Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1951, p. 2

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taom two the acton free press thursday jily 1th ll51 i i ifs your money a booklet of importance to every aclon cltl- jen has been issued this week it is the annual statement of your municipality and known as the hiudllofvrepoftrpirmpsyouronewhotucl les this book evoy year and if you are you will secure your copy immediately perhaps how- evorryou areone not hiucrrifiterestod in finan cial affairs and given to complaint of taxes and wonder whore the money goes no matter what your attitude of citizenship we suggest you se cure an auditors report for 1950 from the clerfc it will settle a lot of things in your mind concern ing acton and its finances and their conduct the book gives a report not only of municipal councils finances but of the public utilities com mission tho public and high schools the free library board the cemetery board and the boys and girls band total expenditure for acton last year amount ed to 99066 22 and the total revenue from tax- olibn was 72020t77 you rrisyristf where the balance came from and you ii find tho answer in tho auditors roport another interesting table shows the dobt charges from the years 1951 to 1970 provded of course no now debts are con as if stood or the orrdoft950 rathetlntorostlng to note here the changes in interest rales and that manynofrcr6ncretnnntftdebfere soon paid up and the new issues bear rates of from 7i to 34 per cent wo might go on at length but it s not nocos sary you as a citizen can got all the information end a copy of the book by simply asking for it at the dorks office its your money and your towns business roport super speed super danger highway no 25 the super highway that now links acton and milton with a fine asphalt strip is completed with its completion another semi speedway is added to ontario roads and this one is close to home beyond a doubt it is easier for a driver to speed along at 60 or 70 than it is to stay down to 50 miles per hour that is because the car ust seems to glide along there has already been one serious accident on the road even before it was completed there can and no doubt will be more corporal ray mason expressed the opinion of alj of us this week when he said we do not want the newly surfaced no 25 highway initiated with a death the road hat attracted acton youngsters with bicycles and tricycles with them and a combina tion of speeding motorists something is sure to happen schools are out now but the road is the path many children take on their daily trip to school or between one farm and another bicycle riders also use ihe road they must be careful and the drivers that use the road must be cautious of these youngsters it is hopod that the white lines will soon be added to the road just last saturday one heavily loaded truck was in the ditch crowded there the driver claimed by a larger vehicle the white line lets everyone know how much road they ate entitled to and tney are an important addition yet to come on no 25 why does he ever wonder why an oditor uses the word we in writing an editorial over 100 years ago the williamsburg iowa advocate submitted this explanation of the edi tonal we a country editor is one who reads news papers selocts miscellany writes articles on all subeds set type read only the other day as we sometimes carries them prints obs runs on er rahds cuts wood works in the garden talks to all his patrons who call patiently receiving the blame for a thousand things that never were end never can be done gels little money has scarce time and materials to satisfy his hunger or toen- oy the quiet of nature s sweet restorer sleep and esteems himself peculiarly happy if he not assaulted by some unprincipled demagogue who loves puppet shows and hires the rabble with a treat of cider brandy to vote him into some petty office a man who does all this ahd much more not here recorded you will know must be a talhtr busy animal and as he performs the work of so many different persons he may ustly be supposed their representative and to have an in disputable right when speaking of himself to use the plural number and lo say we on all oc casions and in olf places t half of 951 has gone and most of the dire things we foared have not been so bad even the korean war seems more likely for settlement than at the year s beginning old age pensions for all of interest particularly to older canadians v at the announcement on tuesday by hon paul martin regarding canadas old age pensions thorcrhavobeen many lrtqulrls the method of application for thoso now over 70 yoars ofage if you are already getting the old ago pen slon therefore it is not necessary lo apply to do so would only complicate our work the new application forms need to be filled dutonly brj those pertorts of 70 and over who are not now in receipt of old age pensions if you are not now getting an old age pen slon please watch for the announcements tbat will be made later this month through the news papers the radio and in other ways as to where you should get your application form for the universal pension when theso application forms are made available please fill one out as soon as possible and send it in to t regional dirgfldr of old ago security who will be tho federal of ficer designated to receive them we arc arrang ing to have a regional director in oach of our tamily allowances offices across tho country the cost of this measure which will benefit iractod another page shows the dobonture debt nnn u u c u j -u- 715 p atth xttilrb ffl bdrrr of ctanaba aeieft taimw a nuendly church nonile 29 bowr avenue phonp 60 bev mi v a curroy ha mlnuter mia o m iwnard atom orffnnut and choir lender jost switching it on wont make milk baxter first you attach it to the cow and then now in receipt of old ago pensions will be jbouli343qq0j3d0ii year there is no means test for those over 70 ears of age and those between 65 and 70 may have an income including the pension ossistance of 720 for single persons and 1200 for mar rfed couple tho prime minister pointed out recently these univorsal pensions from the start will have a contributory feature and every person who has sufficient resources to contribute to wards the cost of the universal pension will be required to do so for this universal pension there will be a residence qualification similar to that for old age assistance but otherwise it will be paid to everyone in canada to citizen or noncitizen and to the indians the first canadians must sell again we hear a lot of complaint about credit re frictions and other causes that are flowing up ales but we are inclined to agree with the blunt opinion that was given recently by g w harri man of the austin motor co that lack of sales manship is also a potent factor in dropping of sales salesmen havethrough the past years be come accustomed to goods moving themselves they have merely become order takers and the stock urge for moving goods has been the inti mation of higher prices to follow or shortage of the line customers had to line up for the dwind ling line of goods availableoind often take sub mitute to meet their needs or wait weeks or months for deliveries goods flowed straight from the factory to ihe consumer with hardly a pause at wholesale or retail level it appears that the abnormal wartime backlog has been filled and the lush days are over sales men are going to have to learn to sell again indications are that canadians still have plenty of funds available for purchasing goods and that sales need not lag if energy is put into the selling effort we have no faults canadians are lucky other nations have welt known faults but our critics say we are not yet a nation and are not well known ergo we cannot hove well known national faults j this gives us scope we are not stuck with a role tike a friendly irishman forced to keep on being contrary or a modest englishman con demned to being bossy or a bagpipe hating scot forced to fight if you run down the bagpipes canadians can be anything within their capacity and their will to be but only for this moment we are on the edge of minor importance we are runner up for the championship of ihe common wealth and empire at the present rate we could soon be champ then people would stop patting us on the back but instead lower and harder wt should be a well known nation with faults as confirmed before the world as bumptiousness of tne damyankee now whik feware looking at us very crit c ally is the time to get our national character on straight what kind of people do we want ys bt have we the capacity and the will to bq that kinii of people we have if the decision and effort is made by all of us if we leave it to john smith along the street we shall get struck with a repu tation for phlegm or if to pierre cote for pea soup or if to those two only for binary fission let all pitch in wilh pierre and john to make it quite a country 1 the good old days j may have seemed better backnha taktn from the sime o tin pr of thursday july 2nd fm 1911 the triu berries ire still pknli ful from tht locil f i uit firms of ihe dis a croup of boy scon is iron toronto are cimpinp on the farm of mr james rimshau acton for two daj s the mercury has hovered between the 00 and 100 d creei marks in the shidc lome school held their picnic at edncwood park on tuesday when the pupils and parents spent a clorjous afternoon at the conclus ion of the sports miss hurst thi tcichor was presented with a ridin limp word was received on sunday by mr allan g smith that his sister mrt frank arnold glo ers ille n had died that morning between four and fivl hundred ittcndcd the legion church pandc in the irern m acton on smadi ifternoon rev h l bonnie m a jie a spendid address almi heights the home of mr ind mrs alex nephew kincardine wis the scene of a quitt wedding s iturdi whin their ounjt r diughtcr bertha ellen mas mir ned to dr allin j buchina 1 ounger son of mr and mrs wm buchanan grind vallcv acton citizens band and wies ind families and friends held a picnic es erday ifternoon in the park died thompson at the home of hi brother willow street acton on wednesday jujj 1 1031 robert jimes thompson in his 65th car moore pissed on at his home moorecroft acton ontario on thursday july 2nd 1011 police migistrate henrv phillip miore m his 73rd year 1sacinfpl9 itikin fmm 111 ltit nj itir aclt n tnr pr nl thun july 4 llol will discontinue raffling at fairs at their spring meeting direc tors of the ontarib association of agricultural societies unanimously indorsed a resolution aimed it dis couraging raffles at tho fall furs throughout ontario thib resolu tkn had prtiously been approtd bv the class b faint at tht fib ruirv convention this wub an nounced b j a carroll sup nn tt ndt nt of agricultunl socu ties for th ontario dtpartrmnt of ag ritulturt tjall agricultural soeuties through ut tht pro i net art btinj urjd to mudv the situation as it applitb to thtir fairs ind if tin local board of directors permit the practict of st u- lmt raf fit tickt ts tin an bt in iikcd to limit such sale tntntlv to local ur inizationb it wus pt mttd nt at tht proi mcial din ctors m vting that ai mm a- four ci were raffled at sunn fairs last mar b rtiff n nt orgnn j turns ind in m inv lnbtancts th unu from itmdt thi smut iri i a pit isml time ia is cnjocd list saturdi ifte moon it woodsidc school no 10 erin the teichi r muss minnie binnett treated the pupils to tiffy ind lemomde which wis shared by the indies of the stction after in iddress was reid eoncerninc her unexpected resig i nation a beiutiful silver cake bas ket and i fruit spoon were pre sented miss bennett will continue her studies nt georgetown high school ifter vication it is not alwis possible after i lapse of a quitter of i century to secure for silver anniversary st rvices the prt sence of the pas tor when the church wis optned ind the gent it mm who laid the corm rstont of the edifice this however wis thi tood fortune of the methodist congregation hee last sundi and monday uhon rev george w cilvert of inger soil the first pastor of the new church ind diid plews esq who lud the corner stone were both prt sent ind rtndered elo quent and hifhl icccptible ass istanct tht ntw pit ments cinnot b put dow n too soon on monda the mercury regis tertd 91 degrtts four toronto druggists have been fined 5 and costs each fo stuinj icecreim ind cigars or sundiy ow ing to th bad stite of re pair in which tfit plink sidewalks are prophecies hive been general all spring of strtous iccidents tht first occurred siturdi evening whi n edward icklin ebq was thrown by a loose plank on elgin st ht sustained a fracturt of hne rabs the lowest tender for permanent pivtment wis acctpttd it tht la t mttting of council re ohwr mccullv lite of hinm collegt prt ichtd hs initial sermon in the disciple s church 1 ist stinda winners at rices of the annual lirdt n pirty of th fire bngidt in thi pirk li t siturdi were wh 1 1 barrow rice sidm orim normin mi ill s bovs rici pt re griffi h v ilt r s mndt rs thret 1 ggt d race fred r dor ind jo bmd ed rdir ind f mclnto h fin m in v rire sidm orim frt d brow n s tck nc fd r dt r frt d rder btach nr ed rvder f mclntt h m mreaxhtrn sunday iui y nth 1011 10 00 nm sunday school 1100 am myirnlng worth ip 700 pm evening worship in knox church pryblnitrrlnti olfnirrlf its knox oliriuh acton n itniikitr 11 akmhthono hialliy mlnlilrr fl p hi i pir it i 111 jtll fl i st rvlt t sunoan iui y ith 1 i 1 ttuit i f t jmbane fflfjurrlj aucikaf summer services julv and august each sunday the service will be held at 1115 am bring the children to these service a wjcome awalu you i li i rl i 7 00 p i i uimjh w ii hip woo i in sunday si h 1 iii ll ilurlteltlujut plum mil bi in id in on old m 11 puk gui iph jsiturd ij iul 7lh ars gnthi rinj il th tluirih it 1 10 all are welcomf saptibt aujtirrtj acton sunday july oth 1111 1010 n m sunday sch i 1 m 10 am morning si r ic 710 pm evening srrvu wetln bdny q p m pn mooting friday b 30 p m b y p u professional directory and travellers guide mfoical dr w g c kenney ritjulclan and surer on office in symnn block mill st acton office phone 7h residence church ht phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon holidnya during july corner of willow and river st entrance river street acton ontario phone 2jb dental dr a j buchanan denui surgeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 9 am tollpm x ray tflephone 14a kfai mtatf am lm rmf willoughby farm agency iirmsl ind olcli st aitr in cm id i ileid office 300 bay st toronto phone empfre 3 0004 g hm town ripri s htiti f tom ilrwron plionr grnrgrtoun 332 v dr george a sirrs drntnl surgeon mill st corner frederick acton oifict hours 0 00 am to r pm telelhone 19 vftfrivary old indian names b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary bnrgeotui office brookvillc ontario phone milton mom f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary burgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary public office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountant successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 mltropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto elg 9131 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral hqaae funrral home heated ambubuua phorjt 30 niht or day strxing tht community for 45 yt irs lye care by appointnunt wm c milligan r o optometrist s uid 3rd wednesddjs of the month 2 pm lo d pm at mill st rimdtnce of a t brown pltait ttltphone 3b5j wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 09 micdnnntll st acton ont gut iph ont phone 01 phone 191iw valuator realtors insurer member appraisal institute of canada mtmbtrs guelph and district ntal estate bond mtmbtrs gutlph and district insurance atnts assoti ition wt urt ntly require 1 itnis of firm propt rtv from so tt 300 icrn also snnll holdings from 1 to 25 atn contut arjdy frank assoc wtt it c impl ikillf phone milton 32ir2 c h dymenf realtor 12j wmtworth st s h until in phone 7u0i travelers guide gray coach lines datitffht sauina time cotchfb leave acton eastbound ao 30 a m bm um 1 1 23 a m 208pm s03 pm 0 33 pm bj p m blo h p m wratbound 10 17 im 12 52 pm 257 pm 527 pm 7 27 pm 012 pm 1l pm 1 12 a m sun to kitchener onlj a duly txctpl sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holl- das canadian national railways standard turn tist hound dub s si a m d illy t xt pt sun- d ivs 9 r i m 7 10 p in sunday nl nil p m daily ixtipt sim d v ivi r it ororm low n 9 ifs a m d ul hir it tit oru town 10 11 p ni westbound dilk rxtxpt sunt iv and mon ti iv x i m sunt iy mrt monday onl 1200 am daily xttpt sun- iiv mil im 0 so p in 7 44 pm d iilv t xc pt s it ind s in hb pm riiitnpt sdturdiy nly llffpm sund iv nlv 8 41 a in fliuitop sundiv tnlv hvir at gutlph 7m p in it senate reform tht rt i just as nuuh rx uon and i ted for the canadian senate today a- thtrt vns in ih07 declares tht r inancial post mot than mr tin rt is risk t f humv ill adv istd md unfair stction il or tluto utsla t hi thi stiuiti tould pt rform a most useful rolt if it wirt propt rlj r urlunxzed if the senators tlumstlvts cannot tackle that job somebody tl4 will have to do it for them interest ind to not the me n lips of snmt of tht v t r old indi in mmes in ontario knpiiikisiiik it i said th it pro pt r inttrprttati n tf ttm is nb trubtd or pirtiull obstruct d jt r nil lisin th should i p lh t with two ps nd m ins htth witir ippinntlv in comparls n with tht grt it iikt s biscotasinc this is surf to m r whtrt a littl fin blirtd timapami tin nit ana d p lakt garni appartntlv nuans laki timiskinun this word s ins to uit bttn ct rfiipted as rami is undt rstood tinman lakt ind tin tompltli word would m in it er in tht dep bin lakt nufiammi this muns midway or middlt makt wawa this word mtnni wild yoose the acton free press the oiili paper r t er published in actun ilililnluil i uli thiirwliv at i6 mill st acti n onuiriu ulhorliri am srrond uu mail foil office llrparimrnt ottaua founded in id75 llrmlirr udll llurrau irruullua w n a and liurlo qurhrr uuuion hi advartiting rilat on requaft subscription in advance 3 50 in canaoa 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 kesidonce 131

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