Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1951, p. 3

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thursday junk mth m31 the acton free press teabacsss5 7e coffee motitm pattkbbs 1lb tot 107 biscuitssstt le tomato juice 3 35c pineapple juice zfxsc blended juice 37e ginger aler x7e win dott a vt iftwc momaboh margarine ssok m 44c jelly powdebs lusiros 3 apple with easpberry or applk with strawberry w jfel rt mothers r rfiahbtobb bxbve 45 2 tins 2sc peas tomato sup corned beef 36c sweet pickles ssess 63c pork beans 2 age dklmidk jtahoy oream style corn 2 ss 29c soup mix w x mma 25c f l u f f o shorteniho ilb jpo yj cclf to crystals 2 wwa 25c heinz vinegar 66e pltu dpoit swifts cleanser tin surf or lux pko 4lc 8xc pko 41c ivory snow pylfevt washes without m 0 o w k m mmmmzs flnbino pko c qic o x y d o l 17c 41c 81c lyhn valley special pboctts peas 2 29c tviuo tiiok t stmki celery each 10c grapefruit 4 for 23c mikiumv 4kh oranges doz 29c cabbage 2 lg heads 23c ikinii ill mrautx rnc- i rltucr ludkbrs splruch c muflouvr 1 ui umttrrs tonutf young pupils give fine piano recital the piano pupils of mn wuuara gowdy held their recital tuesday juno 10 in the sunday school room of the presbyterian church tiece by bach uszt mozart haydn ischalkowky brahma schubert and lost wellknown compote r were enjoyed by the narenu and friends who attended those who played were caroline cook linda parker john leather- land pat cole teresa arblc ruth jonos judy mason margaret arm strong marilyn woods marilyn tloimvaldson jane mason ella jany allan mcltaac mary lou crelghlon jo janyv kuubeth jany bob arm marjoric macd ald sylvia jonei maureen kin- read evelyn macdonnld jane el liott huh sim elaine hufnseej and denlte coles mrs charles klrkness introduced the young pianists at the close of the program mrs gowdy thanked rev armstrong mrs klrkness ant her pupils men tioning that three bui somerviue audrey wilkinson and donald brown were unable to play that evening society directors meet on june 12 theflrat meeting of uiq newly olectbd chlldens atd society dir ectors was held in tly society of fice milton on the evening of junr 12th with eleven director in at tendance the president e d ma- hon presidqd anjupjcned the tnwttnu wlui jnijiei the accounts for the month of may amounting to 105167 wore piised for pavrnenta included in this amount were 080170 board and 370 14 clothing and upnttcs for children in paidboirdinr cire g e elliott deins k y dick j w hikfiins ind mrs m e nixon uere appointed is the fin nice committee the reception home committn consisting of mrs w n r mrs louis j lee mrs velrm voms ind mrs m j brrmn wis authorized to purch ise anv nec- csiar bedding and equipment frr use in ho reception home the report for the month of mt tne the following informat ion child protection casei open it the first of the month 55 new and reopened casw during the month 5 cases closed during the month 7 cases open at the end of the month 53 visits and office in terviews 86 children in core at the end of the month 130 child care visits and office interviews 08 legal adoptions completed dur ing the month 3 county ib health association meets a meeting of the haltan countv tuberculosis and health associat ion wns held on mondav evening iti milton with mr d h stevens of oikville presiding mr e j o brit n executive sec retar of the ontan 1 tuberculosis ssoci ition ittmded the meeting nd xplimed m drtul the ork th it could be earned out b the itious committees under th lu idmgs of ri hibilit ition of pat- lents tis finding md duration it i is di 1 itiimi th it h h ixtcutui m nib r of the umimitt r- be con sul red g nenl thirnmn of ill 1 ommitti s in his ou n 1 h iht un til s mt r md th it th r p rt t 1 th lountv rtir whit i r- tiurel in thi ir dulnrts dr s v hulling m nd u of th out in medu il dw ir c mum t th division wis ilio ores n h migg sttl th it ill mdustrus in th nmnt b ippriuhtd t nd i tv 01 to work out j pi in fir pn tmplomiunt ri v h pl uned thu th is ui infinti ti md n t h rttlitio in t thit all ftwkl hntidli 1 imul i b ratxi 1 1 1 htieulh ii st 1 si h it nir simtoni mid n t ist mthmt j ilunt tr 1 sist tu lr mijli r r r i b it h i u 1 1 s n kit r ti in h il i n 1 ount ls if ft m r u i i 0 m i th t j tn w ls h i i 1 1 r 1 1 i h iinc th v ir t u- 1 f 1 t t il i v u r i11 m mi lx 1 h il 1 1 v v ss ii i 1 h 1 gingerfarm written specially for the acton pr4 press by owmduim k ctarke i r most people in central ontario will have liteard or read of the itwlster thn t struck the hornby- district lost week hornby is about 10 minutes drive from here yet ur first news of the terrible damage was by radio we had n inkling of ll because even though the wind and rain was pretty bad here there was no real damage except for the rain beating 8 acres of newlycut hay into the ground and that may be damage enough thursday afternoon we went over to hornby the havoc was almost unbelievable thousands of dol lars damage to three farms and the house pnd barn on one small hold ing yet no one was killed or ser iously injured it was a miraole details have been given in all the papers but a few oddities have es caped notice for instance on tho marchmcnt farm better known in the district as the old mccurdy farm there was a jjreat number of fine old trees many were torn up by the roots others remnlncd standing and in these trees you could look up and see huge strips of steel roofing lodged in the forks of the treei or wrapped around the branches the massive bank barn sat back qiiilonplnnfl thnhmigflflt huge timbers torn from the barn uorc sent hurtling over the house top and dropped in the field be- jond beams that would tike several strong men to lift thi cbl triiismittinu tit ion 1 right m t to the mirchnunt firm but is fir as e could see noj i ire wis touched cbc prognm- mt s were not even interrupted n ituralk the c b l property has 1 good strong wire fence around et tlie next morning a calf w is found on cbl propert it ccrtunk coultln t have jumped the fence to one tin only suppose it wis carried there- b the wind equally mine ulous was the escape of hornb united church within a stones throw of the path of the storm the poor little birds were most unhappy a tremendous lot of chat tcring and chirping was going on among them one tree ripped in half had exposed a flickers nest and two little fledglings were yip- ping away like a couple of lost chickens on the russcl king form perch ed on one of the barn stringers fiom which the roof had been lift ed there was one lonely pigeon and a little bantam hen sitting dis consolately side by side other hens and chickens appeared quite happv picking their way among the debris more than likely de lighted at being allowed so much liberty when the storm struck the pullets hod not yet gone to roast so the casualty list on that farm was not more than 15 across the road harry new ton was not so lucky there wns noth ing left of the pen that had housed his 100 capo nb and er few of the chickens so far ib we know mine of th fanne rs carrie d w ind insurance too bad wind insurance ib so often regarded as in unnec var lx junst it b tins to be just one of those things one may pa pre miums foi eiib md nevtr make a cliini but if the iuciisit dots ai is tin n the compt ns ition is woith all tlu puiiuunib that wefx v r pud fw 1 w h t hum lb t d i pn ter mid i few observ utions that bad not oceinnd to me he w aj cmnpartng thi effietb now to what it w ib ji wars ago l that turn aid partner a farmer was practi cally dependent on his barn he couldnt carry on without it but now with his buildings gone a far mers field work need not stop ittt can bale his hay and stack tho bales ho can combine his crops sell the grain and bafo the straw it isnt even necessary to put up another high bank barn as with the use of modern mach i nery and grain crops require leas room than they did 20 years ago a big barn nowadays has too much air space and that in itself is a uind haard sunday wewent back to hornby again and saw a striking example f whatcan be aecompllahed-with- thu cooperation of good neighbors much of the debris had been cleared away men had been busy withaxen and crosscut saws a bouse and a poultry barn had been iforoofcd wo saw a young house wife hurrying ovor with homebak ing to those who had lost tho com fort 1 of home we heard of an old gentleman over 80 who had been busy all day saturday fixing things here and there on one farm and tli on nfur supper when everyone thought he had gone home he was discovered on top of a garage help- ing to roshlnglo a new roof that th wind had lifted no matter where you live neigh bors ore wonderful people a man whose normal weight is iv pounds would weight about 50 pounds if all the water in his sys tem were dried up fashion hint eyelet is like iumnn r iuslf al- wis cool looking and feeling eye- let embroidered linen is at igtbet in delicite pastel shades with while accessories the pictured afternoon dress has the briefest sleeves with slight cuffs deep vneckllne and a velvet tie belt fireplace furnace fp perfect tea is so easy to make vuith salada johncalder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w with youll want a fire proof wellmsulatect house thisiime and scheel materials provide the answer these highly adaptable products can be styled to whatever archi tectural design you want thehollow core type of conitructlon results in great economy at wall as providing a horn of enduring beauty youll enioy more comfortable and healthful living tn a schellbuilt house u fjmtnir ihrfiin order your materials now 1 if u niniriies 1 limited a e utm woodstock ontario camactaft tovs tiih uouidiho aud ulltwoau- what does your farm need most rr 1 li ih n every week is thrift week in the want ads 1 m r 1 i h 1 i ir tv o if 1 1 1 in 1 v mni mo ii c ntv h 1 h i 1 ll il i i i i ii 1 il i il iv in n c urn of m im 11 li lu m si mitii tt in th h m il 1 nociti mr s d ottm r nun r r ikird that th- fund- on h i ui had iuiia b n transfrrsi b th- lairvi club of oakvill- to -h- hull in cimnt td aisriatt n and th- vdals audited stop and see us for- pontia s quicks vauxha gc truki pastb and aicebiosle t s and barrcrir good election of uied cari covplete service and repairs lome sarner motors acton onl main st tel 326w y a tractor combini truckorolhirmclil jnil il luipniinl y livestock t hritilifik itotk or x new hull to hujl up thi ii ituy o vour hcrl yj a niw houst barn shid or other out- huililing or the altlration jntl rrpair of our prtciit huimins sj a hiating or watir syst1mt i his inclulo firtnatts jni hotltrs water heaters built in sinks ami tuhs or repair and modernization of vour pntint system v thi cliarino and rr1akino op niw ground t or inv of the following fencing drainage roalwork tiling pumping and diking instill ttions v a farm uictrical svstimt installation ol a new or usul system tr modcrmzathn of your present one v uictrical iquipmintt a qlllking m iliiiiil lrt nil slparator pump washing niuhini or rtlneratir 1 fruit trust io rtpl 111 taullv 111111 to nuri isc or irv iiur truit harvest or to start x orihir1 it you re other than a iruit tanner bank of montreal gusuu ixit gaud my bank qjid decide huh nupr cincncs will hc v u ni nt in titerjiingv jour firm an 1 tjll cr i fjrm improte- ment i an with mr nearest d tif m iiunjirr arm irnprotemcnr luans j rt he mi nam th luinjs of c anjluii urincr to ct the best out il ihctr fintu atin urjnth gordon odfr maiugcr woikino with canadians ih iviiy walk i 1 or tin sihci mr

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