Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1951, p. 6

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pxaz mx the acton free press tlllllltmay august 23rd lbfll map citttw ftrfttterg coimiutf to j u1 tj 1 1 ontario liituetl urtwuil unit operand hv tlu mapb colli bividtr avium iu turn had tho luru- ul inert iui in th numb r of breeding dm jug tin iitux nix months of 1051 th it tin unit hi iiei txpiiumtcl in an mv mouth in nod of its hbdotv attordlnjx to i- snlrti i inanuer of ih maph unit hn i uns a total f l fu t brtmlipgs fm hi iv mouth pi i ul nt 1 1 lit 011 bin 10th of tin mi in tin ana sin i mil 1 in in ul limit in a m pl hit i hut h n in i sign up us n w nn ni i h i in addition th haw had 111 ii w 00 ill ii hikn up in ttn m a i notthiin on tin to hi unlns with 7011 firt hi tiling- not minded in ttu ahi u tikim it will hi of intt n st h mi u ml rs i kii m thil tin miiplt imijl n u luppine st men hv in o itaim him i thundi i r i ml m g in ti uts in additi n to v w i usk ltd in run tin n is a t it il of 1l hull in th h itti i ii s opt lal i at m ipk oumi to dt mands from lined rv m oth n tutions of tin pi v met f i sen ires tt tin sins own id h tlu mnpl unit tin oiitittis of th maple association ha e auth onztd the salt of at mi n from an of their sns at tin 00 cod to in thu cnunh wf would miggmd t mlng this oar x i mp hetwet rt september 1mb find 2mh in thi iumcihwioh w 111 oh follou td pi of gohle h ailtiv si tin i oni i nmis of opinion uould nppt hi to hi that wml hit hemitm hv rtmldiw- fituntl to a tialoi ni h hs 1 n pi uttt il all flilds in tin fftiin t tin il mi u i w is nun h nli t un fidu whotv tlm fertility lvl w itkw whorti the 19m crop of whet followed wheal in ibm tho damage wan pnhlculariy heavy wheat a f i- wlutat ttatf nvr un eoinddeivd food farrn praeucd and w 111 the houhm kly a problturt mboultl btf hvoldtwl at ull 001 neken to tdd fall wheal in on mop wsviv tin application of torn no it lal ft i llllyi i will pav off in ihoit few of oui hetlt r farmer tott iv would lonnldim ovung fall uli at wllhnut fi rhliei wt would ntsn himtft at unit until ww rvi auro wi nil ahi ml of tbt kly otn ahonld avoid midiou down on fill uhnl in thi fulim thr npttrrrtrrttrm of tltr-trnthtn- jiiiv v is li mini lo pitif fl hlo ild it a llurnn sons b v i m viuiiu pist pittmmt of tin frtw m th trt t s fv r tiist t thi ivstiltink calf ht pas an idditionil i00 mi mlu rs of thi ass u latino b uu w r con ttmii ti m t tin ni of an of tho units sins w hi tin r holsti in jt r i oik insi ishirt short hm i il it ford nt thi n fiuliilion smui rict fit pi in an now undor a to hold i dlpirsil nir of offspring from tho maplt houtrin bulls in octoh r tontn ii plans call for an off- rmj of onii 70 hrndtho mojorlt o uhth will hi brtni hotfers nil of which will hi i itht r accinattd or nipntne to the blood tost ntod h ss i add this should bt an in- tcntinc sale tv mcroiijvicctino tarotly at tended dt spi thi bus waflon and tht low tt nipt raturo over one hundred uirc m attendance at the field meetinc recenth sponsored by the hnlton crop improvemi nt at th r humn farm near cnmpbeu illr follow inc n duwumon led by agricultural rt pn sentati i j e whittlitck on thi lfl different nr ietii of oils and barle growinc in the plots on the hurron farm prof h w goble pro incial en tomol m t from thi oac pre sent d i tr t xeellt nt addrt is on thi hev nn fk and surktrtionn for its contol in so fir as tht 1ds2 crop i conctnud in tht opinion of p- f goblt tht hea increase thus iir h ii larffch bun due to vtathtr conditions ht alw stated th it bt i iuv there uqs d heavv in fect itt n of thi fl this vear it does no nut sanh follow that dam i n is liktl hi bad in ldtt it w l how t v t r recommendt d thi w ht it stuhbh if not tdisri do n o ktisms and it rumes xhould bi plowtxi down afl soon as tht wheit imp is off and fui thtrmori th it tin land should bt worked down to pntnt the flus cm rcinj it was nlw rurffeited that ssdine of tht fall wheat should bt dclaed as lntt as it is finstblt to still sit a good top for i mtc- i uf a i i d a b e d c o h ulallrhr ek or wallpapers to ehoom from in wttrn ontario pm a ii a soma of th mora popular brands of a i n i wl nationally advartliad paint carrlad in books ttock stationery suppliat toys kennedys book store 35 wyndhm st guelph angut knndy prop ifaltmi crtip impiovemtnt amjmk- ntlon the pioktiiinme com unit d with iht pnhtintbtioii of ii ituht of col- oinvtl wlldht dplciin vurloiim wlntit of inl ivht in hnlton and uuo lit iht o ntial kkttlmoiitul rljinj ollawu ift d sitiitd fur hu winter whiit club in riktht y aisi tin iv htut luon a uood duit of lnteisuit in the m una wlntoi win nt iliilm ontlutimf in worn i 17 nmntitvi in uie phojiiiii- otii of tin in a i n ohi i is of theit u hiim wlnti i win at tutu in to tntoiiinui tin produ lion of in tti i ipialltx mlllliiu win at now that tin ii ait it ulilt i il stot hu nn ahli to nn i t noi mal th mnnd tin pun liiunl imniltti t has dt i idi d thd ilf i hilt stunt mint 1141 ml i i ii i nd hu oi iipn il iinpoit jtinns of n 11 mis nn in w in uulnj in in tin in t nit i s ipil inli d ml sniutlv u hi 1 1 i nils h id luks in ilmo t toiiipl h i fn i or in allied tvpi s add wltli mm llltli if m i il i mill i in minimum h n ui fm th ii ill tn tompi tin in is t it ii t hut if i tail i i ii n ij 1 is nun ald tin ii it s i n it pt lmsh t dud th pvholi fu ul will h judiiitl i in jii ii ti liibti in i iw on ml di n h iff tint ii mil diwlml iinl in all i isi s thi s iil mu t hi hkkti ml a t itjil of m in pi i inoiii loi ilu halt in i onipt tition will hi punmid b tin mapl uaf mill- nut co wi unit fiom i li ntflliv list of kiinurs just uli la ii bv tin rops suds h wtttls hianih or tin out it to dt pt of am it niton that tin it would ippi n to h amph piantiti s of n indt ii d tn i d n tit atujc n ror a home of j any tryl of architoctur in hnar a largm or wnall horn will b a credit to your com- utonlty whan you ui scheil mavarlatft tif igmwl wiidawi a schellbuilt home it mora comfortobla ond healthier to live in with cool airy roorm in summer and dry warm rooms in winter every measure of fire and itorm lafety exuti in a schell comtructed kmae and the high resale value is a ready asset build your home with schell materials limited woodstock ontario i atenvfocfurari of canaciapt toys iim mouloiuq and muiwoik mr jack ridley phone acton 251 for home and hospitality d 2 wa ctcgffla pick up a handy 6 bottu carton of coko today it welcome v rfrshmnt for gush and family the orangeville bottling works okangeviue ont phone 137w wi nott tin nnuit 4 of ilolm hhtl it 01 tow ii and w ww kon uf 1- n i man hoth w ith nizabh tpiinlitiis of conn 11 r whuli havi p iss d f4t id inspi 1 1 urn and t likiblt for it tlstr ition otln r hilton krtm is m the list with mu ill t tpianiltiis of tin sami ii ilit ind un t nn h c ah unit i gittrift town a m shi r w ood fi 1 1 man ind woodlands on inrds himiiti 1tn thasi dt-iir- tnn to sicun rtmittrtd dawson h goldi n chaff w f brcckon of freeman rflso has i fit id which pnsst d inspection the seed mar ket inn committer of thi ontario crop improvement association hnn sukiitid the follow int minimum prict s no 1 st ed 2 25 pi r bui i ban txtra reristtrtd no 1 ated 2 75 per bus fbnes included those interested in entering the halton fift bils wintt r wlini club should contact the atfricult unl office in milton cornell topi frtd jvurs t st in i prtvious ussiit wt n ported tht results of i winttr whtit ir ittv ttst conducted on the firm of frtd dixon iuir milton it may bi rccilltsd th it thrt l v iriltu s wtrt ustd in tht ttst mmti diwson s goldtn fluff conn 11 ioi and diwbul in nil l ums t irh plot was ipproxim itt 1 ont ten m txttnt- a sinnhr ttst w is conducted b tho hilton crop improvtnunt ass n in co operation with fred nurse ntir ashmov as in tin cist of tlu dixon plots the thrte jilots were coinbimd md tin krun weighed up according to mr nurs thi total ulcls wire is fillow plot 1 cor- mll ms 1007 lbs plot 2 diwbul 1d27 lb plot 3 dm sons golden chaff 1g43 lbs imsmuch is eh plot wis slight 1 undt r an icre in extent the yield his been arourht to in acreifie basis with the following results cornell 591 39 7 bus daubul 3fl 3 bus diwson s goldtn chaff 32 7 bus it was pointed out b mr vurso thnt perhaps due to the contour of the lind thi re w is a little mort winter killing on thediwbul and diwson s plots than there was on thi comi 11 505 hid it not been for this mr nurs is of the opinion tint there would hn bet n little r n diffirenct bttwein the cor nt ii md diwbul testing for sound ljdj i our t whi maj bi bi t discnbtd is i p rpetual talki r was aaktsd b one of her iiiik ufft rinj mifchbiurs if hi tir th ueht ib mt whit shi w ii m t sj u f r si mi it l h n si d tht lid s ih mnl h t on i arth could i know w hat i hmk ibou a thin u ml 1 i hiani whit i hi ti a on tht sub ct tht rtidtrs dim axtu a jtomuitom optometkist 72 st georges square glflph complete eyesight sehvice halton holstiins to miit and compiti with cousins at c ne llitljiti iiih from thu nullity will ho iinmiiu i wi in mt nti ml foi th wiki control 3iitinlo t hunuilon hl wliow to ih- liolct nt uu cnf uiin yi in iiiiliihul iij tho wotit- continl illmlrht mo tln uiuiilliii of ioil llnltnn woillwniui wollliik- lon iv willi ilno llmnl iluhll nuitlil ilnioln unit wi lliilul imiihi dnnnnn ilulsuin flohl mmi foi tin iiiniiiii lum limtii i imi mull of tlu nt i ii a mul ti pmu t tin t in ih fupmtlnu il lop iliuilllv ilium liu of lln f iiliiu i will in th nnntv in nl i in h in whli ii iin in ttv iiun fit i n iiinilt fiom iim ti n i ollltll h ii hm su ill o i lillllk ii s i illlum in ti mi w ik lia wlm ill jmli ih how inil oli i nil id of mil iiiiui iiiiiuioii i r inn oji i ii lis i ii t inn i i up in 1 11 10 010 i i vltlnii auction sale in ith kwooi tn i itrmtilltl am ikhihi 1hm ik i i i r 1m i in un i 1 sign d h i nisti u in is fiom mum maikiaui 1 i auk 1 n ii hv puhlli uiiitlon it in i ii ildi lit i it hoi itwood on nathuiiav aikhihi 2uii nmnii in inj at i 10 ot in k th follow inn vi i i lion i fm nidi 1 1 i ivini room ik si ifh d ihalis i i nd tahli s 1 livtiili room t ihli ti i i imp liridgi lamp tabh lamps mm ilxflft sti wart warn 1 1 i ldio wiitlnt di ic pktun s iv llclil n and ilktlt ic pf rseh- jlott inow ilird fiihldalnwdrway sanlti7i i in w klti in u chairs snow iltid washing m lehlnc tubs i it all kinds of kid in ii utt mils pots p ins i ti i ii tile hi iter in w t li trli f iu dining room sit of rilnn r dihhi s dinintf loom thiiifi odd i ups s uu is pi it s pitchers bowls silviiwan md i nth ry of all kinds hi wing nnrhlnt lull tut hill runm r nwils etc lolkt sets 2 hi droom suites spring m iltn hst s odd wash stands gaitofn tooi s gnrdi n tnnh h imnn r siws t tr lumber terms cish with clt rk nn d iy of silt no arllttts to hi n movt d till sitthd for if von nre interested in good ftirnilur don t miss this offt rln you mnv call and look this offer ing iivir the wi dhesdov before the silt 2 to 4 o clock or ft to 0 p m o clock hindi fy and fi mott auctlpm er4 phont 10r1 hockwrind or 177j milton mrs elliott chrk b fl 2 rr perfect tea is so easy to make with salada tea bags ottltyiflduy ke-ciijuiiukbekjo- j oounlrye etiorte to meet all llueata toourjreeom to do thia we muat be itronrj not only in arme but eiaa la our economy and to keep our economy abronr we mint do everything poaalble to ttqhl tltlnq price how can you help light uila inflation one important way by aaugmdsey i nowaday every dollar you apand tor things you dont need help to booat price but th money you eaveln bank de posit eavlnga band or life insurance votes again th menac ol inflation rmmbr too saving help you and your uf luster anc savings help protect your family so to aupport canada dfns eiforte to help yourself aav money avery way you can now i thi iim ihsuiahci companies w canada anj staff- lipw th izirz tsggzrz-z- cro kri cirfu lult i br hour i xa 11 ol flip htcp fn oc uk c ivllawm- ffmidtvll llwrofj a huottm cwtal manao lftr m t ranjilanj i iff ml tuktts ktitrrrd iti 1 00 griuraj admutton soc children 15c canaouu rujiihalexbibniqn uttmstfll num

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