Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1951, p. 1

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seventyseventh year no 9 acton ontario thursday september 6th 11 eight home print pages six cents 1 killed 7 injured in weekend crash instantly killed in this two car crash on no 7 highway two miles east of rockwood mrs h ware was travelling with her husband and family toward acton on saturday at approximately 9 pm on the sharp turn between rockwood and acton wthe eden mills road the two cars wore in collision the light english model car was driven by mr ware who suffered severe injury and the throe children were also injured the heavier buick was driven by james mckinnon of guelph accompanied by his wife and three children stall photos honrn parade at rove moot more than 500 hover scouts from united statecuba and ncross the dominion bothered nt the blue springs scout iteservd four miles west of acton for the first cnnndinn rover moot under a clearing sky sunday the 500 rovers marched post in n colorful parade and the hon ray lawson took the salute the parade was led by the band of the 177th toronto rover crew official moot pipe band on the saluting banc with the lieutenant governor for ontario were mayor e tyler stanley hall mpp for hnlton and maj gen d c spry chief exe cutive commissioner for the boy scouts association the 100 acre scout reserve was governor for ontario uniforms cf crcen red blue and w hi tcbl ended together as hundreds of rovers pas sed in review a background of evergreen trees emphasized the brilliant crew flags- snapping in the mind as niagara falls lithuania windsor vancouver greece sea rovers squires kilted rover scouts young men from across the country and across the sea proud- lysaluted the lieutenantgovernor in the colourful march past bible college registrar speaker at special baptist service laid out in two camps atlantic and pacific nnd the 500 were accom modated in tents stores were set up in large marquees by watsons dairy bar and elliott bros to pro vide the men with food for their outdoor cooking novers attending the moot were supplied with a daily paper oi which four issues were published the work was done by the acton free press staff provincial commissioner- w h j tisdale rover moot chief opened the first gathering of its kind at 3 pm saturday hon ray uwson obe lld lieutentantgovernor of ontario was guest speaker for the sunday program he addressed the rovers in a cedar grove overlooking the blue spring his honour congratulated those present at being selected to repre sent their provinces at this first canadian moot this camp will go down mhistoryandj-havt- every confidence that all those attend ing will receive many benefits which will more than make the ef fort worthwhile his honour said sir ian bolton president of the scottish council of boy scouts flew to canada from prestwick scotland to visit old scouts and attend the moot his opinion of the various camp sites was high and he was impressed with the variety surroundings nnd ingenuity shown plans call for a moot every four tomorrow george will celebrate years a world moot is held in nn hls golden wedding registrar of toronto bible col lege rev c h armstrong was the special speaker at the reopening and dedication service at the bap tist church last sunday which mar ked the conclusion of the redecor ation and repair program there as well as the church proper the sunday school room choir loft- light fixtures and vestry have been repainted the woodwork and pews revarnished the- ceiling oiled the chimney and butments pointed and the floors painted the answer to the congregations call for a miniser has still not been- settled it was reported this lome scots keep waterlmrtroi rt the waterloo musical society trophy a large cup on a mahog any base is the lome scos to keep following last thursdays competition at the exhibition in toronto for the third year in a row peel dufferin and hal ton counties regimental band took first place in its class and now keeps the award a cash prize of 350 accompanies the trophy marks awarded last week wore lome scots 2g5 newmarket citi zens 253 norwich citizens 233 the other band entered in the con test wns the woodstock lions the test piece was romantic over ture for bandmaster a perrot it was just years since he first won at the cne he was off toa good start in 1931 when the georgetown citizens rand took first and has received many firsts in competition at the cne and waterloo since- acton players in competition this year were- nino braida ray agnew armantd braida ken allen gordon lawson charles kingsmill and george elliott two of the play ers from here george smith and charles landsbo rough were un able to attend for mr landsbor ough it was the first miss exclud ing the war year when the exhibi tion was cancelled since 1034 when he joined the lome scots band georgetown is headquarters for the band but there are members frombrampton glen williams milton and other district towns and villages there are about 35 mem bers altogther bandmaster perrot also leads the acton citizens band and- the streetsville band 17 kp refusals explained to board the department of education does not approve a kindergarten class of over 50 it was reported at the regular meeting of the public school board held in the school on tuesday evening owing to the fact that more applications were received 59 pupils were accepted this year thcl7 children whose fifih birthdysoccurrod after nov ember lqcould not be accepted in order to hoat the multipur pose room staff room and kitchen properly when needed at night the board passed a resolution to install a separately controlled seam line the board authorizedthe secret arytreasurer to pay the staff twice monthly at the fifteenth add end of the month owners of the waste land bor dering on the northwest side of the school property will be met wu jl u uf fturvhfl bl th land for playground space requisitions for supplies includ ing 30 for necessary kindergarten- primary supplies were approved the finance statement of 222150 was approved and passed for payment the secretary was dir ected to assess the north hal ton high school district board 1b2c0 june plant operation 10449 for july anil 40014 for august chalrmnn oakes presided at the meeting and trustees heard jones creighton and watson were pres ent the meeting adjourned at 11 p m golden wedding new guelph home is scene of shower for miss anne stansbury alternating period making a grand moot ever two years on explained climaxing the weekend camp was the sunday march past with the salute taken by the lieutenan- hi golden wedding but he is years old and ij official t twentyfiv not married i know rut tomorrow he will marry the daughter of a million aire more public school pupils now than ever less at high school a school for the firv time in their young livesi were t0 acton xoungvtms tuesday and returning to ciinms m both the public school and lugh school were scw pupil- altogether public school principal c w mckenc reports he highest en rolment ever with 41l rvgisered thus week he explained that the numbers attending the school will increase until um when the first large class now grade fivt grad uates from grade eight the enrolment of the kindergar ten ls higher than ever as well with co attending thus year and is turned away although the kindergarten clas came tuesday afternoon there wen no clashes in otlur grades a staff meeting was held mrs jane gamble will teach th- class which combines grades one two and three mr k alger will teach grade one miss mckay gnwu two mtss dena braida grades two and thiee mus ltbel andeison grade four mr ann- wlkmson grade five mv daisv folter grades five and six mr w p k smith grade seven and mr mckenie glade eight enrolment dropped at the high school tins eir with principal o kolumis reporting im registered u all grades 1 he drop wis specially iwoeeable in grade nine there are ij pupils thi year last yeu then were 07 have usually beer ilases there will this ear then are more ten than usual this years 48 comparing favorably with fas year 31 there will be uo chuises there an 18 in grade 11 ii in grade 12 and 6 in grade tuesdays high school enrolment totalled just one more than at tht school at the end of the term lam mthough there two grul nine one onl bi attending grade however with mr douglas robertson enter tained at her lovely new home on thomas st guelph m honor nf her fuure sistermiaw miss anne stan bury of oakville who is to he married on saturday to kenneth robertson tht looms were tastefully decor ated with pink and white stream ers and white bells and baskets of pink gladioli the party was in the form of a miscellaneous show er little mai il n young and marie n mccready earned in a d coratcd btsket laden with gift- which the bride opened assisted by miss lynn edwards who is to he bridemiiad at the wedding mis stanshury thanked all for the vcly asoitment of gfts the guests then enjoyed i few games of bingo after which a daintv lunch uis served by the hostess agisted hy her mother mr 11 jackson and aunt mrs ross mccready guests included mrs l s tans- bury mrs stansbury sr mrs purdie mrs h edwnnb and lynn all of oakville mrs ken mclean trafalgar mrs n robertson mrs vic patrick acton mrs jackson 3r mrs henry jackson m as bo ro mrs george young and marilyn everton mrs l robertson mrs c williamson mrs has mccready marleen and bob mrs r gordlo of guelpli mrs w j jackson mrs d robertson and brian of osprmge statistics indicate that 1h00 thimderstornjs bellow over the earths surface every instant french is the official diplomatic language of the world wdin ottawa newlywed cbuple pian to live in london ontario following their honeymoon trip through southern and western on tario mr and mrs charles banting wall will reside in london where the groom is attending the univer sity of western ontario medical school the bride the former phyliss rita mallett ls the daughter of mrs richard mallett and the late mr mallett and the bridegroom is the son of mrs albert smith of acton and the late arthur wall rev dr c d donald solemnized their wedding vows at a midafter noon ceremony in southminrster united church ottawn given in marriage by graham mcnay the bride was attended by her sister miss veronica mallett as maid of honor david smith brother of the groom was best man dennis smith and edward farrant acted as ush ers for her wedding lh trh an original ankle length gown of white french lace with fitted bod ice her bouffant skirt covering underskirt of white and blush pink net had a scalloped hem hr cloche headdress of matching lace was trimnried with orange blossoms and she carried a nosegay of madam finch roses and sweet pens a reception was held at the home of mrs m farrant aunt of the bride for going away the bride wore a gold taffeta suit dress with mat ching hat and black velvet acces sories guests were present from acton milton georgetown st catharines port elgin and montreal mrs harry ware killed in accid fam hart i three young children nine seven and three years old are left motherless following a tragic accident on no 7 highway one mile east of rockwood last saturday night at 0 pm mrs harry ware 33 was instantly killed when a light english car driven by her husband was in collision with a 19m buick nn a do degree curve all three youngsters and the father were still in guelph general hospital when funeral ser- vice was held in st albans anglicahchurch acton on tuesday aftcr- jtnoon l m at the first impact the buick chronicler meets mrs e roosevelt among the 50 or so guests at the home of mrsv kate aitken last tuesday at a press and radio con ference with mrs eleanor roose velt was mrs gwendoline p clarke rr 3 milton after the conference mrs clarke attended a special luncheon on the balcony of the womens building at the canadian national exhibi tion and then sat in front of the main bandshell- in the section re served for the press during mrs roosevelts address paving machine complicated its like 80 geared spreader actons own rapid transit system finally got underway thi week nothing as major as canadas first subway acton street paving ls top topic around town and motorists who pass through will be just as thankful as acton and district resi dents those spending some time watch ing the paving machine may think its a little complicated but one workman neatly explained it for the layman its just like a manure spreader only its got 80 gears he said all 80 were in fine working order anyway when the big machine laid its first sparkling strip of damp pavement as it rolled slowly down mill st tuesday it certainly sparkles trial hew pavement just like diamonds lowering mill and main sis io the proper level before the paving could begin proved quite a task that was speedily done citizens met just west of the rail road tracks tuesday at noon to nod approval to the pavers and the heavy machine moved steadily down the street from then on work began wednesday on main st filling in the trench and allow ing traffic to proceed normally un til the curb to curb paving is done aeton will soon hove- lost for ever its dubious distinction as the town with the roads but the loss of distinction ww be ru loss of prestige and the paving is all afctons gain huge crowds greeted mrs roose velt and the others from the con ference at mrs aitkens islington home and at the exhibition lun cheon about 500 guests there shook hands with the worldfamous mrs roosevelt as she stood in the receiving line with mrs ray law- son wife of the lieutenantgover nor mrs r c berkjnshaw wife of the president of the cne and mrs aitken director of the worn- ens division tht guests nmong whom was mrs clarke included mrs leslie frost wife of the premier agnrs mcphail mpp and ellen fair- clough mp driven by james mckinnon tfi of guelph pushed the cajrt bound english car back about 14 feet and then it is believed that mckinnon stepped on the accelerator by mis take moving his car about 75 feet across the highway to the opposite shoulder mrs ware the former barbara mae taylor of acton was killed instantly m rwa rou txo rod i n t ruti o- kcal p laeerations george six a fractur ed right arm and head lacerations james three lip and finger lacer ations and barbara ann nine a fractured skull and shock the driver of the second car suffered broken ribs and his chilri- reh josephine anne and donald broken collar hones another child james henry and mrs mc kinnon were uninjured damage to both cars was estim ated at 1500 passing motorists stopped to givi assistance at latest report mr ware and the children are all progressing favorably in hospital mrs ware who lived with her family on r r 5 rockwood was born in plymouth england in 1918 brought as a baby to can ada she lived in toronto and london and come to acton at the age j three agood tudenvaho attended acton public and high i schfmls in 1930 she was married the inst ahmns anghcnn church then mrs- clarke- with others went to the main band acton to albert henry ware they shell where in a specially reserv- i lived here until five years ago ed section she heard the wife of when they moved to r r 3 the late president roosevelt speak i rorkwqod on the united nations it was i very active in church work she united nations day at the expand mrs roosevelt has just returned from sessions of the general as sembly at geneva gwendoline p clarke is a well- known name to readers of the free press where chronicles of ginger farm is now an indispen sable part of the weekly news her regular chatty columns havo been written especially for the free press for over 25 years mrs clarke also does free lance writ ing for other newspapers and mag azines taught sunday school in acton and for some years in rockwood she was a member of st johns anglican church choir and st johns womens auxiliary recently mr and mrs ware and their children have been watching their new home near completion rev w g luxton conducted tho funeral service tuesday and in terment followed in roclcwood cemetery pallbearers were rob ert anderson fred kentner tom continued on page fivey ra yh v from across the dominion and across the sea rover scouts the boy scouts associations senior organization gathered at blue springs scout reserve over the labor day weeknm for the first canadian- rover moot more than 500 attended the canadian gathering in the top left picture is sir lary bolton president of the scottish boy scouts council who flew from scotland for the moot with him are ron langdon john hawward wm rooks and wm nicholson four former members of his crew in scotland when he planned to visit at blue springs the boys now live in hamil ton in the top right picture is a cosmopolitan group with the lieutenant governor of ontario the honorable ray lawson from left to right are m mykoln ukranian b huffman n tonawanda usa jose tayel cuba juan diaz cuba and on the lieutenant governors left are d fitzsimmons n tonawando us a louis nunez cuba and t klink n tonawanda inset shows sir ian bolton mayor tyler and the lieutenantgovernor on the saluting base for tne colorful sunday marchpast when the hon ray lawson tcov the salute ar the beten is a group picture cf rovers j from across the dominion and across the sea stuff photom

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