Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1951, p. 6

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page bix the acton free press thursday june 2t w8i hal on lytauoutbtri farm manage- miit field day the first fnwn mnnatfcmfnt flfld duy o be held in canada wai nit cntly tatfml in hal ton county thu r ntur4 iofc onoudcoraeol the jim buinu count held in conncionwnir niifhi school inst wintt r which was nt- ttndt d by jomi thiltyfiv firm operator dr 11 i- pittersnn nf the firm ftnnnmns hrnnth of tlu ont utpirtmmt of arrtcuuun wis in chiitfi tlu r imd div in cludt d i isil to the tnrms ol c d ric hirmp 13 i id kiwm fh d nuit ff isquismi two md uuoi h it of ti if ili ii twptlvos m itti win w hmhh d liuhtd with th contiu tiu disitislon nhl i 1 bv hi pali i son otithnnj nf btumttlt dm ni an outbn ik nf i anstl di im in two of hihons 1 ii i st lmultl fl mlf w is dlm om 11 d 1 ft u lacks ik this is i hijjhu infictuu dist is of ponltr which derive s its man from tlu cit nf ncwcistle fnjiund uhert the din ciie mt first idtntifird sinn th it time the delist hxs bun found m mm parts of tlu woi id ind in some nrtn has bun umtnpinlid in n morthtv of w pi i cent or over at the piesent time nrvcutlr disease i mitivl to t xisr in overy ntntc of th union bolnc in infectious dis is it come c nt irimis hi xs s act odmlnittnd h lh hoilth of at imnls bi iiu h r tlu c on id i ll pt of akricullmi it u ui mult i undine tint sinci th mint out breil m outmo mxt n fink- in ont ii hiu bi ii 1 mtnu d one h dim is is confirm 1 m t iki n lo h i ill tin ym mi di sfo d j ii i im 1 i tui n m h l ms n md thsin h pi mis ii pr mpt x h wh n p nl i ir i f i n 1 hi i mii n it i in th u i h ill m fl u ks ub tl ilii 1 d th h i p i h i- tl fi i h tuh th h ilth of ti k mi ili h i ilt i h m qn ti in pi l r i tf ti uibli in tht h itih i on ri t w is i wi lnik disi isi md fo- nl m mths nc i dr w monihin of the f nimils brinth pr mip bird tind pi tint i f u lv d cb 11 i i ktri hid t cordinc ilnlth syiiptotiis in ouno chirks it rt ipirator s mptoms stutz np coiirhinr md kiipm will bi nottxl 2 ni rous stnpt mis utouill th m r oiii smuptttris inolt i innll piriintift of tlu flock ind snnutimi ire not prtiit twi t stltution before proceediijk to the ci ntral kvperlmentnl farm nt ot- iwi cnruluctwl tmiri w re mnde to soe tnrn of lle hlifhltiihtn nf the i xpi rmic ntfil work heinw conducted mthtt nrojt niviiion field hub- inndrv on iinn nnd the c ienl hv hon tlu field i cjs lour dsjt uuhidid nn inptition md tx plimtion of tin ir ttmk with tit siltts jiiifl tilth s il ihosion plots i isl hill not 1 ist w is nn oppnr tunii to ku tlu it otminuntil ltd ns u bit 1 to s i tin it ist w re i sihl to h hnld md on whici dl bi 1 uij it nit niht red i oil minj i tout of tlu iili i m ut hiuldim th m inbi n of th pm u i diuu l cut ts of ii ilt mi p jtul ii u i il mi mix i mi lliuli s t ln i n dli s to ill i tup to ottnu i would not i i miplt ti uitlumt itiinit some r ott im i i b nitiful b lull vnnls lb flminni minis knidins tlu- ii il mint t tc n itluc ft n tui i whu h will oiij b i m nili i ni bv tlu nn mbi m of tht pnt w is tlu n visit to th ott iw i 11 ni f mu w lu 1 1 th m in iif i tom dickinson is nn in thusi istu boosti i of iimss silirt op ntiuis hid stirttd to fill the foin joto foot silos md many muni hi ms m count c turn w ith tlu hnt s in i nsiling nf uielr h i 1 1 op wiii ibl ind cli ailv t x pliimd tlmiiik tht toui it will be if i nt 1 1 st to our it idi i s to h ir i lh it thin lurd of 100 tows ho t in biss ind cm i list si u th i i u in im m lbs of il ij urn thud oin and two thirds ki i pi tl iv dm mi tlu wmtir onl i n md i h ilf pouml i h i hi fi d o i ic h i w d i i lis in i t i im of t ikm 1 f i m nn i t ltion m id f hi hi m ilt spi in s md oits ikn if inn i iti n w u i w ith d p httt i for ii w th first tun t i i th i n t h i i i i s ii th dtip lit d ut itli d ur cit t ti i m t m it th i di f tli j u t i t uitlini nt ll l iii i u tl foi nil t nit of th pi uli i f rid to t d m idu ill buiuls up t ittl im whit iloni mi id i i mill if inn b u n rdmir 1 1 mi ouknwin tht id- i i h us tlnitist t lunmiti d nnsiitis tiouhu in bus ht id tht ti but i ftw of the hirh- hffhts of tu trip but iccnrdinr to this p irtinpitinc the picked up mini idt is which compensated win tmu s over for the loss of tun iw i from the home firm ind thi t f jnomtnil cost of the trip whero arc you knlng to take us next year wn the inquiry rutked agrlc rep j e whlulock many timet on the way home vu the no 7 ltighwuy from perth through lctnrboroimh whore lhiy vbib d wtit famouji lift lockj and aither poltiu of interest llomtlnjirev fuul day uvil auium fjuhl humlrml attended the n- nunl hnltonpeel holstoln nd inr- sey field day nl the ontario aif riciiltural college nn staturdny of last week deaplte unfovourible weithei condltloni nti onjoynble prolan wan run off wltli the co tntttatimi oftiof ctt onnlt1thy at tin uupuilment of animal iiuh- biindrv and othei mejnbt rn of the stiff tlu w inm is in tlu jiidihif pi titloii wt 1 1 an follow jt i idit s st ctinn hobt simp ion spi uil won bv mri j sin rman mono iui tin r fitonco spi 1 1 il won b mrs c t dnls hot k wood tnniois si linn milton dliliitt oop spi t i il won bv ilm old iii iln nmv il ptil si id i w its sjn rin won b dlinnn chirk holtim mi n s sk lion miltui mllllnc o spit i il won b hu grindlt v ci mu limn fii l s i c i ds sp t i il wtvn b tohn 1 hompson clu it n- h mi till mivi wah wiimmo a stout bild i nth in in wm dln- cussinrt hli t nnis tichnin my brain harks out u rnmmnnd to my body run forward npeedily start r rtwn nrnnthw hn aracefully over the not and tlu n what happenn he wan iiked ant tht n tlu lit iv v net fellow it phi tl im 1iih1 ms who mi th iti idt i n dlrcnt nth lip 1 ml i 1 lh i i 1 1 ik i mil ik hi m it uiul i th th mi t do you know already we ire storting to p iy for the sewers bo reicfy wiilii it goes into operation keep the work in acton by hiring local contractors we have al re ldy done some of the toughest obs so let us have that easy one of yours well start any lime you say 2 25 per foot j e mcmullen contractor phone 270j or 66 136 bower ave hir i id btndinr of the hid ind nick t hi r down bi tw 1 1 n tht it us iv th ick or to oni td nn t- ii t i th chicks m i wilk in i r huu u is putnl 1 u l nt in bi pn s nt i 1 1 tppi ti k ni i or ni i jt iirfd 1 1 10 ilit v n i m fi in h t nt ni dut lam ij fl id 1 1 1 n outbr ik if c 1ki int md j ispnik in 1 i n i k i tm f ui h nil th fl iik i- i ttonis this in i lit tw l wt 1 1 dl tp in t uk lt hill t w h ll fl 1 i jv with s ft ss 1 t i i h 11 it ill m it d i i n likibl 1 v 1 nd it i t 0 ipt i i til i 4 it j i t t sl w ks ifti 1 th tnpt mis tht buds ir u u i p it h ni norm il i pi nil 11 s v in w h ir h iv iiir qcohomy l ultt i nit si iti i- ti i 1 ti in i t msutt r th i hi il 1 ti 11 uh iid to mtifi h llrilth f anlnnl- 11- ilxi k 1 st t inmtii cr ir ottmf in tmu s 1 ti l t mmi il tii vur ip in i utm 1 i i h ilt n c nip luiiii l iih nt l k iti m w i tli b t lit iui ixn t nutin if ti pirtki pin v iijit in v i i htw i in i lt in out ir th- bils u i i it filli 1 ft on smut i i nc i i t till iwini no j ii k st iv mi n in ut tti firt t 1 th quint illilrut amf t n t iw ir iii hm li old foil 11 i in ir kuir t m thi ciit o im rtlfliiil unit lit n k mp i th irtv ilso no t th 1 i ilniic th st lav r n i i i o in m titi t i hnx u till ii ti i tiri f stop it tin 1 i u i il- ovt ni tht iconmniiviatlon mi fclirthl it tho kimril illr aart liltiril school dtsplti simiwhat luifaxonbli u t athi r wwdltlons th pirtv tmplovth the- oprwrtunlt of inapotlnir ieprlmental and dem onstration forage riloti at thti in- s famous for oil economy gn wood counter flow principle amazing savings in heating coata coan bunbunt flamo waahablo air liters flash humidifier exceptionally quiet efficient operation engineered for oil heatiiir temperedaire automatic heating at its best supplied inttillad and gurantad bilton perry limited plumbing heating air conditioning engineering contractors agantt urving th aden rocltwoed mihanv gorgaown and erin dltlrich 341wphones36w auction sale ford trir tractor eiiiipmeni farm inplrwenu unua glrmw tbuiry eojulpment tia furniture the undiriilbiu hn ftlolviml lrr- htrultlotu from fhnkht ireup to jiull by public miction ut hiu f mi jot isption a turpio nhh tiniaoweyu ut huuonvllhi corner on katuhoav jumb 2iuo at 1 m olloik tlio followlnu luactort and equipment kind tmctor with hydrntilic lift i y lira old ford trnctnr 2furrow plow 12 bottom wird troctol ctil twiuuc3lloi jtoid trm tor thidin iiihhi 1 liiillor dim 10 plutl lim- imtiump tiuut 2wlblifl kord ttiutui urndii lnrifo nu tlinultal tiiillur jiilk ii cluv luiil- win 1 liiu k stnkt iiudy i id kindt o nun ki r imll lmlnis md udn bind t i tiiltui und in i h bitch 7 1 mil iu 1 1 mu nil k iipnudii i imv t nn pitki i nmv mi u und twu i nn r mii f itihi i dull 11 disl iiliiln t v fiioui vmth il iu iii ik i hill pitst 0111 u ll i ipnliy p i tl iy with hm iihafhi mil pulli y sin ill h md cldi i pn ii ip ii unit i livt jitotk i i hiini hull i mliiru 1 1 di i int imii pi mti i vmlh t iiupli li i pipp in nt i yt at i did 101 ft inuw tim 110 lot in w win ft nt l ii ti md st v i iludu bavbtd win 100 sin 1 pn t 2 turn liiiji ixu fi in i stitu lit- l 12 hue ivuiyliim 1 nn bo it si l plilfoun lit 2000 ibi tpiiinll v wall i pipi luid i uli bi i hunt ipimlity ol liiiiiuu 1 tui niijlt linn tpi mlity of 2x0 will i if dij nu of win nn tonjpn t j iu holdi t m t of luijtt dopbh blot k i st nop huid emu pi mti i u lit t hollow no of au bin it i im nf oak b ii it is u t of iti i 1 ml ti itni w hci it low win 1 1 wiiu n wilh plilfoun box foi kiii in tpi m tity of itovt wood ox yoki finks swl til 4iiws hoi s iluivt is 1x1 i l t t i im ik torn honki talk on missions given by minister mr und mr gnorrtd iturrowii of krln vlltd on hundny nt th hotn of mr nnd mr churlotf jlolwru mr nnd mr m mtljiuithlln and f mll yofi jcupiilarapen tthcweek mid at uu linnu nf mm ironn iflmb mr nnd mm krunk ilulhnwny nnd mr nnd mrn whmir dyson uiid nnnft vlnlttd with mr ontl mr wtilkoi gunby nf pn i mnn nn sun duy iho wmjajimilaulili aid of nn miiknwi yo cluirrh mt t ut the hoim of mrn fd dr do jloporu ot uh iiprhik rjilly win ulvni by mi 1 hi ndnnion nnd mra ii fri t intin lfv mr suthulnnd ttnvo n fliu nddiphh on minnjonn mid mni llobi it i ai lv ncloinpan li rl by mi i tawford of iimphru vlll i mi a oo doiiid u didj iivi an inqtriimi nlal numbi r on tin piano ilanf foi tin nnmifil sundiiy si hool priiii to hi luid in i ow villi iai k i at iv in lulv win mndi mlu dnplim ihardnill of toion to wa i i j in i at tlu houu of in i aunt mi w a i ni h i ovi i tin wnk i nd mi and mi i 1 ii i iinou of oul villi vldtid vith mi and mih it i iiilim on s itm d iy h u liouihs knt ttjst ml iw lii nns t tc chain st i i and stuaw 000 bus i ill win it 40 bus oats 1 litis ilf ilf i ii d quantity i ip d iu mtit or b ih d ti iw ipi int it v of loosi str iw 1oui ih and 1 quipmi ni 200 m old h ns ii h 1h0 pul i ts uli ml r months old bit i it in h m ii hxio tolonv bous ilvll i ui w it i t mk 12 i dp h it i t y it i fount uns with h it i 0 thti i u iti i r unit iln h n i it 11 i 1 hinod i i t nj md in ill j m i nl hi nil i 1 n 20 j il i 1 i nl i f c i it i tin 1 tt i v 1 i 1 i i it n hi ml 1 110 li i ii ii l i 1himi i i upn hi p in m i i u i i h f in t md ib mi t i i 1 li p h i it i m i in i h ii fun v v i ii ill h i m i md h t f i t in i h mi 1 t 1 b i it i i r i is t i n i i il i b n i i it li n i t hi h 1 di i i nd 2 i 1 in t li t und xb n i 11 ulh li h ilt in 1 buff t i in li h ii h l i 1 it h u i ib in t uph nl f i n i i 1 ir 1 m m oil h iti i i il sm ill i hi sti p 1 id i r int nn li t h i t imp f minn h d wi nd h it i i mi lb xld mil s md sm i t i s t ompl ti t i i t cr dl 2 trunks mmi titlu up nn 1 siuti bidding will ni i f i s pil lou 1 toih t sits no odd rtus mm luki othi i hnu t hold f t cts tfrms ctsh si ttl m nt with ch rk div of silt no n m n is tho prnpiutor is jiv md up f irmlnq hindi fy and fi i iott auction r i mcmill in cu rk b 19 2 fasftr submarines tlutim is d liipi fill ub- ni nuns som p wi r d b h rofjon p ridi uhith cm nmiin sub- nu ii d fir i mt i p 1 1 1 1 h m hi t f n hi t n pi ibli atw goodvear marathon i tijutur li a brand new guarnnuwd gootiyoar marathon with thicker wider troad to civ jyou even iviitrr mileage and now you can have your ihmcn of trend doaiknn th ammith running nb triad or th famous goodyear diamond tnicuon tread only motquum rfiu you tht choice in tht low- pr let field see u today for this good year rotlane bargain loot km rws mm uon ol ouautv thompson motors 130 mill st authorized phona 69 goodyear moffat stop amhjefr us for- pontiacs buicks vauxhaus i gmc trucks parts and acccssopirs tircs and batterics good srlectiotj of usfd cars compute sep ice and repairs lome garner motors acton opt 1 main st tel 326w discover how good iced tea can be mak tea doubu abaufllh ind whila atiu hot pour into glaaam hllad wtih oxoolcad lea add angai and laa0n to icuto saiam tea u i llt i lli u on any strirr 11 wth fir walk down any tteet and 1 v chancei are thut the houie you i u itop to admire woi bu ir with j qenuirte shell building mat- ih trials schell bio schrll bnx srhell mi mmmmmmmmmmmm for elf an beautiful i net no other buldng tj yn material can match their rugged ver if i satildy fire proof and easy o ui geo uine schell build ng material are the antwer to fast rooomical build ng build your hous for lasting satisfact on uie ir genu ne schell biok schell br srhell ml suktu llilillsnhitless limited woodstock ontabio aflo manuacfurvrf of i canacrapt toys trim mouloino and millltfoik modern equipment is vital factor in full scale farm production canadas agnculture is highly productive and one of tho greatest assets that a nation can have particularly in these troubled times is a highly productive agriculture our national economy our industrial production the health of our people and our security benefit greatly from the ability of our agriculture to produce great quantities of essential foods that canadas agriculture produces mofe food than ever before with comparatively less manpower is due to the practical application of scientific developments and the effective use of modern power farming equipment through continuous engineering developments masseyhams has helped malce available today tractors combines and power machines to keep our farms operating at peak efficiency from your local masseyhams dealer get full particulars of the latest in amesaving laboursaving equipment y masseyharris company limited kulldan al high ouathty fawm h fa vr 0 ito vawn

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