Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1951, p. 2

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j faom two the acton free press acton ontario t11ui1mjay kfitfmi1eh so ibm n fall fair time tkelangofautumnitm theaitbnngino- with it the season of fall fairs agricultural fairs are as old as recordod history the first organiz- eltone-in-canada-was-neld-at-wlndsort-nova- scotla in 1765 since then fairs predominantly agricultural have spread westward until now there is an annual exhibition in hundreds of cities towns and villages they have made and continue to make an immeasurable contribution toward the solidarity and progress of canada large or small agricultural fairs are now well established features of community life besides providing all the fun of the fair they are an ideal meeting place for farmers in surrounding areas to gather and get some idea of what other far mers aro doing and to find out what is new in agriculture to the farm boys and girls they are often the culmination of wcoks of work when their entrios of livestock grains and other farm products are udged the increasing interest shown in agricultural fairs by the goneral public has been most mark ed during the last decade and many of those visitors aroi genuinely interested in finding out more of canadas basic industry they are too the farmers customers and the more they can learn of farming and farm problems the more une i d which farmers often face and the decisions they are called upon to make its acton fair on friday and saturday of this week plan to visit it and meet all your friends and enoy the last outing before cold weather the anonymous citizen newspaper -and-poopio-in-public-oifice-jiave- ono thing in commonthoy both receive anony mous letters people often have things they want -to-telltithers-and-seck-newspaper-space-lhrough- a lottor to ho odltor to do it this is quite right as leng as their comments aro not libelous- and if they sign their name to their criticisms quito often howovor the letter writer feols his com ments are too strong and decides not to sign his or her name men who sit on municipal councils occasion ally receive anonymous letters criticizing tholr actions these men aro on council and public boards because of an intorest in the town and containly not for the financial return it might bring we have little patience with a citizen if he might be called that who criticizes and does not have enough of the inner stuff to sign his name councillors town officials and newspapers are all human and sgbccl to errors and conse quontly criticisms but not from the anonymous citizen for ho lacks the courage to accept ex planations or rebuttals he eliminates the possi bility of a complete understanding by refusing to hear the other side of the story newspapers usually stick to the policy of not just canadians we sincerely hope that when our royal visitors come to canada next month they will be able to distinguish when they are in canada and when they go to the united states we have every neighborly feeling for the united states but the displtfytof american flagsin canada has reached the stage when it is cheap and disgust ing city store decorations display almost as many american flags as the canadian ensign ap parently in their bending over backward to lure american trade we do some occasional travelling south of the border and never have we yet except at functions where representatives of both coun tries are meeting seen a canadian flag displayed there may be the occasional one to be seen at border points but 50 miles from the border and even closer canadian money will not be accepted and most of the folks have never seen a canadian flaq canada is a nation today us reqrettible that our qovernment ha not seen fit to adopt an official flog to inform the orld of our rntionil satus but failing such leidership let s display the flag which we may have and stop the public display of the flags bijonqmo to another coun try when the royil visitors lome to cinicla they ill expert to see things canadi m and when they visit the united states they will see typicil american thinqs and old glory flown from every flag pole and business place we don t txpect our cousins to display our canadian ensign and ether folks don t expect canadians to displav their fliq or show customs that are distinctive of that nation lets be canadians for visitors and canadians all the time let s grow up and display our nationhood a greater disease more people suffer from diseases lhat can be listed as chronic alcoholism than from tubercu losis and poliomyelitis combined according to gordon bell m d writing recently in health magazine of the health league of canada fur thermore the vast maonty of these conditions should be preventable most of the secondary disorders follow ad diction and secondary addiction particujarly is one that usually has a considerable exposure to alcohol before even addiction develops writes dr bell in other words we have a period for education and for prevention for tne prevention of other diseases we us ually try to remove the cause pairyp are carefully guarded and for polto we have all kinds of preventative measures we do not hositato to destroy the cause of any crease no matter what the cause except in this disease of chronic alcobolism here the proffts seem to be more important than the suffering of mankind and backed by these profits alcohol is made to appear as a harmless drink but with wider spread of its use its promotion in every way possible by the liquor interests more and more boys and girls men and women are being made addicts to a disease that has more victims than tuberculosis and poliomyelitis combined we agree with dr bell that a period of edu cation and prevention is necessary to meet this spread oj chronic alcoholism we think m the interests of canada mew measures should be taken to curtail the sale of alcohol paper is strongly behind that policy but public officials receive the letter read it and can not talk- with the citizen on his problem or criticism the anonymous citizen is detrimental to the town because he may start the attack that dissuades the official from seeking office for an other term thus spoiling the towns chances for the best possible municipal government we will continue to print citizens letters when they sign their name and circumstances permit but for the anonymous citizen we have not time be prepared to uphold your criti cisms when you write to a town official and sign your name remember they are all human not the korean dispute it appears at this time that equalization of ccunty assessment under the soalled new sys tern is a big failure in halton county after five yevus of a county assessors appoint rhent the engagement of special assessors in the munici palities in the county and fulfilment of the man ual on the plan there is disagreement among the municipalities it was thought this new plan ould avoid the appeal court that proved so cosily in other years but already an appeal is developing last week the municipal boird heard argu men on the north halton high school assess nient no decision was given by the board ind gi orqelown and esquesing were asked to reach an tgretment tin buck pissing becomes greit ci arid the kgal entanglement more confused it ippoars quite frequently that all sense of fair- i ess his belii lost in the grab everything spent md horse tridnig in paying the fair shire to v lrd costs l iw tppeirs more preeminent thin lstice from our knowledge of the esquestng- georqltown dispute we feel the township is getting an unfair portion of the costs such has been the feeling of the high school board it ap pears and acton milton and nassagaweya are nrepared to meet their position under the pro posal of the assessors yet when the municipal board is called m to settle a dispute it s a no- decision affair and advice of go back and fight it out do we still need the courts in england to set tie our minor disputes have we no authorities in ontario free from politics who can hand out justice editorial notes everyone can contribute to keeping our town clean and tidy don t throw wrappers on the street you wouldn t be so disorderly in your cwn home more dominion census figures are bemg published these figures are not used however for municipal purposes but the figures compiled by assessors are used for these needs dominion figures are ony compiled every ten years we ii be glad to meet all our friends at the tree press exhibit it the fall fair this year we ve arranged to show a group of olej pictures of ac ton and some interesting items concetning your home paper the exhibit will be in the hall on fr day and saturday cd si there goes jackson falling down on the job again the good old days may have seemed better backin190h from thr irkuf at thr ljre prk of thursday hrplrmhrr 10 1mi trio lirtpi which hint spi umc up unci tuki n htionj unmth in tin hitdhlh of tin pi oph that tin ns rnsnin n built t hud fulled its pur pom ond lhat president mclcinlt y h lift- was to he ipnrid thnt country which r von d him proved vnln the i nd hnd conn a mlflhty nntlon mourns nnd the whole world bows the hend in grief one of the daintiest windows in town is the show window of nrtifilu rnmshaw it studio on mill st the electric liuht recently inm ll d i ndem it on attractive point for pnsstrs by every tvtnlnj a very interesting floral nervict wns held lost friday evening by the junior liasue in tin m thodist school room the program hnd spt cuil n fen nc to flowi rs and was contriluiti d by mi mbt rs of tin l ikui mrs a t brown ind miss ci in r moon with hrit f id dnssis by mrs iosn oi tin ii p muni i ind a i- ni khn milhru r upi luniks in h tin pn p u t fni back-inh931- i roni thr ikntip of thr trtr prriu of thursday hrptrmhrr 17 1031 tin wiuiikftt septi mbi r in 3 vi itn but it ik only half uw m fin mr j c x itidniiy hon dlnpomd of his kruei rybulrn si to mr j kitmkhott the mcmb rn of ilnnnoekburn worm n h inntitute nnd frh ndn mi t at the home of mr nnd mm w mccullouljh to clv their daughter tillii u iniklollumous hiiuwi r prior to her murrinh when acton cili7i ns hand ap pi art d on fair dayti an lt m which rtcovid much commr nt was tin appearance of tin coat of armh of aeton on thi win ii of tht drum this was paintid in th pmpir colors by mr j g lindsay si tit t iry of tin hand iist rhursdiy i vi nine tin num hi rs of thi iholr of tin uuiti d ohuith a n mil sis of mr ind mis it h arnold in t sotiil t ttljtiitu in hnnoi tf miss ii hi k dim dv in idi to ik of tins month ilx ailon r ii fm mill w s ii hi r i ndid ui illhuu i tl h illi i w i din iti mil north east west south jt news from all directions hp at prblintrlati qjliurrli t hnttabd knox ciiurotl acton iubv hollkitt ii akmtttbond ma tin mlnktrr sundav sutktunkn 2 inl 1051 1100 omdlvinn woralilp 10 00 n m sllmlny school 7 00 p m evmliitf hnrvlce all aiik welcome bt aututtvojliurri artlum lumnrtut w a ijhuh ha mjndav septbmnrll 23rd 1051 trinity xviii 0 00 nm holy communion 10 00 nm sunday school 1100 nm morning lrnyrr ond iteklnnprk claw 7 00 pm evcnlnu prayer llnrvmt thnnknulvlnit survlcm bf plimlii r aolh a wrlcomo awnlu you vttlifb coburh of hanaba aotdm onurl v a ttllendly chimcii prtnn20 llnwnr avalluo uv v phono no a curiity mlnwirt- t a h iv mlm o urkanlm and m inb4 a tom chtjilr leadar owuajf skiikmiikh mill iflbj- hunday school 1000 1100 n in mnrlllnil wcnilllp silll- jut nntlnu smiilowil 7 on pin evpnlnc womlilp sul- itl ho wi kvir oil away llh m tliom nro our in ill frlcmla lr whom pn hinrt wi on tililo to bo our im hi aiivij wit sapttat murrt aoton sunday skptkmiikii 21rd 1011 1010 am huniloy school 1 1 10 am nnd 7 30 p m ilv v j hi ipn toronto wrilm rnlny boo pruyi r miitlnn frldny p in ii y p u professional directory and travellers guide are schools and colleges doing enough to promote canadiamsm that question vas put hy the financial post to a selected group of in formed canadians on the whole the group thought a good ob was being done but they e more stress on the teaching of democratic government citizenship and history k p in 1uu h ill 1 i i it n ii uli tl j i tin ii nth t it nun i n inl mi kind ij u ti n tl i it i rh til turn n i n i mbt i of 1 m iinu ti i s i m is tllmtl d hit tin i tl ism s al li i n itt t w is st iut i mj cl ts s mi mwhili lipids i h i ltd t di tornl wiik his a list b luh on tht ii w public st hot which is pluitud to b ii idv foi nt t fall sword brarrr ante too tht first cititn ottht first cit in tlu world tht flight honor bit thi lord m n or of london and hib lad wert tht rutsls of tht lituttn ant kovtrnor nnd im w ift mr and mrs ui law son at their oikwlh honu rtctnth sir dtnvs low son who uib madi i btruntt la it sum mi r is c illi d ont of enl md s most t nlikhtt ni d ind proeri ssi t busim ssnu n in his rttinut wire lt col aldirmin ind shtrrif c il lumwtlch obf mc ind sword bt irtr willi mi 1 boston nict to bi i lord mior ind haw soirutmt nsr vonr sword for vou culdr ilrounlr hall a ntw bulidinr for tht guided nnd brownits w is oficiill ojfru d simil i in burhnm n to md i s irch ft r im mm id iti n hieh i inkine guidt and uniwnu tf ficers kok pari m tin s r it dur inj tht opninj ontinu puincii cimmisitomr m d brutt 1 mn prtsintid thi cold curd tin hilhtit iw ird in girl guidts to ont of tht burling n irli salu duki 101th i lir i sl i 1 n i n d t h 1 1 i i 1 r i hill tx utst nchru 1 1 ii i 1 f hi ii ill l 111 i ttl u til i 1 iffuis p undid situr n i hi r w is i firu omr cost and lliffh uatrr our s3ilml0 his bttn sptnt so fir in a rmr dmrsion prujict in hramptt n m 1 1st n port 0 k0 cubic irds if cla had btn ri muid to makt wi for a 2 foot chanml through tlu t ist btction of tht town bout half tht work if pnwntinn those annuil iprins m undatiuns is complittd tht ntr umda ntht btntath the buiintis section und main streets of tht town v i s t f i h i i n lb lolth i i p ii nd cm i i m ti w 11 d if tt mix trow d hllnc darhaci a ciluiuust who wntis for tin oikmlli trtfilkar journ il wl conns tin idt i of lind fill e irbim tiispos il m th it townbhip althourh ni irb rtsidints ill aerie no shi ricalls whin ihe first moved to tht township ird firhak hid to be iitt m tlic ill sortid pa pi r wint into i contuntr to bt burnt d corn cobs itttuct torn ro tnds ind brt nd crusts win fid to tin chic kins mnt senps wtnt to tin dof nd t ts cirrots to tht pon tin can wire tn d in t sjck and m tn to tht m in who brought tin chic kin nd irnnds helping viith tht dishts would upst t thi wholt filing sstirn 1 ind fill sound tisitr to her rrurs crann pim last wttks c in idi in chimpnr i miltt n li is tin triu- stor of b urlv smilt if hhj milti n h mid he tnphd j inc t ui- s lif nd i d lursi f n tr ijn tht i 1 nikt la a c ibm ni ir smithilu ind not ct d thit thi ts in it r w is ut thin said mrs idi b it s tht jrnd h i h id hi iwul ixpl iiun and mm thi sht 1 1 of flaxnt biirk ill m fauns wint runnmc past mt and divtd out the window isht pjdti hick to thi window and pit lppflii r i illt si kt pt sawn grannv whin s i u i uri thi pur ind t wait an hi ur for an ambtil met h i rt burnt d fn ni hi id to f ot nint hn ir 1 tt r sin dud m st jos ph b hospital ham ilton mi mbt rihip in tradi un orei in om ida inert astd b 23 000 during 1950 x i mfph ai imiynlrlaii and hurfron offici tn syiiiun hlotu mill si atlon offlcr phonr 7h ilriildmrr liurcli ht imionr 16 dr d a garrett iliyilrlan and hurgron cornir of willow und iuvr 3u fntrnnce tllver sin rl acton ontario phone 2m dpntal dr a j buchanan prnui hurgeen office ltiihman dlock mill st office hours- 0 o m to 8 p m xray telephone 1 dr george a sirrs prntml hurgcon mill st cornir fredirwk acton olflct hcjiirh 004 am to 130 pm tilkphonh 10 viiirinarv b d xoung b v sc c l young d v aa wtrrlnary surnriin olfi i kmm w- llh rnt trio phont milton illu1 htai fhtatk and inhubanob agency lairin ht and oldi nt au nty in fit niida mi ml offlrr im hay ht toronltt phonr emplfe 30404 uiji own ltepri aciilatlve turn llrwhon ihonr irorgrlown jstw wright real estate and insurance v l wiaoht n fi wriairr 20 wilbur st so mocdonneu st alton ont gutlph ont plmnc i plioni- 4qj3w valuatara kraltara laiarctv member apprnual initltuta of canada mimturi oui iph and diatrlct rial katuti hoard mtmbira gutlph and dtitrlct infturuuii ag nti auhtuition wt urtfi fitly n quire iliiing of firm propi rty from 50 to jo0 acre also srnull holdings from 1 to 3ft atria cortt nt andy frank a i ijt i unpin llmllf phonr milton 325r2 r h dyaafnt realtor r t rtii st s hjii 1 m ph 0 j ti g oakcs v 11 v sc 1 1 rinar surgiim 111 i md id i n kn x ave h papkifj handing and rrfinublng j 1 n 10 v rjr vh i i- i al travellers guide gray coach lines c f leatherland itirrlsttr a solicitor sour iuhllr pi a io lever hoskirj itdrtrrt il rrountjntn s jcic i t jtskiss ami iimidv 1 llixm ti i in n llllt m vicl ri i st r mnlu m ul 1 mis hi sfolh the victor b rumley funeral home fnnrral llomr hrmtrd ambuuuim ihtnt 30 niht or day scrwnk tht community for 45 jtars hi i tfm vj in 1 0 iii s f liuliound if 1 i l it ton i m 8st xtlouill r 1 p rr i 1 i- i s ri t pm 1- t cner lit i y t s indi nd hoh- i si jrrj s jrni iy d r 1 holl- canadian national railways standard time e1l caue by appointment waa c m1ll1gan ro op lorn clr ut is and 3rd wdntsday of the mon h 2pm to 9pm at mill sl risidnce of a t brown rt bound ij1 jvi j rn djily except suny- du 7 it r din 7 10 pm sunday onu f 16 pn dally except sutt- da hvr jt cjiorjitoan 0 02 ajn1 dj1 flr ut gtorgttown 1011 p rn hrmtbound ijjih xct pt sunday and moo- dd l mi a m sunday and monday n1 12 oa a m daily except son- di fllrlum 6v pm 744 pm djiin t xct p sa and sun 3 48 p m fi iks p saturday only 1 m p sundav tn 8 43 am naotop s mld onl flyer at guelph 1jb p m the acton free press the on paprr ftrr pumuhrd in acton intiliihtd jth thtij jt v m s acton on ur o aulhorurd a hrrond liu mail im offlfe ffparlmrnt oiuur c k iji1ls phhsht mrmhrr audit llnrrad irrnulloa t w n a and onurls qurlxc dlvluon t w sa advartiung rli on baqul subscription in advance 2so in canada 300 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copte ac telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131

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