Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1951, p. 4

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page four the acton free press tjiuiisday july 5th 10s1 of actonians visiting outoftown points and of visitors in acton homos mr visited annie wihliimhon guelph triftuln hero last week dr and mn garrett mid family left liut weekend for holdaya muii shirley elliott is home from toronto for the summer mr and mrs harvey walterfl and suospcnllthc wiekcntlntimdi mrnnd mn q nobhins ore holidaying nt their cottage nt tor rance richard nnd frank manon arc holidnyinu nt cnmp comnk in hhllburtnn mrs f blow nttendcd the wed ding of her nephew in brnntford inut saturday mr j h tnylor is holidaying it the home of hii son mr j h tnylor in london mr and mrs frnnk browning of toronto nnd mitt eta dmvt vis ited in acton on tuesday mr nnd mrff a it sargent of vicroy sauk nre visiting their cousin mrs peter a smith hnrold smith lake ave recent ly joined the air force and ib now stationed nt st johns quebec mr nnd mrs fred anderson and mio1 donnn anderson nre holiday ing this week in flint michigan mr and mrs nil near marg aret and audrey of kitchener mr nnd mri klmer terry nnd donna of brnntford nnd ml is kvelyn roberts teucher on walpole is- land visited with mic m z bennett on the holiday ttev cnptain john m anderson mc nnd bar mrs anderson nnd children of c7itgary calted on friends in acton inst thursday nnd left ontucsdqymorniniijromt-on- tlon on the return trip after spend ing n month with friends in on tario wesley warne of hespeler fred smith nf guelph nnd mr and mrs robert wnrne of aclon returned home sundny evening after spend- lnte an enjoynble four weeks mot or trip by wny of sarnta and st ignace through western cnnndn to banff vancouver nnd by bont to victoria nnd seattle visiting rel- ntives in manitoba saskatchewan and vancouver miss mary snyres of georgetown who accompanied them remained in saskatchewan on the way back to visit for a- few weeks- with ho r- sister and -brothor- ily left last weekend to attend art anglican church cnmp nenr bar- rie mr nnd mrs lloyd miller and baby hnve been spending a few dnys with mr nnd mrs g w mur ray miss cnrole anne and john lnntz guelph spent the holidny weekend at their grandparents honflchero textile students evidence of the canadian textile industrys interest in furthering textile education in this country is taking the form of a revolving loan to help deserving students reports- the financial post the loan which isrhrrng setmr7it thrpovincinl in- mrs wm rnmsden and cherry of buffnlo spent n few days inst week at the home of her fnther mr charles masons l- joe flynn who had the misfor tune to fracture his left arm this week was treated nt st josephs hospital guelph mr and mrs jack chnpman of fergus visited with mrs george chnpman and miss madge chap man last weekend miss margaret garvin was in to ronto this week attending the fune- rnl of her brotherinlaw the late mr norman masales stitute of textiles hamilton is de signed to help deserving students over possible rough financial spots during their courses everton mccutcheons hold reunion at erin mr and mri t d mccutcheon mr and mri harvey jeitln nnd bobby attended the mccutcheon i union held nt boy tlnneys er in on saturday mr and mrs mac mclbd and fnmjjv tliornbury spept the weekend nt the home of the hit ters parents mr nnd mrs wm r robertson mr stanley stnintnn nnd tom fountain spent the weekend near jlmday mr and mrs bert pnlframnn visited on sunday with mr and mrs w h ijfartop nndmrrand mrs harry vnortop nnd family- miss alice fountnin was home for the weekend mr nnd mrs hnrvey jestlii and bobby visited on sundny with mr and mrs lloyd cutting ac ton mr norman thompson orangc- vllle visited on sunday with mr and mrs alf boles sunday visitors with mr and mrs t d mecutcheon were mr and mrs edgar euenton mofint mr bobby bartlott brampton is visiting at the horno of mr and mrs j p benhnm lady joins list of unknown men thi01d man of the clock tow el would remember thin district lady do you she is another in a series of old pictures being published from time to time in the pnper for interest and in certain cases for business in the case of this photograh the identity in strongly suspected and so we are not searching her name for filing purposes but we might be wrong and readers mightbe interested to test thenmemories thrt- port of churchill man handled n record number of 20 ships during the brief 1050 ship ping season ospringc two schools join for annual picnic limehouse follow employees honor w little miss margaret blow left last week from malton to fly to chilli- 1 wack b c to spend holidays with dr and mrs harry brewster mv w m freariclfhnd mr and mrs hat old frednch and dale of grand rapids mich visited nt the home of mr and mrs j b chal mers mrs ioayslhiennedy attended ihte kenneckwnllnce marriage in don- lands united church toronto on saturday and later the reception nt casa luma charlie pollock assistant scout master of the first acton trobp jor some lime visited in ruck wood inst week on leave from the rc af at aylmer mr a smith and miss wannetta smith visited over the holiday weekend with mr and mrs vern on woudw u ij and famiw at st williams ontario mis nellie kelly is spending a months holuli with her son and daughtei mr and mm w it kelly mr and mis a kogarty and an drew new ymk-city- win i mi mi m flll f privcii f hh1- 1 nuintlr summit lmm ti mrs 1nsvr ulll hi visit u with r g a duk mr and mi mac symon and famil spt lit the wcekejui m owen sound mis svmon and daughters will iimnn loi a couple of weeks holidays it the paicntal home tlliani somervtlle isttiit during the toimer brother and ind attended the mar- margaret liadley on eorgctown 11 1 il mis f 1111 lmii wk i tu- msiis li ii uhkl o miss stuvl in o mlvs wilmi tliompon and miss janet mecurxilk accompanied by alan spanton of acton ore spend ing their acution in pictou nova scotia with their parents mr and mr c h thompsop and mrs john mccaiillc fellow employees at thompson motors and a number of friends twentyfive in all held a social ev ening for mr wyman litte at the home of mr and mrs a c pat terson on thursday evening he was presented with a combination smoking and magazine stand ten local ladies attended the 50th anniversary of halton wi held in milton last week congratulations to the three grade a pupils of miss jean rud- dell at s s no 9 all were suc cessful in entrance examinations anna spitzer lillian ask in and kathleen kirkpatrick mr and mrs a c patterson and joy are on a weeks holidays to deroit michigan and sydnev ohio mr a w benton and son be t attended an evening of entertain ment in norval parish oii- thursday evening when norvals four champion hockey teams were presented w ith crested sweat hirts bert benton and don4fce ciime were on one of those team- and each received one of the shirs mr and mrs james noble spent the weekend with the calvin van zants at cooksville mrs a j kerr and miss betty ann kerr visited mls s-vackham- er on sunday the roughleys visited in toron to a week ago the wm shelbnurnes visited the ray powells at lowville on sunday mr and mrs j a smethurs- and familv of islington visited hi- mother on monday tin hirry mcdonalds spent a few da s with relatives at parry sound refentlv i mr d s mcdonald i- in guetph general hospital undergoing tnmtment again mr and mrs sheldon luvr and familv ue welcomed to the vil lage they moved on monday to the house recently purchased from the herringtons william and alonzo thoniton and william gordon motored wmgham and teeswater on sat urdav mr gordon remaining for a few weeks visit with relative- 1 u teewater miss doris mitchell left monday iwith a group rt ifn on a six wiek- tour to the wet coast ef cjjiada and usa with opoers at various places of interest i diana bagg of wmxibridge l- holidaylng with the jones girls visitors with mr jos scott on sundav included mr nnd mr j wm nobble cle unidentified rockwood former barry co a ospringe t comb elil s uf cedarvnle and ospringe held their annual picnic at the local school grounds on thursday afternoon with a good attendance keen rivalry in the ball game between the two schools resulted in a win for ospringe with a score of 11 to 0 djnder the direction of the teach ers mrs papple anckmrs white the following races wereun off with the following winners preschoolaggirls sharon buck j6yce mcarthur laurel stubbington pre school agj boys johnny rice ross awrcy jimmy bessey girls 6fi helen mcarthur marg van arrognrf nancy bullockl boys g0 hugh sinclair edtbe smith brian robertson girls 810 edith cunningham lorna bessey martha mulder boys b10 ken winter eddie white hnrvey white girls 1113 dianne nicholson zorra van klooster joan aitken boys 1113 gordon mcarthur aleck stewart grant sinclair teenage girls mary atfoston urva hilts teenage boys douclas mc arthur robert charters donald cunningham married ladies mrs n mcken- zie mrs e rice threelegged race 10 years and uncler ken winter and glen jack son gordon mcarthur and wilbert peayoy threelegged over 10 urva hilts and mary agostom zona van klooster and all van arraon shoe scramble mary aeoston zorra van klooster and ali van j arragon needle and thread urva hilts and ralph sinclair marion sinclair i and jack hunter j tdothpick and life saver lelay ken winters team mountain relay danny winter good attendance with eden mills eddie white ken winter i congregation here clothespin race jack hunti marion sinclair john muldi the sympathy of the community is extended to mr and mrs grat- wtn barry in the sudden passing of t licit brotherinlaw lewis j mckeon of guelph last saturday morning at his late home r r 2 the lite mr mckeon had been iii for a year and was in his 03rd year at one time he assisted the m ivbnrry cor in the turnip shipping business here dominion day holiday passed off quietly here considerable traffic was on the highway miss elizabeth mcphcdran is home for her holidays from or- angeville high school miss mary reid of the public school staff here is away to hor home at norval men are busy with the brick work at mr dave armstrongs new residence upper main st two groups ox- men have been busy putting the finishing touches to garnet pettys service station and the frigid locker store giving the same appearance as the new parish hall of st johns church a few of the holiday visitors muss minnie nickell toronto miss reba mcnhbb rn sun ny brook hospital toronto charles pollock rcaf ayl mer mr and mrs ross allan and family toronto mr and mrs milton greer and family hamilton miss ruth ivcieprge of the tel ephone staff spent the aoliday weekend at her home in walk ed on mr crawford of waterloo col lege waterloo conducted the ser vice sundav morning at the pres byterian church there was a er time race john aitken ross awre keith sinclair a bountiful picnic lunch was served by the senior pupils and a treat of ice cream for the children bi ought to a close an enjoyable af ternoon which is eagerly anticipat ed by voting and old alike holy communion was observed at st johns church sunday morning during tho service mr and mrs roland ramshaw of detroit are holidaving in town and staying with mrs e mcneil mr james e gray who is still in guelph general hospital was given a blood transfusion las friday eland ohio mr j cawthne dobbie of toronto mr i and mrs alex dobbie haibllton j mr and mn doug scott bramp- i ton mr and mrs earl scott and family and mr and mrs sandv mcdonald and gail of georgetown the pubhc health nurae for acton t mr and mrs tom haines and and nossaiittwweya township mis i jv glen williams and mrs ang goorgma bailey left aclun hut week to work with the ontario so ciety for- crippled children no appointment has been made yet to fill the acancy us mcdonald and mrs r lan mr a c bourne left on sunday for kapuskasing where he wijj spend a couple of months as a jun ior fire ranger communion table formally dedicated rev g l itnyaj of norval deliv ered two inspiring terinopn at the annlvoninry fiervices at the local presbyterian church on sunday during the morning service the dedication of a communion table was made this wni n gift from thnailkcn family in loving mem ory of their parents john cnmeron aitken- nnd his wife nellie a nolo the lnrfls prayer by mrs by ron bruce was a fitting climax to animproeivaorvico at tho evening service the ordi nance of infant baptism was nd- minlnlerdtoilohcft byrpn bnice son of mr nnd mrn byron bruce and carol joieph son of mr nnd mrs arthur harris mr george willey sang a tenor solo follow ing the sermon communion was dispensed by rev royal assisted by the local elders jnmen struthers and d b mckinnon nnd mr mc laren from erin church and rev a o w foreman the choir un der the leadership of mrs g sun- tor sang npproprinte anthems bnnkets of peonies nnd rosed ad ded to the picturesque netting much favourable comment was henrd in regard to the appearance of the church which has all been newly decornted nnd gront cred is due the student pastor mr alan vnir and the congregation for tbclr efforts an interested visitor to the eveninr was mr g h pea- ren of rockwood who helped build the church in lltfui mss ruby mcdanlels of toronto wnsvi weekend guest with mr and mrs ken stubbington and family mrs th h emlersom giielph township spent n coiiphtottayt withjier mother mrs mary cooke mr and mrs fleming nnd child ren of bolton were sunday visitors with her parents mr and mrs hilts congratulations to joyce robert son urva hilts and malcolm leitch students at g cvi who all passed with honors mrs flora mckenzic is visiting with her son and dnughterininw mr nnd mrs norman mckenzic mrs r r graham guelph spent the weekend with her daughter and soninlaw mr nnd mrs r j mathews mr and mrs elgin brown gail and gloria of vineland called on friends here on saturday miss jeap howard who spent a short vacation with her parents here left on tuesday for muskoka where she has a position for the summer holidays friends of mrs albert tanslcy are pleased to learn she is recupe rating following a recent tonsil lectomy miss judy and master david mc donald of rochester n y mr george rennick antl marion of hamilton were weekend guests with mr and mrs david stewart and family mr h and mr a mctavish and their families of toionto visited on sunday with their uncle mr d n mctavish mr and mrs bert craig and joan of georgetown and mrs lelghton and paul of mount dennis spent the holiday weekend with it and j hunter the regular meeting of the os pringe jolly gardeners was held at she home of mrs jackson with ev en girls and their leaders in atten dance the roll call was a dining room bouquet brought from home mrs fines judged these and klvcna winter received the prize each member brought a egetable finm her own garden which helped make up the salad plate supper served in picnic style on the lawn little miss gail robertson of guelph is holidaying with her grandparents mr and mrs george d robertson j mrs itowe of trenton is visiting with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs a mckinney friends of mr arnold ressey are sorry to leain he is ill and confin ed to bed but wish for him a speedy i eco cry nassagaweya ss no 7 westerners gather at rognvaldsons t major riilnilnrms didnt dampen the fiplrlls of 01 former westerners who gathered to talk ovr good old days nnd good old places nt the home of mr nnd mm gordon rognvnldson no 25 high way actnn last sufldny nftnrnnon the wimteniers come oast brought picnic lunches which weie enjny- ed on the lawp despite the threat of rain guests of honor were mr and mrs- schnldemose of chilliwnck vic who are visiting friends and relhllveirirt lhfthsmrtbnrrmc icny formerly of winnipeg and now ufowonsound nnd j rogn- valdsnn now of acton the enjoyable afternoon proved that western nostalgia including winnipegosis from which the rog- nvnldsons themsolvei suffer ii a disease not ensily cured moffat give teacher lamp at school picnic and see us for the nnnunl school picnic nt no 3 took place on thursday with a good attendance mr skerritt has been the teacher for a number of yea an on leav this school the pupils jjresented him with an electric desk lamp mr nnd mrs p moffat spent the weekend nt wasagn beach mrs l hoyt nnd dnughter spent the holiday jvith her sister mrs bert freeman congratulations to nil the pup ils of grnde 0 who successfully passed the entrance exams the ctirri rounl6wfrrfrm hw7fttes r brookville hall with a large crowd attending mr and mrs w gunby of free man nnd mr nnd mrs f hathaway visited with mr and mrs w dy son of guelph on sunday mr nnd mm charles roberts miss edna and mr albert roberts left on sunday for a motor trip to fort worth texas to visit her son and brother and family congratulations to mr and mrs john moore on the arrival of a j baby daughter eca when friends drop in moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 1w oh 275j acton stop pontiacs buicks vauxhalls gmc trucks parts and accessories tires and good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors acton main st ont tel 326w cars trucks and tractors we have a lumber of good used cart and truck and con sidering the condition they are in you cant beat our deals anywhere you are invilod to drive these units to satisfy yourtolf as to jutt what they are tike our lot will bo open evenings for your convenience early motors 519w milton 519j races ball supper picnic highlights tlu annual picnic of no 7 school was held last thunda aftr tho mri wrre mn all gitlutid around i tin- labu and rnjowd thvir suppr under the hde of tin- maple trera a hull humr after supptr brought lh picnic to a ehisc and anothvr term of school finished most of the pupils utc success ful in passing their examinations mrs ed davenport mrs p mc- lenn mrs wmtuck mrs o uc- ker mrs s robinson mrs a al lan and mrs s coxe attended the 5ith annnerstr at the halton wi m milton last week fred astaire and jane powell cotr m mgaa s bnlhont musi cal royal wedding in color by technicolor showing monday and tuesday at the roy acton come and see fred astaire do his dance on tho ceiling sir jimes turner prvudent of the national fanpers union has joined the dollar kxurt board he l j member of the hoard of tho antflocmadian trade committee and will leave for canada shortly to take part in committee meeting

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