Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1951, p. 5

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thursday july lftth 1051 the acton free press paar nvi athletic grounds at campseuvuu scene of monster garden party under the auspice of st davids church campbellvllle a monster garden party was held on satur day july 14 in the athletic ground of the village badenock faced campbell vllle in a ball game that opened the evenings program on the bill were magician a axmg and dance team hillbilly dancer comedian and a ventrilo quist fed whltmore acted as mc a refreshment booth on the grounds was a centre of attraction nts strike oil at clarkson drill through to a 64 stake sf81 umisci you get full bmsure of whole wheat and bran in nabisco shredded wheat cet these two tumi itunless stetjteik knives ut u wo i mx tom a lofting ktreak that ha been plaguing the baaeball intermed iate in their lat four atari wan ended at clarkson last nlsht ok southpaw mel jordan hurled acton to a 64 win over clarkson oiler h waa actona seventh win atfalnat eig l the el ofwhjch vla on saturday when thoy dropped a 104 declalon to a win hungry rod cap erfcur bent on consolidating their hold 6n second place tonight thursday acton plays host to clarkson in a gamo that was postponed earlier in the sea son and on saturday waterdown merchants invade acton in hopes of winning their third game from the locals out of teeso two fix tures aetdnhiope to pass the 500 percentage mavk by chalking up wins and finish the season well up in the standing as of now postponed games have been so numcroiuulbe- league secretary has been unable to com pile a league standing that would be anywhere near accurate how ever it would appear acton is now in third place closely pursued by waterdown and could finish in second place with a few victories in the remaining five games oak- vllle still occupies the top spot with only two losses clarkson defeated the oaks 30 last week but from here it looks as if the oaks hope to milton rod caps on the crest of a winning streak hod little trouble downing acton saturday 104 the red caps hammered out 13 hits at the expense of don ryder who wasnt up to his best form on the totk3tdo of the slab and right hander sam snyder his relief in the seventh acton collected nine hits from poopie marshall and murray grcnke who shared juajpltching aagfaulngattcndoncewhlchtheyjclulles tor milton bueuwi awr nllm buy a litntntcltrthwsrota they have won without losses this was borne out last night nt clarkson when acton had no dif ficulty in rocking up a win while with onkvillo they hove yet to come close they were neverhead ed after the flrit inning when two runs counted hap lawson and babe allen both on base with free tickets scored as masalcs and townslcy poked out successive singles they added two more in the third on three hits that sent townsley and mel jordan home and two more in hc top half of the fifth sewed the game up before clarkson had a run jt s jfaltun optometrist 7 douglas st guelph eyes examined sglasses fitted speedvale avenue east northeast limits of guelph thursfri july 1920 doubt feature 50 years before your eyes house across the street satmon july 2123 untamed breed sonny tufts barbara britton plus three stooges tues wed july 2425 slave ship warner baxter mickey rooney thursfri july 2627 mr soft touch glenn ford evelyn keyes childrins flaycround 2 shows nightly a 0 l a children under 12 ytar free the oilers came back in the bot torn half of the sixth to score as three runs the result of three bob bles in the infield wltlf owen mas- ales committing two of them in the seventh clarkson put together two hits for a single run and that ended it r went the dlstanco on the hill for acton and gave up only seven hits they were well spaced with no more than one in a single inning with the exception of the seventh when the oilers managed two the actons hammered eleven hits from two clarkson pitchers owen masalcs and mel jordan each with three hits in four trips led the assault b score by innings r h e acton 202 020 08 11 3 clarkson 000 003 14 7 1 townslcy was the only acton bat ter to renlly connect with the ball at the right time he rapped out three hits and knocked in three of the acton runs with thorn milton had a field doy at mon key hitting and their wrong field triples and doubles had the acton outfield in a perpetual state of con fusion acton reeled off a smart double play in the sixth frame but a perfect setup for n double kill in the fifth was muffei runs scored as a result many of the milton runs were unearned and with a little thought could have been prevented score by innings y r h e acton 002 001 001 4 0 4 milton 210 203 20x 10 13 3 ccnnd d two nassagaweya ss no 7 papers highlight busy bee meeting mrs howard was hostess for the busy bee institute meeting the president mrs s coxc opened the meeting with the institute ode after the business part of the meeting mrs xd davenport convenor of agriculture and can adlan industries gave o paper with a few symptoms of new castle disease in chickens and a drug t prods anlmat to grow faster then she read a paper on changing climates two other readings were given by mrs mclean back yard bossie and mrs henderson rave what is a boy a couple of contests were conducted by mrs lindsay a social hour followed lunch being rved by mrs howard mrs lindsay and mrs davenport the family of mr and mrs wm mccullough gothercd at their home on julv oth to celebrate mrs mccullough s birthday 28 sat down to o picnic lunch on the lawn which included a birthduj cake miss donna mcmillan passed with honors her grade 8 piano ex aminations congratulations thi sympathy of the community is extended to mrs george job her mother mrs thomas mcbrlde was accidentally klutd in a car accident last week doug dredge and gtorge rob inson were holldavlng at glen- more camp for bovs on lake slmcoe misa ea gorvln of glen wil liams ls spending her holidays with miss donna mcmillan mrs alf allan has been holiday ing at wosaga beach campbellville bops loop leaders 60 cnmpbcllvillc ball team had win and a loss for their weeks activities at the local ball field they lost a close exclttruj s2 verdict to brampton on rlday ovcnlng the locals ouhlt their opponents with five hits to bram ptons three off the classy delivery of heg wiltshire however pat- ton on the mound for brampton pitched brilliantly with runners in scoring position this has been the boys weakness all season -r- ineffective clu hitting and some kikyimppnrtrbothbyuofield- or nnd the pitchers own weak fielding of their positions ken wiltshires hltllntf featured for campbellville tuesdny evening miltons league lending ball club suffered a fl0 shutout as the local lads played one of their good games the loam backed up roberts good hurling with fine plays and good hitting for a change with run ners on the paths jack roberts pitched his best game for some tlmo with much better control than usual as he issued just twev walks ken moore had two timely hits for the winners and gervals had two of miltons total of three hits campbellville collected just four safe hits off the speedy delivery of terry walker but benefited by five free passes to first ken wiltshire campbollvmes good centre fielder made o bril liant running catch on wlllmotts lone smash for the fielding flem of the game miss ada currie tells of journey miss ado currir was hostess on tuesday afternoon for the monthly meeting of the womens christian fellowship of everton church of christ the indies enjoyed an in formal talk by miss currie on how they spent their sundays on their extensive trip last winter to the west and california dainty refreshments were served at the close and a social chat enjoyed congratulations to the osprlnge church group who received first prize for their program at everton garden party sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late mrs akltt who passed awny last week in acton mr and mrs akltt form ed in this community on the sec ond line north of the village for many years prior to their depart ure to acton mr nnd mrs fred ecclettone of cleveland ohio called on friends here inst friday mr and vmrs ecclestone were proprietors of the general store here 20 years affo mr nnd mrs george d robert son nnd to ce visited on sunday with their daughter ind sonin law mr and mrs wm webb guelph tou nship mr nnd mrs bert craig nf gcorrctown ind mr j hunter of st cnthannes spent the weekend with mr r hlinfcr callers at the imc home during the week were mr and mrs lclnhton nnd paul of mt dennis mr nnd mrs george grundy nnd family attended the 12th of julv ct lebntlon nt grand valley mrs w j jackson nnd el vena winter spent n few dns with the formers sister mrs jane watson it hillsourgh friends of gibriel agoston sc of the town line are pleased he was able to leave the toronto hos pital on saturday where he had been undergoing treatment and wish for him a speed recovery to good health mr nnd mrs wilfred awtey isited on sundav u ith mr and mrs elgin brown vlneland and their daughter shlrlev returned home with them following a two weeks visit little miss gall sunter of niag ara falls is holidaving with her grandmother mrs g sunter l mr and mrs alvin mccutcheon of guelph and mrs idatovell of fort erie lslted on sundiv after noon u ith george anderson mr john leitch and mrs wm miller of erin spent a few days last week with mr and mrs frank mr and mrs k j haggertv leltch tom and mary of brandon man- miss arleen flsher of acton is itoba called on mr and mrs ivan jiome on holidas richardson and mr and mrs jif visitors on sundiv eening with henderson last week v congratulations to mr and mrs ed bntton who will be 50 years married on tuefldiv rt- j c mclelland ma of hamilton occupied the pulpit of n isstgtwt i presbterian church on sunda in the absence of the pastor rev j e sutherland who has been at glenmore camp the past week mrs f hathawav was hostess for the july meetings of the w m s and ladies aid it was decided at the ladles aid meeting to have a supper following the anniversary services in september mr nnd mrs d g robertson in cluded mr and mrs rov ttirrlson ind mr ind mrs charles wllllim- son of guelph rev nnd mrs foreman returned home on monday following a weks icatlnn neir rmcebrldge mr ijirf mrs hirold bruce of kipling rfisk mr nnd mrs and rew bruce and tw in sons oorth and garrv of lnngbmk sask are holldivlng with their brothers ward and bvron bruce and famil ies miss gloria brown of vlneland is holidavtne with her chum miss shirlev awrey letter to the editoft letter from board re sewer charge the frei press has received from wilbert e west solicitor for h v dron in the case of tht town of acton vs herbert v dron the orltfltrnl copy of a letter sent mr west from the ontario municipal board with the suggestion that we publish it in full we are glad to comply with this request and hope that it may clarify the question ontario municipal board parliament bldg queens pk toronto canada j pile pf c104jj wilbert e west eq b a barrister solicitor etc brampton ontario re town of acton and h v dron dear sir i have for acknowledgment your letter of the 2flth ult which has been considered by the board the board take the view that pursuant to the municipal act section md 2 tho municipality had a right to pass the bylaw in its present form and tho board could properly approve it it s thought however that in the mat ter of tmpoilng rates the town should before imposing a rate ui- fprm themselves as to whether or not the tenant has contracted with his landlord to pay such rentals ond if the landlord has provided facilities which would result in benefit to the tenant in other words tho board be lieves that there should bo proven benefit before sewer rental can bo charged nnd there can be no ben- fit to a te if the landlord does nut provide th to use the sewer yours very truly m b snnderson secretary acton girls team conquers haltonville at first sight wednesday the aton girls softball team met the hnltonvlllc lineup for the first time at n garden pnrty wednesday evening at brook vllle the local girls won by n wide mar gin of oil actoailg lineup wus joan som- ervllle c grace cross p may laing lb mary irwin 2b el cad a britton 3b norma marzo as ber yl jordan rf may spires cf bet ty mclntyre if alternates joan palmer june dunn jean harris a league game in hornby is scheduled for tonight thurs day mavde latett wlfu that now couple next door appear to b very do voted ho kisses hef every time they meet why dont you do tlmtt husband well i really dont know her well enough yet costs only 7- wo ragrpl inconvoniencjng you but tho staff of woods cleaners deserve their holidays purine th wl of july 30 aug 2 plck up only august 3rd and 4tm approval of sewer rates tho following is a copy of thoordar issued by tho ontario municipal board to tho town of acton giving approval of sewer rates ontario the ontario municipal board before w j moore ols vicechairman and it hownrd yeotefl member in the matter of section 380 of tho municipal act rso 11050 chapter 243 and in the matter of on applica tion by the corporation of tho town of acton for approval of it proposed bylaw number 033 upon the application of tho said corporation and upon reading a copy of the said proposed bylaw and tho other material filed the board orders under and in pursuanco of tho provisions of section 389 of tho municipal act r s o 1950 chapter 243 that the said proposed bylaw number 932 providing for sowor rates bo and the same is horeby approved signed w p near vicechairman thrilling smashing crashing stock car races at streetsville every friday night at 815 pm opening date july 20 new v mile track under the lights adults 100 total admission children 50c the most thrilling sport on earth another kenneth merrill enterprise promotion wrestling professional wrestling milton arena friday july 20th 8 45 pm featuring international action speed stars mask angel main event 2 qut of 3 vs joe maich danny malone vs wild bill cody akron ohio prairie provinces one other feature match admission adults general soc children tit ringside 75c

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