Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1951, p. 4

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paqk rocs ihe aciun lkec fkt thursday august soth 1801 3 tioud motel of actonlam visiting outof town point and of visitors in acton homes mis muriel bunii spoilt last week with friend near burin mrt elixsbeth mccutchon l o patient in st joseph hospital lueljh mr a smith visited lost week with mr and mrs alfred wutson at suvofrcreek mlci joanne stuckey apnt a few days last week with friends in dowmanvlue mr and mrs ilobert mac arthur and johnny visited at london dur ing the wek mr harold wansbrough of tor onto vitlted his slater mrs a smith this week mr and mrs g a dills and mim etta dills visited relatives in caledonia on sunday mrs f jitftflns and misses m and e ramshaw were in welland during the weekend mr and mrs harold sutciffe and bill bracebridflo visited friends here this week miss joyce greer began train in fl as a nurse in guelph general hospital today thursday mr and mrs frank terry and fat have returned from a trip to the united states this week mrs lflcrmichclifa form re francis huwllnjs is a patient in guylph general hospital rev and mrs e a currcy and rev erla currey have returned inmatrlp to the united states including wow yorkcity mrs nellie kelly is spending a couple of weeks with mr and mrs massagaweya s s- no 7 teacher in acton public schopi visited friends in acton on wed nesdoy mr and mrs mervln soyster of hobbs new mexico arc visiting with mr and mrs a mcgregor john st missc acnes gould and ruby clark and mr boyd clark have been holidaying this week in the province of quebec mr ind mrs colin mcnabb and colleen of rock sound eleuthora bahamas arc lsitinr the home of tht ir parents in acton ii f either paula beverly ann and david at thamesvuie miss grcplantx returned on sunaayaftcr spending two weeks vacation with friends in brace- bridtfe and other places in the north mr and mrs gordon johnston spent a couple of days last week end with mr and mrs elmore johnston at their cottage on lake couchlchlng mr and mm john anderson and daughter jenny and miss lil lian boughton of cumberland md are the guests of mr and mrs cameron lelshman this week mrs lillian brown of vancouv er dc miss bertha brown miss zclla mccartney and mr ern brown of toronto visited with miss fern brown last weekend mr and mrs h g kaiser bobby and lynn of vlnelond mr and mrs j keep of st catharines were visitors on sunday at the home of mr and mrs f ander- mr farxrkrpsuwintrnvriyhm icl james who spent her child hood in acton mr and mn jack stewart peel st wore among the guests who attended a dinner party on friday exening at the roof gardens park plaza hotel toronto given by mr and mrt j mcarthur cooksville in honor of their nephew david mcarthur and hla fiancee miss blanche hall rn whose weddinr will take place on september 1 n the baptist church hills bur ch the guests included the immediate firmlv and ill members of the wedding part iimehouse give girls honors achievement day at achiex nu nt day in milton on thursda limehouse project girls rmde a creditable showing- under kadtrship of mrs glsby anna marie spltzer and kathleen kirkpatnck received their county honors for mm projects completed mr and mrs james kirkpatrick spent a few days with her slvtcr at new liskeard returning home via algonquin park dlanne shelbomc holidayed with her sister mrs wilfeo brown cooksville mrs thornton had twin gladiolus flowers last year and several so far this ear but one atlantic pro duced a triplet group on one spike the a c patterson s mr and mrs g sinclair and mrs s smith visited the charles sinc lair s at welland on sunday miss doris mitchell is home for a week following a conducted bus tour to the west coast and south as far as hollywood california the karn s visited relatives at london on sunday and brought misses verda burt and kay mit chell of montreal home with them for a visit mr and mrs george leslie fourth line visited in jamestown n y during the past week miss dons mitchell was chair man for t short program of com- muniu singing and vocals by an na spitzt r uhich preceded the musecllanfous shover for mr and mrs lome norton in limehouse memorial hall on friday evening mr morton fittingly thanlced the gathering for the gifts and good m tamos mr and mrs earl scott provided music and mr joe scott called off for a dance which fol lou-rd- recent isitors mrs norman hendi rsori and son pittr of toronto with mr and mrs walkir sixth line e berg is home from woodiew north of pi u rborough v here he la m charge of food in a pro inclal highu a construction camp mr and mrs foster of baden with th james nobles mr and mrs w i newton and margiivt of barrie mr and mrs gordon grieg and lois ann and mr wm gng of brantford with miss lons mrs gale and mrt nt wton mr and mrs j l smcthurst and john of islington and mr and mrs c grant and kinneth of stewartlown with mrs a j smet hurst mr and mrs alex henderson of orangevule ulth the russ thomp- aon mr and mrs clifford storey and children of toronto with mr and mrs mills ospftlngc holidays near end many guests call mrs g sunter returned home on friday following a vacation at nlagnrofaiis with her son and fomily mr and mrs arnold sun- tir mr and mrs j a bulloch nan cy and reg spent last week at kearnev and mindcn in northern ontario mr and mrs d g robertson and brian spent a few days last ueck at sky lake in the bruce penin ula during their absence mr and mrs douglas robertson of guelph ucre in charge of the store guests at the home of mr and mrs george grundy on wcdnes day included mr and mrs wm grundy ind marion of long branch mr and mrs leslie grun dy and family of detroit mich and mr and mrs pete ferguson and jean of guelph howard broun of california visited recently with mr and mrs george grundy mr and mrs a mckinney and warren are visiting in ottawa congratulations to mr and mrs donald servos on the arrival of a young daughter on saturday aug 25 at the guelph general hospital miss marion sinclair and jack hunter of guelph spent the ueek- end with the formers parents mr and mrs archie sinclair mr mulder and son henk who are working in the tobacco fields wtrx home for thi week end mrs bert craig of georgetown and jerome hunter of st cat ha rims spent the wexk end with their father robert hunter miss arleene fisher and peter edie of acton uer week end guests with mr and mrs f fisher mr and mrs a fisher visited with relativis at gei rgetown in sundav miss shirley grundv sptnt last wink with friends in giulph ml and mrs j mann of cton uitcd on monda evening with d m mctavish mr and mrs gordon aitken were guests last week at the roval ork toronto where mr aitken was attending a convention miss phvliss foreman of toronto pnt the weekend with her par ents utv and mrs foreman mr and mrs w smith of ever t m v txiutl on monda w ith mr and mr murd mccutcheon and murul lightweight waders made of 20 gauge vmjute plastic are some thing new for this seasons fishing enthusiasts reports the financial post compact folding the olive colored waders have seamless feet molded from heavier 30 gauge plastic and the chest high variety weighs only 2 pounds plan fair exhibit auction sale booth a special meeting of the busy bee institute was peld at the horns of mrs a alan last reek plans were made to have a booth at ed davenports auction sale and for an exhibit at acton fair material was given out to mem bers to mako articles for the fall bazaar the ladjos aid of nassa presbyterian church met last week in the sunday school room and tfiadeftnalplana for t ary ta meeting the program committee reported they had a splendid variety program arrang ed oscar locker spent the week end at port dover miss donna momjuan is attend ing the girls camp at glenmore on lake slmcoe mr and mrs stanley robinson and family spent sunday at niag ara recent visitors in the home of mr and mrs d henderson were john sparrow of new westminster bc and mrs j e milne of bent- ley alberta rockwootl john r richardson has 86th birthday congratulations to john r rlchasaan who celebrated his sflth birthday on august 4th those present for the occasion were mr and mrs r b richardson mr and mr and mrs e j eckel of hamil ton mrs jas hu1h guelph mr andmrs douglas mccracken and baby lyn of windsor sunday mr and mrs a j elliot received word from toronto that their nephew james cjimmle gray passed away suddenly satur day evening he had been working as usual during the week end the sympathy of the community goes out to his father john gray who is a former rockwood boy fune ral takes place this wednesday in connection with service at st johns church the previous sunday rev d l greene who was pre sent and officiated nt his sons wed ding conducted service sunday morning and also officiated during the holy communion some time sunday afternoon some ounp people indulged in dtstructive pranks breaking a number of light bulbs along valley road in dull weather at night those who reside on valley road ore much inconvenienced as a re sult of suchmctions on thepart of those who carry out such doings since the tennis court adjoining main st opposite the post office hoa been put in good condition several a the young people arc en joying the game at times during the day and also evenings when the lights are on miss minnie e nickell of toron to was home for the week end reg micks who has been at bar rie on hydro work is in town at present and his wife who resides at bronte is also here at the home of her parents mr and mrs geo bolton mrs margaret clark s sale of household effects saturday after noon was well attended and dis posed of wed drive carefully if seeking ruthless killer in county can you imagine the preparation and cautfon in safe driving that would take place if the new spread around that a ruthless killer was at large in hal ton t on the basis of experience to date carelessness in traffic will kill at least 19 people in ontario ovr the labor pay weekend and perhaps more 0 men women and child ren will be injured many of them permanently what precautions atflllvou take to- protect youreeh and your fellow titlzenir on- the roads and st new motor cars are equipped today with uptotheminute safety devices the most modern thinking in afe road construction is being incorporated into our good roads program ontario has the finest system of highways in canada the man cfhlefly reponslble for all this the honourable georgeh doucctt minister of highways takes the time to give leadership to the safety movement kvery motorist should heed the ministers plea to take extra precautions to reduce the accident toll on labour day weekend remember the weak link in the chain of motor accident prevention is the individual driver for better health the dally diet should contain some whole grain products particularly cereals and bread cereals hot or coldp made from wheat oats corn and barley as well as whole wheat bread con tain the needed b vitamins some protein and minerals moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 275j acton do you know already we are starting to pay for the sewer ba ready when it goes into operation keepthe work irx acton by hiring local contractors we have al ready done some of the toughest obs so let us have that easy one of yours well start any mm you tay 2 25 per foot j e mcmullen contractor phone 270j or 66 136 bower ave bilton and perry limited plumbers steamfitters tinsmiths we carry a complete stock oflfurnace pipes steel pipes eavestroughing toilet outfits basins sinks baths furnaces oil burners etc we s4i direct office showroom and plant 126 main street north phone 464 acton holiday midnight dance monday sept 3 1205 am stanley park erin modernaires band dancing every friday night admission 60c plan ybur holiday dinner at hilltop lodge upwuis ltd weebride groom make presentation the uualofi circle of the bput church met monday evcnintf aug ust 27 st the homo o mrs lome garner the president mrs stsn ley crlpps conducted a brief dev otional period and the burinee mr d cohen hod etiarao of en amusing cofitest with mrs t mc cutcheon the winner following the hedlng of tn sd- dress a tiny bride and groom jo anne liundsborough and david chflnrnsii presented bridetobe uclcn3tffcstrwhowas united- in bride h chair with a gaily decorated wheelbarrow loaded with gifts for her linen shelves she replied fittingly thanking her friends for their though tfu in ess miss dcrnlce connor who is leaving to take a position in tor onto was then presented with a ijouble strand of pearls by mrs wmmn chapman after an address wni read by mrs s crlpps she expressed her thankt in a few well chosen words mrs ii hclwlg and mrs g wagner nerved a delightful lunch bringing to a cloie a very pleasant evening c leaking auction sale farm stock implements etc the undersigned have received instructions from c e davenport tftgnmhytnihir anrunn it hit farm lot 10 con 4 twp of n63 inrftwcya half mile east of brook- ville g miles direct south of hock- wood on saturday sfftemberj horses and harness thntf tenm of black p marc md gelding 10 ind 11 yrs weight ipprox 2900 well matched and rood ind quiet 1 grey mare 15 vra let of bixeching harness 1 piir 2 cnnl scotch collin 20 and 21 1 piy low top long strawed colhrs 2 and 23 1 pair steel cotlirs 20 slls of odd harness grade shorthorn cattle rtd shorthorn cow fresh 3 wks cilf nt side roan heifer fresh 2 wks calf at idc red cow frcth 2 wks calf at side roan cow frcch 2 wks calf at aide hereford cow due about time of sale roan cow bred june 1 full flow red cow dut about oct milking red cow due about dec 0 milk- ing rmn cow milking well not bred roan cow milking well not brd roan cow milkinr well not bred the ibovo cows ire ill artlf- icnlly bred to registered shorthorn- bull young cattle 2 steers 2 vrs 3 yearling steers 2 heifers 2 yrs 3 yearling heifers 2 baby hot vrs rilli rs 2 baby beeves hetfero i part jersey heifer 10 mos 4 young calven yorkshire hogs yorkshire young sow due time of sale yorkshire sow bred june 1 due sept 21 yorkshire sow bred july 10 due nov i ii pigs appro 150 lbs 5 pigs apnrox 140 lbs these ire a choice selection of yorkshire pigs hay and grain 75 bus daw- sons golden chaff this years wheit fit for seed 150 bus feed wheat 100 bus beaver oats grown from registered seed 100 bus mix ed grim last years 40 bus barley galore fit for seed 5 ton mixed gmin approx 12 tons loose hay red clover and alfalfa approx 7 tons bilcd alfalfa and red clover hay approx 7 tons baled ilfolfa ind timothy hay approx 3 tons baled hay 2nd grade 5 acres silo corn in field tractor and equipment ford tractor with ferguson lift 10 tires loided in first class con dition recently overhauled 2 fur rowed ford tractor plow 1 ford tnctor pulley dearborn stiff toothed cultivator nev fleury blssjll double disc new tlmtrrrtrttt ttt grain blnd- er7 ft mh 11 run disc fertilizer drill good condition cockshutt side delivery rake new tmctoi or horse hitch mcd drum hay loader new mh dump roke deanng mower 5 ft cut mc d manure spreader in good working order m h 17tooth cultivator horse or tractor hitch mh 2 row com cultivator mh 3drum steel roller mh 14 plate disc horse or tractor huch mh corn binder set tnltnn harrows 1 13 inch gu- son cutting box with pipes 1 clrculir saw all steel rubber tired wagon uith 10 tires t and h hitch 1 steel tired low truck wag on 1 2 heeled trailer 1 hay rick set of stewart clippers hand or po r turnip drill turnip pulp- er scuffu r part barrel of molass es ilking plow 150 ft hav fork rope sloop sleighs 2 runners set slings sloop nleighs hay fork set phasurr sleighs tank pump m h b chonper i cutter gnin rolk r 14 rolh fanning mill wlh bigger rubber tired bugg stone boit oil drums stone boat pink grindstone 30 cimilir siw slo rods log tongs cross cut saw logging chains double trees ind neck yokes forlcs hoes hotels a quintltv of 1 pipe gnin bngs pile of scrap iron other articles too numerous to list lumber 1 brood r house 10 x 12 i brooder shelter r xfl ft pieces flxr nine timber ib ft qinntitv of 2xi ind 2x plank qumtit of 2 elm plink qinntitv nf 1 lurnrn r doors windows and indow tish a number of tongues and wigon ri ache corner cui boird ft nee wire birhedire 1 large cook stoc 1 bojfrtve tfrms cash settlement with ch rk da of sale all irtlcles must be movi d bv sept mber 15 as new ow ner gets poxst ssfon on that date pasituelv no reserve as farm is sold refreshment booth on grounds wm a gibson auctioneer a diamond clerk bs3 notice there will be no garbage collection on labour day monday sept 3 couection will be made on tuesday plumbing heating eavestrpughincf tinsmithlng prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w wanted first class motor mechanics highest wages good working conditions aldersh0t motors mercury lincoln meteor dealer mb phen burilrwon 2373 thrills spills crashes o 1 ucjl la ivs v si i3 at the milton fair grounds labour day monday sept 3rd 245 pm spontorad by th canadian legion branch 136 admission adults 75c children 23e ss looking for a dwelling talc your choice from lhcu whiu prica am naatsnabu owner occupied and poooulon given secure your future by getting tattled in your own home small holding22 acres good garden soil acton and georgetown district near higtiway on open county road dwelling with large garage attached small fruits barn with equipment for bees wagon tractor almost new price complete 5 500 00 reason for selling ill health of owner nine room dweuingwith semidetached garage partly divided and rented conveniences right in centre of town close to churches schools and business districts 6 500 00 only half needed balance at 5i first mortgage cut stone screened in verandah cellar divided possession given for available rooms semidetached eight rooms rjarage and tool house partially rented price 4 800 00 no conveniences yet in stalled but price includes all floor coverings on both floors norge oil heater and 45oal drum possession for three mam rooms downstairs wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors p u wrifkt ottlm tt wilbur bu aetos tkaaw h n a wrttkj omm tt yn 8l ohiskrthi uuw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots

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