Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1951, p. 2

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faok two the acton free press ntunsdaysertemneii eth im labor day wowo had a now oxpcrionce over the labor day weokond weve handled weekly news papers for yoars and acquired the routine and injected some monthly publications jn our sched ule last wook the office staff undertook to pub- hid i fni fo v rcvor ramblor for the first canadian rover moot held at bluo springs scout reserve whore more than 500 rovor scouts from all parts of canada the united stalos and cuba were assembled on top of jhe regular office work it was quite an added chore v copy started to come in shortly after seven oclock each ovoning and the rover ramblor was in the hands of tho campors early next morning intact the copios went into camp the last two mornings at five am it was an inter esting exporlonco but not one that could be maintained for any length of time without the addition of a night shift to especially handle the daily section if we should err more than usual this week we thought it best to give this explanation by way of reasoning labor day had a real signifi cance for the staff this year and it wasnt of holi day import off to school the younger generation ore at school now othey have been packed off to classrooms after their annual summor vacation to most of them it is just o new experience in a new classroom with perhaps a different toucher but parents no doubt hold the event in a different light the children are growing up and at the same time they are preparing themselves for a future a future in one of the youngest and fastest growing countries of the world where futures are generally called bright education is a long term process and not one that can be expected to show its entire produce immediately the eager mothers question of what did you learn at school today and the childs reply can never paint or draw out the complete answer education is an evolution a constant broad ening process children-grow- intojhejdeas-flnd- routines carried out at school that are latertrans milted into a moremalyrelife ljs not neces sarily the facts learned in the schoolroom process that provide the greatest benefit it might easily be that arithmetic is a difficult subject for the ycung student but an eventual understanding of its importance makes it seem a necessary subject and the determination gained in its mastering is one of the subject byproducts in educations evolution when you send your children to school each day and they eventually escape its confines at 4 oclock they may nbt be able to tell you what theh pd h benefitted them in some small way at least now for the faji fairs with the closing this week of the canadian nationalexhibition the great season of the rural fall fairs is ushered in it might be well to re mind many that without the rural fairs such na tional events as the cne and the royflf winter fair would not be possible thefairs jihich now hold sway are the places wherenre exhibitors are trained where incentive and confidence are oained rural fairs too have a phase which is not fcund in the larger fairsthai of a meeting place for old friends the big fairs have become so large that meeting even by appointment is often difficult the smaller fairs provide a leisure and a smaller place for meeting acquaint ances which nooiher community attraction can provide definitely the fall fairs occupy a uni que place in the life of town and country and a common meeting ground that is very essential to our community life your community fair in acton will be held this month in fact in a few weeks the prize lists are now available upon application to the secretary jo make it a success requires the co operation of exhibitors and friends plan now to make your entries and have a show that is indicative of this fine agricultural district make arrangements to meet your friends at acton fair on september 21st and 22nd make it bigger and better in every way from every section come reports of the greatest harvest canada has ever experienced thanksgiving day which comes this year on october 8th will be a real day of thanksgiving for the bounty that has boon bestowed a national event seems too bad when toronto is playing host to so many visitors at tho canadian national exhibition that four lanes of travel are reserved on the ldkeshore boulevard for city traffic and only two lanes allotted to cne visitors then ftlhhepbrktngpconeiottltti de-has- been lost to the exhibition which has a gigantic problem on its hands looking onis an outsider it does soom that toronto could bo more tolerant for two weeks when so many from a great dis tance congregate to see a national event ajjothor suggestion which might prove popu lar judging from crowds before tho bandshell at the cne would bo tho presentation of some strictly band concerts every year some fuac bands come to jhe cne who are a cross be tween a symphony orchestra and a band why not have the toronto symphony orchestra take over the orchestral duties and a band give pro grams of strictly band music and some good- stirring marches to our thinking the mongrel musical port rayals of the present do little to please either the lovers of orchestral or band music frankly we enjoy the band concerts from the north band stand very muchrexcept when they attempt to imitate the main bandshell the star concerts of diversified programs which present canadian artists are in popularity judging by the crowds we think popularity judging by thecne deserves credit for its effort to serve alltastes and we offer our criticisms in a friendly way too effective a drop of not less than 45 in housing starts in july just reported may well bring the first dent in ottawas light fiscal control program according to the financial post also reported was a 63 decrease in the same month in loans under nha together they indicate the speed with which the housing program is grinding to a stop under the brake ol money controls july figures cannot help but increase already heavy pressure being put on ottawa to ease up howeverinotheraffectedaraes cigarettos- consumer durablesand despite the whopping 340 milliontrade deficit in the first six months ottawa still seems determined to hold the line the exact extent of the housing sag becomes apparent against previous statistics the 41 5 drop is for communities of 5000 and over in may and june starts were off 23 earlier in the yearbefore restnetionsthey were up 19 over 1950 over a sevenmonth period iheyre down 185 despite this spectacular slump actual com pletions tms year will be high due to the big 1950 backlog but what is causingconcern is the effect erftodays slumponv952r editorial notes were just like the city and have our street repairs in full swing for exhibitiononly we have aims of having our own town all ready for our own fair highway travel gets heavier and there is more need for extra precautions in your driving habits you need a constant alertness to the other drivers failures nice to note that at last some definite pro gress has been made on county equalized assess ments surely after five years work in preparat ion of the figures nothing can be gained by an appeal court if such is necessary the new sys tems no improvement over the old plan would you mind bringing canned ajle sauce jjntil i get my new false teeth the good old days may have seemed better xtittrb cfyurrl utf annus acton ontario a mikndly church paraonajce 2d bower avenue phnni- ml suvj k a curtvy ha ru mlnlater mb o ml lmba a1m0jm organist and cttolr lsadar sunday skitempei1 nth 1051 000aiundnyseh6ot 1 1 nnajtv wnrhlp to0 p m evening worship bi albattn ohjurrf w g luxttm bjs sunday septembeh oul ooo am holy communion 1000 am sunday school 1100 am gunners class 700 pm evening prayer a welcome awaits you 1051 ilrrabiitrriatt cctjitrttj la bannua knox cliokcil attn tlkv iu1hvmt 11 aumtniong ma mlnutrr sunday skptkmnkr 1100 am divine worship 10 00 am rlmilny school 7 00 pm kvpiiiiik srrvici hi 1053 att7 auk weicome saptlat dljurrl aoton sunday septembeh olh 1dkh 10 30 am sunday school 1130 om morning- service 7 30 pm evening service friday sept 7 nypu corn roast at home of mr and mrs hukb held meet nt hie church at r is wednesday s 30 p m prayer meet ing back in 1901 taken jrom the issue o he acton rtwrrw f fl 1901 the prize list committee of es- quesinc ajiricurtural society met here on monday and completed the priie list for the annual ex hibition to be held here on thurs day and friday 3rd and 4th oct ober the list of specials lb very large and in many cases the prizoc ore better than usual amonjt the special attractions there will be a series of turs of war by some of the best teams in the country acton is well represented at the pan american exposition in buf falo this week messrs jno a mc- grnil j b wallace and w stork went over on saturday on mon day i evening kev and mrs j m hatfar misses grace and may har- ar miss evans misncs meda and lily nelson mr and mrs james warren and mr ed j moore went over miss o mcphail arrived from new york last evening and her department nt the public school will be reopened this morninp the milton reformer say that was a nasty thinr thase acton boys did when the pelted the campbell- villf baseball team with decayed hen vggs when they were lea vine for home on the occasion of their recent visit to that town the free pruss however apologizes for such an unneighbourly ac dnd says the acton baseball team was in no wim- responsible for whai occurred and blamis it on a lot of bad boys who had no connection what- efewtfh the- tea dr bt11 ha moved his dental parlor to the room- over mckcrs drnc ston- acton cornet band gave an en- jovable open air concert from the town square band stajid on a tues day evening back in 1931 from the issue o the free pre ww thej unemployment registration in acton numbered ciehtyfour the boys ore having amusement these evenings playing box lac rosse in the arena the fall fair directors held j bee yesterday afternoon and placed new posts and poles for ty ing up the cattle in the park there were 204 pupils started back to school at acton public schools this week the beginners class has 35 in it this year the brampton conservator last week mode the announcement that manwell starkman ho a native of ac jon would establish an op tometries practice in brampton some iso visiting firemen at tended the annual church parade of georgetown fire brigade at georgetown united church on sunda vn ig h t this year acton will enter two tugofwar teams in the champion ship events at the canadian nat ional exhibition trainer herbert ritchie is in charge of one team and trainer w eecleshall has the other team a quiet edding took place at the home of the bride when fran ces alexandra daughter of thomas a cars well of gait was married to david christie henderson of pres ton younger son of mr and mrs d m henderson of gait formerly of acton a pretty wedding wis solemn iz- ed tn grace anglican church mil- ton on saturday augun 29 when gwcnriolyn vinlrr l daughter of mr and mrs george homewood was- married to edward george jtwer eldest son of mr and mrs i edward t- ler of acton 1 nouv martin to mr and mr- leli martin of toronto on tuesdav august 25 1ic11 a daughter x north east west south news from all sl directions wot car sales in june 195 were 29 below last june in number and 11v less in value ac cording to the financial post in the first six months sales ore still 12 higher in number 3vo higher in value than m the first six months last year conversation will have to centre on weather when the roacl work is complete the have you heard how the little son of a tele phone man describes prayer prayers are little messages to god sent at night he said to get the cheaper rates there is every indication that visitors to the acton fair will this year find the streets and roads in the finest condition they have ever been the work on repaving and improvement is making good progress and it appears the worst is now over no skur a story in lost weeks champion tells of another of those traditional americans in canada this one got on a bus at the border on the way to winnipeg and asked a canadian firl where she wai travelling the girl said van- comer the lady looked blank in british columbia still blank then the lady brightened up well if its anywhere near niagara b ure to see the falls they re won derful 100 out or 1m milfon nothing plain about the plain- andpurlng of mrs d russell smith of oakville who brought 170 worth of prizes m knitting classes at the cn e to oakville her seven piece layette was award ed 100 out of 100 i played it the ur wav she said not knowing whod- be the fipal recipient of the top notch knitting she did it all in white oakville baftebl from the oakv iiletrafalgar journal pounding out 13 safeties burllnxton at cne ieven of them for extra bases the introduced to mrs r c berkin- oaks last friday night- downed shaw wife of the presidentof the clarkson 115 to weep their hal- cne and mrs george marshall ion intermediate a plooff ser- wlfe of the secretary of national u three straight the victory defense of the us were four bur- qualified the locals for ob a hngtonites ehue springle j lach- playdowns ock anne louis- thompson and warrior return bob easton the four were at a t two bust from the georgetown luncheon sponsored by kate ait- j legion travelled to toronto to ken people just dont drop in and i warriors day at tho ex writes these youngsters had a good reas- the regular legion scribe in last on their mural won a 100 pme weeks herald that only two of in a school competition burling- the members muwed the bus back ton knitter extraordinary mrs j this year and both of them higson won an award in a knitting went home eerly perhaps his professional directory and travellers guide medical d8 w g c kekjney rhyalelmn and surgeon office in symon block mill st acton office phetie 71 ltiiwiji dr da garrett phyftleun and 8iirffa comer or willow and river sujl entrance luver street acton ontario rhoae 23 dental dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office leiahmon block mill st office hours 0 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr george a s1rrs dental surgeon mill st corner frederick acton office hours fl00 jn to 530 pm telephone 10 vetebinary b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton u6m f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 real estate and inbuttanont willoughby farm agency largest and oldcit agency tn canada head office 3m bay st toronto itcpt georgetown representative tom ilewbou phone georgetown sssvk wright real estate and insurance t l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st so macdonnoust acton ont guelph ont phone os phone 15w vat urn tors realtors injur member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association wc urgently require listings f form property from 50 to 300 acrea also small holdings from 1 to 3 acre3 contact andy frank associate at campbellvtlle phone milton 225 rl c h dyment realtor 123 wentwnrth st s hamilton phone 7h0fl5 w h parkin floor kamllnr and rt finishing phone 105sw oakville travellers guide gray coachlines c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary public office 22 phone res 151 acton jever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg m victoria st toronto elg 9131 f daylight saving time coaches leave acton 1 east bound j ob 3ff a m it am 1 1 23 a m i 2 p m 5 03 p m c 33 p m 9 s3 p rn bid mi p in westbound 1 107 am 12 2 57 pm 27 p m 7 27 p m 0 12 p rn r 1 1j3i pm i 12 am sun to kitchenor only i a daily except sunday and hou- days i b saturday sunday and holi- i davs miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral horie funeral home heated arobulano phone 30 night or day serving the community for 45 years eye care by appointment contest and the burlington jun ior band marched in the warriors day parade knowledge of the early hour at which they returned was genu inely first hand wm c milugan ro optometrist is and 3rd wednesdpys of the month 2 pm to 0 pm at mill st residence of a t brown canadian national railways standard time eastboand daily 5 55 a m daily except sun- davs 0 54 a in 7 10 p m sunday onlv h 10 pm dally except sub- day flyer at georgetown 0 02 anx daily fiver at georgetown 1011 p westbound dailv except sundayond mon- dav 1 5fl a m sunday and monday only 12 08 am daily except sun day h4 am 650 pm 7 44 pm daily except sat and sun 5 48 pm flagatnp saturday only 136 p m sunday only 8 43 am iflagrtop sunday only flyer nt guelph 70s p in the acton free press thr only paprr evrr publuhtd in aclon publuhcd rach thursday ntm mill st acton onuirlo authric4 aa hmmui claaa mail paat olflm departaaenl ottawa g a dills publuher mrmbrr aoaul burrao circulation fwna and onuriaqobc dlvulaa cwn a advartjtino ea raquait subscription in advance 250 in canada 300 in uniteo states 6 monthi 150 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131

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