Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1951, p. 4

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page rour the acton free press thursday auchjst 18th lml 7 dr fcuotuil aotl of actonians visiting ouroftown points and of visitor in acton homes mr nnd mr tt j browri to ronto visited in acton uit sunday hutl crpp has returned from spending her holidays in florence wisconsin normnn mcminn of bluovnlo ifl holiitnvlnc with hn niece mrs wilmcr wntkldt acton m11sjt1n tme of muton iff dpi nrttnn n jew tlnys with lift friend misft eiutn finnic mr and mrs hni vey wnltcis nt itndcri the funeral of mr w j mithnm f lmultm thin voek mi and mis j iknij and miss auduv htniv vmitod with mr and misjilk fiank oii the week end mast i i jtmmie mcdowell is im proving s t idilv since hut operation at tin sick childrens hospital toronto anionu recent ueits at the guild of all arts scarboiourh ont wut mr and mrs it r par ker acton mrs it hopkins was in toronto on saturda attending a trousseau ten in honor of mias a rowley a bride of e week mrs john stewart sr who has been holidaj infi this last month with her son and familv returned home with them mr gordon mcdoufinll and son bob visited at mr and mr dar win crlpps one day during the pant week and also called on lyle crlpps mr and mis normnn vett and miss pnnua vott of chnploiih ont hnve returned home having spent tut weeks vuty pit nfintlv w itl acton fiiunda bth childrens hospital toronto on saturday diagnosis showed he had acute poliomyelitis miss nn walkms ls spending two weeks vacation with her mint ind uncle mr ind mrs stan robtnon nassagau eya mr and mrs g a dills are in winnipeg this week attending the annuil convention of the canadian weckh newspapers association mr andmrs hnraw norton david and nanc ho have been li ting their parents here left on sunda for their home at talara peru miss anna oiim fonnerh of vtlon md now of welmnd ctsllul in aeton tuesday tin public hi llth muse there mfss oiim i- ilso n toiinclllor pi op u inn to tut ollxr joe ileri- diison it h 1 suffeiid i com pound f i n i tin t of lus it ft it g last satin day he leceived lieitmvnt in st josephs hospital gin iph mi md mis j 11 andtison of rimt muhigin and mrs f huff man of hornb visited on monday it the home of their cousins mr uid mrs f anderson 13 rock av mr and mrs elmer hittorf and audrey of maxwell mi and mis hill evelelgh and nancy mr and mrs george qittorf elora visited last week with mr and mrs henrv bittorf main st mr and mrs j e pensen and mils elva pearen accompanied by mr and mrs ross allan miss marie nnd master john allan of toronto returned on monday from imuui utid ortnlni0iuvrl6 visitors with mr and mr geo murrav iicently were mr and mrs j s murrav and daughter bnntford mr and mrs r j fellow es and children toronto mrsr e mrkinney w ospmnoi speaker at mimosa is former pastor mr errett and ml ata currlu had an thuir gutmit on sunday rev t a fleming of cleveland ohio who was a former pastor at ever- tnn and mjmcum church of chrisi disciples and who wow uuiwt apea- ker at the memorial service at mimosa on sunday mki ruth aw rev of orton spent n few holldnvs with iftr untie ind aunt mi md mrs wilfied awrey miss jump roberts mi is hollday- mr wallace gurnev wingham and mr william russell st mary s visitors last week with mr and mrs j j stewart nnd familv were mr and mrs arthur mckeown jo carol and charlene richmond hill mr nndmrawjllackmrs crossman and mrs m mercer to ronto and mrs r j collard mrs e mcdowell and mrs stan fran cis toronto inn with him friend mk m u joiie cht l i at cimpbellville miss ii i7i 1 webb of jsmlt sfe m u w is v siting at the home of lu i sis t md btnthei in hu mt and mis ohk wlntei mists khtn 1 winter uit aud it g ninth spt nt the week end at tin ftii mi 1 s home at oiistic mi mil mis goige gitindv and fmulv ittendetl the derr d ly itlebr ititiis it oiingeillt- on st tmli miis ev i almas of guelph mr md mis orval almas and ivan of pirts mr and mr leo nicholson of st catharines spent the week end with mr and mrs r j mat thew s mi md mis george l robert son of hamilton were weekend v isiton with the formers parents mr and mrs george d robertson recent guests with robert hunt er included mrs j b morgan jack webster and chirles pietell ill of cleveland ohio mr and mrs lnwhr mr and mrs bert r nnf mr iitthkpjaine hunter or juetph mrs a mtkmne and warren are holidav mg w ith the formers mother mrs a m rowe at tren ton engagements mr unci mr vrvd wml ii it 3 acton wlnli to unniiuiico ihi 11- ktillmlkm if tlmlr ilunulilxr hilrli aililllu- ul lyul wowarcl mccul- cliioii win nf mr iiml mr wioauu mcctltalwun it it a acton tim mnribkk to tnlce place in acton lullil church knpumlxr lull mr mill mm limniirtl staiiiibiiry oukvlllu out nnnounco the in- i nuiini nl if thilr tliuiulilfr mur- liiiil anne to ici 11m hi rhiuliu hohii tjimi kim of mr mid mm i g ttnbtrlliill oiipi inue out i hi unit 1 inti will tnkc plnii 1111 slitul iln si pti inhrr lllh in knox intt- i lii inn cliiiiih oulwilli limehouse evekton twoday bee held in church interior the indies of the church held a bee last tuesdav and wednesday getting the back rooms of the rhurch read to paint stanlej suinton and tom fountain have started th painting this week weeki nd and sunda v lsitorb with mr nnd mrs wm head were mr and mr charles head wes ton and mr and mrs fred mur- riv gut lph m- ard mrs harvev jis m and bobbv vsitid on sund i with mr and mr- duncan kingsburj and catht nne muo lous black rock hill south ctrultna is visiting with her sister and brotht r mrs sutcr and hugh mr ted fountain guelph spent the weekend at the home of his parents lr and mrs charles fountain balunafad yoke breaks team bolts injuring man douglas hitchcock had i n irrow tscapt wlun a team of horses he w is driving with a wagon bolted tii inking him along for some dis- luui although xravs showed th it uo bonis were broken a cut o r his i s required tevtrnl stitchts jnd hi suffered bruiser f id nth thi neck voke broke mr and mrs le jamieson al- l m tnd muriav mr and mrs rehu ltui it an and peter have ixn hiilidiwng at siuble buach mr and mrs staulev etige how- ihd and limmv sp nt the holidav with mr md mrs arnold mcen- r mr md mr robert mcenerv mr and mrs arnold mcene and dav id v iitti with rev and mrs fiind ill list week at allenford mr and mr gibb and bruce htw rtturmd home from their htilidavt mar haliburton mr an it m rs bud snow have mnod it part of sd bakers housi rob r shortil of gunlph spen suniljn t tht home of his broth r fud j shortill mr and mrs wm snow of ivt roit jr visiting with mr and mrs iiomi minn ill m iam on circle met at the home of ruth marshall on fndav night the evening auxiliary met at the home of mn jene mcenery on frldav night mr and mrs jim klrlcwood and shirley are holidaying at wauga bcil rockwood cubs cub mothers church give gifts sundav morning at the conclu sion of service in st johns church miss jovce f waller was the re cipient of a silver cake dish in view of her approaching wedding next monday along with an ap propriate card mondnv evening in connection with weekly cub activi ties in the town hnll and also transfer of four cub mi mbtrs to the scout division she was also the lecipient of a gift from the cubs miss waller replied briefly mar tin bauer also spoke following the presentation then mrs albert maltbv on behalf of the cub mothers presented jovce with a handsome gift james milne scout leader w ho receiv ed the four new scout members also spoke briefly following the evening b activities and presentations refreshments were served and a brief social time e n joyed a number of our townsfolk have be e n aw ay on brief holiday mr and mrs herb gibbons returned home fndav evening miss pearl hamilton of the frigid locker store returned home during the wtek end after a ten day outing mr and mrs charlis jolliffe and fauulvof oshawa are with rev r o and mis jolliffe ko di of toronto was home foi wet k e nd mr and mrs harrv mclhidran and fanul of new jt rse are in town with tht fonmrs mother and sisit mrs f d mcphedran nnd miss elizabeth mcphedran they aie also going to muskoka district for a ft vs davs while he i e in on tario mi mbers of st john church have been busy working on the in terior of tht new parish hall do ing ionic painting which greatly improves the room lome lin foot who is also on hohdivs spent a few dav s in de- toit last wetk mr ind mr- ro c kirv an of guelph spent the witk end with mr stewart s rocc mr s s rovcc left sundav fdr 1 holidav out of town nother ball name m the play off betw et n fv crton and rock- wood nsultid in a j5 score in awuir of fv rton last thursday ninn ml anadian talent comprised of f trt eikht danct rs md forty miikir will p rform at the 1051 inadian national kxbtbition giundstand extravaganza itarring jimmv duranu the cne being held from august to september this year has made it a policy to encourage canadian talent in the enlerlainmont world birthday occasion family surprise tw cl ehoni daughter and grandchildren of mrs robt lane surprised her with i birthday din ner at haw thorne farms milton on thursday evening last week the wms met at the home of mrs ellerbj on thursday evening mrs patterson rending the scrip ture and mrs a noiton the pray er mrs j roughlev was m thq chair m the absence of the pres ident and provided a prano num ber the text word gift was used mrs gisfay completed the studv book and mrs wright and mrs benton had short articles mr and mrs w t mills visited mr and mrs johnson onllia last week mrs smethurst visited mr and mrs harrv smethurst barrie last week petei fllvnn has been visiting in hamilton nnd is now at his grand parents home at woodbridge patricia foster spent the past cnuph of weeks at midlind mrs james noble and mrs s kirkpitrick were prize winners at in ifternoon euchre held at the home of mrs a norton on tuea- dn t mrs mitchell and mrs nor ton sponsored the event in aid of the women s association funds mr nnd mrs russ thompson sptnt tht wetkend at dorset and hollow inkc mr md mrs a c p itterson and jo motored to chalk river where thev v isited cousins recently mr and mrs norm long have just returned from a holiday up north mrs s gisb took over her dut- it s as mill courier limehouse r r 1 on mondiv succeeding jos scott who asked to be relieved dm to ill health c foster is home after k a business trip north mr ind mrs charles mt red ith mr hirold karn ind mr ind mrs f karri ind chtldrin sp nt ten divs on mmitoulin is ind recent- h mrs tohnson who has been miking ht r home with her sister mrs c foster is visiting in beimsville a- prest nt it tint visitors include misi ituth roughh of chicago 111 with the j roughlev s mr and mrs thomas of himilton w ith th lmhim s mis edith mckav of pet rbor- ough with the s wrights mr and mrs alx trotter and fimilv of stratfortt wrh the a w norton s mrs fva foster f n york cit with the hemngton s mr givnn of sarnia with mr ind mm jno glynn mr and mrs iluck of dravton w ith th j ones kirkpatncks tom burton of dixie and mrs kenned ind urn allwrt kennd f hmtonvill wi h the archie mt donalds mr md mrs r coulter and sms of west m wlththe e ask- ins cellf king of toronto with patricil foster mj norma shier of sunderland with mrs harold barber molly the milkmaid sez milk gives extra energy so good so fresh so tasty too in foods and drinks its good for you with lots of taste appeal charltons phone 457 dairy acton used cars to rave about scon reconditioned and guaranteed 51 chev styline 4 door sedan air conditioning crey rmillo son visor w wuher 8000 mllra 2300 49 chev deluxe styline 4 door sedan two tone grr air conditioning radio 1750 47 chev deluxe fleetline coach maroon heater and defroster 1250 49 monarch deluxe coach radio air conditioning 1750 50 austin sedan radio heater and drf router amaji mileage school aria no 1 board or erin township to ask ror wiring tenders towiuhlp school area nt erin no i held ll retfiilur hoard muttl iiiu ut hilwhnne h liool mi wud- iituuluv a u mint h after the itiliiulem were udnpted hk rend mimmrij lhmtrdctedlho hoi ntnrv to udvrrttaw fortendort for wintfu wthkiwldo school h b no km wliitt r wlmlx me juid iih told o the liiidn who uluk ii out iii north hit nf huet mid fnt nturk on llmhs niiike nihility fine i utlntf for the hi 1 1 1 in on in the fnt m moffat mission band take waas program i lu iv m s of nn iikliwi y cluiith met ftit in ii n ipiliir inert- inn ii t the hoirie of mm john drtde the proittim civen hy the mi hilnn i md wns enjoyed by nil after tin- inftliu tho hottiii nnd tihtinltintt ftfrvod lunch mr nnd mm wnltr andonmn of iondon viiitt d over llw wock- i nd nt tin homo of mr nnd mrs t c a mot mr nnd mrs hi nch nnd mini mnrtc ilimirh tif hnmflton vvrn kiifits nt thf homo of mr npd mrs f hithnwny on thuntdny mr and mrs john a exirly spent n f w days nt dorit mr nnd mrs john a elliot of gall sptnt the week end nt the homt of their nephew mr and mrs lloyd campbell mr nnd m lioyd moore of hr i fill i jtrtn home of hiii brother john moore clearing auction sale tnnrockwootr- of hjrnitune and iiotlhk- iioii kfiecth received the undermbiled have instructions from mrs marg clark to sell by pubtic auction at her residence nt rokwood on saturday august 25tii commlncuik at 1 10 oclock the following very choice furniture living room chesterfield 2 chairs 3 end tables 1 living room table tri lamp bridge lamp tabic iamps ruz lpxflg stewart warn er radio writinc desk pictures kitchen and electric equipment beach electric stove snow bird frljjldalrc alrwoy snnitizer new kitchen chairs snow bird washing machine tubs etc nil kinds of kitchen utensils pots pans etc electric heater ntvv electric fan dining room set of dinner dishes dining room chairs odd cups siucers plates pitchers bowls silverware and cutlery of all kinds sewing machine halt tree hall runner mats etc toilet sets 2 bedroom suites spring mattresses odd wash stands garden tools garden tools himmcr siws etc lumber term- cash with clerk on day of silo n no articles to be removed tilt n ttled for jf vou are interested in good furniture don t mks this offering you rrnv cill and look this offer ing ovtr the wednesday before the snle 2 to 4 o clock or 8 to 9 pm o clock inndley and elliott auctioneers phone 19rt rockwood or 177j milton mrs elliott clerk bfi2 clfarimg auction sale i- arm stock implement etc rect iv i d 1350 46 nash coupe 5 passenger radio hratrr and drfrotr ex cellent cohdldon 1350 i come in and see our stock of low priced used cars easy terms open evenings arthur scott motors ltd mmwm 161 georgetown ontario the undermgned hiv instructions from j k fixfntov to sell bv public nutum at his firm lot 14 con 2 tw p of nas- sifiiwevn hilf milt outh of no 3 school on thursday august 30tii at 1 10 o clock tht following houses nd iiarnfss hi irk pt rcht ron mare h jear- id 111 ick pt re heron nun- 9 years id both gtnrnl purpos sit bnck bind h irni s s t single hirnesi p ir seotch top t till irs im ils britllt s hiltt rs t tt cows and cuing cattr e durh im cow do tim of sih lu tow fresh 1 month not hnd i hokt in t ow milking bn d nril i 7 ji rst v tow milking bn d jan jo rom durh im ht ifer du lo fr shni in fill 2 durh im ht ift rs 1 ni ir old tp n 2 pirt br d fr- s v h ifi r v t ur old 2 hlnc bibv hi ef red bihv btef 2 dur- h im t ilv t s v eal iiots poultry avd sfed m iturr york tim du tlm of silt- m itur york now with 10 itgi weekt old second litvr mature york sow w ith 7 pigs 3 woks old second littt r 100 hnv hens 2 ducks and 1 drake 7 bus ttmothv srd rcl ined implements m h gnin bind- r ll 1 dump nk deerina mwr ft m mure spreider m h side nke trddi r m h ha lidtr k and w unln drill 12- h x uitthrow itltt 12 plit witfon box ind s t k rick slnop si ighs w ilklng plow singl furrow ril ing pi iw j w het i cnltiiitor cut- r r t d hirrows itvl rgg incuhit r 2 s iter light w igon in aood hipe fl griln chopper hind piwir washing machine ti nn csh s tilt ment w 1th 1 rk ai of sile no r ser is the firm is s im hindlfy vnd vliiott am tlonrors phihic 10rt rockwotnl and 177 milton l mimillan clfrk b- 3 obituary retired in london baker dies aug 10 a retlrml iwtker who opo ruled shopii in kxnlrr bttd hi thomax william juiuu4tbtlumt of london out died on autfuut 10 in vict- rhn hnipltdl thw- morn lir georgetown ho had jived in lon don for tho punt 2a your suiviving nnt lifx widow the foimer hannah homey n daugh ter mhi loib ktnlhum hamilton i ion yle klngfivlue and n hter mis roy hurling of mll- ulte h ind relntiviji in ar ton lluilol wi mndt in ex u r im 17 i fioinwing hit f uner ii i mi e in london people like where they work ivcton rofrz gun club now apn for monbonhlp rtnyono tntorostod pining phona elmer mainprize 5ecrlry 3j aton first acton troop boy scout paper drive for old newspapers magazines coilmlinn will b md saturday august 18th it would be appreciated if all bundles were tied tecurely and placed where they can be teen from lhe1rucli all scouts and cubs willing to help are to be at the scout hall at 9 a m bands bigger and better the hilisborghband will sponsor a band tattoo under floodlights in hillsburgh on y thursday august 23rd street parade 7 is pm programme in the park 815 pm the bands will parade from the south end of the village to victoria park and there present a program of music and drills mccapt fred jobson owen sound the bands present will include- guelph 11 th field regiment alton mount forest streetsviue acton rockwood fergus pipe band waldemar and hillsburgh in case of inclement weather programme will be presented in tho arena come see and hear this great performance adults 50c admission children 25c looking or a dwelling take yobr choice from that while pncei are reatonabje owner occupied and pottetsion given secure your future by getting settled in your own home five room bungalow newty built on unique line in goofj residential district large lot conveniences mohgage arranged price 4 500 00 nine room dwelling with sem detached garage partly divided and rented conveniences right in centre of town dose to churches schools and business districts 6 500 00 only half needed balance tl 5 first mortgage cut stone screened in verandah cellar divided semidetached eight rooms garage nd tool house partially rented price 4 800 00 no conven ences yet m stalled but price includes all floor coverings on both floors norge oil heater and 45 gal drum wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v i wrlfkt oltln it wilbur ht- actee mm ts n fi wright offb u minimuii hl gxlsk- 44uw yes we have others as weil as small holdings and building lots

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