Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1951, p. 4

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pack four femancu alotel of actontans visiting ouloftown points und of visitors in atton homes miss mrkaret garvin spent the weekend with friends nt burlintt- ton mr mid mr j a robinson visited witli friends nt wexford on sunday mr nntl mrs fp of johnstown ny called in 4ftrtutiwk mr nnd mm a m connor of tort william visited this week with mr nnd mrs ii mainprise mr and mrs c o burns nnd mnry anne nre holiday ln nt their parents mr nnd mrs h w- hin- ton little carry cmirture is n patient in the guelph general hospital with n fractured letf friends wish him a speedy recovery- gordon nnd dourios swnckham- cr sons of mr and mrs dnvld swackhnmer fourth tine nre both patients in st josephs hospital guelph becent visitors with mr and mrs gordon johnston were mr and mrs e h vincent mr bill vin cent miss barbara vincent miss helen finlay and mr don prinalc of toronto cst clayton fryer jms returned from three years- duty nt pond in let baffin island and will spend two months vacation with his par ents mr and mrs alf fryer mr nnd mrs o j clark linda mr and lufrt m j clnrk and mrs c mcdonald of hamilton wen visitors nt the home of mr and mrs gordon johnston recently mr linton kenney of toronto called on acton friends yesterdny he had been visiting his father in guelph who has been in poor health for the past few months dr and mrs a j buchanan arc lenvinr on saturday to nttend the cnnndinn dental association and eastern ontario association con ventions at the chatcaulaurier hotel in ottawa while in ottawa they will bo quests of brigadier and mrs e m wansboroufih e acton free press acton ontario thursday keptembfr 20 1051 engagements mrs orville brown wixhen to an nounce the rnunwiuinl of her daiilihler darleen mckarlien for- ntorly of london to michml lautronko of st catharines the welding to tnke place in st catha rines of alexandria church sep- temlver 20th nt 10 00 am- the eniinremcnt js announced of vemn mildred dntiithter of mr nnd the inti mrs s ii wohslcr of acton to annus john murchison nnn of mr and mrs john murchl- tumviclorin kutd tl witting iwtmv visit tug with mih ada nnti place rnrly in october dr ondmrit arthur a ii k ney of mnplc creek siisk an nounce the ennancinenl of their lnilhtcr marjtare olive to cnpt district governor of rotor y international kenneth g part ridge of port credit addressed i knmrts martin kuhlcr ucd win acton rolary club members at or mrs kohirr of montreal nnd the late mr kohler the marriage will take place on saturday oct tuh nl 3 oclock in st christopher chapel camp borden ontario their meeting last tuesday ballinafad nassagaweya ss no meeting services larcc concrefintions filled- nas- eacawcya presbyterian church last sunday for the 115th anniversary servicer hev charles a winn b a of lucknow was the special speaker preaching in the morning from hebrews in the evening his text was nkcn from genesis mr c g jones of elm vale rendered two beautiful solos and the special music by the choir and the quar- telle all helped make the services impressive the following monday night a tea meeting was held with a good attendance and an excellent variety program which brought loud ap plause the busy bee institute met last week at the home of mrs stephen coxe owing to the busy season there were not as many ladies present as usunl after the busin ess part of the meetina was over a social half hour was enjoyed over the tea cups mrs p mclean attended the in stitute meeting nt the oac ur guelph last week the friends of ed brit ton ore pleased to hear he has returned to his home from the general hos pital in hamilton where he has been confined for several weeks and hope he willsoon be in his usual pood health total spending this year by the federal provincial nnd municipal governments will exceed 5 billion businessmen back street dance sat the following is n list or the con tributions of acton businessmen to the celebration street dnnce held last saturday and released for publication by members of the council committee receipts 10 00 dominion hotel 500 elliott bros lovell bros station hotel acton free press e tyler transport mucswnin motors acton fall fair 300 watsons dairy bar coop ers drue store unchlin clothing pnllants clothing store manning electric baxters drug store bradley meat market symons hardware c f lentherland w bracken thompson motors whit- hams garage h wiles mceach- erns garage eisens clothing store bank of montreal bank of nova seohu carrolls ltd bilton nnd ivrrv 200 sam holmes van wyck cleaners acton creamery roys taxi wuterlutuse pool uooin toth shoe hepair hm tons lie to si 00 store ii aula shoe store talbot hardware k mollowa barber gtoeory ovenettc bakery i home furnishings love i mekaeheru fwvtrv ed- havnev ko luitv snvstoitieyncrie ilunujt dr oakes serv iee stttion k o imllentine m-tor- aeton everton rcn t 2t holds tea friday the church of christ held a successful tea last friday after noon ladies from hillsburgh mim osa ospringe guelph and stone churches attended sunday visitors with mr and mrs harvey jestin and bobby were mr and mrs ted jestin and fam ily rockwood monday visitors with mrs j p bonham were mrs w van norm an mrs charled mcgurn and daughter and mrs jack sinclair and boys guelph sunday visitors with mr and mrs t d mccutchcon were mr and mrs ernest keys and mr and mrs lorvn dcvine dashwood sunday visitors with mr and mrs irwin hamilton were mr and mrs alf couling and mr and mrs william alexander rockwood cnr employees lay new platform employees of the cnr are busy taking up the plank platform nt the station nnd laying in material for a hard top finish which will do away with occasional repairing from time to time in the transfer of mr brandle to another station near london m hewitt is now carrying on mr and mrs j a little were in toronto friday evening attending the wedding of their niece on saturday they were in brant ford attending the wedding of alex itedfern who in his younger days lived here with his parents mr and mrs allan redfern anniversary services are the main item for eden mills and rockwood presbyterian churches last sunday rally day was ob served in the presbyterian church mr martin bauer jr assisted in the service patsy dyer contribut ed a vocal number during the service rev fred williamson de livered an earnest discourse on the bible is a living book j weekend visitors charles pollock rcaf camp borden mr and mrs sharp of toronto mrs get adamson toronto mrs seth ward and daughter barbara of toronto were in town saturday afternoon renewing ac quaintances combine shower regular meeting ailon gr w ui s mtiher5 nolu hutrj ti i tw mrs 1 ido chapter i ode kil shewcr fr a nwitl soi vikiuie 11 us mi held in h- legion sdir evening s-ptem- n leviy fs viv i iii pirn hivd j bimis vri enjoyed slism reitert i has narrow escape when head caught jimmy kirk wood had a narrow escape from a serious accident last thursday j while unloading grain from a box car onto n truck wnit- ing in the car for the truck to back in he looked out to see why it wasnt coming nnd sot his head caught between the truck and car but managed to call out in time to stop the truck a very few more inches would have been too alchut luckily xpjfcje stopped time alter xrnys tt was found no serious damage was done and he escaped with cuts and bruises mrs wm mcenery who under went an operation in toronto hos pital is improving and friend trust will soon be able to return home the evening auxiliary met on friday night at the home of mrs williard sanderson mission circle met at the home of mrs robert mcenery on fri day night the president dorothy warne presiding annie lei ten had charge of the scripture study muriel hilts took the topic which was very interesting being the first from the new study book home missions digest mrs mc enery read a piece on steward ship the 7th line from ballinafad up to hillsburgh is having n coat of tarvin which is a great improvo ment congratulations to mr and mrs gilbert sinclair who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on sunday at the home of their daughter mr and mrs a c pat terson limehouse notice to creditors and otiikrs in thr estate ot kellna huul all persons havlna clnlms nffalnsl lhi estntc or sollnn hoszcll lalir of the town of acton in the county othnlton widow deceased who riled on oiatut the twenty- first day of july 1051 are re quested to file proof of same with the undersicned kxecutor on or be fore the twentysecond day of senl lftsi after which date llin vrlnloiiilllui cllilrlhnkvl hav ing regard only to the claims then filed dated at acton ontario this fifth day of september 1051 charles f lentherland acton ontario a93 executor eca the pause that refreshes railway time table changes effectiv sunday september 30 1951 full information from gents canadian national 113th anniversary services ghjurrtfttl mttttpj ghjurrlj sunday september 35th services at 1100 am and 730 pm guest spojkor morning service rev e a currey ba bd of acton evoning service mr gibb minister special music provided by the friendly four and the choir turkey supper tuesday evening october 2nd good program ospttlnot garden club girls have last meeting th giru garden club held their final nieetinlj on saturday at the home of mm w j jack son where preparations werfhiade for the achievement day pcvl saturday sveral ladies tnn the lwal piisbyterian church attended a september tea nt the kverton church of christ on friday afler- lliwhi miss jean abbott of krin has knelt currlc stanley statnlon of r it was also a weekend uuest t the sanietmm friends ot on mctavish pleased lt learn he was able to leave the fiiielph hospital on i wetinesdny mid us now at his home hen ii t and a- metavish of j toronto called on then uncle on j saturday mr and mrs vrarr 2nd line who have lieen in the tobacco country for the jiast several weeks returned- home on saturday mr and mrs frank davies are movinr to the farm near mono mills which thoy recently purch ased miss mary a boston returned home on sunday from delhi where she iils iwen assist infi with the tttbarco harvest mr and mrs gcorre younr and marilyn visited in toronto on sunday mrs ward ilnioe entertained the ladies aid on wednesday even- inr mr and mrs douglas robertson 0 nu il if wondwm to hear again yea thmlu ritht aeotaxtieoa the woeuv but and oldest uunraeturer el clciril hearing kub haw makee a ttb- impritrrl ww f or follnrtlk u wbo ant atfdtd a hljhrprlcd aid and am i thankful ontime unall llialwiltluw thu aid la wonderful far free hearing clinic utt why dont you drop in or wrll to the acetutleon peo ple jut like i did or phone 5411 september 34 20 pm dominion hotel acton of thr formers pnronb mr npd mrs d g jlobchson w wotlor of ijimbort todno to ronto is n guest nt tho hnmp of mr and mrs ooorac grundy nnd fnmily amehouse r on- tsumi- siilon civ f fni lhl kfs pukd oku si c haluu lprndtturra j 73 1nris jul jl touil 170 so the new crosley radlu and television receivers ut the has- snrd radio booth at the fair mrs o c vlile uiv tsut ridti if in exhibr i enkliiki hm yais io arrmititnotr- were ruid fall bariar to be held ii in th y at the conclusion of tho meetina delicious refreshments wac served by the group in charge ion held f- the october farm tin auction sale milton livestock market every thursday at 1 pm no 25 highway mile south of milton i- watch for sign cordially spimt i lambs la oil s cattl brood sons al so of poaltrv com lot- of parkins i has had i wailink ile invited to consicn stock to tins inaikii ilielust prices assured horses lesh cons canners cutters fat coles sheep stewi biiers babv beeves veal calves bobs us suckers shoals boars fat hojs and all kinds ilortable and sanitary mside accommodation paci efficient antl experienced suff the man- ats experience at this type of sale no sale no commission contignmonrs of livottock should be stalled at early at possible morning of sale linn and dance livestock auctioneers ask school pupils to birthday party thomasine sutton entertained the itirl pupils of no 9 school on wednesday in celebration of her seventh birthday the effective decorations of zinnias asters cal endula and miknonelte were pro vided by her school ijarden the kiiesls were lillian askin heather and linda clarke audrie and bar bara currie patsy foster gloria jones dorothy kirkpatrick gloria latimer kay norton joy patterson and trudy scott the wa met at the home of mrs a v norton on tuesday ev- eninc when plans were completed for the postponed annual dinner party and fall socials were outlined conkratulations to the charles jones on the arrival of a little rirl at peel memorial hospital on thursday the wms met at the home of mrs a j smethurst on thursday evening scripture was oread by- mrs mitchell and mrs a v nor ton led in prayer mrs smethurst told of edna jacques at the recent wi convention and later read a chapter the doctors promise from a volume the doctor mrs norton sane it is no secret and read two poems roll call was answered by a verse of scripture and text word was honor the hostess served refreshments after wards e askin has been attending a school for mechanics by ford mo tor co in toronto mr and mrs russell thompson with mr and mrs alex henderson enjoyed a ten day trip through new brunswick and various states and to new york city the w shelboumes attended a family dinner party in honor of mrs john scotts 71th birthday on sunday thirty members of her family attended mr and mrs cecil bouden mr and mrs ted morrow and elanc of toronto mr and mrs fred packer and family of hamilton mr and mrs bob lane and family and mr dick packer of georgetown with mrs lanv mr and mrs c a grant and kenneth of stewarttown mr and mrs j a smethurst jacqueline and john of islington with mrs a j smethurst mr and mrs calvin van zaht of cooksville with the nobles and merediths mr and mrs wood of toronto wih the ii a v nortons a week mr and mv elliott rockwood mr- st iv mr fas- borden mr dive g rdon of toronto the a c pattersons mr and mr- ernie pell of ton with the e askills mr and mr- john faster dianne nf stewarttown mr mrs frank hall elora and and mrs jack huck of dr with the james kirkpatrieks on sunday- mr and mrs ed hyland of tor onto eric johst and mrs john stone niagara with the c a ros ters m m m m m m m m m m m m m- m m m m m m r see our exhibit of plymouth and chrysler cars i and fargo trucks i m m d j at acton fair family er- and ago patt sn ih mil an and mr aytnn on saturday macswain motors phone 85 acton u i y the blue doll beauty salon presents you with the 2nd opening anniversary specials machineiess perms 1500 oil for 1250 1250 oil for 1000 1000 oil for 850 850 cream for 650 650 for 500 all perms include hair cut and reconditioning shampoo childrens specials machineless 350 500 600 cold waves 450 550 650 colo waves our regular yearround ipocial glvan at 830 now offarad at 750 1000 cold way for 850 1250 cold wivt for 1000 1500 cold wavas at 1250 looking for a dwelling take your choice from thete while prices are reasonable owner occupied and poueuion given secure your future by getting tattled in your own home small holding22 acres good garden soil acton and georgetown district near highway on open county road dwelling with large garage attached small fruits barn with equipment for bees wagon tractor almost new price complete 550000 reason for selling illhealth of owner nine room dwellingwith semidetached garage partly divided and rented conveniences right in centre of town close to churches schools and business districts 650000 only half needed balance at 5 first mortgage cut stone screenedin verandah cellar divided possession given for available rooms double semidetached brick dwellings one side con sisting of 5 rooms and bath other part consists of 7 rooms and bath which could be made into two apartments ideally located in good residential district close to both highways good view and well landscaped seven roomhouse in rockwood 1 minuto to bus service and high school bus to guelph and fslo 7 highway land consists of threefifths of in icre two piece hlth hot and coh ateo never tnhng veil fieep wetf electro pressure pump htirdvcd fco- fuli length screened in porch overlook ing bert ful seen- view ganigo ind stable nry re rnibiy jfei meited by ho iir forced draft furnice ho n ee e r ie ofrepdir modernized wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v ls writht orflrr wilbur hi acton phone v n b wrifht office g9 matdoanell bl ouelpb phone 481sw yes we have others as weil as small holdings and building lots

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