Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1951, p. 5

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john cunninghams 24 strikeout performance paces acton win acton dantams proved they had championship ingredients here on saturday when they came from be hind in a marathon 12 inning mrug- jale to edfie thorold 0 7 in front of a good home crowd the victory aent acton one up in the best of three ont bantam playdown series with the bigger thorold kids the tuo teams played on earlier game last week in thorold which the thorold team won 1110 in a tilt that uas called tor darkness in the seventh inning but it was toa- ned out by the on a for smelling strongly of fish word is now being awaited conerning future date of the scries it s possible the thorold team may be classed in eligible as acton filed a protest on the series the local kids led by a 24 strike out performance from strong arm ed john cunningham saturday tied the game up in the bottom halt of the ninth inning after being be hind a 84 deficit- allan holmes kit a timely triple to send one run ner home and then scored himself on a passed ball however in the twelfth with thorold one run up the acton club supplied one of those story book finishes by overcoming the lead with two runs of their own the re sult of a pitched ball hitting hugh slrrs in the sacroiliac a single through third by paul lawson and a balk that sent the winning run mux t- hokl fi jtarndtoh optometrist 72 st georges square guelph complete eyesight service bmvem co niglkte mm speedvale avenue east norrheatt limits of goalph thurs fri sept 2021 maria montez jon hall sudan sat sept 22 james stewart paulette goddard on our merry way mon tues sept 2425 northwest mounted police l ri cooper vvhftfse i rsoll wed thurs sept 26 27 women without names all star cabt children s rlacr0und 2 shows nightly v cnjreo undvr 12 rar free there wnsn t much to choose be tween the two teams in earlier in nings but the acton club had an edge in the later chapers thorold used two pitchers in an effort to stop the acton nssault cavbone started and ho win relieved by bye in the 7th bye was the losing pit- chcr supplying the balk that cnittkt the name john cunlninuham cot projires- sivcly stronger an the garni went on for acton and he waa never really in any trouble of his own doing mtcorctui the smallest kid on the thorold club was the big gest thorn in his side he led the thorold team at bat with throe hits in six trips paul lawson supplied the acton batting puyich with four hits follow od by john cunningham and allan holmes with two apiece hentley and stalling collected singles to make 10 hits the acton club collec ted a fielding gem was don wilds catch of a fly ball to left field in the top half of the twelfth that re tired the side thorold macoretta ss riddle cf carbone p 3b bye 3b p misener lb b mclntyre c p mclntyrc rf hamilton 2b hollands if acton heatley 2b slrrs rf hurst rf skilling ss lawson lb footltt if morton c coon cf cunningham p holmes 3b wilds if rhe t acton 000 202 002 0028 10 fl officials brush plate lindsay baies cumpbellville out collinnwood wins on salurdi afternoon before a large crowd ot baseball enthus lasts campbu willi s juvenile ball uam paised from further competit ion in the ontario finite they lost the third game of the series to cal lings oods well balanced club by a close 4 to 2 decision the game was close at all times and the fin al count was always in doubt as each club battled to the final out outstanding for each club were the mal hurlcrs hatton ot colling- wood and roberts for the noma club root rts allowed 6 hits struck out 0 and did not issue any walks hatton s record was 0 walks striking out 8 and he allow ed 5 hits the big fictor in the result was the support given by their team mates cimpbcllville uerc guilty ol 0 errors while colhngwood gave a fine defensive displn and had onl 2 minor errors j itk roberts save i grent display of coungeous pitching in the gime is oni one run was earned by colhngwood cimpbt llville s both runs ciiru m tht third inning as shirp inn bill vcounted on cairns long double collingwood count c 1 sinij ttlliis in the ird 4th flth ind 0th hnvivir it is no dlsgnct to be dt fitted bv i strong club like collmgwood i town tth the pop ulntnn if ome 7100 th bn hiv provided nn enter tuning bnnd of ball it the local pirk with mim tciting rimts ind ire showing n rood improve ment fir their second vear of hirdbill with all locil tilcnt thev rv unfort unite in hiv ing an off di in fielding on the fiml day ns the hivt generally excelled n thnt dtpirtment but that sometimes occurs to the best of teams so the team can look forw ard to i new season mxt vear and kn w the tins are proud of their work on the diimond this cir ys men second in delegate total ti 1 with mhir cntr f r hi rn th oo n1 h ghi st tonl of m mo rs pn cmt ct n men tli hi 1 ii n ntit it h o i ir k i il t imn n of y v i h i i it i ik c uh hir on s t t mn r i it i it ith ntr a practising lawyer at 83 ellis hughes cleaver died friday in st joseph s hospital hamil ton ho was president of lhe halton county bar association and the hallon county liberal association school area board discusses chimney township school area of erin no 1 held its regular meeting ot os- pringe school on wednesday sep tcmber 12 with nil member of the board present the secretary was intructed to contact a brick layer in regards to building a new chimney at s s no 5 the follow ing accounts were passed for payment rev w s ir win tuning and repairing ss no 7 and 11 pianos 2010 reds elec trie service hvdro s s no 1 and 13 10 22 d g robertson care takrs snppln and picnic account 3 2 mirconi television is it the fair at the llassard radio hooth holton delegates at wi convention almost 400 women delegates of women a institute branches in hatton waterloo wellington grey dcrth bruce and huron counties arrived in guclph to attend the guclph area w i annual ses sions held an war memorial hall ual sepwmiw ii aim u me delegates were billeted in the stud ints quarters at the college miss anni p lewis director of the women s institute branch to ronto told of the invitition accept- td by the associated countrv wo men ofr the world to visit ontario in 1053 the banquet in the evening wis held in creclmm hill and the withering was welcomed to the college by the president dr j d miclachlan in his address he told how agriculture should be estab lished as an attrictive profession for bovs ind girls of today further entertainment was en- joved by all in memorial hill when edni jacques mide many new friends in her sprightly minner of giving to her audit nee some of her poetry her subject w as place people and poetry the new offici rs for 1051 52 were elected for the ensuing yeir read poem written by grandmother the september meeting of tho dublin w i yas held last thurs di at the heachiful firm home of mrs alex ross first line esques- ing the inslltutcxode and the old griy marc wlre the opening numbers sung it the meeting pres idid over b mrs l ferguson the president the roll cill was answered by an old time recipe ind the motto be a good neighbor and you 11 hive good neighbors was well tiken b mrs j xl steele seven of tht 1 idles brought quilt blocks ind from these were chosen four to be pliced in the exhibit fo- milton fur final irrangemenls win mm i xhbuj ihr acton high school news last thursday if te moon the eh ctlon results were announced for tin 1051 ind 1012 literary soc- ielj the new president is david mcvey vice president yvonne briinnt lit ecr tiry audrcv wll- kiruson ind treisurer jack david- wt all wish the executive the best of luck in tht eomlng school cir on tut sdiv morning t ieh diss i h ctod class rtpusentatlves for the litenry sociel grnde 0 donna micmillin ted footltt gride 10 ptgg oakes grade 10 carol fetterly grade 11 ken mann pride 12 rod force gride 13 carolyn oakes from what i ve seen and heard lhe bovs are still jutfactlclng hard for tlu rugbv siison tiha pract ice every day after school in th pirk under mr herons direction maybe we 11 have a champion school teom this year if the boys keep up the good work last week grades da and 0b were put together in room 1 and grade 10 wis split up to make 10a and 10b thus meant a change in time tables but everyone seems to hove settled down to work now on behalf of tile students id like to express sincere congrotulal- lons to mr ind mrs robbing on the irrivil of their son mr robbing hisn t been passing out cigars yet 4ut we hear duly reports ibout lome scots play in massed concert four acton players with the lome scots ken allen charles kuigsmill gordon law son and gtoret smith vvtu imong the hundreds of bindsim n pi i mj to itlur in i colorful missed bind i murt it tht cnf- lrndstand tirnto sunil i tvtiiing st pt ml r it tht bindmimt r of th acton citt7in bind i w 11 is if th umu so wo 1 h ptrrnu i nlul i th m i s d bris b md i ril pr prolnm sehctions mt i1iul b uuls mimi milit i bind ii i d pipt bind ind m is i d trumpt binds t ich pi r f nud sipiritilv ind in combin ti n with ith r en up in th irud prierim pirt f which w us br ndclst bandmisttr pt rrott won hus nt w unifirni i bliu scotch doublet with pi nd triws ind tht ngulir gltneirr cip the lorm scots rt gimt ntil bind members spt nt tht da in tirmto ind riturmd hitni aftt r thi cincert which v is ittindid b in ovtrflow crowd tii lornt scots irt planning to pli in ton nto whin pnnciss el tbtth ind tht dukt of edin burgh are thi rt tht band plived during tht king ind quttns visit i will enttrtainlng tht cnwd un til tht roml coupu pised three neighboring fairs mrs wm mclntvre give a num ber of helpful hints useful to the homemakcr mrs c j van gooz- t n give i very inten sting report of the w i arei convention held it the oac guelph recently as this wis tht grandmothers meet ing the prognm was contributed bv the following grandmothers mr t a storev mrs wm mcln tvrt mrs n anderson mrs j m steele mrs l fergmson mrs van goozen and mrs n l dividson ond wis enjoved by everyone th following poem composed bv one of the gnndmothers wis givm on the program how not to brina up children whin th lork brings vou i f i e bij bov hi rtillv is vour pride ond joy i d rock him to sleep in the rocking chur thin mike i noise if von dire id ftd him on cindks cike ind pie itht didn t thru i id wonder wh thin when junior stirted to school i didn t think hi should hive to obev the rule hi sit hi hind i little girl and int i tht ink well went hi r curl down cimi the teicher in in iw fill huff now m bov no more of thit stuff inn r mm home in i hurrv thit niuht nd th h u i v is ooh in iwfnl icht h to k hi pmril ind rott on tht w ill but 1 ddnt think thit mitt r d it ill th n ui h w i nt to pli vv i h i bill b it n t nrn through i window ml h h iir fth r ud tumor sh old stirt ti u tk 11 hi dut h d d hirk f mi 1 i ir h 1 thi d 1 1 lrt j i i nd r h iliv ur hn n t unnd 1 tim m i v k n hi hi n t i di i bn in th world tod i i did i h lik d it w mldn t pi i t- ri th m it ill 1 th t h it i hi to si i mrs rs xssi tod h mrs j d i blick mrs georg gidd ind miss nnio blick scrvtd i duntv lunch it h cln i of tht met ting i i dmiri teh v mon at hxs irtl ridio exhibit tuesday afternoon the girls el ected jinlce baker to be their ithlelic represent it i ve ind the boys elected donald dawklns th i ii th 1 cimh 1 nut t nvtr ssi h m ukt ti7i t including tht pt ic ind athibisci rivers lake hibxst i gri i sli md gnat bi ir likis ls i n t xs 1 inu is th musismppi committees report future plans at y a v erv progressive meeting of the boird of directors was held it the y last monday it was the sec ond meeting this month and for the purpose of receiving reports of all committees which hove met re cently ed footltt president pre sided thi uymnnsium schedule and social and club features for the coming ynr were presented by the program committee and npproved the membership committee pre sented a review of its policy and it wt voted that the membership fees for 1dm w remain unchanged the building committee brought forward a policy on building ren tils which wos approved with some minor chineis tin world outlook ind special ivints committti outlined pi ins for a ur ind opening social evening m xl month which wis luirlllv ip proved building ind prourim re puis ind tqifipimnt wire dnlt with md ictijn ipprovtd ctmril rttir cliff sutton nptitud nunu rous lnquiru s n cuveil rtuirilinu tin opt nine of y ittimtus md th it two of list vnrs elub ittivitus w rt ilreidv rillmu tht ir resourcts for an op i unit spmtl ft itiiu make plans n0w to meet us at the fair surprise party for grandson recent bride held at r r 4 home mr f mcdonild of r r 4 ct n op rud in i honu on sa uid iv tnuhl f i i uiprit put fir ht r un ndson of georgetown willnm mlmild i id hu rtcent tid minn ftktr of himilton d tncinu nd uimt s win fn jivd tht n mr ind mrs mr don ild were asked to emm to i wtll udt n t ibh nf gifts ind ilthough ikin b stirprest thev mide a uit ibk ptech of ippncintion lilv bouquit of gladioli wai pri t nt bv mr thornton of lime hou i guts s to the number of ibout 80 win prese nt from acton lime housi evtrton gutlph toronto hamilton and georgetown n t fn n u l ir t ot i i t i t n i n s 1 i 1 l1 ul h 1 m ii i 1 1 t i i ui 1 th i ii tik fnim i lf jnck cniihti nn nithlin f irnun uiunrii fl fxiotitt charlie loathcrhnd ixiuj las manmnj m wwll nltis ji v mcgcachu cliff sut in dnk bfan and ganut mckentlr showered with battery acid harry cannon escaptd from the overturned m ik transport with a swollen ace the truck was overturned tuesday morning at about 7 a m a mile and a half east of brookville on the f fth concession locked in tne cab of tht truck the driver forced open one of the doors after untangling himself dazed and almost unable to see because of the battery acid that spilled on his face cannon set out n a dead run for millers farm stall photo the acton free press qall fyabucl we ara offering wall aiiortod tteclc of fall llnai chesterlaine a fine quality all wool droadcrepo ideal for fall dresses a wide solec lion of colors 54 wide 398 yard wool tartans a nice assortment 54 325 to 398 yd corduroy fine pinwale in navy red green wine blue 36 wide 295 yd nylons in lhe fall shades see the selection 119to195pr feather flannel a spun rayon plain shades 36 wide 100 yd to clear one lot andalusian yarn 1 oz ball 39c strip and floral pyjama cloth see these 45c 69c yd special ibex blankets sue 70 x90 only 695 pair for limited time only cambridge clothes t iicre0 to your mf ju9f for ovor half a century milien of fine clothat see th range of fine woritodi gabardine tweedt before ordering your fall suit visit the fair saturday sloro will b cloud 1 30 to 4 30 pm

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