Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1951, p. 8

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thursday june mln msi the actor free press paaa ww tm rv w v rrb irf una tw vnt jot fkmm mv wasprmii mhjriviwv pi iiitc some of thai mora popular brands of a i n i i nationally- advertised paints carried in todt books stationary supplied toys kennedys book stori 33 wyndhem st ouelph annus kennedy prop excellent opportunity become a motion picture projectionist opportunity for permanent position and future an a motion picture prejocfiorlut to reliable single er married the chosen applicant will be fully trained in this skilled profession on successful completion of the course he will be given a generous cash bonus togelhor with a permanent position as a motion picture projectionist applicants wishing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity must be not less than 18 years of age and pos- t dritirolo attach himself to a prnfpttinn h provides b secure and prmarverw i make camp plans crafts swim time when doc- cansolns start 1 the popular in qui ry round the y moa thcimf days liw nniwer to which wok confirmed and other imptxivemtrnt odopied at u meet- intf of jccral parents at the y monday june ip july 2nd was the dot et h was approved that boys and liirl each will camp for two con- wqueiiv five doy period with the boys camp to be conducted -fltt- f cotta torfa cotta trodtf owned by mr h j clancy of guelph will bo used atfan this year camper will depnd on tent for fthpltejrtfrtheevehr of wtrwaliier nhd will prepare almost all their fwn meals in croups of three on an open fire all campers will provide themselves with a mat tress cover or bag which on their arrival nt enmp will be filled with jitrawfor their sleernlnjf comfort a full program of sports in cluding roftbnll volleyball and archery was outlined at the meet ing while hnndlcrnftn or to feat ure leothorcraft plnstw moutdlnc rind some wood work inc swim ming instruction will be n main feature of the oquntic procrnm which will be controlled and sup ervised y secretory cliff sutton will direct the crimp and will be nsslftt- ed by mrs sutton who is nn out standing swimmer experienced junior lenders will also assist with the program address all applications to box 50 free press look its here again 4th annual hornby ball clubs garden party tha greatest hit of the season to b hold at hornby ball park thursdayrjuly 5th 951 featuring- jr girls soft ball game 715 sharp garten vi clapps from east toronto soft ball laagua followed by hornby juvenile rodeo show featuring skilful riding etc it alone is worth the admission price by three juveniles aged 61 1 yjears alto featuring a staga program of profatsjonal artists bigger batter and happier than last year a marry time for young and old artists al harvey the star of cbc radio network singing his own original songs his humor and comedy will keep you in fits bring your big handkerchiefs the nixbees sensational acrobatic and hand balancing a tricky act and marvellous to see a real treat for all billy meek versatila variety entertainer comedy musical chatter songs jokes and stories just finished successful week at the casino come and have a laugh gibbard sisters those two snappy rhythm dancers tapping tappers from tha canadian night clubs oh boy you cant afford to miss them mildred morey the star of tha army show canadas leading comedienne songs mirth merriment laughs direct from the leading night clubs and theatres of canada and usa what a scream she is tops nancy and margaret the two popular accordianists with their snappy musical melodies from the leading hotels and clubs cf canada oh what a treat to hear them i ted rust and pat the supreme ventriloquist tiadio airist tsc television just finished tour in states of leading hotels and private clubsthe artist children will scream for tom hamiltonyour genial master of ceremonies ernie barnespianitt and musical director free prizes loud speaker system refreshment booth coma ona coma all if s the night of tha season for you the biggest night of entertainment for the small admission adults 50 children 1216 yrs 35c under 13 free admission and gum good parking facilities lots of room regular meeting f w a tuesday the reriilnr meeting of the wom ens assncintion of the united church wns held nt the home otv mrs d lindsny on june id with the president mrs j wilderspln in the chnirthe devotlonnl per iod wns tnken by mrs e jennings the roll cnll wns answered by the word charity the roll call for july is the word prayer deepest sympathy is extended to mm j ralston on the removal by denth of her father mr howe the ladies nrre quite busy quil- inp arrnnrements are beinff mndf for the foil work mrs cleave reported calling on several new families the meet- inc closed with all speaking the mizpah benediction mrs lindsay assisted by mrs e jennincs mrs n lambert mrs melcan and mrs t drysdnle served lunch a vote of thanks wls given to mrs lindsay for her home and also to the lunch assist- ants fishermans prayer lve to us o lom fair days lend u beside the still waters rip plln n the sun decline with the ken tie urge of the south wind eni- molder the bnkn of thy stream with i ncy finery of plumed and breathinu trqeil- prevent my flleu from enainnlemeht in their hair fire the forest with the crlm- on blne of the cardlnitl the sold of the oriole and with the punctuntlnj dotn of the red wild rnflpberry clttilt ih too- to ettjoy thrfe- treen that intlmntely live with rain and which lift their leafy arms to pray permit the perfume of an oejjnn of wlldflower to per meate my nostrils direct my steps toaeofllnrlinttbhln8printtr from which i mny quaff the mo1 hlorlouj liquor in the world may ynu sec that my cup runneth over grant o lord that the green pastures through which i pass mny prove a promised land temper the sun to a shrinking tender pink help me to appreciate o lord thy fitrenms that lnuah and chuckle nn they dnnce fllcefiilly townrd the distant sen induce the bird un- frlffhtened to sine m t lunch my table n rock of ages suffer the wild things to come to the brinlc nntl drink in confidence nnd in pence nnd in snfety help me o lord to- cast my line in plensnnt plmn for me sir unveil the sunrises nnd fenture the sunsets discover to me the snow on the mountain tops nnd the-vnl- ley shade that 1 mny belter ap preciate thy works mnke it pjnin thnt this enrth is wnrm and friendly nntl glowing nnd full of promise let me lie sure thnt your rniivbnw nrches for nil aid me o irdtose wlthpem irating eyes lo know with an un- drstnnding jr miohp nilllirnl annual picnic held by friendly circle the friendly circle of the united church held 11 annual picnic with a pot luck supper nt the home of mm c hngnvaldkon on wednes day evening june 20th owing to ahowery weather the bounteous supper was nerved ln- ncle and after thin everyone went outside for the u purlin a dress re lay was won by mrs fred kent- ners team a newspaper relay by minn olga lockers group and the balloon race by mra curyey ond miss j mcphall the president then took charge for n short buslnem period as this wili the innl meeting for the sum mer miss jean harris moved a hearty votv of thanka to mrs tuignvaldson for hei hospitality gootlyear tll- lfosrdi jglwyu positive protection blowofs lun- ger spake blow oat o hraies mi m slow utile ufcouatrds trt any make of tire oteti o31 several acta of tires drive jw jr mmt wx cll yon tb ufeguardsafetv tubes thompson motors 1m mill st hfonfif tow iah kvica1 witm take coke along itivrt ch nine tocnjfy ns days too quick hiss interont them in the slmr kiv ptvk interint thrivi in the simple wurtls if fisherman st peter was of our elan do these lhings o lord i prny unto thre and although ihe creel may provp empty and the rod broken the line tangled and uie flies missing this will i knnwr that patterned in your image t shall return from the stream a hrtvr and a hnppler mrtn mure fit lo take nn the routine of daily life i will he nptly necniitred to trudge he long long trail which o lord i prny will lead to pence everlasting arnen ttio ohio cnnnervntinn bullelin cheap accommodation one of the many schemes for housing overseas visitors to the festival of britain 10m was plan ned at chigwell essex the locnl authorities made arrangements for uhc creation of n 40ncre cheap camping site for the younger vis itors weekly cost will be some thing less than 3 00 check this list of uses for farm improvement loans heres food for thought for the progressive farmer its n list of uses for lowcost farm improve ment loans passed nlong by gor don oder manager of the bank of montreal branch in this district why not check it off against your own farm needs purchase of agricultural imple ments and equipment tractors combines etc both new and used construction improvement re pair or painting of home barn silo icehoust or garage purchase of livestock installation ofnew or used elec trical system or modernization of present one fencing drainage land improve- moore rocher painting and decorating contractors t phone 299w or 275 j acton ment and roadwork purchase of electrical equipment such ns milking machines cream separators refrigeration pumps etc do you need nny of these im provements if so why not drop in and discuss the matter with mr oder next time you are in town you will find he has a wide under standing of the problems you face and will help in every way he can ephead optometrist eyas examined scientifically glasses fitted guelph 58 st grorifr sq phone 1529 eitablubrd 30 yran easy t j i on budrt and so aood wihi picnic food shop now tn feft of ypqff aaawnral uun ri 0ms4ui aato rntad km waat u the orangeville bottling works oranirvlllr oro phonr 1ijw 6 lohlfj carton isi fiaawsj stjls w ttti t ma and pa kettic back oh the farm starring marjorie main and percy kilbride in the laufjfi hit of the year will be shown at the roxy acton moncjay through thursday next week you have onif chance to be right check and you will choose temperedaire gak wood counter flow principle amazing savings in fuel oil clean sunburst flame exceptionally quiet opera ticm engineered for oil heating constant instant humidity removable washable air nlterat all canadian built by engineering industries co limited toronto ontario a demonstration is worth 10000 words once we haw had the oppor tunity of demonstrating the supremacy of tempered- aire we are convinced that you too will choose this truly incompar able unit enjoy comfort con venience health and economy let us show you actual customer records of amazing savings in heating costs temperedaire automatic heating at its best writo pnorw er vtsaf im for o cjamomf ratioa or im jifarafur supplied installad and guaranteed by bilt0n perry limited plumbing heating air conditioning engineering contractors agents serving tha acton rocltwood mitten georgetown and erin districts 34wh40f4es36vw

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