Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1951, p. 1

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itht jetton jrrtt prtss seventyseventh year no 2 acton orjtafclo thursday july 17th 1951 eight home print puflossix cent mill main work to start monday honors to pianists from c6nservatory all itim nf mn w tnwdv i pi iiiin pit ii i wlut irlt i iiihii itovnl cmint i v ni ii v of mmhii t wurnin il lllll iii clli iph vllh rllc ihsflll rnllm mi urt ft hi n huiih gndt jrttmur mid mil in f lln liinv nclin ilvn itdfrivulfl kin mm ilvn wood inni miisnn pns mm i on i n uhton i uli i it t rl is junior mini it hi khin ml imnois mmj mi i inn ltd iiid i ii 1 1 tmnoi 1 ii i- in jr id ihiniv xiunliiiilwin- l in ill v imiinli i fit t 1 i lion u hd i hum hiitm a i lining amnl til i ii tl i i l til i m i hn i 1 ii l i n i m n iv ill i in i nl niim i i i mini ji mi with ii ill i ill i iiiiiim i m mill ii uilh i il ii mil i i ml ii ii i pump house motor operates at spring at th menhir fin tin tit tin piihlh utllltluj iummimiiin i ur duv i vi iiinu supc i inti niu nt i mn lnit npditid 1 lint tilt tlitmini hukt nt tli jmu inni liidktii iitiil wild i hud t inni in loritnt t with tin iiwilni i in iftnlm lind in tn 1 1 imiv i d und tak n in f m iph uliiii it un found thut tin wind ini lind in i n luidlv iniinl lln liiotni fni tin nt w liiinip iimu nti minn stni t wn in tilth d nt tin ipiinj miipiitv und ih iiiiw himi iii ih tin i ilklilll v h 11 i ninl uill in hilh d nt ih in t itmii in nmliu r h i in 1 i h in hi a h ll i fnni in ii 1 i i iti d tli it ih in ii in i i id vv h ihl in ii ii in i i i 1 it th i u v i in it i ii id ii ii ill hi rnvf competing bow nt the acton groans on slurcly wore representitivos ofttnrrlt5te the hrttttwotiefekl s tou is an annual event and in the top picture alex halliwell of mim co presents the trophy to ed cooper nelson tilbury and roy campbell of porl credit members of the winning team in the day s competition an ac ion rink took second prize and in ihc bottom picture akx halliwell presents a silver dish to skip tom watson w chisholm and bi rt mowit of the second place- rink staff photo i itt t bowlin playoffs begin in milton ai i in i vl plnml iiiimii on mnilli lllj hi iii mill ill tin flisl ihi nf lln 11 ii i nc llwn llnwhtll il ntf ii vi lillllll nil i i l mi or lln win audi i mi pint in tin jjuubll liiiiin ilium uiin uu ii on ill iii a llllllllinilli ki i u il mi w c lllshnliii mil m niiliknm i win fi nil il iii tin uinlc i nliiii tlllill il i i ijuiluul lu m iiiiikiii ill lln lni ti s i inn 1 ii mrs p cook marries c mason in toronto church june 30 e x t cttn rockwood woman killed in cartr acc mrs thomas mdlrkit 7j wur nld reside nl nf it it j hoe k wood was utmost insuinth killed tuim1iv afternoon shortlv hrfon r o clock whin the coi in which iht was rutin was in collision witli n truck in nakhitiawcva township lit i husb ind is in cm iph ct m rl hospital with chest injuries seven lacerations to the hiud and arms seerul fractureet rilxs and hock tht accident occurra al nn intt rst etmn of the moffat rout no 3 chmilhoust about one half mih east of lxroffnt and fivt miles south east of kden mills tht mcbndt nr wis in colli- if ion with a truck which polut sn was dnen b ch irles miuhell of ii it j campbillvilh a ft eel and jjnin di ih r then tin truck dri er wis iminjund mid his two small ehildnn ridmj in tin truck siipt d twitti minor hur s when tli n wen hurled a nrvsi tht wind hit id th chlldn n jam t age d it md hive mitchell acd 5 bump d their he ids jijrnnst tht glavj but wn not otherwisi injured the new tar stnick bnnonet bv tht 1 ton truk w is pusheei m fet t pallet said aecordiiik to dt oils available tht mcflndi ear wa procecduii north t ist and made a rtirht turn ontc the moff it road at the school hoiii th tmck was appnrentlv iroirij in thi opptvsiu dinxtion and the vehicles collided broadside the mcllruh cir was pushinl alone tht ro id md into a ditch neither vehich ovirturned it was report id c oront i ir g svi r pmnounctd dt ith when mrs mcbndt was si vert lv crusheei in the collusion md dud of internal injuries the bodv wxs nmnvtit to the mcclun furu ral home gt orrt town provinclil const lbh a mcnivin of milton mvi stijntt d it is not known if an hiqiu rt will bi hi id into tht dt ith of mrs mcbndt survivors of tht r nek wood wo nnn uicludi her husband and four dnikhtt rs mrs mnrv hunter oak- wtmui avt toninto mrs jick lost georgetown mrs jean job milton and mr wriv bcssev gt oruetown pictorial issue of 1918 medals jacket worthy museum display dunn tin p ist f v uk si t r tl intt n s mi i t ms of world n i htvt eonit until r our obs r ition mr a c ritttrson lllov eel u tiuit to ihrusi ttu bound pictcn il number- of the montn u st tntiarti ivsik d it th turn of tht w ir end it was mo in enstm e spaiiallv tht photor iphs of w ir eepupnunt in cgmpirisop with that of todav noticmbl missing are picture of planes and tanks and nicchanimhi eiiupmtnt in tht war of idurllt personages who wm headlined in tht new have passed on bir- racks an tended urouncls and cal arv and mfantrv wen th bulk of tht fitfhtmi forces thirtv years ao then came to our attention the 10141018 war decorations and n cordi of another acton soldier iv hi lies ovtm hinders fields t tirp j i mottn s pinnls hive nu died md tins treaminv itnusheti b tht m fur so min i irs h iv eonu to ht fret prets offiee p rh ips that is f ittine in vuw of tht fiet tint corp moon served his tpprtnticiship as a print r m th t re pn ss offlc be fn e nlistni for ove re is ser- v ice v will pi ice thtm with n wide virut of t irl pictures of act in folks md other items of local htst ortcal intt n some di cton should pnw idt t mibium for auch ch rtsheti items w ilr6 hv to add t the col lection one of the reel jickets that th canadian soldiers won at the timt of the fenian raids and which should be under class for preser vation a in jh v inn ihntd hut h 1 iiitin th it chul n of fit i i tl it iii 111 ml 1 ij t of ml pllld ill ink i i c hail u m isn of min m s it iti tl i inn ii hi hud si it i mi iii mill brooks itti iidd tli in id m i lit it smith ioioiito w i hi in in aft i th vvtdditjt a riiijition w is h id it tin honu of thi hndi vm iii iinkmif tornii i rn nds from acton and kin mon ath ndt d tht w ddiiij big mixer tumbles at mill st corner a two ton ct nu nt mixer tumbled on its suit wi dm sdnv e ve nini nt r p m in front of hargnivt s sir vici stilton as it was nmndinj tht cornt r from vounc st to mill si owntd b ciirrm and nriurs of toronto tht m ichint vas bt inp hiultel b a tnick dnvxn by stew irt lie lives of toronto tht hitch b twt t n thi truck md mixt i was p irtmltv brokfn ind cuiaeel thi triixcr to tumble win n i ithiked around i saw the mr wheel in tin air and stopped just befon it foil the driv r iid oddlv noujh tht mixtr was on lts w a to stratford to w ork on street improvement there the mixer was nihud b a derrick and left town inter last nirht it wai not m ruuisly dam- ircd i in u i to ini kii tin tt i y m mid t i mill 11 1 111 ill i i i il ii it hi t v in i in i i in p i uh i lis i s i in il it i i inni ti it ih i i in i ol mlllt wi iml llflll i lit i tl i flmin tin ii i l t it d in ii i ol pi m i v t i h i v hud l i n mi i i d t ml t i ih nn hi t ink mid mjh lot tli n id hull hi wiiini im i ih l th it no w i i i i ii i wniihl in in i h in ml ihl to ti nl i a i in t i i i is i to lii iniid iind th ii laws ilutlmitl kllldlllk hvilin stlviti md thi nmmiillic nf ve ji it r foi ti uh i a tin i an not pi i muni nl lw hint stipi tint iid nt 1 inilii it h pin t 1 tli it th ii ve it i mid s w i int i d hud in i ii in 1 ilhd il th i i t teen w k a mi in huh i u t on main si whiili hi hi n iiviir ion idt rnhlt i ion hi bourn off ulun ti lit ks lot it i h i iiiiil of tht hi mil flttiiu of th intr is to h i il ii up with tht in iiiufjii tin ri snjit i ml nji nt m son was in tun i d to oidt i two ill cm h kva ii in fmii is ihi st will hi h ctl in pai illt i until such tlim as tin tvth t hani t i m idi and thin will hi split t iv in two li titsfnrm i i s ftii si i vin it is ixptetid hit ni w strut lights will ht intallid and in sir vtti hi fun thi tin lis for tht nt w road surfaii are laid tin stand nrds liavi iirrtvt tl and through tht thniijhlfuli ss of dt putv chiilrmnn t t ware hnvt hie n pninte d an aluminum t olor it is c xpert d the v will ht install d next wttk hydro arrounta riliott bros 210 h g harlow and co 3 12 wrkmtnn comp bd 230 31 acton frit press 12 34 hlkhwav ginike 10 10 powtrhtt dtvict ltd 101r00 canadian lime materials 25 so d h howdcn und co 14 05 wm mcdounall und son 33 25 northern electric ltd 342 41 pt ttv gush cs4 gut iph sand and gravel 10 hh a vine 1012 50 acton woodcraft 1 70 sunday schoolers picnic at goelph last sutiuilitv iifliiimon nlmtui j oiloi k u initio nl und nuil i ii i i mil fiim alton tn tin oll lill iiii iph fni thi iiiinnil siuuli si iiihii plum of lln pn liv rl it hniih swlinmiiil v i fit t n jiim rl in thi iihi inn iiiiim in fun nntt nfti r ui i in in iniintiit nnil nil tun lnn iliu nif iiiii i in mint 1n n nili ilti nilliim mn iiinri i inn ill il il l ln i n hui mil 1 ml ati i nji i win h i l in ii il i ii il li ii i i i i iininii i i t i nn i nn 11t nn i mill i nn ihl 1 i i ii- ii nn ii hmmhi i i inni i i u i a iii i iii i lull i n lln ii un in i ii i 1 in sum ll i ii mil i it lis i mil il nn itil in an ii i in ful h ii h i i li i h ills ifl i hi n ii uli ii ih i i mil in i nli i i li i town purchases cement eliminat pav delay ni i otifiti lis wm romphttd at j pm thitt niornlnu fm mi nrly stut on mill oid m iin htittts piwni and impiovi mi iiik ve in n k j it miiish n minium i tl to at ton nmntil ihnl tin mntnittni would start work monilfty mttrninit on lnvlitii tin turhlnct iiitnlnu vi tnhli luislna und laisuil tin mm imh s i i mill nt otmttotih huvi hi t n made tilts wiik follow mi tin rt port al i- 1 idav h rt yular t oimell mi i tinh thnt thn tontiiiitoi wnlil not html uoik until ottohii un ivailnhlhtv of ninnil was bus car collide as 13 miss injury 111 1 ii i i i ii il ml 1 i jli ii i ill nn 1 i nl is i ii i i i i i i i i i i mil i i ill ii in ill a i n nihil 3320 7h waterworks account m mcmlllun labour 4c00 acton puc hydro so es j b mackenzie ond son 100 stnndnrd chtmlcal co 47 12 clintidlun brass co ltd m go 77 niitionul iron corp ltd 350 210 08 old miir setting for annual picnic i h hi i mill ii iph w is tl s n of ih p tp m tl unit t linn h sun i sthiol pn nu 1 t m11i iv ft i ii hi ih f w hop i i in ihi l n ii did ii l d niip ii in if lhc fori of tht wimmini tin ujm i whn h f ii iul tin jliilm i itmii nf ritti a i ond lii whs t ut d r i ih tup lioiin nut thou i 10 itt nth tl i iii vi llllll ill pi iv itt iii ii wi 11 j is tin hti a imst hull iiuni w iiiotht i fi itiin of dm jut nir wellington group reclaims cemeteries as memorial to pioneers i i 1 r pn ii i t t in w lhliltiti oiilitx il to h li i 1 tin d li utifi tl out puhlit it tl i und t th din ctii n of i p t i 1 t mini m ii of th old u in t n ui i poittd to h hidlv in in i d of ii p di th plo s will h ft in t tl tiff with onlv on iiitrinii md tin uioitnds will ht th in d of wtds thi m is will hi rut hiisht s trimnit d ind t round it vt ih d f irh n e lumt d ci nn tt rv vti ill hnve a siln i xphilnine it is n piont i r ci mi it rv ninintunid us u puhlir mi mon il rt movnl or re e dblishment of stoni s ls din cllv undi r local nulh ontv il 1584 for oiling 11 acton streets church bower frederick elg in knox park mill south wil low jtihn wilbur and mario streets now huve a matin n nf oil 1 raved on last viwck by tht mun icipal spraying and oiling co at a cost to tht town of si 584 approximately 8 000 gallons of oil wi re used in th program and tin substance took two or threr davi before it was sufficiently dry citizens an now reporting their approval although housewivei j jjaipcd u hen they saw the black tnrrv substance being tracked into tht ir houses all town otroetb did no receive an application because of the cost and council tx pressed a feeling that the heaviest travelled rtreeti should receive the spraying i in k ul tl it f i t r ii p 1 i ii l i 1 ii f i llltl tll i fi 1 h h ll oi t 1 t o ft ii md mm mi k ink 1 t put of ni no hi n o il nt t th wo i mlini imjio tn n ii i tuiiiiii fiom h ih in iu iph ih i u w i to tin until lit h mi id i poll mippot t tv i i iint i hittr witil into ft lt tht h it id n in inn it npi ijtht th r ii is wi t 1 t off thi bus out th drivi r h irked up then ihm out of tin slopid dltih iin witniss siul tin bus elrlvir lohn if cotiw r jt 12 wolwnirn ac tnioiito w is thrown fioni his m it h th imp nt hut n t urn d his hold tin tin win 1 1 md stoppttl h hus lmijt to tin hus w is slight hut th 10 pis t nm rv ind 2 drivi rt wt n hhtk n up alth ulii not i jnid diiiiiki to tin mr wis t xtt n iv th it ft md w bidl m ishi tl thi front w hi i 1 w r tw isti d windshield hrokt n door h mdlt s ilppinl off and finders rid pirt of thi hood torn const ihh a mcntvi n of tin milton di tachment provincial pol- ici invt stjgitt d the irndi nt itvin us tin itiihni fm tin di lnv iind tuiiniil point tl to two sourrk nf it nnnt iivnllthh i h i ontrai tin linn iiilvfmd th mtil tlwit tin pi n i wiii hii in i ih ni oi ijelnul iindiitd tint fionit niusl tn i iik up tin tiiift i ii rn un mk 1 nt ihi mini it is i foi till ii ih ft of t uihlni p i i id i fotf i i miii ii mi of th mn i i p s ihh laurie ritchie escapes with bruised foot in collision with car sun ttn yeaold laurie ritchie ei raped seirious injury sunday night m approximately 8 pm when she was in colliuion with a car driven bv h b held or ii r 1 norva the accident occurred just in front of mccutcheon s store as tho driver was going nfjrth on young st tht child ufftnd a bruise on the left foot defective brakes cause of accident narrowly escaping death and serious linjury 12 bus passengers and john kociuk were invplv ed in an accident at tho first line west ofafctan friday evening attempting to make a left hand turn north from no 7 highway the car was struckby the bustollowing it shown at the left is the ditch where the bus stopped missing the supporting pole by a foot and a half the bus careened in the six foot ditch with one side part way up the bank the driver john codper toronto backed the bus up and brought it out of the ditch under its own power shown at the right is the 35 ford driven by john kbciuk as it came to rest in the left ditch 150 feet from where it was struck sea plwxo john bocink rr 3 acton was charged with having defective brakes on hti cor following an ac cident in guelph last friday after noon the car ran into the back of a bicycle owned by kay miles of the ywca supervisor of the summer playgrounds at the corner of wyndham and macdonnell su the cyclist had stopped for the red light the rear fender oi the bicycle was damaged ind tli iv j ih in i it i phin t h ii tin loinph t 11 hi lit met tiiuslu d hv tin t ml of aiiipnt i hi ii rs no turn limit in tin totiliitt in tu i ii lln to i md th t oiili ii tot hit in of th linn jinn in i ost thh e iiusi rt lln 1w to t hui of oimnt onhtid hv tin town fot tin job l7i pt i li tu ik h intt utilved totlav si vt ml p tid imtitilpi have ih it in id thih w u und a mtutlng hud hiuht wi dm mhiv i was at- titultd hv count hints giir try- t r whck thompron wnnel tay lor ih i vt llnriirave und mayor tvhr i ah al off innlh anticipate the work of inynih curha man holes and tntth luxinx will he done by a mih rontrnetur jhihkibly local council receives i report of police i tht n port of the local detach ment of provincial police was sub- jinltlid to aetiui touncil at tho n kitlar mte ting friel y vrning under the highway traffic act it pointed out that 34 summon had i bet n isued and 33 convictions ob tained besides this v warning had been given under the liquor control act 24 warnings had been issued there had been 20 con victions on bylaws fines col lected totalled 1403 councw received the recommend at kin from the planning board that hey did not favour the erection of tourist cabins on the property of t atkinson on cameron ave mr atkinson was present at the meeting and told council that the cabins would be rented by th week he planned to erect thrs this year as an experiment tha cottages wouldnt be close to any houses mr atkinson said council asked if mr atkinson would agreefp signing agreement regarding the renting of cabins for only a part of the year he was quite agreeable and council fejt this would prohibit yearround resid ence mr atkinson was to secure the feeling of surrounding residents and approach council at a later date the planning board recommend- ed council refuse the application of lee can for permission to open laundry on the comer of willow and church streets the building is on a half lot and the owner continued em pact eienyj more bachelors in town girls but canine population drops thort art more eligible bachel ors in tbwo this year but the dog population has decreased accord ing to the half yearly financial re port submitted by towr treasurer mcgiarhlt at cuuncil on friday evening in 1b50 poll tax brought in u49 but thi3 yar 380 has been col lected from the over2l unattach ed males dog tax on the other hand brought the town 1482 in lftso and this year the figure has fallen to 400 taxes eitlmateil at 1js3 will be paid this year and already the treasurer has received 53 72031 on lands buildings and bus iness to pay expenses as uwy go along the town borrowed twp00 until enough taxes were collected to cover expenses town receipts in the first hall of ltti i totalled htim not jnelud ing the bank loan which brings the total to m 041 51 disburse ments totalled 73045 72 estimated expenditures for tha year are set at 133 037 00 this u the figure on which the 43 mill rate is set in the first half of th year 73 045 72 has been spaol money gained by the town is es timated at 44 3tt a which luv h4gr be raised by taxation a surplus of ho74 will be raised by the 43 mill rate on the assess ment of 2114171 but there are still more baehsu ors and less dogs in town jl

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