Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1951, p. 7

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thursday august 30th ll the acton ftt press paok swra new executive of the canadian weekly newspaper association elected at the recent annua meeting in the royal alexandra hotel at winnipeg is pictured above front row left to right past president lang sands mission bc cecil day liverpool n s 2nd vicepresident w k walls bar- rie ont president a w hanks st james man 1st vicepresident robert moore swift current sask w e mccartney brampton ont second row f j burns kentville n s john pinckney rotetown sask m s mclean elmwood man werden leavens bolton ont third row k g partridge camrose alia j r mclachlan virden man f p galbraith red deer alia w w draayer wetaskiwin sask s r charters brampton ont g lancaster melfort sask r m bean waterloo ont fourth row g a dills acton onl l e barber chilliwnck b c w h cranston midland ont j a vopni davidson sask a s king estevan sask r s evans morden man ybbtold country writer lauds english health scheme editor note mr kelly gard ner recently returned from enc- lantl has contributed this artlcu estpramtnc hla opinions and im pressions of life tn that country it nun been numcested that i write a brief description of my visit to enuland tn record the impressioni j formed of the life of the average eniflluhman under present condi tions of postwar uhortaacs nnd strict ration in fi i am sure that moit people will nfiree with mi when i say thnt such a tank in not an eusv one owtni to the lone dis tance covered nnd the viiit vnr- j ul of interests which occupki nir durum m nhort stii there i b ul in tjhe follow ini i wit id u m heht to ni us ictailikt uul nccuratf version of lift- in kntfliiul liultn ns possible but hick tf spun miim of a netem reduit u ui 1 fev pnuikriph i lavmu condition smit ni return 1 have been eoiuttinlh naked about h mir t on dltuius in england tortuv well the iiibwci to tins is tliit it is n much better than it wns a feu ears k0 but ow it ik to the shortukcf of skilled lihour mntertuls and build me funds man people tespeciall vottiik married couples- have no hornet- of their ov n and hne to live with others some mdeeduiu4 der er uncomfortable conditions of overcrowding youtik people wishing to gel murrud ure unable to do m us then- is nowhere for them to live if the munugeto find one room nnd hirv the uiual offiees with tht other tenants of the house the can cotimder thenweues er fort- utliite eldetlv poop it who hat no home of their own are usiiiiux btllctted with inlaws or rclatixes who their homes being nlrearix full with their own familict do not relish further land iltuallx imixt- uniousi udtlriuius to their huuse- homs a sorry ph for single people if the nrc working and consequently li mg uwe from home their plight is utuallx a sorrx one w hich entails t much expense hotels boarding- houses and furnished rooms are at a premium and many times th rvul value u charccd for eien the poorrti 0 accommodation 1 of course man mnnj people are fortunate to hne their own 1 rvsldencea more and more houses i and particularly flats are bring i built fven da but it is a long and wear businetv rr housing all thr people who were blltied out of their homes i result of war i at this stafr 1 must emphasize j that the conditions referred to above came about primarily as a result of the war and even 10 mostlx exist in very large tow ns nnd cities as the smaller places ttot onlv escaped the worst ravage of the blitz but have pot had the vast influx of people as have for instance london and manchester now it must be admitted bv even the must prejudiced observer that these conditions have only resulted from the udestro mg blitz and the remarkable increase- in the population of enuland in the pre war years everybody had some nrt of home but owing to the in credible amount of demolition car ried out by the germans people are forced to seek any shelter they can pending the erection of more dwrtlinfts food situation poor the food situation so far us i saw wn decidedly poor to me u canadian coming from a land of plent it woii something of 1 shock to be confronted with one persons rations for a week a 01 butter 2 or bneon 2 ox cheese 1 egg if there are any eggs at all it ls quite rurilomiirv to go two or three months during the u inter without eggsi it oz sugar 2 07 lard or cooking fat 4 or margar ine o7 tea and fl oz candy mn people try to grt over the food diffieultx bv eating out but tins prteiui fresh nnbkmafir not onl ls th food of piwir quahtx but verv little varietv owing in tlit hoitagl of itafi one lvx iu wait vei ltiic for een the simp lest meik cfi rerms- in order in london and the larger town cafettltis ale the older of the dix hut even m thee ht ipj ourself pl11 es lluie ule qiieili qilellt s tiieiiis and it takes cpllte n jv hih to leaeh the eiul of the queue tht pi ices of meals ti in the hmall jomts lie often shotkiiigl dear ami tin iierage kuglishman is onlv able to cat out occasionally tuhe tronel travel owing to the curtailed s4m vires now m opeiation ils rimilt of the partial requisition b munition- factories of coal supplies is h no meant comfortable but could n ttitrif i found the lon don tittirui seiiicet nothing short of nidhbous and the speed with which jrfve tuihs eonve pas- scngers to ill parts of london has to be experienced to be believed the tubes nlso are kept tn spot less condition and ns the arc sit uated m almost all parts of london the an- one of the moht conven ient meatus of travelling about tht metropolis the uailwnv executive hoard of drttish hailwnvs have mlrjductd cheap da tripi to all parts of england at priccs which seem remarkablv huv thus it ls possible for ill irfir lowerincome knntps to sajnf a cheap da at the seaside or amidst the lovelv lountnmdc of england clothing ctwt hijjh clothing us plentiful and of quiti a high standard both in st le and quulitx but am all other things purchas bv the ordinarv man-in- mmrm m rr v l thev have there doctor secllil its hosiital treatment nuning homes hdnitiuiru denllats wigs optical requirements dentures all are provided free or on payment of a v rv small sum b the health mlnbtr thus it ls possible for the poorest of the poor to have all the treatment necessary to make them well erervrhinp they require manv people who previously had no spectacles or dentures or treatments because they could not afford to pa for them now hove everything they require these- services are financed bv the levy of the national health and unem- ptovnient insurance fees which every citizen pays children up to five years of agt are provided with free milk cod- i ltvr oil mange juice und vitnmins weekly and expihtnnt mothers nn f gi veil 1 tv lliltg neressary nbsol utt h free of chafge if the patient ls er lkhirclotht- t ftr th bibj bluiki s sheets ft i j ihgho tlhs tt lie also mipplud bv the child wlfale clinics u iulm i job it is to see that ev i rv thild has ivt iv thing tiitissan for il- ptopii giow and nourishnu nl rigaiduss if tust nid utulhtr tin pat nts ait poor or ru h tlurihffd sukiivsi obsolete visiting sulk muses homeht lps iiiuniis da nursi ru s spcml op enui schools are all provided un til r this wondeiful st hi me v ei v iffoit ls midi to find work uita to the abilitv of the m plovee 1 this is tlu- function of tin national labour exchanges and nobodv is coilsidered too old or too useless aisk under government supervision everv worker must r teive a living wage and as a result thtap labom and sweated lub- oui is noni xistcnt nowadays i nix of tradv unions maximum hours are fully laid dow n and trade unions exist in plentv with whom employees deal in all mattet involving dispute among person m 1 ht gular holidavs with pav ire compulsory also m the laint of invone btctminii sick or unfit for work full benefits an pavablc to him throujfh the nit- lonal sickin ss benefit scheme at the age of 60 u woman n ceivfs the oldage immisuui a rrlun becoming eligible at j6 in caes of hardship a good substantial pension is allow id best mortal sgstm taking all into consideration therefore i lame to the conclusion that even though beset on all sldvs the street is rvstncted ow ing to the somewhat high cost i found miwt things cheaper than in canada but that ls onlv to be tvxpected as wages in england ure much smaller than the wagesui canada the english do not go in for verx ultrasmart clothes preferring to buv hardweanna sturdv gar- mrnts vf subdued shades and most w omen u ear flatheeled shoes these ast are most necessar as it ls astonishing how much walkinf people do esecially in london eitofiih reserred in anv case the english are not a flamboyant race being rather rrserv ed and dignified i noticed that verv few english women ueor much makeup most uere content wttti a little powder and lipstick mjvbe their good complexions have som thing to do with it exsprybodv looked remarkably healthy and 1 understand that thr standard of health in england 1 high this mav be due to the won derful national health system trtth snottaues and similar prob lem of an industrial nature eng land has in spite of it all the best social svstem and securityflorall mstem in the uorld and if the citizens can stick it out to the bitter end thev will be rewarded with the fruits of their aelf-aaxn- fice pece plenty and security for all from the cradle to the grave cecdacarr optometrist ouam d s tl 1091 ex midway freak studies breadwins th world is full of strange and wondeiful things and as far as 3 w lpatty conklln is concrnl he would have all of them on display at the canadian national exhibi tion a6 a ahowman tie searches the woild for the bizarre the strange the exciting and in some cases the highly scientific or educa tional tihow for his ec mldwav this year he came up with one of t strangest of all sideshow won- wr or freak 10vitaruul 0orgla gli lr-btt- ty1ou williams heads the list of f teaks at this years midway of her 10 years hetty lou has spent 1h in the show business betty who broke attendance records all summer at chicagos rlvervlew park iu a true freak having a body tfaat has tour legs and three- arms during the past summer well over a thousand doctors left their offices and hospitals tn examine her that she ls a highly intelli gent young lady refined and with a strong desire to became a steno grapher are facts possessing a high school degree she now has two eaib of college back of her and returns to college every fall fol lowing a summer of shows and fairs with 14 brothers and sisters beitv lou has provided money lo educate five of them buy a 210 acre farm and generally has prov en to be the blend w innet of the laitnlv poef s corner its ux hi bit ton tlnul again with 1 its pomp and glow on the tisalns and buses ride to see the glorious khow the midway with us music gnv to hde the ferrls vhel while on the roller coaster a kbbi the bovh will meal then thro the buildings we wkl go to see 4he grand array of cart baking sewing too so much for just one day hut when the evening conn s around and homeward we must go tho vrylrerwr ulid we didnt miss the show jiym irinm h emnnr meteorological training people from all parts if the mrldnjuiljjiirninjfihrimcjcs 11 r of weather forecasting at the lon don metenrnltigical office training school the 3month course in cludes work at the central fore casting office and at british air ports also practical instruction for working radar equipment fur wind- testing discover how good icki tm con bo male ua douhl iraagtk and ku still hoi pour lk glaaasa ulw wttk oxaowd lc add cugar and limnn w taat saiaia t6 the cevnad national exhib august 25th to september 8th except sunday direct into the bounds sducd gfp f fmd f admlttlon tttm fti6rv cnhlblllen for chlldrnf hals m your aanl leave acton leave exhibition 8m am 1030 pm daylight time exhibition piiungan travailing on roguur buui wlh hanafar at toronto but tarminal lo busaa running into tha ground tickets and information at harold wiles phone 58 imbrmim star of a brilliant cluster inmtlr and oul ii n liut thr uutm utlihf thr itnttiuit intmor 11 a titltili rnn m tulmn t uimlimu rttptmir thr luxury juhtus thr jrntnnr uulhr thr irtmnny ihmmr nis arching at run thr hrimtt rxfanr uf thr initn till lhrr rrfinrmrntm and main nmrr nru tnuiur uf intmut fauiy tirul comfort pontiae blllatalllolfa ih lhth uweu tid el yea heres the car that cawing the ttir the eagtr eotorful brauty tluta drawing thr oha and ha of all canada ita the caujina with ultra advanced trling that cuts a figure uke a convertible with racy tinea diaappeaxing idposta extraspecial color schemes and it projects yen with an ajiateci top and the catalina is pantiac that mean there downright bedrock quality and character under its gay dreaa all the fanmmm feature that have earned for pontiac such phenomenal acclaim all across the land and remember besides the catalina six and catalina eight there are aixteen other model to choose from in the three great pontiac series see year pontiac dealer toon 11m i sir sal tic 4nv tkat ass bm rrliimiit car avsr is yar io furtk prvvod with aa uttrnmt kmnw hvtas tunc dan ts ao suwssatic trsaiamima plu luj dnw uujb ta sarrvt of it asbaant asefor- aibtt opbooj t asira mat ik cataliaa ai quaftsib i dollar for dollar anal sejatwe tor vaaar lorne garner motors limited main at bower acton ont canada proved in canada for canadians xi3dvs osdw i

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