Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1951, p. 2

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page two the acton free press thursday august 16th 1s51 your town is represented this week the editor of your hometown paper is amending the thirty second annual con vention of tvie canadian weekly newspapers association being held at the royal alexandria hotel in winnipegaaan one of the largest and most influential news paper associations in the world the cw na holds an annual gettogether for a v nurtiber of reasons most important is the objective that underlies most of the work of the association that of developing better weekly newspapers from coast to coast in canada that this obectlve is a worthy one and is in a measure being at tained is borne out in the fact that many tremen dous improvements have been made in the weeklies during tho years since the last war another reason for the convention is the op portunity it affords for newspaper men and wo men to discuss mutual problems both at tho for mal sessions and in talking stibp with one an other as newspaper people invariably do sur prising how many ideas for turning out better papers are to be picked up at those off tho re cord discussions addrcssesrround table discussions forums displays all of these assist the newspaper peo ple in gathering useful information and bright new ideas the convention too helps solve problems in connection with tho business of turning out a newspaper that will be a credit to the hometown community these days goodness knows there are enough problems some of them affecting the very existence of weekly newspapers in this country but the annual c w n a gathering is not all work there is for instance the pleasure of greeting old newspaper friends and making new ones time is allotted for dinners luncheons and even a special breakfast receptions an ail day tour to a paper mill and power development end for ust having fun represented at the c w n a 1his year are newspapers in every province from british col umbia to newfoundland the gathering is sym bolic of the unity that exists in this nation freedoms ask a dozen people what they consider to bo tho greatest virtue of democracy and a dozen different answers can bo expected in the long run howovor tho ovorrldlng virtue of them all fs the powerof the people lo turn a oovjemmonl cut of offico in order to exorcise this power intelligently tho voters must be kept informed there must bo freedom for those who oppose tho party in pow er to expose its errors and weaknesses through every means available to thorn these include first of all the press but they ajso include radio and its newer development television the maisoy commission or rather a majority of its members has recently published a report advocating that the present government control over radio through the cbc be greatly strength ened and further that the cbc be given a mon opoly of television program production if not of transmission in this latter conclusion it suggests that the cbc sviould collaborate very closely with another government agency the national film board a fifth member of the commission mr art hur surveyor is at odds with his colleagues on both these points he proposes that control of radio be removed from the cbc and placed in ihe hands of an independent board and that 4fr ju ed ro private enterprise there arc apparently freedoms other than those of the press that require close watching that we may not lose none would suggest that the press be put under government supervision surely attn xtthfb bjjurrri at canada acton ontario a friendly church parsonage 20 bower avenue phone m rev v a carrey ba hd mlnurter mlm o m ltunba4 ajtoj organist and chair leader m we just couldnt bring ourselves to give up the old homestead completely the good old days may have seemed better back in 1931 tal pti from tho ittui of tu free preis of thursday august 13 19j1 friendlv towns we are not at all anxious to see our town qrow to such a size that mail delivery will be come a necessity we would miss the morning trip to the post office and the opportunity to greet friends along the route and assembled at mail time x we in the smaller communities have a friend liness that is missing in the larger centres that the city dweller who plods the same route to and fiom his daily task does not enoy city folk with tittle knowledge of day today living in towns and villages sometimes comment on the interest small town people take in each ethers affairs to the uninitiated this might ap pear to be simply nosmess but anyone ac quainted with the facts can tell them that it is something else altogether in small communities where the tempo of life is a bit more leisurely than in the cities wo can afford to take time to get to know our neigh bors to talk with them about their activities and ours to watch tor a ckaricertoletidot tellow who needs help or to put in a word of en couragement when it will do some good that s why we say good jparning to strangers as a matter of course it s a good thing too this business of fnendhness and cooperation and looking out for the other fellow good for our neighbours and good for us each of us can do his bit the fight against inflation is everybody s fight and everybody can do something about it if every one of us would do his part we could check this rising spiral of prices this is not quitetne same as saving that if the sky would fall ve could catch larks bti luse before we could catcta any kirks the whole sky would have to come dkn but we could gam omethinq on inflation t even a substantial minority of us would do our pari what is oui part if is to work harder to pro ciuce more to consume less and to put our sav nqs where they will not bt spent en consumer goodb every doilir we withdraw from crxuliton helps to t se the upward pressure on pr ces fvery point that prices can be kept fom rising is a point gamed n mj ntumng the value of our dollar for better fire fighting a 900000 program of standardization of ontario firefighting equipment is announced by col arthur welsh provincial secretary and ontario coordinator of civil defence the program will provide for standardization of all hydrant outlet ports hose couplings noz- le connections and auxiliary connecting equip ment she ontario government will pay 600000 of the cost and the federal government will con tribute 300000 col welsh said on his return from ottawa after a conference with federal authorities standardization will mean that all available fire fighting equipment of neighboring munici palities can be used in fighting large fires at piesent this can not be done except with the use of adapters all hose equipment will be standardized at 2 i inches in diameter and couplings at 3 in ches diameter with five threads to the inch all auxiliary connecting equipment will also be stan dardized the program will include standardiza tion of industrial fire fighting equipment so that municipal fire department equipment may con nect to them of the major cities the toronto metropolitan area is the ohly one not requiring conversion windsdr hamilton london and ottawa will have to be standardized the cost of the program will include equip ment and labor where municipalities fire de partments are not able to make their own con veuionjeams of experts will be sent out to make the cha7vge editorial notes advertising is sort of like a man ourneying through life just like the man advertising ac cornplishes little without persistence y if you will be 70 this year oyover application forms for old age pension benefits are ready for ou at the post office were hopeful the run won t be too heavy before we reach the qualify ing mark someone has iikcdwhen you earn more money but can buy less w th il where are ou jmejil door to a request for government assistance the great cinadian national exhibition is ust around the corner and will be followed by the fall fairs all of these ire reminders that sumnilr is on the wane we seem to be willing to do most anything to help those who are alcoholics except abolish the huff th it makes human beinqs that wa tin profits must come first this weeks editor l columns ne of necess ty compiled before the editor leaves for ihe weekly newspiper convention in winnipeg next weeks w ii likely be writlen either in winnipeg or more likely on the relurn trip from the west although they do not seem to be included in the government index taxes certainly form one of ihe chief ingredients of the cost of living in this day and age if every tax were suddenly re- moved from ihe goods we buy we would be amazed at how low prices would be l quiti t numlxr frcim actcin it tended tht dcrr d ly cihbntinn nt geeiruetown yesti rdny fcldrido iirk will nlso close or sntiirdny nirht nlonr with th el ectric rmlwny 23 g wns the regimental tune to which bnllinnfid trimmed the hnl- ton rifles in n rime of ioftbil on monday nirht extensive alterations are beirir made with the machinery and ar rangements nt the mason knitting compnnv plant this week mr william k black and wife are leaving next week to motor back to their norm at grand pru ne in the peace river district where he v ill resume his teaching duties thi first reunion of ihe wi ithc i ston clan wis held it thi home of mr and mrs jimis wt -ithcr- ton of ecrton tile cut solo dtpnrtmrnt eit nnnlmori leitni ri limited will t r id to stirt opentions in tht mw tii irti rsnext wtik for sorm months liter ilions hive hi i ii uiidi r wi it tlu w ire house prcpiritm to moving this department from toronto j wife of general ex guest of honor mrs george mnrshlll will nc compnm hi r husbiitd general marshall us secretary of defense when he comes to toronto to of ficially open the c n e on aug 24 mrs mnrshall will be truest of honor at the women s division lun cheon on opening day and il ex pected to take part in the official opining of the women s building and the design for living show in tht coliseum kathcnne tupper brown mir shall is the generals second wife h iv ing married him in 1010 his first wife and childhood sweetheart fli7ibfth carter coles died three v irs e irhe r mrs mirshall is described as rieious sensitive ind cip iblt ind is credited with hiving lulpil her husbind immense iv during t lie wir tv kiping in crfieunt in h uivi hi r sun niu nf hi ihild ren w is killid on the n710 in nh hi id while s i ving is i ncond lleutemnt with the us firt armttrtil division tin m irshill s nvounti norm is thur eoimtrv pi ici um icu es i iti krumii is dmionm minor m insburi ii urn i it w is built bv u nephew nf gejrm isliinkti n in l imi is eonstruetid of whiii puntid h indm idi bneks with w mult n hint is ind i tin roof lit 1 1 tin v h nl pi mind ti i tin i mil i n j iid nni ti m th tii pre uli nt tium in n i illid the ginij il to tm nl si in i u v if idiftrist t uhtr giiiitil miislnli j s rvnl is siiritirv of still mil 1 lti back in 1901 ra on frpjji tho lisuo of the frrt rrvs thufilny august j5 lmh during tin wck tht mcnttrv of tht gunrnr moon mf morn com nnttct h is bi on in consultation with cipt j o lnnton of heir m commind of no fi co acton and nlso with col john dnvidsor guolph tht suggestions of these gentlemen recording the ceremon- hi ittendmg the unveiling of th monument will md the committee vt rv much it his been proposed thnt as thus monument is to be loc- it d in fnrvm w cemetery that citi7 ns ind plot ountrs generally ht urged to m ik the day n dec- ontion div for tht cemetery when all gloves ind plots will be decor- it d wrlh flowers ind fligs acton s first impression on stnn- g rs will 1 much improved now with tht wdl p ived strut from mun s to the otr df pot fore- m in s t b irltiw is dfttrmincd to h iv t the w ilk in rr turn out first tlis th fioo fit or gnnolith i pigment wis romph u d tih s n artnn uul vicmitv haw contnh u cd i fin rjufit i to th irrnv nf h ir w stirs who h gon to thi nr rth wi st u in s eiinng th inirm nsi h irw st of gold n gr tin now r id for thf hinder ticket vw n sold it the otr depot on tin ejiv to thi following alex w ilrlii sr a b che v ne allln minn stephen c irneichin s imue i fnnk robert store v ale xinder me kinnrm t store v toseph agn w willi hirding thas li lohn gibbons reh rt micphersnn stt phen hornbv tohn riwsnn iinel robe rt mcalpine mr chas dividsem of 2nd hn etfioesing rece i d t se vere kick ov e r tht right v from i young colt list vvetk after se venl months of pitient skilful overhauling ind the intrn dnction of the htest improved mn chinerv acton roller mills ire now in running orde r ind tht prop rntor mr okb ii ruilc proud of the txctlknt rhib of flrur he i now turning out dunne thi pr nt u nnn r fit u w cimt tt r e nn c t of ht dt id hi btin t el b r ir f p r on v i or fr m 1h n t- rh irm d u ith the loc 11 n ind gc 1 r ilrt n ur of thi n ind md pn surpn i th t t 1 b o k p h j- 1 fl 1 i if rel w tut ti in h -xn- rind six h ti itifs sunday august 10th 1051 wsfj nwi sunstry school 1100 nm morulne worship 7 00 p m evcnlnc worship aoton sunday august 19th 10 30 a wi sunday school 11 30 n m and 7 30 pm rev wentworth simcoe ont wedncxjoy 8130 pjn prayer meeting 1651 f h rblnjtrrtati c0lurrf tit rntmbn knox ciivnat aoton ttkv holirrt ii arfmuno mahi mlnuif t sunday august 10h 1100 am divine worship 10 00 a m sunihy srho i atn-aturwktcomjff- 1151 ahkiima hmuiiuv w g uurua hjl sunday august 10th 101j trinity xiii 1115 am holy communion 7 00 pm eveninfl prayor a wftleome awalta you professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and sarren offict in symon block mill st acton nm ph it rmldrncr church st phone i5 dr d a garrett phynlcian and surccn corner of willow and hlver st fntrnnci rivtr street ac ontnno phone 2 dental dr a j buchanan drnui sarceon office leishman block mill st office hours 0 am to 8 p m xray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs dental tinrfeon mill st corner frederick acton off let hours a 00 am io130pm tflfphone is vftfbivaby b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary surgeons office elrookville ontario i horn milton hir4 rfal f8tatf and insurncat willoughby farm agency larist and old st aki ney in cnmd i iind office 1m bny st 1 toronto ptionc groritetown riiprisi ntntl e tom lieu ion thane georjeetoun 33w wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 01 macdonncll st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4015w valuatom reahora inaurer mi mlirr appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate boird membtrs gurlph and district insurance ajenui association we urucntly require listings of farm property from 50 to 100 acres also small holdings from 1 to 39 icres contact j andy frank a ion it nt cimpb llv lie phone milton 325r2 c h dyment realtor 1 i wi ntunrth st s ifimiton plume 71101 1 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary surgeon ollicc and residence knox ave acton phone 130 w h parkin floor sanding and refiniahloc phon loiiiw oakvilie travellers guide gray coach lines c f leatherland barrister solicitor votary public office 22 phone res lol acton lever hoskin chartered accountants sucei ssors to jfnkinb and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto flu 9131 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambuuuie fhi nt 30 niht or day s r in th community for 4 e jrs daylight savinq tim ot iifs lfave acton fanthound ilill am ii 111 nm 1123 a m r 2 iii p m r 03 p m n 33 p m ait p m bio r p m wetithound 10 17 im 121j pm 2 7 p m 127 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 pm 1iw pm 1 12 im i sun to kitchener cnlj t diih t xci pt sundi ind holt- rias b siturrii sunday and holi- riis r c ttfc bj appointment ww c milligan r o optometrist d 1 wtdri das or ihe n n h 2pm o 9 p m 1 mill st ri mi nn of t brown canadian national railways stondnrd tmif fasttiound d ii 1 i m d ni x sun- dis 14 i in 7 10 pm sunday mh kin p m daily imipi sun- iln hvir it fliiirkimn 1 02 am d h h r it giiirki n 10 11 pn wexthound dill xr pi siintin inrl mon- i 1 i i ii s mil i in 1 monday r i u oh i ii d nj it sun- in i i l i n it i i in 44 p rn d i xc pt s i nil s m r p m r ittipi snriirdsv ir ifl pm s n i i i nil kl in istiip s nil i i i 1 r hi r it g i ph 709 i u i u i hi- i ifh si n ri ti il 11 id cnl is in 1hi cm nil i d third i iti i ti iff c 1 name for dinner set to win prize v s mbissulor tu chin i tht ilitikhttr f i imnimi r mrs mwhill h 1- wiiiim lok ta fthi tlu inii in of in rni wlft hi irrt prodiu ts from through mit thi wtirui will br on displ n 111 cinachan nitionil ixlubi th turn trom optnini dav on uk ust 24 until the ctosinii on siptim bir 8 millions will tht unuu il and tht- fuscinatini at tht world s largest annual txhibition so aptly termed the show window of the nation t mlru d t n r t f t fiiz n i ird f sltkt s b r 1 th ui n t n oivisn n c i i 1 i ni c fh it t m st suit it ti n irii ilnurwiri j tt rn d s r i rv tttrs in h n sit o c nn id i of pr nt uth tht n u dinru w art to 1 1 shown for th fyttinu it tht f hibition h is a dirk krttn btirxit r dul in kold sit against an off white background gnm ton s cf tht bordtr an rtptatttl m thi ctnttrpiect of ltl of theallc tr for the 100 prize bv sending our sugifested name to the wo men n duision cne toronto all surhtstipns must be in by aujf 22 1 the acton free press i uf w d m a pel i ih uthoruril as rrond t lu mall i1 iilllcr drpartmrnt otuvta founded in 1s7s llrmliir udil iturfju i irrulation n and onlarlohurbrc illvlnn t n advehiung ratet on baquoit subscription in advance 2 50 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 s ngle ccp es 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131

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