip sun tt iv a 4h i m 0 so pm 7 44 pm i ulv xci pt s i md sun s 48 p m flikstcjpi siturdiv only 131 pm sund i t nl r 41 im flacjpt sund i t nln htr at gudph 708 the acton free press tf i oulu pot t r fur published in acton i il vhi ii uh thin i in it vi mill st actun ont iru ulliorlird us srroni u mll pout orrlce llrpartmrnt otliua founded in 187s llrmbt udlt llumu irruullon w n and onurla qurbrc dhuion wn a r advertmng raltt on rqutt subscription in advance 3 so in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial offlc 174 residence 131

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