Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1951, p. 3

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thursday aucjust lmh msi the acton free press pach stop and see us for- pontfacs buicks vauxhalls gmc trucks parts and accessories tiresand batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors aeton onlj main st tel 452 bowl r murfins plumber i j poutt sbrvicb itmat is how we fill fv hello kfomemakcrti some otfuif nro so busy storing away tho fresh summer fruit that we forget how enjoynble they are for every meal of the day a froth dish of blue- bornei for brenkfnst culvrd raw ptnchei tucked into cherry jelly for lunth nnd n hnt mixed fruit cobblei for sitpper r dinner allow us to i njo the full fresh flavour yet stri trh thi qunntltte to feed un- t xpecti d elicits h rah plum dish 3 cups choppid plum cup corh syrup l tsp emmmon tip nutmeq 1 tbip shortening 3 i cup flour j cup rolled onrti tip baking powder tip nlt i cup milk sift the flour salt nnd baking pow der add the rolled onti cut in the fat add the milk to make a light bitter place the chopped plums into i ff reused casserole pour the batter over bake in a moderate electric oven 350 deffs for 2ft to 30 minuter serve with cri im frozen berry cream 2 cups cereal cream 1 up gelatin l cup sugar 11 appledtfe nefriaemtor im h grnhnm crackers 2 cupi thick npplennuce sweetened 2 tbms melted huttor plus 2 tbiiw meltid shortening 4 cup nugnr 4 tip cinnamon whether your requirements be a complete bathroom or only a faucet or pipe fitting call 1 egg dish of salt 1 tsp vanilla chill the creom thoroughly beat 1 cup of the cream with a dover egg bater until frothy remove two tablespoon f the remnlnlng- i ll cup of cream and dissolve gelntin in this scald the rest of the crpnm in top of uhe double boiler add softened gelatin stirring over hot water add sugar ind salt and the beuten egg olk when thoroughlv dissolved combine the two mix tures and odd the vanltfa pour into n frigerntor freezing tray when partiallv frozen remove from trav and fold in an egg white beaten until it stands in peaks stir the mixtun thoroughly using a fork and pn sdng out all lumps return to refngi rator and continue free ing stirring occasionally to keep the mixtun smooth when pirtintlv froztn odd the crushed berries fn et until firm but not hard if tb ice en im becomes firm in fore ou wish to use it turn the t mtrol ti normal temperature i prtvent thi mixture from fn07- ing olid bemtoi pau w on ground cloves 2 egg whites 4 thips sugar add the bolter and melted jthor 1 ning tn tlii- finelv crushed cracker crumbs and mix well add the sugar and tho cinnamon stir until thoroughly combined line n enke or pie tin with tho crumb mixture nnd bake in a moderate electric oen 2 degrees for 11 minutes when cool place tn a regrlgorator ind chill for several hours just be fore serving odd the chilled npple- smce and top with tho meringue made from the egg whites and migar spired peach squares j cup short ning or other fo 4 cup nugir 1 egg cup moinses 1 tip baking sodi t titp boiling water 2 cups cake flour tsp ginger tsp allspice 1 tsp cinnamon tsp salt rminirhrstiortnntnr imii chronicles written socially or thu adon fr prgm by gwendoline p curktf sugir and mix well add the well beiten egg and the molnsses sift together the dry ingredients dis solve the baking sodn in the hot water to the first mixture odd th dry ingredient alternately with our into cqv what would we do without hp- phfj from late foil to early sum mer we have canned tmd froren fruittofullback on then wc fi afit on fresh berries ntrowber- 1 iei rnspbe tries blueberries and chtrriii ili berricn nnd neacbas comi 1 n gnp hard to fill if it wi re not for cnri apples and is there nnythlng nic r thnn a good apple pic made with opples straight from tho tn e it hoa a freshm si oncl tong jirt rijrtit for hot summer dnyit and npplc no lie e ncldo zest to our muila there is only one tiling wrong with early apples they ripen too fast ond then lose their flnvour the only wny to 1 ngthon the early npph season is to con them some farm women don t think it worth while moybe it innt f you peel all the opplcs i don t there in nn easier wny but it io a menny job so it is just as well to do n large quantity nt one time get n couple of baskets of nmnll apples nave your big ones for pks wash cut in half remove stalks nnd blossom end but dont destroy valuable vitamins by peel ing or coring tho apples place in large preserving kettle with smmi nmnnnt of wfltcr howrrmcrr fashion hint red bowl to bake when desired to bake grease an 8 by 8 cake tin bake at 3i0 degrees for 15 to 10 minutes cut in squares split ind sire with sliced peaches n bitwem and on top ltkmm0rksii plumbing heating -ivcov- tvt 13bw big value yz talt youl tilirhoni i one itrm thal4ltm a tnnller prt of your budfiri ikn it ul to its cott hnl gone up at much aa nmu uthrr things in another way too the telephone it bigger vain todty than tnr be lore now you can reach tunc aa many people as you could ten year ago and more telephone are being inttalled every jay ifyu hatsn aervtce we want you to know were working at it our place on the ha4 being pro tected and your telephone will be installed jual aa toon ai poauble frivultf ajaaf li urvlce it faaleyi aaif kyi vu tul nufhoht camp amy w cajou caajmn teas prk lacrauw ewlaa taa tatt imfain rooo mp ut sua cost or h iivihc mm iiirmaai -framf-f-r- turmv avar irmum im ml mfvjea i stamafin it lb totrttory ww less have jtb polio than alcoholism more people suffer from disease thit cin be in ted as chronic alco holism thin from tuberculosis and poliome litis combined according to gordon bll md writing in the current isiur of health mog- i7inc of the heilth league of cnn- id i furthermore the vast mijoritv of thesi conditions should be pre- 1 nt ible v mast of thi scondir disorders follow iddiction ind secondary ad diction pirticulirlv is one that us- u dlv his 0 considtrnblc exposure to ilcohol bi fort 1 n addiction detlops writes dr bell in other words we hae 1 period for edu cation md for prtxtntitm ir bt 11 poinls out tint n person dots not hnt to bt psvchologic ill ibnonnil to in come in ilcohol ad diet ji concurs in the opinion that sioondir iddiction could thi on t- icillv bt icquired by anone condition incnuntt n d in bilsm- i v promo 1011 work in milit ir s ric ind in some of the we ilth- ii r sot 1 il cliss minv contribute 1 1 ihi dtxtlopmtnt of ilcthol iddict ion suoiuhn iddiction mi 1k0 1 1 suit from the ust of ilcohol to eoiiuttrict some of thi stn ssi s ind sirims of idult life he points out tlie sicundir idiiiet ls er commonh encountered in ill w ilks of busim ss md proft vsionil life md m i us iliohol for m m 11- in fon hi bt t omt s m alcohol id- tut wntts dr bill prim in ad- luts on tin othi r hind u 1 il- i ih il to 1 xct is tin ir onl nn ins 1 f 1 ijtlsting t lift from tin ir e irl piusiiii to ihohol tin v mik- i ii thirffoit to ilil with thur n 11 mill nt th in t munt lin i mi il st it of in sth 1 1 with il ih 1 depends upon the julclnchil of the apples cook until quite soft then force the pulp of the apples through n rotary colander place apple pulp bock in kettle with sugar to taste bring to the boil stirring to pre vent burning rxllt sliuts v off bv woiknik sautdi shifts uk mim rs m tht fust j wttks of 10l pidiutii m tvtri d i million tons ot toil annoummg this in the i k houst f commons mi phil ip ul bak 1 mintstt r uf fuel md ivuur t stim ttt d th it tin ix tia shifts would promili will nwr 0 million 1 u 1 m inhuur in lm tu aalary b tlo 4atlaisj to fcurt ad 1s wkaa ye wu auk au tlrw 4tiftc currita and how quickly apple snuce can burn dont leave it for the te u phone whntevcr you do as soon as your pulp is really boiling place it in prepared jars just as i 011 would any other fjrult but watch your step apple sauce in quantity has o way of spitting and sputtering ofew blobs on your urm can cause painful burns it can even citch you in the eye if iou arc peering to make sure whether it is boiling or not you generally find out the hard way incidentally it is no time to have childre n around so nrrange your timt for canning accordingly clearing up after the apple snuco is in the jars you soon discover w hv it is better to do n lot at one time nnd be done with it the colander the wooden plunger and tvti dish md spoon is plxstcrcd with peel and pulp not too much pulp if the job is done pro- peilv you brt itlie 1 sigh of relief tn it is all cleaned up your re ward comes when you arc extra bus md cm serve fresh apple sauce b just bringing up o jir from the ct 11 ir but a wortl of e uitiem be sure oil have a tight sill when ou cin it given the opportunity apple sauce can start w 01 king in a hurr if you have a strong temperance viewpoint it miiht nun our reputition in a burr wi 11 partner is bus cutting sicondcr p hi bob wis horn on sfturdi m tirm to put the power mower on to the tractor and do n few rounds in the field what 1 thing it is to be j oung and strong bob can put the mower on in about half onhour if things in not just where the should be he gives the mower n unk or rois es it with 0 crowbir and eer- thing drops into place when pirt in r dots the same job i help him ind it t tki s the two of us i couph o hours but we gt t there i vnuillv aituilk 1 ntvtrkiuiw whit i m i lu to help with tin st tins i ist ihursdn tin it wis 1 new i it up in tlu biek field p irtm r tri d w ilkint it lioim but tin e ilf 1 iitnl imt 1 ud tii w n on thi job ii u is too hi i to 1 n 1 so put nil t inn d uii f 1 tlu li u toi md ton bolt m jti wis to sit on tin stoin boit mil ktp tin t df f ni filling 1 ff it w s tht di of t ur itistitutt mri tint mil p u tm r 1 illt d in just is i h id tilings si it ti i 1 dmnr lutln r thin t k ihmcis i shut off tin tui mis nd lulld tin pn s urt tooktr to 1 eolti spot ntirttd all oir au un u in n i kt buk home ittsult 1 itt dinner ind late for the meet ing but things like th it don t wiriv nn am more tht ire fir f 1111 hiring mijor 1 itidroplus stimuli r suits 111 slim silhouet tt d r lytin sh intunf this one hot i sliipid toll 11 md poeki t accents cool lightwi iiht siimmi r suits take some tonsidi ring before purchase but prove thomst lvi s 0 good buy once the tngs an off for the even ings that ore becoming ihnrter nnd cooler for the 1 idlest morning trips and for tin impending sep tember davs the trim skirt will perfectly eomphimunt n full- swing ing shorth discover how good iced ted can be malta lmlfwuranatb andwehsirtill hoi potur into glauvafillad wtutcraeaot lev add agar and tanon to taata sa1am dtea however uncertainty about getting owoy does keep me from offering other peoph 0 ridi going alone lemks selfish but i generally find someone glod of a ride home so that eases my conscience n bit just imagine hot dry weather at last in fact wcscoijid oven do ujth n nln hm phpurtttj tho a grand smill of clover ond now mown hay drifting through the window pnrtm r i hopefully leaving tho red clovtr for seed we may get good results as tho bees are working on it from dawn to dark speaking of bees partner and i were loading logs to fix a bridge when we uncoven d a bumblebees ni st i rnn for the house partner fought the bees with his hat while in sir ughti in d thi load ind thi n drov away with the tractor as quick as he could mike it he was glad- he- didn thavo homes to wor ry about welfare proposal might irk women basic nci ds of the human animal ore generally considered to be food shelter and clothing advociti s of the welf ire stite h n e shown a good deil of concern about the first two essi ntnli suhsidmng food through b ib bonuses and shelter by arious public housing plans but hitlu rto tin v hie neglected tht thud tsstntnl only in peml institutions tht armed services and tin police forci s is clothing provid- tti by tin taxp it i tins inflict is st nous for in the c m idi in clim iti clothing is i nittssity for it it 1st tun months of tin yeir ind sun ly deserves pre odincl mir ntati medicine and suhsidli d culture mori over a sstem of state- riuliud clothing whether it were siilwidii d 01 u t would have tit finite public iti intagcb it will bt recalled th it one of cnnadi s contributions to illn d ictor in tin st eond world war was thu w ptb ordt r forbidding the manu facture of doublt breasted suits this was subject to certun exemp turns members of the diplomatic si r ice ind tin higher bureaucracy wtie mi spteiil dispensations illowmg th 111 ut bu the garments of dilnit i bus a mm weiring i in w doubh bre isteti suit came to bt recolnled is obwouslv a pri son of impot t met r mkuil is tin tquil of inv other so dusstd md th supt 1 lor of tin oiilitiir t is pitr who eoultln t affi 1 i 1 m w ml 1 f m tpi iti i il if l hi old 1 md tt n 1 n of its pi im q li w mid in ike t 1 on il it iim in nti i ich li llil john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estiaaates church street phone 319w f lull 111 il i ri pi hi unit 1 u 1 dolt a jtammom optometrist 72 st geobgts square guelph complete eyesight service mi nun lint loiild 1 t 1 f wi tn 1 w ith pi n ilti s fi r inllinlt of tin 1 rdt 1 md tn irm of tils to m ik sure ttiit it w is ilm 1 i in buo i it fi urn is f tlu mtlliitutl 1 mid n 1 mtr hi woin tv p rs ns without suffi 1 1 nt 1 ului t in h m 1 it u 1 f tlu miss v tornn isbion some iiificult might b f uind in applying the order to women who ire niturilu in irthists mil indu idn itists in the matter of ilothing tins mikht be ovinomi h having ill pretentions of ve o nun tritel bv 1 ft milt miistrati who inrstlf would bi r inked m tin fifth grade of clothing or lowtr tins would m ik c rtam th it stiff st nt nets would be hindid out to tin offt ndt rs ind ifti r i ft w 1 x amplcs had bun made the iius would ih otn m d it li it as well as sumptu irv liws of the patt have bet n 1 hi jnntid woid a fresh shipment of fig bars is 29c tomato juice cw-oz- tim 12c sweet pickles 63c pork beans ct 2 25c pineapple juice 2 23 new pack fancy red b00keve salmon is 4 3 c baby food 3 ttnb 28c baby cereal 0r 23c mb 27c 23c aylmer food heinz cereal tor baby of roa baby make prize winning pickles with heinz white vinegar 66c oonunti only margene maeoaiukx 1 lb pkq 40c pi a oeeen tm 1boz k j 9 oiant z tins j7 jelly powder pie filling lubiiub ttior smuurrs uatok pkq 20c 17c 1 3wipts products brookfield cheese lr 101 swift ii 1 ft auoittentno niiu i lb iko 41c pard dog or cat food 2 27c swifts cleanser 13c f bon ami rowdek 2 society dog food 2 spaghetti frostee de 2 fspb 27c 20 oz tins 2vc heini 1 oz tin pros 15e 29c boston brand australian corned beef loaf 12 oz tin 34c in the first quartet of li51 cana dian manfuueturers sold 13 7v7 television sets com pa rent with 2 443 tn the name period of 1950 firm spk ii cantel0upes 16 qt bskt 99c mi sn tomatoes sink1st sizr m oranges clean home gkown potatoes 6 qt bskt 35c fblmh daily blubfrrtm rutku imuu cululwrr leltuec curr 2 lb 15c doz 35c

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