Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1951, p. 1

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t jwljcrtt jsttt fts seventysixth year no 50 acton ontario thursday june 21st 1951 eight home print pages si cants 41668 for millmain improvements district board reports on buil pro north hnltan high school district board held another midnight session an monday in georgetown high school with the major problems under consideration adequate school buildings for the three towns nnri the contractu for bus transportation messrs tyler ingles and poole who operate three of the routes were present to discuss the contracts nnd tenders had been submitted according to the advertising for contracts a clause in tht former con tract however gave the present operator the contract for another yenr chiiirman carbert informed tfictt board that the department would f hamilton speaks at aps banquet the annual graduation banquet in honor of the graduating pupils of the acton public school and spon sored fiv the home and school association was held in the y m ca on thursda of last week chmrmnn for the evening j be honored arid thntrtie present introduced the head lable gin sts rev e a currev it par- ill reverse gear car smashes pole agree to three year contracts pro vided they wre subject to revis ion each year the operators present were agreed to confer on a five vear basin or inclusion of the present clnuse giving them some ecurit for their investment the follow ing motion was pasjed that since the board actually entered into a contract in 10v which covered the 1051 2 season thdt said contracts rubmission of lender be admitted a mistake and tenders be return rd the secretary returned the tenders unopened a latter from the gcorgi own teachers expressed appreciation or the salaries arranged the secret arv reported sending the fee of 25 to the municipal board for the hearing on hc assessment which had been sched uled for friday line 22nd notice had been received that the hear ing had been postponed until sept ember the inspectors report following a visit o milton school home ec onomics and shop was very sat- isfrtrtorv nnd complimentary a resolution of appreciation to the milton staff was passed on the standing taken bv six former pupils now attending unlvcrsitv fiv e of the milton pupils had secured first class honors nnd one third class honors the sot rctarv reported nil tench ing staffs of the three school had signed contracts for the term an account was received for an es- qucung pupil att nding bramp ton school which wis disputed nnd was to be taken up bv the sec retary accounts parted amounted to 11 wh17- the tender of kentner nnd son for coil for the georgetown school at 17 00 per ton and the milton district cooperative for milton school at s17 2i per ton were nc- ceped roof nnd cavern igh repairs were to be made at the milton school and i new roof lnld at a cos of 40 a teachers disk and hair were to bt ecu red for actor school the choir gowns purchased b the board for the use of all schools were exhibited and n pi r petual trophv for annual compet ition n the interschool mitt pre sented bv tom watson w is d s phfved for the board the secretarytreasurer s salarv was increased from 7m to 1000 per vear in recognition of his m ifficient iirnts this increnst js to he iffeetue from juk iht almost the last itim on thi ay t ndi w as thi rt port of thi com mittte who put bi fore the d purttmnt of education the board tct ker president of the home and school association mrs a long regent iode f hamilton prin cipal of guelph collegiate f oakem chairmnn of the public school board nnd g mcken7ie principal other guests win l dub f smith and j dills the members of the class nil wort corsages or buttonicres made bv themsi h es for the occnsion place cards nnd son sheets were also produced by the students all the pupils participated in the ban qui t principal mnckenzie said tin banquet servid b the indus of thi honii nnd school associ i tion consisted of tomato juice ham potato and cabbage salad lettuce tomatot s rolls pickli s ice cream and cake and chocolatt milk or cof fie a mg mini was conducted bv lis dubv following the banquet mil tin elass and liu sts sint homi on the ranft long alo and othir song thru cheers hd b gmrgini pltster wyn didi e ii d to prim ip d mcki nn mrs larna romntuftht duke of devonshire ch ipti r id d f prist ntid aards to georgina pits ttr and ron ild fmerson for thi studt nts show ing the juati st nn provtimnt in the p ist va ir gut st sptnkir for thi iveninj mr fn d hamilton principal of gutlph colli ginte addnsid the i miduiting class he pomti d out i that of 100 students muring school ml so mnnv graduate from public sthool md ttwtr still graduate from hah school continuing he said thi students had something in i tdm itmn thnt a ire at mnnv ptopk liitn t h iv i it isn t wh it ou art ihi sp iktr said its tin dt strip tii ndjictne that is put before it i ii on are a cai pi ntt r b a jo d caipintti mr hamilton sud it irv whiti on b h ilf of hi nduating il iss pi s n d in oil p tinting to tni school dr f o ik s ihurniiin of th publii si hoc 1 bond uiiptid thi uiumii s in b j an tuhnsiou thi i in n will bi hunt m th sihtml m n nn mbi inc of th m nlu itinj f pisi estimated damage of 31 to a hvdro pole and 121 to a car rctmu- i d whi n mm r rowles wilbur st shificd the vehicle rhe was driving accidentally into reverse after stopping at the corner of mill and wilbur su about 7 pm on friday june 15 jn n verse the car swung to the east aide- of the road and knocked down the hvdro pole the left front fender rear fender and left running board of the car were damaged mrs rowles was charged with dnvinp without a license sa capt shaver to leave district cap and mrs sjilvmlon armv shave r who hav hi ailquintrs sewerage system operates sept 15 assurance was given aclon council last night that the sewnfe disposal plnnt would be in opera tion not inter than september 1mb a special meotlni was huld with contractor nnd engineer to maki inquiry and receive reports and ex plnnntions messrs jones and van gilnpoint ed out thnt the control building cement on the site of the disposnl plant would be poured on sntur- dny nnd with this done it would give the pipe fitters six weeks work in thnt time the three re maining tanks could be ready nnd since they wen of more simple construction could easily be finish ed when the interior of the control building was readv work on in stallntinns in the digistir was will brampton th it cover thus district have bi en ordi rgd bv headquarters to movi sundav juiu 24th will be their inst sundav in brnmpon and thiv are to arrive at their niw appointmi nt b uni 2fl al though thiv wici not informid w hi n it was cnpt shaver who was frequent h in acton on salvation armv business managed thi brampton branch so well that within the first vt ar of his stn n debt o 2 100 was completely hquidati d he was also criditid for the re novations in tht citadel erection of a ni w neon sign and building up of the armv band which h is plnwd hi n upon occasions a frish air camp wis in uigiiritt d at cedar mills and nn armv risjd aici is purchased e footitt elected y board president 1 f rnotitt was i it t tt el pn sidt nt i tin mca bi nd an ing mi tutu nu iting ht hi mont t iveninj jtni mth tlu iionorarv l is amos x on viei priid nt r f b an s eri tui m c smith mil in isiinr gordon od r mmb is of tin bond hid 1 in i n t h did pri viousk tin follow nif ippomtmi nt wii m idi to lommitt ts fminn itummittit c e wood m mbi r- sh p l garni r g mikmzie pro wrim g bt ittv mrs v i b i tv k alkn buildmi g limj publici i mie r f be in s until rwav thi contractors pointed out tin difficulties nnd damage to supplies tliit was constantly hampi ring op e rations cement bags had been delibctntclv kicked opi n ce mi nt tilts wire hroki n barrels of material have holes shot in them and contents were lost locks brok en and windows und lights riddltd with bullets council pointed out thi anxntv of citizens to make use of the svs tern and the problems with which thi v had to contend it appears that delav was more liable to bi in pipi fitting than in concrt ti work regarding finishing of tht build ing at the new well on main street north the contractors explained that as soon as thi pump was pi ic td the roof would be put on thiv had neglected to notifv superinten tie n t lambert of this pi in but tint would bi notified it once the contractu s agreid to suppl a tai p nilin for covering of thi pump until tin i oof is finisnid tin m uti r of short and bmken laterils was to in taki n up foi si t hi mint w ittl tin constitution coin pinv antl whin tabulited ill duett il r thi amount still ow itu pit stnt it tht muting win hull iiiil1 it li putv rum su wirt councillors wuck gnj i uoul frvr tavfor ind mivor i t ii r pn sidi il judgerules drori to pay sewer rate in division court held tins morn ing in acton h v dron was order- id to pny sewer antl water rates amounting to 4 43 and wan given i r days to meet the payments to tin town of acton suit lind been enti red by the public utilities commision when the tennnt rcfu to pay the new rati i rt ct ntly put on nil housl- holdi rs to meet part of the sewer costs and wnler consumption c p liathtrlnnd appenred on behalf of the p u c and w e wist of brampton nppeartd for mr dron the cn was hinrd before judge robinson trees blamed for 1000 car damag second tender call nets one str repa bid i hi si cond call of tenders for thi paving on mill and main streets wis opioid at thi regular council me ting on fndnv v mug of inst wtek tin only t ntii r riciivid wa- that of k j b unish co it i price of 41gftt rnritis n ei ivi d on tin first call win not aieipted and the bidding loriifjnnh s win iski d to rittndir onlv thi oni compinv was intiristid this tmdir inciirli s fiaving the ro id putting curbing in thru blocks prisinllv without it raising thi man hoti s to tin roid vi i raising thi storm siwiis anil n moving tht pn si nt ptving he tub the curbing to illow rolling of new pivi merit in on tin ii vi i with tin curb ing ah i adv installi d l mini il passui a n solution rec- m s 0 romi nding to the dipirtm nt of elgin st wires poles to be moved at a trtilined intersection two nulls north of moffat two cai colhdi d on wttlnisdiv of last wi i u with tin total d imigt istumtid nt imost si 000 constable j i brad it v of thi milton provincial police who in vi stig il d uv nceidi nt at thi intirsiction of thi first line w ith the d ifttvville sidi ro id thought that tht trt is wt re the major caust of ibe crash no chur- gi s wire laid by t ither party a on d ly old mi nurv ovwnd bv dr clifford young w as dmi igi d nt thi front end to an istimati d high of 000 about sko d image wis tstimittd to thi 1017 hudson si dan dnvi n bv rt id marques tlu re win no othi r possi ngi r and both dnvi rs escaped injur hi r mo hiiiim- i church oil m publii i it p irk intl co stint h pi -ptlt- ml wir wi from thi front of thi id n elgin ind agnr s rti t stn i t hi wi wi i ii follow ign i nn nt hi tw 1 1 n th ihtit c urnmisison and r r pn si nting bi intoion tin nnprovi m nt to thi ding 1o thi b ardmon s tliscussetl it i spi i il hikhvv ivs that thi icci pt this un til r ind tlu t ii rk w is uistruc ed to ind thi thn ti ndi rs no ivd in thi first c ill along with the ten th r in thi si cond c ill to th d nartmi nt with in i xpl m of hi at at ation count il cannot ronvildsoi anti worltl fistn publici v md woiltl s r ice i- i m w isiminiittn this vi u with tin purposi of promoting christian ih ir icti r md kit ping in tont ict with thi y in thi 77 countries m w hut h i op i it- vic brisow is n hi reel is can t ikr thi program lommi tit and th sicntarv cliff sutton an to tak mimediati steps to prepan the tamping prugr mi for juh mrs dtrussell hostess to wa meoting mondnv ivtninu h ircidinn md ct hii n hind ihi ijh fixturos and ih miking still si ind irds th uir s to ihi strut lirhls will run nnd t rjruund tht mmj mi ijjrid ti iln ill thi work of mst ill tiun t ti ji th i ii il hooking up of th si ivin ind urll hi ir the i ntirt xp r it i llllismh ti pi ico thill i it s in thi irds if thi t n it i n hi sti l tun ir th p- i i 1 lout to ii iidmori ind t n i- t nt nts v ill ih iriu in 1 f i ih pi ini of th pnl mis 1 a un i mh t huiihlll i tin inn ii i thi isitnl i i lis m nf th pi kii u i in h 1 h if u nn d i nu nil is in i pu nit in th id n mr nd mr i m i ii i til til d m i 111 id oil ills tll ilf illh uiilll su v lltltip t i th h i th 1 in s md i sunday concert by acton citizens band attracts more than 100 tton tui n s band tinth r in li idi i ship of biiulni isti r a pi no pit inttti ils first sund iv iftt rnoo 1 tonciit in tin bind st md it c on p nk 1 ist sund i mon th in jo t iis md i miinbi r of ii li ns g it in red to h ar tht u nd prtiji mi tif tin bmd 0 i it nn m hi rs contnbuti ti to tin prngi yn th it 1 isttd for i m houi ranit offin its n port th it tht v ne pi iiuiing sun il of thi si sund iv inneirls for 1 1 ii ns dur mg hi sunimt r months tht ii hoping for t ivi isid ittintluu it suit dnik progj mis id ii kill i illtlf ll p ii t i in r hold i ommit othir md i 111 i v is i i f mis film li sp nil tll i su i d of pr in i iiiniiiii- n o 1 un ii h in i ii id f 1 th to b i tin hli n r ni mils i ion uk i uus 11 md 1 ill in htful s p h ilf hi h i h in is t d i n to h rioni njoii d demonstrate test two supper dishes summer book of ad illustrations waiting for advertisers nuis i pi i i ilk f i mil idi in 1 1 m ok of t i on il illu ti ituiiis is hi i your ids will b iooi id brttv w ith tht si pic urt s if u inn u minimi i dr ss s sim i n mi phntot ipliu liupnu nt pit nu i quipnn nt md t n umni i h nrdos i i 111 1 n u t thn k in m nthiv in nu n in titu d ii it thi hi mi inti n v i i i w ith mr id it pr silling bi is u r hi th m ipl i f t 1 illlmut s nil for i fornn mis fdn i nu i iipli of ks ill u i nnw i i f iii- th op n in lit il ni r in mbi r 11 pr 1 inn i 11 a th 1 iti d d th ri lltll 1 iirtmii il piiii tii c rid d it i in th nd tin i mim h irn internal upset outsideriticism result in road to korta fame on the rond to korea that ev i d nllv w he re w nri with tiu ida vs mail in acton came a utur addreunl to thi wetleu ntwspiptr fdltor on tin ro id to ki i i on mo nd writ tin in p nul on one lormr trv acton ont inside it nodf port cretht ont dear sir this it tw r n aching vou with rurh a vague nddrts will no doubt surprise vou however i feci it will itnel in either milton or acton nnd 1 hope the latter but really arent the roads a mess is the town so poor financially that it cannot afford a tenvweenv bit oft lirading are not the merchants t up in arms yours trulv c c reynolds well mr rcvnolds theres hope in kon a of a peaceful settlmunt uui thi r s hop in both cton and milton too the roads w i know tio u ok sonn w hat bomb blastttl int etrtunlv wt rt used to un w u dnvtrs milmming poluv to u ftvin sunn w h it ajri ssi lv on cc i i ns think vou foi the it ttt r anwvav tin date on it april 3 sts th it tlu route to korea ni iv be- sonu w hat tortuou tht roads ia alton and milton aunt o bntl that w awav nnd in one th balmv south int august wt re call road blocks and hinps of sand ami holes where in port credit mav we suggest in a verv cintu- manlv wa that ou just turn tht i piigi and nad the editorial willi thiv notice hope vou will and falrlv loon w hdiim routim buini ss w is fit il w ih md spt i il un n- n w is m idi of thi womi n s instiuri holldiv wk bi ing hi id it h o c cu iph a r ppr t tin ii dt n i it nnti il hi id r o nth it trifiltft c imnun ii ill w os c un lj mrs giorgi r st mi mill fli mnnst it ion of tw o u upp r di hi w i will givtn bv m- c j vn c in md 1 ttt r snnphd a untts vv ls won b lr ab x n i- mil mrs mi iv in sorev th h sti vs lssisttl bv m rhomj on mrs w rrmk m- ii rlvthi ind m ss fit idi ir tf r i d ti in ioils frt shm r alton count il cannot in i the b ndi r until it his hi i n ippvid b tin di p irtmi nt of highv ivi nd tin tot 1 1 pi in of thi nd r s41 rai s nol 11 to hi paid bv ai on thi dipirtnunt is for thi surfanng of thi nntn 2j f t and uhs tpn nt ro id lr mts d ijr ffs t thi txpinditun hot u bv ln riti p ivi rs thi iinintv i ib w is tciivid nd his ihi n i stibli hi d is i m r- il 4 7 mills ro ids 2 li mills which s i totil or 10 044 07 th it is at tons shin of hi iouny ex- p ndituii s tin often hi ivi d long d layed ti iffn b law w is givn i cnnd n iding in nuritil it mbhshis p irking in is md timi nut ac- e i ding to hi bv i iw th r v ill bo i p irkmg fi i piori th in thrt t hours on anv smt in t n mld- n iht md 7 i in tin bv n will b i to thi miinuip il p 1 for ippi v il md tin n uhn i or x thud i ding hd i i d the prabl m of i 1 t i h t tould be i il s v rl i i is r r m l ind i uncil f it i ii ut hi nl i bi m id w ith th i a m i uw i pr ndi d t tht n for th f r is h id not iw i n d d notm s nciivd of i h inng r h orj li wn i pp i on th v for tlu rth ii ui st hoot rt tr to i i n to the h inni to e th tow n s int r ts i thi in ng in gi orgi tow ii june j tlii rm tmj has ni b in idvmied to s pii ml r h h muni ipd roird i th i xtt nsmn of thi r id on mill sn it in th uishmn sur- vv wis turnifi ovir to h road ommiltii for n ommt ndaions cotnuil di eusd thi prs it fn- s ill ition of m r ige uiii tiorn mil flt m un ndmi nt miht he idv is ibh i in i ring the of pipt usd in liird instillations as i protiction to thi hou holdi r th problem of pit nn bit s fh iting in tht lik wis iim bi f r i mini il s v r il of the b nch- h id b n t h urn tl to ti s mil h hims hid be n biok n in in i lses tin p irk committed nrid th dr ssmg rooms en m ni nm d en ft j use i fires i i nighty md h yr indstand 1 i 1 uktg biirds jtmncil i i i 1 1 th h n 1st md ti h it nut i da h i a th mm h uh i l ip th m i i- d fa it ei hi s h ill in di rn t tk s 1 dor it 1 p d f i uojii up i 1 e v v r 1 tu th cotifinunt on page four oldfashioned chalk drawings discovered on s s blackboard we cant dnv ii expeditmnyea graduating class of the acton public school is shown here n the banquet in the ymca thurs day evening the banquet was sponsored by the home and school association and is an annual event f hamilton principal of guelph xtollegiate vyas the guest speaker shown are backrow left to right colin maccoll stanley aaages joseph jany ronald emerson jerry white john hufnagel herbie dodds third row john lambert allan holmes second row helen luxton marine winter mahlyn marks bernice sargent lorraine tyler barbara anderson georgma plester betty ann barr jo anne sfuclcey joan chisholm front row faye garner elaine rachlin joyce halladay jean mo crea peggy bradshaw leona sagaski frances oakes cheryl morton mary mages adele lamarche grant withers and john haydon were not available for tho picture stalf pfuiu i it rhngs i a sund j sen 1 it m h init d hurt h i u i v reel v t ickjik of th iil th i ktxtd ind h mfotii i h it it w inm illed bv tin ni t- rhbint tn m iv 0 ltth tht h p m h rt ejs ujh rintt ndt n i th s nd i sehoi 1 t thi t m o tht old board ls stmi vcr f ihik irivon work and marv of us ti number httw expert mr mo rt w s m fun blackboard t tti ring tui ill antra ton wi up pt t iii n bail i population tht n d u h ilf f wh i i div mi i is sign f t in th i a d inn to il ttt up n th i mo n vi s tin ur it ti t 174 hi h old blackboard h i t rv vi 11 is dav anti generitiin or i w half a ctnturv gor jr he ir s who i waited it jnd the r st who ato net it tich week beth win f nit tien of he com- n unitv ind main of u itill re in rnbe r thi m we ii sine thin the screen i i pro- ncor uih ilhitrntii ns hiv come ino use

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