Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1951, p. 3

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thursday july 5th 105 the acton free press paos young element irate parent whnt do you mean by calling my son a dirty elephant teacher well now i jxally never call the children by any names but their alvtrt one ler- haps i told him he van a disturb ing climent your eyes deserve the best consult rrmrbell b0lteredoplonwi phone 22r2 erin the bowl t0w hello homemakcrs now u th semon thnt we look for freezing facilities o store gnckngeji of bor den ptvmluce n home freexer or a loclur nt it freezing plant this modern method of storing many foods reunni true flavour nnd goodness then too the preparatio tvfrrroduccfdrfrcrxln u a aimplp fiod nnd perfected way of proces sing vet it must be remembered umt irooxlrtft sjoea not ilerillxc the fro7enfrult or vegetable will only be as food as the fresh product briefly the processing method la the careful trimming nnd washing then fcnldlnt two to four minute followed by rapid chilling two to four minutei 1 he pnekntf lug 1a done in moisture nnd vnpour proof boxc air it pressed from the top of each inner envelope which is then ipalid wi n wnrtn lxon- carrolls lynnvaliv cor nt x vamjby oftbam bwtis 15ok tmgm pork beans 35c tomato juice ssss 2 sooz mttk sins mmv grapefruit juice f 31c fob cold sums pko freshie s romar coffee ginger axe ca 5c c 27e btja deposit extra pnckikci should be taken to locker plnnl within 4 hours having pock ed them ih n box pidded well wtth newnpupcpt on nil nldoa take a tip 1 select only fully ripened firm fniit or vetfetnble 2 cull out nny brufud or too ripe produce to- ure frwh or make into n preserve for relish 3 prepare then wjjtfi in cool water with care 4 let fruit dnin on tnya lined with paper towel un ft keeping food cool then slice fruit or pour directly into moisture- vapor- proof containers carefully odd cool syrup 1 cup mjfar to 0 cups wvtor to cover fruit try to exclude nir from each pnekntfe andeealeitwithwnttn1rondt aticlcy tape label 5 all vcfiolnblci nrc sorted and washed thoroughly then cut nc- cordlnff to fi7e rcqblred it is necessary to flcnld in boilinjz wnter using only fluff i cent to cover time this blanching period exactly using cheesecloth or a wire basket no the food can br j l rrwfirr lovely sandwiched tea bags 34c 67c carrolls own package sugarcrlsps cereal v 35c sliced peaches qv 19c white cake mix l sac ginger bread bflx shortenino jewel 37e crisco good luck ketchup haroarine pound heinz bottle 44c 26c clover leat red blt7eba0k salmon 21c camay soap 2 oxyool 17c 41c 81e surf pko 41e 81c success wax posiko 63c 10 for aalads heinz white or cider vinegar g 25c homl iiiiiw no 1 potatoes oranges llomt iuown celery hearts iiomi okumn cucumbers 6 qt basket 55c doz 43c each 10c each 15c hum ua1l1 llamr croun lmuce luditaes cauliflower uaaxu tomato blaebrri water chill thoroughly then package the vegetable in boxes using either inycrs of dry suit or a brine solution i tsp table anlt to i cup water exclude as much air as possible hent seal the pneknge if possible label fl place pneknges of food in freexcr nt zero degrees or lower the- question box fs m r askv can w pcknge sliced beets nnd their washed cut topi in he ime box ansxt er no picknge km ill beets nnd tops sepnntely cook the roots nnd peel ifter cooking blnnch the topi for a minutes handling nbont 1 quirt at i time af rs s b asks is there any difference in the irlctlcs of spin ich for freezing aiwiuer the smooth leaf eg nobel is cisitr to wish clem than the crinkly fbloomsdilel but the results ire much the sime if har ested before tht bloom 111 inch cich quirt 4 minutes jhen chill mr b d asks do you blanch corn bt fore cutting from the cob or iftru mis ansu i r both time remove husk ind silks blinch min chill cut off the kirruls nnd re blinch 3 mins chill quickly in ice u itt r again pack m brine for best rt suits mm w j asks hivt ou ever hid blackberries turn red when frozen arm rr experts tell us thit blickbernes which irt not fully ripe mi turn red ind becomt sour ginger farm writte specialty sor the acton v preg by gwendoline f clarke fashion hint we have eljht icres of laiy cul nnd raked nnotht r six ctt but not rnke nlio a field thnt lmin t b touched nnd the hnybnler sitting in the yird thnt la as fnr as wi have aol with our haying opernt ions there has only been one dny when the hay was fit to bale nnd thit dny the bilcr was busy elsewhere we have known some catchey ensons but never nni thing like thlc but we have lots of company there is hay out ill over the place however all ony of us enn do ii take what comes nnd hope for the best- rijmit now the best seems to be n promise of pence in korea if there can ever be pence in thnt country personally i am more concerned with whnt mny happen in irnn iran nnd its oil hclng of more importance to soviet russia than north nnd south k dul together ot course we are ex pected to believe that the trouble in koren isn t russian war but who onn doubt but what the whole dreadful business warn t in stigated by the kremlin well last tuesday many women in this district enst enre aside nnd headed for the wth anniversary of our ifiuon dis women s day in between rain the the season s newest the duiier ennt the pictured style is a but cher linen pyramid duster with a mnndnrin collir pastels nnd off colours are moqt popular for theie striking conts certainly its billowy skirt will keep off all the dust in town motor adventure on alaska road dny before nnd rain the dny after over 300 members and n number of guests snt dowji to n well-plnn- ned attractive nnd appetlrlnf lunch before lunch most of us hnd our own little private session there were indlei there who hid not seen each other in venrs mom- t rs who hnd moved away women who hid once been members of brinches that irad since dlsbmded mothers dnughters gnndmothers nnd others some women who had nged with the pissing years oth ers uho looked ounger than they did 10 years ago it was a goodly crowd nnd we tilked and we tilkcd ind we tilked nlmost as much ns n crowd of formers at an auction sale as i looked around nt the amirt ly dressed women i wondered what such a gathering would have looked ljke 0 venrs ago there would doubtless hue been miny women there in homespun others in ginghim perhips n few in silk or cishmere relics of treasures from the old country skirts would be down to their ankles older women in bonnets younger w omen in cumbersome hats or turbint qualities of on agricultural repres entative there were of course many of our past pro den ts and chatter members including a lady over 00 well sotup and with eyes nji bright ns a wpmnn of 30 there wasn t a tremor in her hand aa she cut the beautiful threetier cake miss ethel chapman women a editor of the farmer magazine was guest speaker everyone hsvca to hear miss chapman she has such n keen appreciation of farm women troblemtfa ready wit and nn ability to make overy woman feel it is h special privilege to be n farmers wife or to live on a farm in any other capacity she jilso pointed out to u that as mem bers of the w i we have great opportunities for service not only in our own district but through it ind by eoopernllve effort o many jiarta of the stld w after henrlng mbw chapman i nm positive that most farm women wi nt home moreennhnt with their lot nnd more anxious to contribute something for the common weil the good of all mnnkind iiflff17l nints for home sewing here are some suggestions from sewing center experts for the be ginner nt home sowing when sel ecting a pattern look for a natural shoulder line set in sleeves nat uril waistline designs that cut on the double of the fibrlc avoid intricite drapery and eliborate detail when choosing n fabric for a home pressing project it is usunlly wiser to select your pattern first sewing center experts say that more dressmaking failures are caused by an unfortunate combin th re would hive been pale ltlon of pa and fabric than lips ind piler cheeks except for f inj other reison the rugged out of door women hur would be pulled bick straight from the foreheid ending in a bun at the bick or on the crown of the hnd or maybe thick ughtlv twisted braids outalde tied up in the now non existent sheds would be the horses hitch ed to buggies or democnts some where in the iclnity at the har ness shop the grist mill the black smith s or the hardware store men would be waiting for their wives or sisters miking the best use of their time bv getting a few ct tht ir ow n chore s done thi aliski highwi is the most idvonturesome motor trip on the continent sivs ronild schiller in i recent rciders digest even on flfit iind the roid twists into hair pin curves in rough terrain it goes up ind down like i roller coister sometimes clinging to the sides at cliffs 100 ft it high it turns sharp 1 w ithotit w irning gl ing rear- seit passengt n the stomch-gnp- pmj smsitfon of tiking off ini spici tht re is not i guird rail in its t ntlre length th 1s21 miles of the highw iv betwtnn diuson bc and fiir- binks maski nrc not howeer quite is ruggid is thev were a few in igo it is no longt r necrsnrv tn t ikt il ing fiod camping equip nn nt ind ttn pis lodges girjj es inci t irt s hive opt ned lji nt m- trvils of so to 100 milts aloig tlu r ute ynum b tor hie at 1 i t six ft i xl tins hou vir u thiuli ikstrvt too th in nt 1 iu of tht uk n thnt no nr m iv ithhnl 1 h lp from irvnn whi n hi it if u drl e i i nr ii i lit h without if rinc i i t in ii mi finl ihi n 1 tging is n i 1 ibl to ou ti whtre il ing th highw iv thiiikh m i in mon t urits took t th ii k i in summer the mad you can open your youn but last tuesdiy me n u re conspicuous bv their absence no doubt some of them had been re quired to drive the fimil car nnd wen somewhere down town but in many coses women did their uw n driving picking up tui many ntihbors is were able to go at our head table wt had as our itsts col the hon t i kenned ind mrs k nmd thej fitted nht into tht pie tun ind added mir nj mrunt al prtsent u is ur lricultur 1 it prttn a mr j e whltelock and his wife kl 111 uh i ttl d sidt adding to our pro mr whiti 1 ck w xs e rv tdju tint th mik fo pt ik rs run nu net how w i ip r ti itt the t rs i lit for accuncy w hen cutting out a pattern local sewing center ex ports suggest that you first press pattern before laying sections out on the fabric use a v ry low temperature iron while doing thia since too much heat will caue the pittern pieces to curl here s i tip from siwing centre experts when putting darts or tucks on inside of garments you can eliminate tying threads and have the dart lie more smoothly if i ou follow thia procedure first stitch dart of tuck a usual when you reach the end of the line of stitching instead of cutting thread turn and stitch back along the outer edgi of the dart or tuck chin dishes can b cunt imm iud b the use of uncle jn towels this potential hazard cin be noide 1 throukh use of hot rinsing watt r and allowing the dishes to air dry is a pure drink of natural flavours its never too soon to save n w ntt r 1 in b tt r condit or n ir d unl r solldlv puk i snow i d k t 1 ir bv p w it pr iv id s i sin i th surfirt wi itht rpro is- tvine r in s miintiin tbfir usii il thnt tinit- a wj i k sehtrful s dijivers ft ir not the intense coh but th wirn chin ink wind from th puifu thit mt it- the snow and mikts the highway a ribbon of id j the set nerv is on an pplc scale the article cays and the whole countrv is a gigantic menagerie big game including caribou moos bears and w olvoa if frequent sitll savings account vith one dollar i kt n erops th arl tii iv ins hab t i id nd it ct rtain rth pi inttng f r st ru show h iw happy h nifs an i i i h lu bt ttt r lib iv i h it i iilltl nile iv mg build sliett viful e irtt rs m rt i ml tn rt c inadian parent art kitting their oungsttrs off to a good start bv helping them to open their own savings accounts at th bank of montreal the firt deposit neesd be onl a dollar not i i t f r th i hi i ur tint in 1 i n w b ia b irtk ii iv n il ovi lieu j v f 1 n m v i s r t h n sa mg hh p tk t m nt v f r th h r allv w ml h 11 1 nn if ut f thinks g ni hi oiir mmij r f th rink f l nv r lj bramh at c a i ir any member of his staff will be puased to help vour youngsters open their aecounts and ahow thum hou th u or m looks after th sa ingh of iu million and mm depositors discover hovr good iced tea can be make tea double trenglb and while still tot poiuf into glasses filled with cracked ice add sugar and lemon to taste sa1am tea john calder plumbing heating eavdstroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w 1flj credit for the purchase of milking machine and many other time sivmg improvements can oftea be obtained through farm mproi ement loans uv ndnlli y neet machinery to speed hlmnjio your production why not inquire about a farm mproi email loan at yout nearest b of m branch bank of montreax acton branch gordon odermanager woicino with canadians in ivey waik ot uk sinct 117 check and youll choose this gar wood unl famous for oil economy let us show you cus tomer records of amazing savings in heating costs gar wood counter flow principle clean sunburst flamo yvaahnble an- filters fuiah humidifier temperedaire automatic heating at its best supplied imtslud and ouarntaed bilt0n perry limited kumbing heatino air conditioning engineering contractors acsnt urvlng the acton rodiwood milton georgetown and erin dlatrlch 34 1 wphones2o0w

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