Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1951, p. 5

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thursday july slh 10sj the acton free press page 1v acton ball crew up and down whitewashing issued clarkson splitting the wtckn name in the willwj county lentfiip activity ac ton inurmedlntei pretty well cov- ond both extremities in the hitting lpnrtmtnl on snturdny afternoon here while whltewnshink clurkion 10 0 the hnmmorod out 21 hltn in an ovtn jwwrlntf saw bnttinc nveratfen fnttondod by everyone involved- iaiatriibbthow over nt wntordown thfc iocnln were rentrieied to fourboiury hitfl as the merclinnts walked off with n m ncvtninnintt victory saturday there was no stopping the acton crew sort snyder on the hill pitched nupcrlntive ball had nir tight support from the in field and the acton bntfl were real ly chattering owen mnnales paced the parade with five safeties in nix trips ont a double bob bruce lome masters and babe allen wercn t far behind bruce smashed four hits in five trips while masters pounded out a three for five allen one of the most improved players on the club garnered three blngles in six trips as well as playing the first sack position flawlessly clarkson could only nick three hits from sam snyder s offerings and none in the two innings harry lnwsan hurled lawson rejoined the team after a lay off of a year out of acton livery he played with gait pups in the junior intercoun- ty inst semester olnrkson made futile attempts to break into the scoring rohtmnbutootildttfrdpnfr dnn threw to thirl catching the runner off the bug 1ut the throw went wild and a run scored jacobs emptied the bags with n long two bare hit to centre to mnke the score three all stonehou io wnlked and boih he and jacobs stole homb in ught thfltfrontoftheatoniihed aetontmt j the tight defensive armour present ed in the acton infield clarkson li on intermediate a team failure to coitil through in the pinches phfs name wild throws and mental lapses coat acton the gnme at wotcrdoun last night where a fanatical crowd watched water- down come through with five runs in o big third inning to put the garni in the bog with two mm on base an intentional walk was is sued to big pat finnamoro the bases were loaded when mel jor- tory awlde trom twowild throwrk modi mel jordan hurled fine ball ho wni stingy v 1th hits doling out five wnterdown used two men on the hill jacobs started but wns lifted in the top of the third- in fav or of pinriomorc when townsley doubled to centre for on xi b 1 that move poid dividends for the mer- chorts for finanmorc set acton down with their bats on their shoulders ith men on base on four separate occasions babe allen was the only acton player to sire up flnnamores assortment he poled two long doubles to right field in four trips acton la scheduled to meet georgetown in georgetown qn fri day night with the pcuiblltty of a postponed game with onkville be ing ployed here tonight thursday next wednesday actons play host to the mighty ookvllle oaks who i ore os yet undefeated manager norm morton might have some un pleasant moments for the oaks however if he con field a full team the actons have been strength ened with the addition of harry xnwon who wnnkw twp in fred fis of promotions v at acton school continued from pace iontt ton donald mason shirley mol- odi edward onki j george snj- tikl vaye smothurm pitny va- rty volene wahlmnn jimmy wild donald recommended brown robert fmrnt ison wayne promoted from grail iv to grail v pnns ajtkw robert andrews bruce armstrong mirgfirct bil lon imej clow grnce cook donnld cnxi robert creighton mirylou cu deforeit anne elliott paul fm- fetterly alan gorvnli shor- gordon jlr e phead optometrist eyes examined scientifically fl lasses fitted 5b guelph st georges sfl phone 1520 established so year saturday here and with a little practice should he in the shape that earned him a try out with the new york yankee chain jack hough who has yet to show for t game is also stated to appear in the line up sickness at home and transporto tion difficulties have kept happy lnw son the little shortstop from appearing in many games but it now appears these difficulties are solved and lawson will probably be in uniform most of the remain ing gomes he ployed on saturday smashing out two hits in as many nppennnces at the plate saturday game r h e chrksun 000 000 000 0 3 acton 010 309 oox 19 21 last night a game r h acton 201 010 04 4 wotcrdnwn 005 001 x 0 5 brighter picture tht 191 manpower picture ap pears to hove taken on n slightly different hue thinks the financnl post it now looks ns if labor sup- pt v ill still be tighter than at any time in the postw ir period but the over ill situation wont be as acute ti the prospttts mdicatid i f t w months po vpd tint nppll to skilu d labor ton cmidai per enpitt foreign trade in 141 w ts more thon thru turns as 1 irit ns in 1030 vi i itig auction sale speedvale avenue east norrhett limits of guelph fri sat july 67 city lights chaplin at his btst montues juty910 apartment for peggy color 1 jlanne crain uilliam holdln wedthurs july 1112 kelly the second patsy kelly mame rosenbloom fl sat july 1314 desperadoes cjjlor glenn ford claire trevor cmildkin laicround 2 shows nightly dedejs n incy hufby laurcnco rm rson donild froncescnto fdith on goodwin carol ene grohamo davlde greer wll- linm holloday willard hoydon gillian hotchen dlolr jnnk ed- wird jony ells jones ruth klrkness birry lambert roger lemon betty lindsay donold lindsay jomes lovell lynda mason jane mason judy mat tocks keith mcmullcil edward moyso patricio newton dlanne oakley thomas peal david rid ley wayne roche shirley sin clair normn skllling rasomnry suntcr charles swackhnmcr james sweeney diane walker blinchc wilier georgina water- house jnme recommended brown dorothy marshall wayne poole yvonne robinson jinet smethurst rob ert sterrltt edward promoted from grade iii to grade tv pass anderson jeinne barr patricia barrett shirley bennett michael fryer jeffrey garrett nrtnts firnh am fred hallidoy judy heeley billy higgins carol hinton bob by holmes dinny hufmgel gordon hunter mory jink how- ird lawson ih lewandi arthur john minles terry m domld sunrt metsnac barry pirker robert roid brenda russel merle sagaskl roblm smith david spielvogel ruth sunter margaret sweeney brian withers heather recommended milnpnre keith mceichcrn fave williams andrew promoted from grade ii to grade 111 p- andrews keith church ill bilk churchill verna dnwk- ns billv duby robert dunk ro rmmerson dorothy gibbons pf tf r honre john holmes colin hurst ton jones leslie jank morjorie marshall shnrleen mc- geichie paul morton judv mur ray sherrill newton peter ot terbein brian portv kathcrine oakle violet sterhtt patricio tennant bernard wilson mnrg iret wilson duson wilson wnne recommended mason wayne mellon rqnnld mcenceni rhona mcmulun david price donald ptomoti d from grade i to grade it past androwh morley arnott jjhiieh bnrr peter baxti r don aid hi ermnn tolm churchill pit colu n susm conic carolyn cunningham sandra currh ri clnrd dedels diane dubol i timmie duby leslie dunk reg inald duol yvonne engleby fred elliott norman riiott terry force e1l7nheth forco jo anne flott rosomnrv hnrrls g ore holmes julie kenney knllilrlno klrkness kolherine leathcrlanll john leishmon drew lemon marllynn lux ton marion imoekonle jack mnln prly gwen marks paulino i f r jlowhi and gllboit ruse mnrlor tmi tyfecrtsfoi brlon n peiwc latthjjy sir- dovskl chcster mcdonoid jim moyrn teddy miimy runsell norton barbara phee arnold ranney keith sneyd lillian stuckcy billy swackhomer ross urquart dar lene vickery jryndn wnterhouse terry wllfloma john recommended lirenby volerle promoted from kindergarten to grade i piss borbeou brian boermon divid bellimy jimmy bennett lorle benton helen buton jan et blow sheldon branklewltz teddy churchill borbara cohen shirley coxe linda creighton tohn crlpps bobby dawklns fred dennis koy dolmer john flilom giry engleby dnvld floft mnrllynne gibbons mary kay g6rdon lorrolpe gregory lois hinton jack holmes peter hunter marlene ironside jamie jennings jimmy klrwln christ ine lucis sue mison gordon massey joey mattocks michoel miude domld mckersie ross momullen crolg mercer barbara molodl john piplllon divld pipillon judv peil jimmv pit eko tohn price mnrgiret roich victor robinson dione ras7el wine sargent miureen smith briin smith murrav toth riv mond wieck genld wolfe pot rockwood mrs- t harrison dies in 95th year following i ft w weeks of lllne is mn thorn is hiirrhon pa sid away s iturday inclining at the home of uuuaughli r mrs alvln root in her 01th yi ar the funeral took plict monday ot her late home w ith private service at 4 10 p yii with rev mr irwin conducting interim nt took ploee in rock- wc od ctmetery beside her late husband the pilhilorers were charles intl g otge hir tohn mc dougill mervln witter llowl mrs harrison iroves to mourn her loss a fnmlly of two sons and jx dnghtprs anetti cmrs lonjf- strnpo sask cecil rock wood p rev detroit myrtle mrs wit ter golt cmmn mn jvtcdoug- nll trimasa gertie guelph marjorle fmrs liwrencel sask and verna mrs a b root rockwnod a number of floril wreath bearing silent tribute to the high esteem in which the decensed wis held were carried by seven young people its all greek not one person in a thousand or ten thousand can read and in terpret the complexities of a pros pectus with any intelligence de- clares- tlje financial post if iny one doubts that let him try to get understanding and enlightenment out of a typical prospectus for on oil project certnink for 00 44100 of the people who fill for the blandishments of the hot stock operators the prospectus might as well be printed in classical greek we have long since hod lows regulating the activities of snake oil medicine pcddlars and carnival game operators society has long since hod laws trying to protect people from their own ignorance and foolishness and certainly poople need protection in the com plex field of fimnce when wolves ore on the loose sheers for summer sheers or semltrnnspirent fab rics are llkelv to prove most im- portint fibrlcs in thespnng and summer these have been a long time giinmg popularity but it seems now thit their success will be issu reef it niturally follows tint the full skirted line will be the most importint for these fine gosstmer miterlalq need width to best show off tlu ir beiuty rayon orgini ind pin spotted cotton ul compete with geometric pa- terned broderie inghlst fivourlto colours being blick or mv blue lighten d with touches of white murfins when guests yioitow simis splow i plumbing heating i hoping to establish ys men in scotland y delegate tours i m n i clubs ore tlu new in- u i it of david gib on of as r shiiv sethiiid mr gibson ulm spent wedne day night and thur sday with gomel mckenxle in aelon wos one of the delegated at the ymca convention held in clevt land recently acting on o sutlch n decision to find out lis much as he could about ys mens clubs in canada bi fore his re- tiyrn with the intention of estib- llshlnj them in scotland mr gib un ib travelling thrujh ontario- 1 this week he started out it niojira falls ond then preceded on his tour of informal inspection to hamilton london and kitchener from guelph he was brought to acton wednesday ind will be driven on hi i w iy to roronto by mr mc- kt nrie as well as the acton y schools here are nri the agend i of things he wants to see a science tcach- ir in ii scottlwh jenlorvhlgh rchool in v111 hove a look at acton two hooli and nrosrw ctlve addition today thursday it wis ot meetings of ys mens d leiits in cleveland that mr gib on met the friends wjio are helping him on his trip and who hetrtll vtovorpdthbapre td in gof tin s club to his country encour- uonunt cimefvom a swedish del- i gate who- had ctibllshed seven clubs in i year grmiptd with the young adults it the conference mr gibson at- tejieled sessions with actons meb blow and caroline oakea ymca girls camp terra cotta 915 years 10 days july 16202327 1 00 per diy food oypehtsi 3 00 camp fe for whola period include lrrnportioti and handicraft this applica tion and 5 00 depoilt mutt be received at the ymca on saturday july 6th underline dates you expect to attend july 10 20 23 27 he ilth exctlknt i good fair pircnt siknntme 1 villi stock imilt mevtb tie tin i i 1 i mud li rinlm in tin n lutu it wtatiiiilall 1 11 k pllblll ulcthml nt hj i ii 111 it 11 ion r tup of trif ill i l uilis ist of milton on n1lltlal july mtu at j o loik ust tlu following holtsls vnd hulmis ui mm 11 us i id bin uldlnk ij 1 k i k1 uoikt i s t i hi n v lin linn hirius i dd collars biioks t ii i tt1 h 11 1st n li ifi r dm t in f s il hit u t m fi sli ii 1 1 in i du in autil t ilol- i mi ii full fl brid mir m u hlt 11 1 t ii i vv m mtt- fl tncl m hi h n hi t in i full fl iu biii inn 1 h 1 n in if is 1 m ir ol i li 1st in 1 f i 10 month ld 11 1 t in li i i i ilf ulxs rk sow du turn of l ik w bud tun luxctok lii 1mpi em r nts fix i i n t r in sti 1 iii hi 1 t 1 l 1 111 h hll ll lo 1 i t ii ip i i t ii ms 1 m ii ki i ii bind i ft ii mow r 5 ft 11 h iv 1 ml i c kkshutt in milt t di i 1 hi yr mi di 11 v ik n b ml b i tir d w ik ti f n i w ii n fl it h iy i i k liimi ril uffl r ilk- in pi v wht 1 iiltu itor fun null null with pull v u hi i 1 bir- rm t n i it il br vd r stov ihuk n f dels i t of si iiks 2 w h 1 ti in rnl i h is forkfl b irs ti uuk kjuiimtnt rk shut nulk hi mithln i mpl ti ith in itor pipin us d onlj oni ii ir i i n r stirr r p ills tc holsmom frhkcts ch st if 11 j kid is hiirs p ire 1 i i t iblt i und t il droo 1 if t ibli imih dd tiblis ind chiirs 2 on bh h it rs thii cih ttlmnt with ch rk hiv of s il vo nsr is finn 1 s ld ind th propntir i chiiik up ihkm s ion inimsdi it ci u j hindu ant3 phom fluott auitiom vacation time jn canada from sed to sea in canada canad ans from all walks of life art once more making vacation plans and cariadian pacific is no cjdtpt ion staffs are busy preparing for a banner year at resort hotels across the country mile h gh golf at banff springs in the canadian roc kies or trail riding there regal living at the digby pines seen above and happy days exploring the seashore all canada s vacation wealth is to be found waiting at resort hotels the p ricb at digby n s the algonquin at st andrew by the sea nb devils gap locjge near kenora qnl banff springs hotel chateau lake louise and emerald lake chalet in the canadian rockies in addition 10r3 ejttd d l77j the chateau frontenac iri fascinating quebec and the empress in beautiful victoria are year round ccorgo currlo clerk b2 imeccas for tourist milk bar acton creamery limited cones 5c sundaes 10c and 15c milk shakes 15e malted milk 20c egg noggs 23c bricks 30c sky scrapers 10c we cater to picnics looking for a bungalow thoro is a strong domand for bungalows on account of the oasy living thoy afford as woll as low floating costs listed bolow is ono that will satisfy your roquiromonts and your purso detached bungalow almost now owner has improved il considerably newer type of construction solid wood blocks covered with a wash stucco easily heated wash room w th todet bowl and shower five rooms in nice residential crfstrtct close to both highways forappointment to view contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors acton fhone os ourlph ihonr 401sw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots i urlrlil otflrr 20 wllhur st i wrlcht otflrr 09 macdannrll st warning attention of otuon is called to the provision of acton by ijw rogarding burning or disposal of waste paper or other inflammable material i the d ingtr of f irt s v 1 the ire i des gnattd as the fire jrta be ng guctph strctt on tf e east p rk avenue on the west school lane on tfit north ind church street on the south s particularly hazar lous f f re losses are to be kept to a m iijmum trit co operat o i ot all res dents particularly of the above ment oned rea is asked in us ng catg in fires for dis posa of mater al and in the centre of this district residents are requested to make disposal by other means than that of outdoor fires acton july 2nd 1951 e tyler mayor f dawkins fire chief

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