Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1951, p. 5

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thursday september istlbsl the acton free press acton ontario paqjc nvar notice to creditors and others in uu buu f donaub sis cuutoob walddc all persons having claims against the festate of donald mcgregor waldle late at the township oi bquesinf in the county of hal- con fanner deceased who died on or about the fifteenth day of july 10s1 are required to send aruculara and proof thereof to jienrnderetirnedfcecore the fif teenth day of september hi7rbeir the asset will be distributed among the parties legally entitled thereto having regard only to the clainu l w i vun filiwt dated at acton ontario this 30fn day of august 1051 c t leatnerlsnd acton ont solicitor for jane elizabeth waldle afl3 executrix notice to creditors and otneks jn the eaute ef andrew jtauea aufcen all persons having claims against the estate of andrew james aitkcn late of the township of erin in the county of wellington gentleman deceased who died on or about the sixth day of march 1051 ore required to send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the twentyninth day of september 1051 when the assets will be distributed among the per sons legally entitled thereto having regard only to the claims vhlch shall have been filed dted at acton ontario this twelfth day of september 1051 calvin j altlten r r 3 acton ontario c f lcotherlond acton ontario 1 hjjjiijj campbellville even co i ling wood series campbellvllles unpredictable ball club evened the aeries with col- llngwoods tine club by coming from behind 0lo count in the seventh frame with an explosive 10 run rally that won the game by that count of 101 tjp to that point parrlah hurling pceaalllteherfortheviltors had held the home team scoreless and to three scratch hits but in the blgseventhframbt the boytookrimh toe holds and slammed out seven solid hits including a home run by keith lush and three triples by roberts wiltshire ond dredge earl cairns collected a double with the bases full cliff bell lead off man for the campbellville crewt again drew his quota of three walks jack rob erts pitched a very steady game for his club allowing just four hits and only one walk while hlsmates gave him good support in the pinches third and deciding game of this close series is scheduled for satur day afternoon at 330 pm in the campbellville athletic grounds another fine crowd of fans should be out for this promising came oakville church decorated with giads for september wedding coming to acton sat sept 29th 50000 peanut float you can help the food situation in europe and britain tag day sept 2122 duke of devonshire lode acton speedvale avenue east northeatt limits of guelph thurs sept 13th doublo foature bandit queen barbara britton white tie and tails dan duryea frisat sept 1415 in the navy abbott and costfuo montues sept 1718 bicycle thief acidemy aw id winner wed sept 19th don coyote and here comes trouble thurs frl sept 2021 sudan maria montez jon hail a bnllcrinn length coum of white french lncc was worn by margaret anne sunsbury daughter of mr nnd mrs l stansbury elm- wboatlmrdroattvnic when she was united in marriage to kenneth charles robertson son of mr and mrs d g robertson osprlnee knox presbyterian church oal- villc was decorated with yellow and white gladioli for the cere mony conducted by rev c k nicholl on the afternoon of sept- cm bey flth the brides tulle veil was held by a coronet of orange buds nnd blos soms and she carried ytllow pin- nochio roses her father gave htr away in marriage lynne edwards the cousin of tlu bride was maid of honor in a bal lerina length dress of yellow mar quisette ovor taffeta with a match- inn headdress she carried bronze mums and ivy the grooms brother douglas robertson of guclph was the best man and ushers were ted stans- bury oakville and ken mclean trafalgar muss e a halhday was at the organ and the soloist was fred hunt of toronto after the ceremony the guess gathertti at the home of the brides aunt mrs h w edwards wher they were received by the brides mother in a dress of dark brown crepe with accents of moss green brown accessories and corsage of yellow roses and the frooms moth er in grey crepe with navy acces- wries md a corsage of red rases leiving with her husband on a trip t quebec cilv and usa the bride wore a brown gabardine sun with ellow liit and gloves an j brown accessories tile roiiple will he in toronto where tlu- groom s employed y budget for year adopted by board meetings of the ymca board thi piojun committee and the lidi s uimlurv hie been held to begin plan lor the season s activ ities at he bo ltd meeting mn- lii eenm of las uk the bud- t fni the toinim ear was pre i nted b charles wood chairman of he firiamv committee anprr ed and adopted v seetetiry cliff suttons r imp report was heard iui opening pi- ties foi tioth adults and ehldien ueie ditcussed imfioyn fd fot- itt pi sided mondnv evening the iidw- aux- ilin dei idd tht four of its nemhels would ti to atend an aldr confetenee of v ladies aulanes of the pioue in st cathi uncs in october tv are mis kied hunter the pr ulnt i mr liuh uihim mis louglu puce uwi mis tim megladre the mhinc eopks lu i begin abou he mddle pt vtobet j epeecd j soper family has tabor day reunion the fourth annual reunion of the soper clan was held at brookviuc hall nassatfaweyii on labor hay september 3 with atj attendance of about 125 arlvinif at different periods of the day the day was ideal for the occas ion v the first of the families ar rived at 1 oclock with others ar riving from than until about 0 octocfcrs rlhit1arclri jitt jpthtf-ftv- cnintf miss pearl kennedy was a of the guefrtboele mr and mrs william meredith in charge of field sports had horseshoe pitching races and con tests until the supper hour the following were winners in these sports under 6 boys and girls colleen meredith david stcen bonnie woods sharon mcbain flirts 68 sharon reichcrt edythe anne meredith boys 68 wayne cotton neil cotton girls 012 bonnie cotton heather mcbain boys 912 jack woods bob woods young wornon laurene van- sickle elda fryer young men dick martin karl relchert wom en under 00 mrs nelson smith mrs wilfrid coulson shoo scramble jack woods edythe anpe meredith shoe kicking lau rene vansickle sharon rcichert colleen meredith 3 legged race mary lou and edythe anne mere dith laurene vansickle and heath er mcbain everyone gathered in the hall decorated with fall flowers and tables with white covers and pink and blue streamers and set with cmltb in s pla1cr0und 2 shows nightly v t chtldtm undrr t 2 f free notice to creditors am otiikks in thr kutr of john ik d ward williamson all pel son- having hi- -i- the kstai of john ed id w- late of the town o ac m in tlu count of halton wood dealer deceased who ded o- about the lh dav ot augi- 1k1 are required to send pi i- ulars aiul pioofji thentif m h- undersigned bfore the twent ninth day of september 1us1 when the assets will be dlstributisd among the person legally entitled there to having regard only t o the clainu which inoll have been filed dated at acton ontario thl5 twelfth dav of september 1051 c f leatherland acton ont a- 103 solicitor fox the executor pi eri ty of suppcrtwblclr was topped with ice cream and tea and coffee many willing hands helped the convenors mrs alois reichert mrs ken cotton mrv russcl hammond mrs garnet smith and miss pearl kennedy serve the food after supper mrs wm mered ith and mrs wm woods supervhed the children in games such as musical chairs for one half hour of fun followed by a sine sons by all in the hall with mrs john stroble music convenor at the piano during this time tht men had gone back to the field for horse shoe pitching at 8 pm the meeting was called to order with the president mrs j j kennedy presiding a one minute silence was held in memory of those who had gone before during the year followed by sing ing the clan song the minutes of last year and financial state ment were given by secretary treasurer william woods special prizes were given as fol lows one travelling the farthest ivy collinson rockwood who had been visiting in the west and tra velled home to the reunion oldest member james martin 112 detroit mich oungest member linda gordon 2 months daughter of mr and mrs wallace gordon acton longest married mr and mrs james martin years detroit nuvst recently married mr and mrs llod wilhston nee marjorie- smiths hamilton lucky guest boou number mr and mrs edgar how den milton r r 5 ont tour of the men were called up on for a speech but onlv j-ime- mai tin responded and told rf the d of lijtus on he guelph road n in i- m i he i hwd his speei h v itqiieslmk the singing if he kng th following officers wore 1- eted for next year presidt nt nenon smtli hamilton vicpres id nt wilfrid coulson hamilton eeietar treasuier ro woods campbellville lunch convenor mis garnet smith shelbourne field sports convenor cluv mc bain guelph miisic convenor mis john sfuble detroit mich closmg of the meeting wls fol- owd by the meredith sisters sng- ng heautiful brown e es vhirh a as gieatl enjoyel bv all dane- ng was then enjoyed intersped a ith other entertunnit n hotlevmoon race caused h i u oils laughter ls eicti of thie- otiph arinmil in the corents if he i- areadv picked valise nr cd mrs gordon sven slteet v me won the anrm ersir w alt pnad mr and mrs knih cee b illnafivl won the spot dmee pre spcal mis velvet on was n bv memhers of lu orhestra menmerv w ei- mrs john srohle pa-is- g btt kmgshur floor r age h iv soper john d c ite ho coates and elmer irackuhk mrs j j keunedv muie a vr- 1 tcs speech to which mrs john st hie lepleel lunch u servm at mdmgh- i 1 daiu ng then contuuieii irtll i crwd had notceibly lessened ejh goodbve was said n mis i es urtil next year a last three fjmlics who hiw b ii piesin each war w e- abent ths ir because of seno is illness or bereaved and were msd b those attending hfoen west weds l mccutcheon in acton baptist church acton baptist church was the setting saturday september 8 for the wedding df helen adeline young r daughter o mr- and mrs fred west r- r 3 acton and lyal howard mccutcheon son of mr and mrs thomas mccutcheon r r 2 acton rev hugh join cheltenham officiated at the double ring ceremony atfalnt a setting of multicolored glad jolt mixs-ethcl-rrankun-asotrthe- organ console and mr bert boyd waft ololat cinbu a 1 lord fr prayer before the ceremony and o periecl love during the sign ing of the register given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of white satin with chantllly lace jacket made with fitted bodice buttoned to a peter pan collar elbow length sleeves with a wide ruffle and a flared r pcplum her shoulder length veil of nylon tulle was at tached to a queen anne headdress of matching lace she carried a white bible with white gladioli tips and streamers with stephanotla and wore the gift of the groom triple strand pearls miss bernlce connor acton was maid of honor in a colonial gown and matching headdress of lavender taffeta made on similar lines to the brides she carried a nosegay of yellow gladioli mrs john chapman sister of the bride ond mrs andy lorette tor onto sister of the groom wore matching gowns and headdresses in sea green taffeta and carried mauve and yellow gladioli nosegays miss btinn- ftinifahnhn trfnlibhrhbir of the groom wore yellow taffeta made with scalloped ruffled akirt puffed sleeves ruffled yoke with mauve ribbon bows her headdress was tied with mauve ribbons and she carried a nosegay of mauve gladioli harvey shultis london cousin of the groom was best man and ernest west kitchener brother of the bride and lawson mccutch eon mitchell brother of the groom were ushers at the reception which followed at the home of the brides parents mrs west received her guests wearing a gown of dusty rose crepe with navy accessories and a corsage of blue cornflowers she was as sisted by the grooms mother wearing a navy jacket dress with navy accessories and corsage of pink carnations the brides table was centred with a threetiered wedding cake pink tapers and carnations for travelling to the bruce pen insula and samiathe bride don ned a tailored suit in graygreen wool twill with green accessories and natural leather handbag and gloves and a corsage of talisman roses on their return mr and mrs mccutcheon will live on john st north acton guests were present from belle ville toronto brampton barrie georgetown london mitchell kitchener sarnia guelph hills- burgh rockwood and acton sweeping train bridal gown feature at darbythomas wedding bv carolyn oakfa school started off with bang everyone wandered about the halls wenring bcsf morning smiles 1 think this would be as good n i oppoku n i ty as an welcome our first year friends from the country and we mustnt forget the students from next door at acton public school the first day ls never very llr- ingyof course because oil leave early to buy armfuls of books some lucky students got new books while many of us use boolcs hand id down year after year the second day wo got down to the grind with the usual session of maths sciences language and history of course we mustnt for get those welcome pt periods with our two new teachers miss harris and mr heron leading ui through our daily exercises from what i hear the boys arc already in training for the rugby season but i guess most of them need lots of it last thursday morning an as- st mbly was held to nominate stud ents to positions in the literary society executive next thursday election speeches will be made and the election held anyone entering the school this week cant help but former rockwood man passes away a former resident of rockwood who has been in the coal business in toronto for the past 20 jjfears william grieve died last we9jc in st josephs hospital toronto ho wins a son of the late adam grieve of gait surviving are two sisters mrs maryjmuuidoivtaronto and m rtf- annn peacock of gait funeral service was held mon- y 7iayrtimb5runtotmt5 covering the walls each mornlna a few more appear each one wit tier than theone before last thursday evening a very successful parents night was held those present met each teacher and visited the school rooms mr robbins addressed the parents on the subject of options and answer ed all questions concerning optional subjects a tasty lunch was served later in the commercial ropm the best man and ushers were stan ley jay- and david allen the soloist was mrs- william mc lean aunt of the bride and or ganist mrs lloyd crawford the guests were received in the basement of the church by the brides mother in a navy sheer and lace dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses and the grooms mother in a wine velvet dress with black ac cessories and a corsage of yellow roses following the reception the cou ple left on a trip to haliburton and other northern points the bride wearing a dress of navy sheer with matching accessories nnd a corsage of pink sweetheart roses guests attended the ceremony from new jersey us a toronto hamilton guelph acton rock wood eden mills milton arlss st gnthannes moffat and camp bellville mr and mrs l will live it the grooms farm r r rock- uoid on their return obituary cow sets world record new world record for milk yields has been set up by a british cow mannlngford faith jan gracofuf this 13yearold friesian recently achieved a milk yield of 207315 ibt beating previous records by about 11 lbs her daily average yield since she first began to give milk has been 00 lbs old fashioned tent meetings with pastor hugh hobner ba thd se 16 23rd fulton and main straah milton special music each night sunday 300 pm and 830 pm week nights 800 pmv everyone welcome grand ole opry show starring l0nz0 and oscar direct from nashvillo tonnosseo at the brampton arena th september 20 810 pjni adm 100 a parson includes dancing 10301330 dancing only after 10 pm 50c parson tickets now on sale at chinns photo centre quean w brampton mail orders c o brampton arena 1 orangevillefair tues and wed sept 18th and 19th improved livestock home exhibits 228 and frooforall races buggy races pony races carnival shows bands sports j w pawley pres j e cooney secy- wednesday night main hall debonnaires band s nu ihiinh cimpvirvilli v u- m rt form if m u ti u suiidi si mb r hh uhi it iijiu- i suhiljnil ii i in mnnii dirknf mir- it thiini- h- ilmkhur mr mil mi- c 1 thim- cimp- ii i ii- nut ciiiim wiih it dr- ln niin mr ml mi- willi- k nirln ii i l hirkwned pink iui ului klijil nut frns clr- i ih- hur h a xuii f whit- im with full p ii tun fttl boil v mk-lln- 1ku i 11 ij iihk p ntil uvs m worn b tlu- hi 1 nlii v it ii in niii riii- h h ftlu i h r htdr ul- of iinj blwoms nil hli-of-lhi- i ii nil h- irrud 1 1 l-cd- df sn 1 ii lil 1 tlu- mi1 f hii- vnt null i k 11 lih uu- wi if bur- j i 1 n lvl1 mth fitld ld nt rtl ui ih til liid -ml- j n miv il oil- x f cluiljih ar 4m n th- 1 huiiu if ii m ii i il mil 1 v- 1 l il id ciin a 1 1 f a in a i notice to creditors ami otii1us in thr tklilr of llarbr noprr wans tmd by at last 150000- 000 chinese ppoplr li the worlds mast common family nam kst- f itih sp- 1- 1 t f a 11 11 i i in f ii 11 w1 i 1 n hi dn1 11 r tho sv n th di f ausl 1911 i- iiihl tid pir ln- iiil pi -f- lur f th- undi ni b-foi- th- tunv nnh div f sptmlir il hi h- i ai wll l- diributl 1111 imj tlu- kirti lcull mitld thrl 1 hiving rani onh i th- lnnu luh lull luv bn flltnl ditd it atton ontario thn twlfth dav of sptimbt 1051 am111 mrkmry balunafad ontarln ov executor thompsons farm service s3 j5 agents forba petroleum products tanu truclt service with delivery pump and mater gasoline furnace oils stove oil kerosene lubricating oils and greases ihonc k9 acton ifcwrll eobgctown a- jdequdte supply on hanj in acton as close as your lelfplione you cannot buy butter mauuirr a pailcrun thompsons farm service for service j

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