Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1951, p. 4

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page rouh the acton free press j tiiunsday july lth 1031 fctianal atoted of actonlans visiting ootoftown points and of visitors in acton homes virion mr and mr fred him int hi week end in hamilton mr and mrt ijuy johnson sivent last weekend at wuuu liocn mlu mamaret qarvln la toll- daylnjf at thorel iiouw muakoka linda lovell left with her aunt thhwxitjypar bc mr and mrs hortuan uralda and linda re hblldaylnu in truro ns mlt 1 johnston orlllln hat been visiting with mlu m main- prize t mr and mm w bcatty hav returned from a trln to british columbia mlis linda weaver of hamilton is visiting with h krandmothur mm philips miaa virena johnson and mlu shirley wilson ore holidayinu at wasaga beach mr and mrs arthur hill rune returned from o two weeks holi day in georaia john klnasbury left last thurs day evcnlna from malton for the canadian weat- mr and mrs stuart sinclair and family are holidaying this week an manlloulin island mm k uralda is holidaying with friends in montreal mm a k munn has retumid from a vult with her grundiuotlur mrs it d hnpklllk uiul aunt mm nellie lletflev atmalheon out mr and mrs harrv murray and jamuymrwmbmrfctjmuiiy and mrs unity itanaun jhid cjor apent sunday at ryu erii ulu crystal tteach mr and mrs allison jackson of hock island quebec with their son terry jackson and fuiullv of lindsay 1it usltod with the oukes this ueek mrs nell ewlna has been visit ing her niece mrs fred kenlner and renewing acquaintances orotknd town mrs ewing lived in acton a number a years ago dr allan j buchanan is a pat- lent in welleiloy hoipttul toronto where he n undergoing an emer gency major operation friends will uuh ftr him a speedy recov ery mrs qeorge burnett of chicago visited tastweek at the home of mrs j mackle her aunt miss phyllis mackle returned to ch cngo b plane with her for a week s ncatlon mr and mrs james bowie and frlenda of punt mich who resided ospringe winners at garden party ttu unrtlon ntarty hioh utu rhiirwtluy vmlnif tit out church luwn wuu ijulta d ttuu with ohiulnny utmip twvlvhiu flrt ttilvi lllllttluiruli mhondsnul mlm- tutt thlttl ah uttutiui nut nn u utuul prntfrum mr unci mim t i mvculohwm and mi und mr clutk ptvemitn suhu utlimuiod tin ktvt man ivnnlim hfdd t ciirllinv luht hai ti rdiiy huruott mid mm ftftbby til uin fl t u ww mnnttny victor ullh jmi mid mr j i llnhum nnd family mr and mm lloluirl mcculch- hn kitchener wnro vinltnn on sunday with mr and men hnrv- iv jwtln nnd hobby sunday visitor with mr nnd mm irwin hamilton wnrt mr tnd mm alf cmilluu and mr and ir wm alexander dan hlndloy wan in toronto nt exhibition park with hu ponied lut saturday cotttrlbumntf to thn ntortalnment of the children of the projects reach million mark continued from lni0 ok llvthd wihji htt bhiif liaiihftri t i ftlmlt till mill tit ihiltn to ihtln mauid bnhliul front utttuit build- it ilmmitrwlim wn uinun imvm h en wofklnu on u pro jul i and aiii ahnout wmly to traiuftir llw ullii h lh tkpntttml llumi will bo no intim rtiptltm in htt id lluhtlntf duilnu tin ttanxfer umplitlitn of tin howpinui din- pofial plant ik itxptltoil in htptimi- ivi r and it ihmih final projitt in hip liihtnllntloii of howiaui nyri- tfm in town tin tontpllcattd innkji lmvilrn built nlfkrlhv nu tlii thlid linn i amt of inwu and thiri art only two tiiiikh to ht flnljhld tin torn unt block unrntfo boltu iim ttml at tin wim nnd nf town bv frank tnth aluo nonrlne kimplotlon j mi uiul mtw albert d wllllanih im i htaultty wuh to aunouiilu that thn ttuiilauti of ihhi huuuh- to ifritdu 1ltntrli mtfnddm to ifhitnn cook of luindon mm of tint lain mr und mr ifnbmt fmik alton ontiji in will tuko plum vi i- day july i7 t pm ut tint church of clulnt llm ipidm imdnn hnv ir ii v ktklmrdt nfflclutlnu umbhousb million aircraft omployneii mia claia dlacklmk and tfrond- chlldr4mi toronto and mrn pamp- li r tlalllnafad worn vliltom in thr vlllnifc on sunday his combine paid for itself with only two months work mhtfnrmimuntnrrttpu inlmnilln jvctqnnlpuv2yar made r sir and mr lnvrtl la mits carol gibbons of kitchener mrs jinn ma thivt and mr and mn e g blrk visited with mrs w kfnn on sundn mr and mrs gordon aiken and family cmprinflc ore holidayinu at monttouhn inland thu wock master dauf chalmers of dlvth vuited in acton this week with mr and mn e grlichow mr mont mcmillan and dr c a warren of toronto visited friends in town on wednesday mia fern brown u vlaltina this week with hev ond mri w fos- bury and family at bruc beach mr and mrs john c dennis are spendinc a few days this week with friends at sarata and district mrs thomas atkinson penny and jane are holidaying in toronto this ueck with mrs peter blttncr miss florence holmes of toronto spent some holidays with mrs ada near and other friends here this week mr md mrs john troy of ham pton spent last week with her sls- ter mn orville johnson and mrs johnson mr and mrs murray smith and fanuu ptnt sunday with mrs belle smith it rort erie and cis- tal beach mrs fint mearthui iptnti few da with h r dnunhttr nnd son- tn lav rr md mn e a daw son oil springs mr w a waldie of winnipeg is visiting frit nds and relatn es in acton and district and renewing old acquaintances mr and mn p j dmal okit- cht ner nn istlng this week with mr and mrs w dual and other relatuis in cton brief call on mondnjrat the frw press office and recalled many friends of earlier years he retired this ear after 40 yearn with the general motors corporation the first jis turbine in britain to run on pulverized coal is being tested at new castle the engine dc clops w0hp and is more com pact and cheaper to run than most power units baumapad district wms ladies are guests a ery pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of mrs j f shortilt on wednesday july 1 1 when the wms members played hostess to auxiliaries from churc hill erin ashgrove georgetown and acton each society contributed a solo duet reading or a musical number toward the program this was fol lowed by a sing song after which a delicious lunch was served to about 70 people plans had been made to have this social on the lawn but owing to the rain it w as held in the house the e l ning auxiliary held its july meeting at the home of mrs rakt r on friday evening july 13 w ith the afternoon auxiliarv as guests a film strip on young peoples work camps was shown followed b their regular program a social hilf hour warf spent oer the tea cups the childnn of churchill nnd bnlltnafad w ho attended vacation school it ball inn fad held a picnic it tlu manse onlidi july 13 after plaving ball amcjvhcr games the entertained the rfdulu with a worbhip service andi short pro- grim ind i showing of the hand work which the had done this w as follow ed b a cup of tea and lunch baltsvsoakeo fcut eaget tfe campbellville lodge assembled m georgetown last thursday afternoon for the parade on the glor ious 12th holding the banner in readiness are jack stokes and walter dennis of the l o l 1 184 of campbellville umbrellas were popular equipment of the day as the rain poured down on the visiting orangemen of 72 lodges staff photo the story of john veroba of lamnftian sask is n striking ex- imple of what can he done with a farm improvement loan soys gordon oder local bank of mont reil manager malcnalirajuiamflilmmnilin 1f apprnalhod the b of m in hbl dt trict for an f i l mr oder continui i the loan was granted ind mr veroba purchased a com bine while waiting for hla own crops to ripen he harvested grain for american fnrmers in the near by slates after just two months of hard but profitable work with the now machine mr veroba paid off his loan and owned the cornblm fie of all debt thu ama7ing sure at ntory made possible through an v i l mr odi i points out shows how intilh these tonus enn help a pro- gi wive farmer it is good to know inallliattllc fjylernl- government has xtihdod the provlslnrarof the farm improvemi nt loans act lot inotlu r thru yean until 10m if there ar home improvements or mnchfm s for which you need money mr odt i concludes drop into tht b of m to discuss a farm improvement loan we shall be gtad to talk the matter over in confidence rmsr acton troop boy scout paper drive for old newspapers magazines collection will be made saturday july 21 st it would bo appreciated if all bundles were tied securely and placed where they can be seen from the trucks all scouts and cubs willing to help are to bo at the scout hall at 9 a m last call for theae printing items which you want completed before augutt 10th annual vacation july 28 aug 6 both dates inclusive place your order now for any printing you rnjiy require before august 1 0th we ii do our best to have if delivered before we close on july 28th v the acton tree press phone 174 aden ont othanniversarvu of church marked r it v c c om hi alio ditlvtled two iouhiuu him rrioiih iih kin nt pi nchet at 1h nlnetli hi unnlv- i itaiy servlci s of llmi limine iren hyterlan church last wi ek mr ii d i inns n pnslded at the urtfun and hoioh and dm t were hplfjndld by mm j l davldijon mr goo mumsetlo and ilev a calder mr and mr win nnwton nnd lauuhter of barrle mr nnd mrs ontdon oileu and daughter nnd mr win oleff of brantford nnd mirf aitlmr ivi iih of toronto were all visitors wltli miss ivins and hlsti rs recently mrs jred shelbourne of toronto win a wtm k nd visitor with the w shiltkiuint i nil vhltluil mi and mil pud coxt ulllsbiirh itev and farn c c cochrane donald willfam and douglas of wi ttmount qui in wire ttiusts of tht a w btiilons nccnlly oth er visitors ticentlv there included mr and mrs gordon price and dnuiihter nf conkstown bev a cnldi rnnd mr t tf prtre nf mri gi nriii town atidml and huah llnvd of guelph mr nnd mn arthur lane of toronto qin nf the week with hli mother here knv norlnn spent a few tlays of last weije in toronto mm a w norton mr and mn ron intimer and gloria npi nt the weekind at meaford mm b w connell of new westminster bc in vldltlntt her aunt miss m swnckhamer miss olive marshnll ot toronto in vlsltlnc the wm mifchrlu beet nt visitors mrs c eccles and children of burllnrton wllh the charles jones bishop and mrs keen of phil adelphia with mr and mrs mills the arrowsmlthji of toronto visited miss swackhnmer on sun- day mr and mrs ted morrow nnd elane of toronto visited mrs lane and the ix nortons over the weekend miss jacqueline grahnm of georgetown with anna spltzer mrs fnstt r and rhlldn n rif oakville formerly of wamilnjjton with the bournes glcndon srott was home from mldlind ffr the wenkend mr ind mrs chirle jones vls- itimi glori i in sick children hospll il on sunday gloria ts profit sslrik fivoribly followinfl on operition for mistold a week ngo frit nds will miss mr and mrs him mcdomld and fimlly who hi movid to pirry sound mr ind mrs miybec and fimlly nnd mr ind mrs tubbs and family ire occupying their house mr ind mrs bus norton and fimllv are at prtsent rentlnff rooms from the archie mcd thi wa held their july meeting it the home of mrs smethunt mis apph yird readlnk scripture and miss ivens leiding in prayer clearance of summer merchandise ladies and misses summer dresses greatly reduced 394 ladies sun dresses willi bolttros slos 12 to 42 rftfl 5 95 to 7 95 prico to clour ciicii misses dresses mfldo of wflfflo criskny sio 12 to 20 reg price t ac 0 95 price to cloar each otifo 695 balllnafad guest ministers conduct services ucv mr smith of georkotown hod chnrgo nf the siruci nt bal llmfiitk on sundi for tht com- immion erlco mr ind mr gibb ind bruce nre enjolnn their hnlldji rev mr forprmn will prmch for thc next two sundays ind there will be no service tht fint sundiy pf august mlviion circle mtt on friday night it tht home of jean stn- cliir wa met it the hotru of mrs lindsay ind mn mcdlll on tut s- da july 10th the prtqident mrs smith pn sided ind also had chirce of the dotioml sivtnl it ms of buslntss win discussed roll cill wis inswend os somi think i hive loirnid fiitnds are pleas d to s bonni colton out iknn ifti r b inn shut m with scarlet fetr mr ind mrs earli hune of stnilsille sp nt the wtkend w i h mr md mrs arnold mcfn n quit i number from bllluiifad ittendisd the funeril of mrs john akitt th smpith of thi corp munltv eoes out to the breifd flmlls havini has been quite l prob lem this year with io mucti rain but it seems to be improving j mllut and womrli 5lack suits wo have a largo selection of slack suits in various stylos and colors rog prices from 8 95 to 10 95 out they all o ono low prlco por suit corduroy shorts si7os 12 to 20 colors groy groon gold bluo pink and rod rog 2 98 a pair prico to t 1 a cloar por pair vuila misses alpine slacks sies 12 14 16 only rog price 4 95 a pair price to clqar tor palr- ladies brunch coats rog 3 25 1 qa prico to cloar ea d ttftf ladies smocks sizes 14 and 16 only rog 2 95 price to cloar each ladies summer blouses piquo organdies cris- cays rog 2 98 price to cloar each ladies white purses reg 3 95 price to cloar oa 494 149 239 199 ladles navy blue slips ono lot to clear each 99c childrens sockees sizes 6 to 814 re 3 a pair price to cloar a pair 25c ludlfet lttux on piece bathing suits reg 7 95 price lo clear each ladies slips sios 32 to 4q in tho lot rog price 2 50 to 2 98 price to clear each 595 149 10c childrens sockees small sizes price to cuir per pair childrens cotton house coats sizo 3 to 6 rog 1 49 t 9r each childrens dresses rog 1 25 to 1 49 to cloar at each 98c childrens overalls 69c small sizo price to cloar a pair 39c childrens briefs size 26 reg 50c to clear per pair mens t shirts assorted colors sizes small medium and large rog 98c prlco to jq cloar each i j c mens shom s m 1 special price to a 4 a garment tic mens swimming trunks rog 1 95 special prico each flannelette blankets large double size color grey or white with pink and bluo borders special price por pair 1 589 pallants clothing store 29 mill st acton john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmitnlng prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w in person don messer and his islanders popular radio personality saturday july 21st tickets on sale sat july 14th for 1 00 per person at ckinns photo centre queen st w brampton mail ordets co brampton arena modern and old time dancing 8 30pm to 12 p m brampton memorial arena h s

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