Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1951, p. 6

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esix paosix the acton free press thursday july lijth 10m further jutmlan fly wmij during th past wnelc wo have had further opportunity to aeo more of thi damage cnusod by tho heciinn fly in general the wheat fleldt in hilton arc a sorry sight undoubtidh in some sections of lhezrcountfcrfowfwer4iu has been done by wind rah and hnil however in the majority of the fields thr wont culprit in tho htmian fly that hallon is not the only coun ty where the damage is sartous is indicated by a recent conversation with a t woodley halton rep iwientative on the toronto mil producer am n mr woodley ta ed that at a recent mooting of thl i toronto board which was attends by some 15 directors from as many different counties all wported con siderable damage in thetr retpect- ive eountien while our entomologists have not as yet made anypronounccment as to the whv and wherefore of this outbreak we still are of the op inion thnt weather conditions have been favorable to this mosquito like fly it wan suggested to us by one of our veteran farmers on thumdav last that this sudden out toreak of the hessian fly ls due to the long open fall without any serious frosts in 1050 we can t help but wonder if he hasn t hit the bull n eve ikji- i junior farmer newt huttonville park was the mecca for hallon junlore on wednewjoy evening of thin week whin they held their annual midsummer dance the young people are also planning a moonlight cruise from toronto to quccnatai cayuga wc understand that this in to be a joint cruise with the peel county juniors ticket con be iccurtd from any of the junior farmer club presidents pollock and campbell manufacturers of tnwjsrade memorials memorial engraving 62 wafer st north galt telephone x44j1 the austen a basementless house feat urea aatty circulation am rooms can be reached from either front or rear entrance without pas sing through any room a dining alcove with large dou ble windows is a part of ihe living -c5mhmhe-10b0-eorn-owp-roiftln- ed untouched by frost inmt fall a great dcil later than normal this may be the reason why so many of our fields aown as late as the lnnt week in september or first week in october nro an badly hit an some of the early september sown fields if this is the answer then there should be no hesitation on the pirt of wheat growers in planting their normal acreage in 1031 no doubt some statement will be forthcoming from our research people in the course of the next few week since writing the above wo hove had a chnt with chan a galbralth of hornb the pastor as he is known to his many friends not only around hornby but through out the pro ince has an enviable reputation ns i source of inform ation on a multiplicit of subjects mr gilbni h points out that in south wettrn ontario as mony as thrci broods of hesslin flv hatch ln a single ison whims fivther north there ire only tu o broods and still farther north onl i sin gle brood in i seison wt would judge nfttr pur chnt with mr gilbnith thnt he does not tnk much tock in the suggest ion tint this efirs infemntion is dut to lick of frost in the early fill ht i nt- out tint it is n grad- u il build up of thi pi st over p r d f in i 1 ilso ju ik that he f 1 1s th i vft procedure to f 11 iw t is to sow in enrly ti p ii f ulu it which should be n iftir the bulk of the in liid on thim thus v mini crop planted lit r citunl thin is m accord uith 1 1 1 1 1 ntun on the sub ject which we hie n ithble ap- parenth n tho i das there was som i dinci which indicitad that cert in tru ties wi re more subject t ik n ih ui thirs vim 1 o h i ut though w tw i diffirini minfeshtlon b twt i i ir two main vnneths m th c i bul it iwiild n quirt a niial 1 lr thick on a much 1 ir r i bi i of fu id indovir i p n1 f irs btfin one would b ju t d n niikirif i s it in nt n th t hi iu ia liry bark u ard j il if h lsl f nmd prut u illv h f h ilt m h i trap tilt ii h i i ts tnu a few hal l wild kk h n prot u t n f ii f h i th ii uh h of th w t i n nu i m i th i h si h of j k t th k n th w rst i with hilt n f m 11 th n t in t ly 1 ii tht ir first crop th bini uhlthtr b tt r rrnnagers or u r missed b m tni i ju pi iin hi k v but t ur im i t nl f hind f iur w i k w h h i i fm i ut th had a lot i pktiir us disc mm ir situation is the ir ind this coupled h moistun has manv m undiring if they u t h crop off while 1 is a firt time ont but antnipati bitter ith r shorh spring grain crops notwith tar ding the lati steding an h aw in fact sonn art badh lodged alrtad in anv emt hls- torv will not refer halton as the sahara of ontario in 1w1 accordmt to a rain gauge in the hornby district our precipitation front april 1st to july 13th this yaar totals 141 inchea ln contract to 8m inchea for the antire four months ln lft56 that u from april 1st to july slat waiidadebc re allrarek of waupawks to choom from in watmm ontario pa i li t c mor popular brand of a ih i j nationally advartltad painfa carrlad in ifock books toys stationary supplies kennedys book store j 25 wyndham st guelph angus kennedy crop in summertime anthrs imperial heating worries enjoy complete heating comfort with the new anthes- inipenil ittcel prince nir conditioning unit keeps the he ited air in jour home urm fresh and clcun just the may you want it f the steel prince pco ides a healthy properly humidified comfortable temperature da in anti day out rej irdless of outmiie temperature or enthcr conditions scientifically engineered and efticientl dcirned by anthes- imperinl this advanced new warm air airc nditioninfl unit assures greater fuel economy and lonjjcr dependable service make sure of hen ting satisfaction i rot nil anthes imperial strrl prince call ua todav for full inormaugn bfmllrfini suitfuu wqrksh plumbing heating room which has a la rife double dazed picture window in front dining space ls also provided in the kitchen whore the cabinets line two walls the ulnk and refrigerator arc on the outside wall and the rnnjfc with counter on both sides ls on the inside an alcove in the utility room houses the heating uft and water hunter and tho laundry equipment is on the bathroom wall ifor otor nue ftpace there are seven conven ient cloieta in thli houie includ ink a largo clonet located centrally in the bedroom hall the austn fentun s nn exterior finish which includes siding and nsphnlt shinglei q vfa l- i m n l f l 32 ftet floor area totals iosotri feet while the cubage is 20 3g1 cubic feet busy as beavers conserve too well beavers released in the 10 mile creek two yeiirs ago in nn effort to conserve water have proved just too efficient the area hoa plenty of water in fact so much that roads arc sometimes covered with it governmental action wis hoped following the meeting- of halton county council on july 10 reeve georre currie explained that his committee along with stnn hall imla had met with nasagnweyn council and agreed to ask the de partment of lands and forests to make tho area a game reserve the delegation named included george currie chairman of the county reforestation committee edgir nilcnton reeve of nassaga- weya j e whitelock halton s agricultural representative gnrrtt warden dudley hitchoox stan hill and a member of the halton sportsmen s j associition to be himod about 20 inches of fill was pul on the 6th lini nihir c impbtllvillc lnet jiti b nassttln township to bring tlil rond level to the water lctl already this yeir the roaav his h lclttn tddilton u 14 inches and township officnls feel that they cin no longer biar the t ptne of the little colon it u only 12 bctvers who ire just is bus ns bcaers ire expected to be their work is bprcad through out a ioo acre reforestation area dudley hitchcox halton fiimo warden snid about twice a week i visit the beaver dams and rip holes in them this lets the water off the roid but b the next dav the beaver hive repurvd their dnns and the vv iter is back over the road te explained tint- the people in in i i inti d to ki cp thi bua 1 1 ling their value if the de i pirtment of iinds tnd forests i would take over the irei as a game reservi he said tht would mun tun the roidb the bciverb ire doing n wontlerful job he stres d ind it would be a bharne to remove them i mimbtrb of tht halton c unt spoitsmenh club brought four lemblenuitic little beavtr to the creek in august 1019 thesi set tied down to iioum ki ipinj in the stnam th it runs through thi pro pi rt fornflrlv ow ncd bv tht late mitthew job dur nk th tw i nrb thu grow ing fimilv has plud lu tridt in neetgiwi nno iti hi i v kid the dams hsiiehmen fish brought the fundi o st pierre and miquelon off the new foundland coast in the mth century and f lining has been the staple in dustry of the islands ever since n4w cherry types rival famed bing mur mid vim iwo mvv thirry vnrli lii h romp mibli in iiullty to lling long rtfnjnltd uh topi in di mi rt quality fiuvi iictnlly bien dt vi loped at tht i- xpi rlnietital station at suinnit rlanti h c and uh now on utot in difftnnt eh rry glowing anus of canada llnlh luivi hiiowh mon u siulnncu tb x tit mi wiuli r 1 mpi rnturch nt sum mi rljiiul than tht ring vnrli ty f offit lals hiiv th it vun has valtn nn n piilltniit air impirlant item tiom an orthnrdlhlti ntundixilnt 1- in hi r thim ring tin tu w star villilty 1 1 di snrlhifl ns n bl k i horry hiigi rfnn uitft tfiigh juiillty good for proct sslng and an outitnhdingly good cunnt r van is rt portt d to be a vaiioty us inrgt as ring earld r and flrmfr in t jtture than this old favourite tiaclc with an eye catching black lujjlre and tfood storage life an- ilhtit point in its favour u that so far no cherry virus disease hai been found associated with it and to dato it has been found mor renlntant to cracking than ring store balps up tn dollar value ntieait depart ment store sales arc running about 10 above a year ago reports the financial pont many a canadian frmjr plan ning oti greaer production for greater profits i a place for the ii uf m in his fumr for uch planning often calls for modern equipment modern equipment calls for cash and ready cash i ltu flaiiii available at the u of m for farm improvmeitfa ml dnntl needs letushtlpyou with yevurfarm financing b m hank oi momuial oil makes a country strong oil needs a lot of things jimmy f tanlers jimmy are ust one of the amp the oil business needs it oceds supplies for pipe lines nd new seuncnes it needs tank cars and trucks and storage tanks it needs workers and materia from all parts of canada bringing you oil is m big job if employs labor and skills and ideas across the nation in the pat five years imperial oil alont has under taken to invest more than 200 millions about 60 fujr cerv family in canada much of thjs money has been spent to find and develop new oil fields in the prairies fields which mean new prosperity and new security for all canada hut almost half of it has been invested in new tankers and pipe lines in new refining units and in facilities to bring the products to you with oil playing an increasingly important part in our daily lives the oil industry s ob is bringing new strength awl better living for canadians everywhere v abovt canadas oil canadians arc using almost twice as rauch oil as they did only five years ago last year imperial bought equipment and supplies from more than 600 canadian firms imperial s investment tn plane and equipment is equivalent to more than 23000 for each employee the wholesale prices of lsso gasolines hayc increased only a third as much as the average price of 111 commodities over the past 10 years tsso imperial oil limited a 1 3 d v omdiw i r n d

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