Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1951, p. 8

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thfc acton free press acton ontario thuhsuay seitemhek is 1851 mr al mfws ttm for thia column may w phondl to 174 or ni to thm fr prg ofsicm fat acton a1 iciny ha purchased the taurine of orv taxi education beinu nt tiatne at or over the parents knt ikth the inside nnd mitnldb of wbuona dairy bar wrn repainted thbt week waijv this yoaxus uslon oi- ha the foil vur on september 21 nnd 22 wetktndji will he biui for a while v lih george loun fair ihu uctk aclon next uetek and milton the following work and the uitk nil after thnt is thnnksglv ini meet us at the fair the ex and i is ovt r for anoth er year now its us nnd the fall yatr don t mis glntfrr farm thin week mrs clarke meets mm el eanor rooaevelt at the home of mr kate aitkeni the first coat of acton b new pavement is all down and work htgmn at the track thursday morn- intf on the second coat thlj years acton htflh school news columnist u carolyn oaken the first of the regular eommun iques from the school appears this week mian illckllritf is the public health nurse for the district nnd acton school i this year replacing mlaa bailey who in studying fr children s work about n tftiztn tmploxet of baxttr laborntorits ncceimpjinu d by mr w j b nsnn tpcnttht wot k end on n finding trj horn v hiirhour ac i on bjmtams lnil the firt game of a two ou ofthlcc- scxjcjl m thorold liut night wednesday 0 11 the game wjui cnued in the nenth because of darkness the next game is saturday in acton when mrs kate allkcn at her j how in the coliseum theatre last thursday asked if there was any one m the audience who kept chickens jt was mrs fred kent- ner victoria ave who appeared nt the front she was presented with an electric egg cooker fouryenrold terry kennedy of georgetown is still alive after 21000 volts of electricity 5 000 more than would pass througn wnnmne in the electric chair hot through his body yesterday tht ind climbed through a hole in thi hrirc station and started to climb up a transformer grasping a win- to hdp him he was thrown 10 it 1 1 to tht ground b the shod and the towns pomr uas off for 10 minutes 1se 7173 w wilt have a display of historical plclur at wall an a commercial printing display in tha exhibit hall ihli yaar plan to villi ut neii s o pt oplr nnd placeu you know ietteb to editor writer suggests cleaning out pond ir church st e acton ont po box m10 stpt 11 um dear sir with the new curbing in ntu sidewalks new ckctric light stan dards and u new surface on our roadwnv acton doe look like a new town and with the back ctriotfl oiled thert is now ver little duit though thi faack streets an vtrv rough lets just hope that our new pav omt nt and new bidewnlkk are put in bv firms whosi grtattst inttreit in their work is not profit tht curbing i know will ntnnd tht ttst as 1 htnr from toronto u hi rt tht win ttsttd that matt rial ls of the btst qualitv the requirtd strtngth as i undi rstnnd it is lwk tht ttstid woo tlu highest test on re- mrd in tm onto crtdit must bt mwn to tin unit ittor who did th nirbmg jol pi if its v r nut his t hu f it iu in i could no find out nn hinj ibout whit tht mdi ilks tstid out i ur tjn if tin h id bet n ttiud i r ill i intuit undi 1st md tin suiintiunj piilubittd for f tir liki thoui li it is f d l thru mlini ft d in i 1 tu t ntt i mj i f f mill s n in uh dt tf thi puk md on fiuni or into tu ttitn outliwtst sniiin of tht ml md s inn 1 1 u li th it tlu n i t n spt i i i ijjjt m h id th n tlu i i t cl i untune f mi th md plus tlu w nttr h udmor u ttlu i t ornp itn list s m fn in tlu p uu tlu wiir i nlu is luniuii s u inno bt st itn in ms n udm n tnu i t us th it urn ualir for w ushiiik puijhims jnul show t rs 1 ftt i r imitn th it itt inchnot co would m t p rtn t th it vitt r t l us d in thur iinplos if it u i tin sift si mi i usk whit is it th it miki tht mill pnnd pn hibit ihu for swjmnunj pmpom md uln tml in th 1 ist f w t if thit pond u not fit to iim in win i i n t thomujhl 1 1 nnd out- 1 do no think th it tlu isi if tit ntuni thit pond ut tlu i ughh would b uy u t itiinh w mi d i i nui h t n nth tlu ipi i th winim nj p i uul m w accept 2000 bid assign fire area ituu gtorgt curru pnsidtd at the ngtilnr m tting of esquesing ti unship council tutsda after noon september 4 uhtn council jicriptid the offer of d a wend- otr at 2 000 for tht cutting of a hill and making fill on the 10th conception lot 10 of the township for approximately 7 ww cubic yards of fill this is subject to the nppronl of tht department of hiihwas dtput rnt george ltslit councillors h crjig rod wilfrid bird and wnltir linham win i a portion of tht towtlship was st i ipirl b b lm as p irt of i firt art i tlu following kit imts ut n pi i ti for piimnt gioritoun lb ii id h 10 h i pc f ont ino 2 m bill tilt phi iu c snr bt nton s7 00 sht i p l mills ut it p lid i ft 1 1 n li ilutis n s17j0k sj tu r wil ti du it r 2 trip sf k c births marriages deaths etc horn jamjfcs to mr und mr gordon jiimtj tut kay lnutitt main st aclon a little duugltti i jaciuellne pn tnuturt utillborn t motlu r doing nicely wilson matk and ethel wiliion of brampton an happy to an nnuiiti thi arrival of tin ir mm john mckti7li at milton hui- nihil on augiiht ii a y rum tin for mr and mm frtd liuultr b yinown mr udmtiri nrrmtr ll h it 4 at ton iin happy to nnnnunre wpttt7ttrtir du i r son llirry uobt rt sipvmbir 7 10m at milton irlvutt hospital a birthday prcsi nt for ulster lillian b nobll mr and mrt f j4obu mill st atton lire lulppy to annountl tlu birth of tluir hoii mi nnu ernest jamei at uil n u ruing i lome acton on st pl- t nilw r 1 1 motlu r nnd baby do mg well maruifr i bobfiitson stansnuhy in knox uruibytecinn church oikvlllt by biv c k nichall on saturday sfjitt mber 4j mrir- jari t amu stnnsbury dnughtir of mr and mrs ltnmird stanh- bur oakvllli to kt nni th ch ml s itobt rtson min of mr md mrs n g ilnbt rtson os prniki uaitn thomas in st uavidh it shi ti in huixh 0ik villi on silunin stpumbii 1 bv hi j inu s i- siillu rl md liar tu mui nt t iiiiidu d night r of mi ind mrs ctioim it tim tn ts unplx ikilli to cordon wilhit dnhv on of mr ind itrllm u ii hi otkwnod wantads for sale i oil sa klnilllnu mix il uimil unit iiiiuiwiiimi ilinni imtwj a iii i ii ml sai i qui ik iuiiii moii apiilv l willnw si or iihiini huw a kill sai i dry mini klnilllnu li llvi n il apply kill nlliin llulllii ifml a km sai i anllju vlilnrli tuttrli apply rmxutuitf 3t vminir st piiiiiu h4j u foll sam- 1014 mini il in iiumi tonillllnn apply ijuvi dryu ilnli iui mnln si arlim 1 voil sale hnrdwixxl in foot it iiuths imy riunntlly tlioii cut- llnil phonr 111 204 mill st a lld voh saif kltchpn nlnve 1 hippy thiiuuht prici ttt phone 1j ur call jl que i n st acton u kilt sai futrai whlti- kllclirji iihlnit with pun ilnln top dnmf romlltlon mm t mttkiwill 11 wi lllnuton st n ion salf 121 nllxllll pul- li is four nnd n hnlf monlhn nil mrs mndlll ilmihoiic imioni ci orii town hiir4 a koi saif llolstiln rou fn ih soon blntk hi ifi r din i nil of month apply w c pnlli i on lot i 7th hni v rnmosu n for saif n condltloniil hli- clii uuarnntiid nlin 21 10 j til shlppul mil xpnsi a thorn is lilt inrmniinl st tors onto n ii 4 h sai i i ikt in i in i hot u it i t ml i ins l ink i i tv till li inn i ill ill aiil ii i s pli s iii iinpti ii ph ii llllj fon sai f 1 inoinit n u brli li i inini low t iod ri sill nti il dislriil ill li floors hot w it i h itnk i full li li in lit with hptu 1 i ii itlon room sid u ilks in i nil 1 ivwi iridid phon 4fuu i kit sa11- i iirv jirin 210 iiiis ii l ti r housi li uiti burn milk lions inn housi and hot nil mm it rt s uukihh b ilnnlfp ioisti ind is4ur 1 nnli from t un aiply mrs m st rntt it ii 1 acton a foit sau- two thrim nnd four wtk old nun sixtd pullits cwk rt is spitlil pncis on fkt to six w ks old whtln tin v bust ilirnd hoik ii 1 x hoik pulli to 47 01 nun sixid 38 da cock n is pi r hundrid li ss also day ild 11101 assort d hi nyy lira id 100 i links taiddli chhk llilcbinis limit i ttrkns out ino 0 2 poll sair 11 clnv 0 u horl i ilidir 100 11 liid i mil 1j1 u in rmip 11 i imoniitli i inbiiok s d in 11101 mi 1 liiiloi li in ill ilmiimilli 1 moll nib ill in in v il i i li if i n si ii ii iii h i lf on m li ill i id li 11 ii u 1 1 t n hni pia i i 1 r i ii ii iiiii 1 i ill il i ik 1 11 i m s ii m loi pi in ii i l i wanted l ook wan1kd apply nobli hi htiiiilnnl alton u iiioiiest illicks for fowl it ibkkilih hiiltoiivlllu poultry kll- llnu station phone llrampton m3rl4 or 1i0j4 a44ia wllji iav from 10 to 10 tot duiil or dlhiibliil inttli find hotsua 24 hour hirvln lilisphono couact 2 lr1 hclwood 0jrnrifb-ltbon- l rmpmjymknt viuim rruir with honu knnwli duo of imiuiitry or ninlntuuimi nviulnd aimiy a p on in hn ilrl k co ltjl alton axk for mr ilartwou u dead on disabled anim- als wanted cam hor hnm wo nny cnh at your farm phone ouelph 9334 collwt for irn- midlnlii icrvlce wm lalruf op- erutlng for gordon young au wanted ch rk for thu public ulilltiiu offlci in niiion plun for in nnnni nt t niployuc pleniw etaiti naliiry ixfidtiil and rpinllfl apiiliiatloiin mimt be in bywed iiiwlnv setilimlmr 10th at 12 o i link poon j mcglalhli sn r tury u pullets wanted all btotdl and atfiji uood prlcifl paid aim iikkinlh iitiltabll for bn edi rs ni w iliimpshifti i litht sussex c oluuibla hoik also flm ks want- d to supply us with hntihlne lilts apply twisddlc chick hath- rl s ltd tiriiun oilt ubs wanti i it llnlil iiii isdnl i in alton ixpiitni not in i- s ii v a fin oppnitllnlty to slip into i id piofitibli busliii b win re itnil ii n pi mini ls li iy b n sold iilnii fniiiisli d i ii i ridlt writ hnw- i mh i p mi i iii llll mont i 1 n 0 2 for rent loil iii nt in ini furn ish 1 iii willow st win suy- inik po hix 1711 a kill iii nt ii room firm imuse puth furnishi d hvdio w it r tiliphom 1 mil from kin ap- pl ii i tor pinkny illrll hrln u lost i ost i h0 ft mirvivors alcil mi istirint ruli iiirni r of mill and main pli isi ri turn to j mc- c in hi town ili rk a i ost sm ill kny niottld foun tain ii li in pnst offlu tin sd iy si p mbi r 4 in twi i n 111 mil 1 10 p ill hi u rd d st ipi n clunxh st ph in jjii a miscellaneous u asiiim il i in in i hi lit housi i nrk a 1 1 ii v ii v st for sale iii n i in s l ill 1 ii i i i ii ii i ii i i i ii it i i i i ii 11 i i i i tl i 7 mi r 1 i 1 i i m j i i 1 i n i i 1 1 iii r i ii i il liii i i m i i il m i i i i i il lilt i i iiom1 si in moioiis wasiihi hhaihs hl p rt i mpli t ivy r d frnlt ilidli mil hutrli o oru town phoni 4111 iloxv th itn illdij n tf siuinf vallllnhs sihsuid rin ii p nrs to ill mike i uu hi li mil 1 i i1ru phnnt li ii xv lln jtr ulll o ori town a tf kikiiinul opiioi stfiiy ii i i ur i in sti rfli id sulti re jp- li isictnl fur is llttl as 80 pot j n nipt mil i fflch nt sin ice calj llll ai ti ii oin wi i k s si rvlce personal coming events hit oflit iintiot i ri si nnsimi r i i nmi rmo ifiit i it nti skins iui s iii ovr i l i hvi s n 11 lbs ii ii fu us h 1th nni a i ml i i i i r osti x i nk iab- 1 li li 1 t r 1 1 t ii ipi nut 1 l ikii all dr iiil us b ii i v ir ii i i hub il i iloi i tl ixprt- tliiirsniil thinks 1 i th in nil nts of k mini i nimfiil floril inbiiti i ird and n if i itsi shown ti il itiv fn nt uu tu u lu rs tl ii i v tin ir i iiit h i iu uu nt vi nil vt rv lis tli ink ti ii v v 1 is ii 11 i a cunt ill v vv ilil rp id lim i the aclon free press v n im rer tlu i tl li d s ti m w inn l if d t m ik d t i i us tt m t inij it i th it ls n siux s md i ti hitrts w t r m id tf th m m n th strt t 1 thihk th lomrn tts w uld dis iitr4hit m svimiiib tould b i itlfd thi tur of th ptopl t utx trul ii v dron bgttons uti first put on nuns toat mttts bv trrdt rick tht- grraf to ket p his soldier from vlplng thnr nostj oti their tleeve classified advertising rates sow is urn r n i iim r i i i i is f h s v or ik s 1 ill nut r tu ik n nts in mrmorum sor plu lor per line for verses arurlts for sab ri nt etc jc u word minimum ash uc if not paid until after insertion sor box so to this office iv additional omink r nts 10c in r count line will 30c minimum 411 laaslfled adverllaemenu aual reach the of iter hefore 2 p m on wednesdays s ml ii mid vi t v i i il i s v i nil i u m ii a i i i it ii of fi i i linn h i tl lilll r ft ho i r i il n lln s s iii in oil s t ird v oi 1 ih i 1 i i- in 111 i n v a i i i a ix il n v sitiml llll i ii iii m i on ii ivisi all r i hi 1 in ti li i nit i lm v li s it ii 11 v i il v s n i i i ii 11 n iii i in i 1i it s i i i i ml v v ii i ii lit s ii 11 s i 11 1 i i tenders wanted i is i ii il s i i t i i i v i 1 1 i i i it 1 a ii il li l iv 1 tv tht ii i r i i it ft r tin a i n k i ibor nlv i lln i wn i f 1 i s w k ii p i pi 1 all in it rial f i it i ir li h 1 mi li tin i p ii 1 i it lltl i il m s ion i 1 j i nt f th a ik in iv i i i fi i i tli i i i n il i ii if jllioii i i i 1 t t i- i v i t 1 i ii 1 1 vl i s i s i 1 r th iii 1 i v i t i i 1 m i i s i s auction sale oi 1 1 iisin in i ii 1 t ii i 1 s i i ii 1 ii hiiimstnl mltrmiiik iflth i i k r i x v pr mits iii iuiiritit uu ms ii rill fit a i i ii t rs 1 t h 1 ih m 1 i il r ii i tt f i rt i 1 i ii 1 1 1 tirtit i t h ns 1 of thi u rl v r l i trie re ill n mon i v m l nth t h 10 pm ad 1 ikl ilulilri n undi r i j 10c a arimirsirv s r let s nasaagn wi pn sbvti rian church sunday 1 i mil r ib it ii am and 7 30 i in ii v cha winn of luck ii w ltist simiikr spinal music old timi tia nieitlnu monday si jit 17 supper served flb pm pror itn admlaslon 1 00 child ren undi i 12 50c everybody wi icome b 02 farnworth memorials monuments at madsrata prices cemeteity lettewng klors rd al casuurr fluelfif ont s

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