Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1951, p. 10

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taomrmit the acton free press acton ontario thursday september xt 1si loraimrvs ssssssssshsalsssbsl5alsss5a kama tor thla column mail h plumed to 174 or am to th v ptm office ta acton jbtick to stnndard tirna again on sunday thnnknulvlna a wk and a half away r ntw atampa arc being imiftd at the local poat office a tree iitsr7olcctttnirtur atnnd in ono placo for twenty years then jump in front ofa lady driv- autumn colors nro beginning i how b h 15 wu a few day it should be n beautiful scenic drive incaaiiantly flickering beautiful morthcm light lit the sky tues day evening they were colored in soft blue pink and green at the annual meeting of the guelph and district iniurancc ag- cnts association fred wright of acton was elected to the executive there was frost tuesday even ing kaye ireland miss toronto of hm5 who died of cerebral hemor rhage last week wns school tea cher in the campiellvllle district for a year toronto in resurfndnsj 1 he- streets along which the royal tour will soon pass if its good rouls princess elizabeth and the duke of edinburgh are seeking they should most certainly come to ac ton from january to june in the dlitrlct including halton county there were 2fll1 accidents accord- irtg to figures recently released by the motor vehicles branch of the department of highways also included in the halton dlstrlt are brant norfolk and wentworth counties this district jvas res ponsible for 11 1 per cent of the accidents in ontario moffat wi guest speaker is mrs v norris nnbnnffnwoyn w t mot nt the home of mrs e molmcr with i good nt tndnncp renort of the hnll at the oac guelph were given by mrs l campbell and mrs m mnhon mm v norris of lowville wan jnjmit speaker and apoke on horti culture which was very intcreat- jne a button contest was won by mrs c morton the hostess and assistants served a dainty lunch george hasclfeldt of burlington visited at the home of mr and mrs j v allison on sunday mr and mrs w h black and jackie attended the lindsay fair on friday misses dorothy and margie mc carthy of mountsbcrg visited on thursday with their cousin mrs lloyd campbell john dunkle of tillsonbunk spent a few days at his home here mrs m sayers ol toronto visited recently at the home of her neph ew mr and mrs grant campbell mlsfl lois ncllson of toronto spent o few days in the home of mr and mrs e mclmcr friends and neighbours of mr e brltton ore pleased to know he is home from the hamilton hospital mrs wilmcr dyson of guelph sptnt d few days with her parents mr and mrs f hathnwaj asphalt 37057 on mill and main continued from pao oti pointed the group to prepare i brh f for the ontario provincnl committee of ontario doling with ll nfoder ysonhrt rnlirmiyt married in 1901 celebrate sunday mr and mrs gilbtrt sinclair of r r 1 gtorgotoian ctlebrntcd the fiftieth nnnhersan of their mar ruifii on sundnv stptcmbcr 23 at the home of their dnughur mr a c patterson limehouc during tht itu rnoon ind even ing thi foluwm rtlitivts ot the c uipu poured tta at irioua pcr- inds mrs j t rtddx mrs nnie meka mm fuen wilt ill of toronto and two fmnds mrs an nn stull and miv k a mcki of doif own thest lulus win n sisttd b tn daughters m 1 tw mi s l hark s sinclair of wi 11 ind and mis hi rln rt slncl nr of ii im il on ixso two kt uihd uikhtt i m s glorli sinclair of h imilton and mrs ltslit huuhinson of miltoi lm bi mtiful kifts and flowirs w n n tti i d and m in frti nits si nt cirdf ind nu isim on- gratulations mr and mrs tmcl ui wn in ir rted in dttroit mich on st ptem bir23 1001 and ha iktd m their pros nt location since that datt mr suit lair wan born at lot 4 con 10 erin he and his shrtt r mm mc ka of toronto being the onlv surtora of a family of ilten a build t r bv tridt he is ont of the ftw old time franu rs lift in this dlstrn tht finu of eimtm s 1 1 1 prod luts prwon with whim mr sin clair his btn conntcttd for oer 42 mars was npnuntid in the nftt rnoon b mr and mrs haiold king mrs sinclair wis jine f rtdd daughter of the late mr ind mr john reddv and was btrrn at lot 2fi con 8 equeinff ah the fim t of thrre sons and two daughters were present csct pt the ildtst law r nee of geraldton who con gratulated his parents by telephone sundav eening there are nine grandchildren mr and mrs sinclair are very fortunate to be enjo lng good health guests were present from wes ton toronto hamilton welland georgetown richmond illll rock- wood acton limehouse o hills burlington hlllsburgh preston milton brampton erin eden mills oranfijevllle and balllnarad iv- tint rnlttrtn i trlpn jnd 1 pt the reeve and deputy reeve w ere appointed is delegates to n meeting called by hcspcler munic lpal council in that town to dls- niss the equalization of the coun road costs councillor frjer questioned why council had not been consulted before the retubing of the y mc a boiler had been done the ac count for 301 was authorized for payment and a letter was to b sent to the ymca board asking that council be consulted before capital expenditures are made if the account is to be paid by the town rather than rescind the motion p tssed by a former council pei mlssion was refused the erin lions club to sell lucky tickets on acton streets council spent considerable time dealing with road complaints and issuing instructions to foreman kirkness sew erire accounts totalling c47 or w ere authorized for pa ment the following regular accounts wire passed for pamcnt bill telephone co 41 s8 acton puc rojil cau v itson dair bar j b adamson court costs w mceichern ixpenses re firemt n s school h bittorf expinnes re fin mi n s school f crump i xpt nsi s r o staph ton repairs c in national rlw s purd mansell ltd ym ca boiler bt ardmori co ltd clt ming w itir course r v vndi rson ft is for p i inj 317 61 300 5s0 q00 69 50 56 00 500 5 7 26 01 361 00 10 so 11t4 12 i 1 82 4 m ior th r pnsidid at tht rt k ul ir nitttinr with rnt ihrpn di pu rn i j sti w art conn i i u rs wmk grur nxl ti i thi mix on md fncr pn m nl obituary george b wallace dies in 88th year guiih b willict of wollini 1 n 11 in n ik duii at giulph guiir h ipital sundav afti r i li njh ilnis nai bom at moffat nd fiuind for 13 mars niar ac l n mr u ill uc uho ua in his hhth ir u l nnrritd in 1837 t jviliitu niiiill md list mann thi cmi cilibntid ihiir 64fi iitildlnj inniiiriarv rtninnj i ntritulit ons from thi klnk and koimmint hiad5 hi f d it wi it fl imbor n l- imufi oirluli md arkil ufni nioiiin to gulpli in 1012 hi rttirixl 20 inr jo w v i a mil knoun niarkil hardener ind inlint h trtii ulturalist and t mm b r of pahl i memorial chunh cuilrh finn ml si r ict was held wed- nidai with internum in wood- lann ctme try hi kaes his uife josi phlne nmill four sorts william george of edin mills jomph h of ham illon reginald and fred of gutlph two daughter mrs r fmina ofrter of arktl and mrs w iethi mclllwralth of oadph and one llr mli ann jan- walloce ofutielph a good time jf- act0n 6 mill st phone 110 modrti refrvbhmvhfr bar in the foyer relax take in a movie tonight frisat oayught timb sept 2829 shaw friday at 8101010salurday 7 459 so fxmxm tftlflll rwtvwaij woiurf numritmuiir lillll added shorts hi iddiufmi ib okkghik progmm 3zj21z special notice back to standard time starting mon oct 1st we revert lo our winter policy continuous mon thru fn from 7 00 doors open at 6 30 continuous sat and holidays from 6 30 doors open at 6 00 matinees sat and holidays at 2 p m montues standard time qct 12 mgmm great successor to lamed aklegrowid words and they shoot the works with lead love and laughter it was a yjtfj lalonlod sp musical outfit fpou her0es44n combat team extra entertainment roaring gum cocuadoodle don wedthurs oct 34 and when ae wok of- shewastmarrleo tht eye- opening y- aitory of vv a female sleep walker life tstfl tho nw ally nwt dmw golf gm births marriages deaths etc born van goozen to shlrhy and donnld vnh gnozon n flun on si pt mbor 2a at gmu rich huu- pltul allkn flwoou nnd dorlfl allen wlih to nniiouiuo hip birth of their second dmuht r nt guelph gt nt rnl ilainltnl on lutlny st pit mlit r lit 10 ijov rky anru it flisttr for jovrt -uiku- waliacb at the gutlph g nnr til uaipitnl flii suntl ly hipti in lur 21 1iw1 ciorni h wiiir or willlnuton plnci in hli inth yt nr btlovid huthnntl nf in rph mi niull di nr fitlu r of wi nn n ki m mr twhiiirrn r itov cnrttr minni of a kill joseph ii of uiimilton mn wnl ii mdlunnth ftli ii f i i nnd uoit or guelph finn rnl it rvicc win in id in guelph widnestlny nfti rnoon st ptt mlwr 2fl w ith intornr nt in woodlnwn cemcttry hobfittson at hi resilience milton on wodnentlny sop t m 1m r 21 1951 pt ter i vmburni r hivbi rtton presith nt of the p h hnbt rtson mnnufnctiirlntf co ud milton in hh 72nd ynr r stink nt thp rt sitlencc of mr g w miirkinlt mnrtln st mil ton from noon fritlnv strviit on snturtlnv st pti mbt r 2d nt 111 pin in t rmt nt i vi rrrc in c i m ti r mtltnn pi- acock at hamilton gemini hojntnl suntl iv st pit mbt r 2 t mil lohn pi itnrk hi lnvt d hus i bind or ch iotti kitchm dt nr fi hi r of i turn mrs kin spi irt 1 of ttorkwoot brother nf mrs alfrid kn rrnn of mil- lin in his 72nd vt ir itt slid it hu i iti nsldinep wantads for sale poil sale kindling mlxl wood nnd luirdwoml piioiil d0w2 nlol foil saif fli id nf standlrim cftrn apply mr gpnrjti jimnlntfn it ii r milton a ton 3ahf nia of for on so studluiki r ijmd h llukk pliom 27h fullticinnallqii b foh saiif llmiitoiic chliui for him s ind drivi wnv 1 r pi r vlild phom alton it i w 2 fojt salf sunnlilni bnliv nr iltii ninroon ciood condition 1 1 imhinlilt ilioni uflj a oil saib lnrui clmilntlnl hi id i cunt or wood rtisonnjlp applv 2fm mcdonnld hlvil a oil sale hnnlwooit in fool linuthi nny qunntity thm cut- tins pliond 101 2ih mu1 st ar8 foil sale 1 qnrbic hentcr fur wood or cnnl apply liny ev irdill ii tlrock si front door n foi saif iloiiitlnlf rhlckcnn ii iionsl j to n ihi ri tidy forthi nvi n also brinlrrs jinninr pliurii l ai ton n 12 2 rluctmlhwlini ill rw n uhtrj fhivntim uis ftitto v ul b irvin nt cnmpht llvill pnsbtiiiin chnrrh intt rm nt in c impbt llville c mi t ry i itfid suddenly it the home of hu sisli r mrs m f irwin 23 dnffi nn st alliston on this i d iv suimbr21 1d11 simml jimrs rcid of acton husbind of i the iitt lillun nrmd denr fi ther of richnrd autlin stmt ford bemlce iin gui iph nnd j j ii jack toronto in hbi i 7hh yenr resting nt he victor b rumley funernl home aotnn until fri day where fun oral service will be held at 2 30 o clock interment fnlrview cemetery acton foil saie miiiii v hnrris cut t bux in kd working mndlt ii n pi in d n nsnn tbh fohn r spmw i pboni lolw1 n kh sam 2 toni k sun him pr mi jit ich runnt rs nnd n k inittns jod inndition rei n ilt mrs mtki r i phot i 217w i i oh sai t cm cpim henter in i mhi i million 20 i idles hi irk i rut uilli dmithibli ml fox illjllijliinuif1u 1iirir foit sai i pi isi jconnitiv fur n it i w ill hi it i 7 nn m houm thli fprini i ipproxim iti 1 ix venrs ild md if in first htss ronditlnn it irk tin for tpnt k kili phnnt am hilton nnd pt rry ltd mnn st at inn t i ivrstock for salf u york chunks about 100 ihi blc york now dut in 1 weeki with ird litttr beef for unlc by the quar- t r cuitom nlnurhterlntf done fresh hides bnuffht mvestock wnntednlvet old hojfji sowt for pick up nd delivery see jock holm es phone 30flm a in memor1am fisiter in lovlnff memory of n deir father who died september 23 1048 true was his henrt his ictions no land mis lire a grind nnttern for thnsc left behind the fimfly cards of tiianks for sale fiveroomed solid brick bungalow all modem con venience city of toronto alsi cot tine with nn acre of land clear 1100 mortgage payable 1 per cent ind w quarterly on good necurltv would consider exchanging on i hilsinesq in acton owner frnnk pnvre severn bridge miifiknka or 103 belgmvle ave toronto a notice to creditors i u ish to thank mv friends and neijhbors for their kind inquiries ind for thi cirds fruit ind flow i rs sent to ttil whili i v is m tht hospitil a clifford ruth md mic mctsnic uoud hki to think dublin w i for th- i lnvel cirds intl fruit ind ilso ihe neiehbors for thi tt lephoni c ills ind their kindmss luring heir ill- mrs g h rim7 would like jo think ill her frundi for thtir kind inquiries cirtls flowers nnd i fnut n reivid during her illnes tht sc kmdncsms will ilw is be rt membt red i would like to think frttnds ml nughbors for thi ir kmdmss in st ntling cirds flowi rs md fruit during m rt cent st in ho pit ii al t sinn rt thinks to nt ihbors fi i thi ir lu lp w ith inn s th sh int md hi thi t kindrn st s ir r nnuh ippnciitid joi ii nd r i and otiier8 in the filiate of john edward williamson all persons hiving the clnims of the estite of john edward wil li imson lite of the town of ac ton in thi county of hilton wood dciler deceased who died on or ibout the 17th day of august 1051 are required to stnd partic ulnrs and proofs thereof to th undersigned before the twenty ninth day of september 1051 when the issets will be distributed among the persons legally entitled there to hiving regird only to the cliims which shall hive been file dated it acton ontirio thh twelfth div of september 1051 c f lritherlind acton ont i 10 3 solicitor for the executor notice to creditors avd others in the mtatr of ilarbara soptt wanted wanted cariikc iii crkmif vicinity phone j4ir m wantkij houjicwork by hx- dny or hour phone 35j a wanteb a comfortable bright room for huht ihhlm kbcpini a widow write box j irte prena a- 12 z wtcntfusjliiiidy for itnchlln jiwilum stendy position hxcel li nt opportunity for rlht pemnn applv by uttir only a will pay from 10 to 15 for dend or dlnnbled cattle nnd horsef 2ih nr leleohnne rnllwt 3r41 buwood geortfe gibson a113 livfstock wanted old hoiri we buy them aa u also iillkhlly ilimiblid cuttle uch as broken li hi etc higher prices pnltl citih nt fiirm phone colloct 4014j guelph a124 wantfd apartment wnnted for ilaptkt pniitnr middle ailed toupli with ooi child ntfed 2 yearn itiiinnd lor novimlr 1st apply limn w iindiborotikh phone ill li rk arlon nnptlst church a dead or disabled anim- aus wanred cowj hor hoki we pay canh at your farm phone guelph 1314 collect for lm- midlito service wm lalnj op- i rntlnff for gordon youne a tf mai i- iihp wantfd riquim i xp rniild in ui to tiki rlnrcc of c t mills pi int ixprrunnd with hind pn s i s nnd mixing itesponfl- ibli pn illon for h nht imn al- si h mil pn s opiritiu wnli box u i t- ri i pn ss n tf niniflnwnr i md ufi riuul prleerptld abw cncki n w suit ible for breeden ni w himpshiris i leht sussex cnliimbi i hock alin flocki want- d lo supply ui with hatching rri apply tweddle chick hatch- i rii ltd fornu1 ont au8 wanted relinbli man ai deal- i r in acton experience not nec- i srnry a fine opportunity to tep into old profitable btulneu wher itavilclbh produeta have been lold for ycara big profits produeta furnished on credit write itaw- lelrhi dept mli11ikb mont real a02 lost and found lost gold wrist watch ward a t brown nc- lost set of key wedneaday a m betwiln poet office and han sard radio slnre reward ken havtard phone 330j a lost a walker fox hound black and white with a brown hiad in vicinity of fifth tin er in twp please phone g bay- ilss 2fl7w acton reward a ix5st tricycle green wshdcn sell ind nd metil frame taken from in front of hintnn s 5c to xi 00 stori probably by mm child if pirnt has knowledge of thbi tri- cycii and doi s not know where it might bi long plenne advise hin ton s 5c to si 00 store a coming events thn office cannot be rpjponsion or conflicting dntt of tunts si mb in w a il he d ih mn il h i i ir on sitin 1 n i mtit r ttth a it t i d n m n i i n i 1 i d f r r blt si u t in ripti t hurih ft 10 suntl i oit lur i bi7iir md tt siturd i dec t nib r i tipm unite d hurth s s itoom auspilts iriliidly circlt s nit md guidt mothtr tuihrl uill b lu id in the sit ut h ill ht d i iinbir j8 b 15 lunth ittd aiiiiikmim jit lol no l7 0 jitiuk i ik hi md d tm i it cr n c trims h ill tin rnd i oil tbt r s 1 tt 10 p in gt k1 pnt rrftfh nun s irtimm sptiili ouhi tr i vdnuvik n lt t 1- st d i ul pit tti ri in chunn l unpb ik lh will ctl brili it uuti nmvrsir sund i oitob r lh s ru it 11 i ni md ill pm sp ci il p kir it v if l 11j m do km x cul lt tor int b 1 2 smiu f ilirt i think ti ink uill tn h ul 1 imht thur dj i in st alb in t lhimh it 11 p in vt n nhiunun tin mp t vill jin ith thanics inj rit is in arraiikid tor sundii s pt iinbtr 30 at 11 am anil 7 pm cinon d h smith of oakvill aill prtaih at thr ivinmt maiu special music will bt rvndirtd b the- chuir tht familiar hmna w 11 be unc ci mt and ihure m h us the jo of our haroat fvstial a ml p r n h n inn 1 itius i im lh h t i it rirhtr i s r 1 tt h t vn of ton in h c unt f hilton widow dei d win dii d on or ibout tht s nt inth d i tf august 10 1 iit qiiind to s nd pir ict 1 irs id pr f tht rt f to th und r tuntd hot r tho twtiiu n nth d i f s ptrmbrr iq whin th tt will tit dis rihutid imii tin pirtus h i ill tntithd thi n t himiu rt tfird onl o thf clilnn which ihill hnf hi n filed dittd it acton ontirio this twilfth di of st pti mbt r 111 arnold mrknrr uillimfid ontirio i 10 t extcutor miscellaneous washer ilepains roll parts complete overhauls ernie radio and electric goorffetowix phone 4f5 roxy theatre bidff att sewing machines sales audi service repairs to ill mokes emit s radio and electric phon 4fl5 roxy theatre bldff georffe- town atf ktchener upholstery- have your chesterfield suite re-up- holstcrtd for as little as 80 war prompt and efficient service call 101 acton ont wet k service foing to riff ndi m rn- n ot r r r turntnk s iturdiy r s mil hi ni fr tu mff i tr t ind i laansink t ch i in fnd octobt r 1j rt mnfc s i id i r m nd i l im far im ion ii a personal skln gihis cft love- t cikvfs gun r to 10 lbs in w i p tr t irnoiu hi dth andt wiiftht bu ld r ostnx tonic tab- 1 s intrtxluctory jtet acquaint- tl 7 mlv rflt alt druuklsts b- i work refreshed the acton free press classified advertising rates now in fhftt v thar1 orninnounctnnntj of bisaths marri iji s i athi und i nlakn nts in mrmorura me plus lie per line for vermes articles for sale rent etc 2c a w ord minimum cash 35e lf asl paid until after tnmeruan me box no to this offlee lse addlusnal coming ttnts 10c per count line win 30c minimum all classified advertlsesaemls saus4 rescb the offlee bfr pn on wednesdsr your eyes deserve the best coniull r m bell i ragittarad oplematrltt phona 22rl3 erin farnworth memorials slnuuau at maaaimta rrloca cemetery letterino klara tul al caautory qlllua ont s

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