Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1951, p. 5

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thursday september 27 1ssi the acton free press acton ontario paqe rrvw 6142 students in 60 public schools of tfie 6142 pupils attending achoouf in halton county thbt fait mnny ar looking forward to the completion of alx hew schools or additions which are cither under onstnictlon or for which tenders have already been let 1 new accommodation which will soon be ready for occupancy in cludes on addition of two kinder garten rooms to glen wood school and addition of five rooms and auditorium to east turlington school a new school in trafalgar township of neyen room till auditorium n new school at georgetown of six rooms and an auditorium nn addition at acton of six rooms and on auditorium and a new school at oakville of 12 rooms as well as an auditorium manual training and home eco nomics room xhe new schools arc not tho re sult of a sudden spree for in tho inst five years eight buildings were completed in connection with hal- ton schools glen wood school of 12 rooms and an auditorium bur lington central of seven rooms oakville brautwood of five rooms and oakville westwood of seven rooms wore all built at glen williams one- additional room in a three roomed school was ad ded at strftjthacona in nelson township four additional rooms at linbrook in trafalgar three ad ditional rooms and at bronte six additional rooms as well as more schools there arc more pupils now higher en rolment necessitates the new ad ditions and schools this years 142 pupils arc quite an increase fiwmlhp 4 155 in thn noimtv fluff slated to meet thorold on saturday in hamilton lo decide which club will continue in the ont bantam baseball playdowns the acton bantam club i pictured here after defeating thorold in the second game of tho series in tho evont acton loses the first game saturday another game will follow immediately in order to finish tho series saturday from left to right dr sirrs paul lawson allan holmes john graham ken blow harold stalling john cunningham ross morton harry lawson coach front row don wilds bob heatley peter hurst bill skilling ted footitt bob coon hugh sirrs peter lawson bat boy half usual crowd brave ram at fair contintid from pagm one altogether there arc go schools in holton nnd the number of teachers including manual train ing home economics and music teachers totals 101 for the school year 105152 more pupils more teachers more schools only statistic not available is how much more these 6142 ore learning than in previous years kangaroo for din not at a special luncheon recently arranged in melbourne the main course consisted of braised kang aroo steaks cooked with herbs claret and mushrooms after being marinated in vinegar and apices for a week before cooking the meat was said to have a delicious and distinctive flavour and it is hoped that in time a new australian food industry will develop from the ex ports of canned kangaroo to great britain and the united states how and why of group is told knox church pyps jjcld their usual weekly meeting on tuesday 25th opening with the presidents call to worship kne hansen rend the scripture nnd isabel ritchie nnd elmn bruce led in prayer after the business period of the society was over bill bell nnd douglas davidson gave nn interest- young peoples bill bell took tho why of young peoples nnd douglas davidson the how crawford douglns taught the so ciety a round choral bells and then played a pinno sold the heather on the hill from brigo- doon many varied progams are being planned snakes have as many as 300 pairs of ribs clearing auction sale res jersey and shorthorn cattle tamwarth nags poultry ferguson tractor and equipment imple ments and grain campbell ville by carolyn offices call of the wild goose bettys father was increasingly annoyed by the way her dates drove up to the house and honked loudly for her to come out finally he announced that bettys young men must come to the door for her with due propriety next evening a horn blared as usual upstairs a window flew open and bettys voice was heard calling sorry bill yiufll hpvr to come in father says nn more curb service from lifes like that in the headers digest doit jtamdtom optometki8t 7 st geonges square cuelph complete eyesight service northeast limit of guelph speedvale avenue east montues oct 15 chain lightr ming wed thurs oct 34 merrily we live 0lpkis fla1croin0 2 shows nightly ckljro ijr 12 run free the undersigned have received instructions from n roller to sell by public auction at his farm on town lipo- between nelson and trafalgar townships three and a half miles north of no 5 high way 5 miles south of milton on wednesday october s at 130 oclock the following cows and young cattle 1 reg jersey cow fresh time of sale 1 reg jersey heifer two and a half years old due nov 10 1 reg jersey heifer two and a half years old due dec 18 1 reg jer sey cow fresh 1 month 1 reg jersey heifer 2 year old duo apr 0 1 re jersev heifer 21 months old bred may 2fl 1 reg- short horn cow greenloaming sue bred uya d downie with her heifer ciff at side 2 months old 1 reg shorthorn heifer greenloaming kitn bred july 14 1 grade jersey cow frish in auk not bred 2 qride jersey heifers two nnd n half years old due to freshen in niu- 1 grade jersey cow milking bred june 19 1 grade jersey cow milking bred july 1 grade jersey heifer 2 years old bred july 19 1 grade jersey heifer 10 months old open 1 grade jersev heifer six and a hnlf months old i grade jersev heifer calf 2 months old 1 reg jersey heifer 21 mas old open maple sires have been used on this herd this year gov ernment blood test sheet will be presented dnv of sale poultry hogs and grain 1000 bus this year oats 1 tarn- worth sow with litter bv side 1 york sow due in oct 1 tnm worth sow bred 2 weeks 5 young tam- worth sows 6 months old fl tarn- worth hogs ready for market 220 pullets comlng into production 10 acres of sjlenge corn if not prev iously sold tractor and implements ferguson tractor on rubber with lights and hydraulic lift ferguson 5furrow plow ferguson power lift tractor disc ferguson power lift seed harrows ferguson power mower ft ferguson power side rake ferguson nower grain and fertilizer drill 13 dbc ferguson manure loader farm implements ftc tractor or ear 2wheel trailer cockshutt rubbed tired farm wag on power cockshutt cream seoar- ator set of sloop sleighs wheel cultivator mil mower 3 ft cul- tinaeker dump rake hav tedder rubber tired wheel borrow hnnd lawn mrtwer electro pail electric fencer no of redar posts quantity of lime and cement roll of chicken fence nil barrels roll of wire fence 9 wire 2 roll of barbed wire n of steel po-ts- locuinc chains a no of henvv honse doors ouantirv of iinhalt roofing- quan tity of new lumber forks shovel hirs etc these implemens are motlv ill new within the past 10 months some hiv never been used terms cish settlement with cvrk dav of sain no reserve as tic farm n for sale ind the proprietor is giving up farming tho walls have regained their nor mal color minus posters and the students have regained their nor mal habits minus speeches and secret voting the literary society held its first meeting last wednesday it was decided that the executive should meet and divide the mem bers into newspaper program athletic and social committees wow that the warm flays seem to be nearly over the students will befacing pt periods at the ymj1 ca tfi ive heard several rumors con cerning when our rugby team is going to play a game but so far there has been nothing definite the boys think they can lick any body and arc practising hard so the students expect some good re sults monday morning brought many students to school with coughs sneezes and sniffs after they had spent a rainy day at the fall fair but all concerned seemed to have enjoyed the fair despite bad wea ther nothing exciting has happened around the school this week bqt i hope we enn cook up a good col umn for next week pay for comfort hindley i phone 19rs geo currle and elliott auctioneers rook wood and 1t7j milton clerk b112 you have the most comfortable tiltback chairs i ever sat in i commented to the elderly proprii tor of a homey little motel she smiled enigmatically as she thantt- ed me later that evening i mis- sed my trunk key vvhijch had beuri in my trouser- pocket and i re membered the tiltback chair i found my key under the cushion plus about 70 cents that had fallen out at the same time sewn to the bottom of the cushion was this note- all coins falling from the pockety of men sitting in this comfortable chair are donated to the local or phanage to assist children who havent it as easy as you have the orphanage has been doing pretty well on that chair my land lady told me i urge every guest who stops here to give his feet u rest never found one yet who ob jected to this new kind of tax ation the readers digest funeral attended by lodge members last rites were paid when the late lewis herman passed away ii toronto at the home of his daugh ter mabel and was buried at st johns anglican church cemetery with service in the church rev n porritt officiated and the mas- left to mourn are mrs aiec burns toronto mrs clarence ferguson toronto mrs albert murdoch windsor lewis of mil ton also six grandchildren pall- beorers were albert stewart david- fraser gordon mcpholl john howard melville agncw and rob ert inglis at st davids presbyterian church campbellville on sunday rev j sutherland christened john bonnie and lc roy inglis children mr and mrs douglas in g i is garnet arthur mitchell son of mr and mrs jtom mitchell j sympathy of the community is extended to mrs fred garrett j during the recent loss of her bro- j ther george allan of milton also to mrs john peacock whose hus band passed awny this week late in april early next sunday when tlie town and sur rounding countryside nritch- td onto daylight saving time lujt april those uio forgot ro set their watche and clocks ahead an hour were m u most embarrassing position sunday morning arriving at church exactly an hour late any who found with am azement that this had hap pened irill be able to redeem themselres this sunday sep tember 30 if they apalu or- tft the rtmv cianoc theyll in it church just an hour oefdry ereryimtr else the hour is gained in the whole district at 2 a m sun day morning by proclama tion it was lost on sunday morning april 20 acton ians attend u of t western continuing their education this year are several acton high school graduates miss mary sirrs is at western university studying public health nursing on a scholarship leno braida who was awarded a bursary at guelph collegiate and vocational institute begins this fall at the university of toronto a demonstrator at the university of toronto is jack mamprize who is also working on his m a degree aldo braida is studying this year at osgoode hall toronto george elliott returns this week to hts course at victoria college university of toronto and fred euringer is enrolled nt the same university taking mathematics- and physics john agar and ron hemsley are continuing their courses at ovc in guelph andy nicol is studying business administration at western university doreen cole is attending hamil ton normal school of this years graduates bob bruce is employed at malfbn don davidson working at the cream ery in acton and lorraine mullen at the bank of montreal jean sin clair is at home and anthony buck- jand l- employed in the chemical lab of goodrich rubber co car rolls twice driver in hospital mr dorothy hillock was taken to brampton hospital after the car she was driving rolled over twice on hp ashgrove side road between ashgrove and norval shortly after midnight on sunday mrs hillock suffered head lac- eratums and chest injuries she was treated in the brampton hos pital the car she was driving whs a 1950 convertible damage to the car was estimated at 500 neighbours friends present tea service coffee table a large group of friends and neighbours of the misses annie and hsalu stoutf met at bo ne school on septenftut isilji on the occasion of their depart ureii their new home in kitchener after an enjoyable time was spent at cards they were presented with a beautiful silver tea service and a coffee table having lived in the community all their lives they will be sadly missed by their friends at bqne brown echo won ihe high jump class caesar owned by lome mnsales was second miichievtoui owned by tho smiths was third and picadllly owned by adey wll- kinion was fourth best pony wafl mr barleys entries for first nnd second nnd robert kerr nnd son were third best saddle home wns shown by chrlitlne colley nnd charles flet cher won second place best lady rider was chris floteher second mrs normnn smith nnd third jill prnmc mr and mrs smith won the knockdown nnd out clnss nnd nlso look second place with mist wil kinsons entry third nnd mr stan leys entry fourth prie winners in the field classes are given else where in tills issue other features oldest person nttending tho fnlr was 02yenroid j h smith of gait a former president nnd oho of the original directors of actons first fair mrs e dawson of oil springs enmo from the longest dis tance best decorated doll carriage with costumed girl was won by sandra hargrnve with judy thompson of mijt second david hnrgrnve hnd the best costume nnd decorated tricycle twenty boys gulped pie in the pie eating contest with jim wol- mnn first tom onkley nnd bob coxe in second nnd third positions pat stcrrltt and teresa arhlc won the freckled face contest for girls and don dawson of guelph ricky ironsides and bob coxc were ndfudgod thn bovi wh h b donkey and conducts the game throughout the province he was loud in his praise of tho flnu co operation of the local piny on and hey certainly made the game eri- tcrtnining concluding feature of the two big days of acton fair wui the dunce in tho town- hall hero too n fine crowd was reported gate receipts of nil events oxcept sat urday afternoon were nbout the usual nmounjs nnd quite satisfact ory medical stntlsllci show cooooq canadians suffer from arthritis or iliejimntlam- hope to make kindergarten tea annual home and school event the decision if the executive life home nnd school association to hold a tea for tho mothers of kindergarten pupjls was carried out last tuesday afternoon with about 60 mothers accepting the invitation the parents observed class work which wns under tho direction of tho kindergarten teacher mis dorothy cnpper and then wer served refreshments by members of the home nnd school associat ion misi m z bennett podred the associatign hopes to mako this tea nt the opening of tho choolyenr n n specials flowering bulbs imported direct from holland by hlrttont 5c to 100 store we ofor you tho best quality of hol land grown bulbs we can buy our prices on this stock are even lower than you pay for much inferior grades of holland bulbs tho reason is we import direct and pass on the savings to you buy early for the best selec tion darwin tulips red pink white yellow r 9 doz our and most numerous fnvkles donkey baseball to round out jhe fair program an extra feature was introduced i thin yenr when donkey baseball made its first nppearnnce hi acton- it proved a hit with the crowd who were convulsed with laughter dur ing the entire gnme success for this pvent was due in large meas ure to the fine sportsmanship of the teams captained by garnet mckenfcle and mac sprowl for town nnd farmers respectively score was in favor of the farmers team and the only kicking was by the donkeys the feature ww a bqb smith event who owns the nprar 59c doz cecil a carr optometrist gueiph 8 douglas st tel1091 parrot tulips fantasy reg 120 doz our price 09c doz fosterina tulips for border or rock garden reg 2 for 25c our price 1 be each 119 doz hyacinth bulbs mixed colors reg 2 for 25c our price 10c each 119 doz crocus bulbs mixed blue purple lilac reg 39c doz our price 25c doz yellow white striped blue reg 59c doz our price 39c doz daffodils king alfred yellow mpvrmrsinn doublerellow kiligrew short cupped reg 120 doz our price 89c doz jonquils req 98c doz our price 59c doz paper white narcissus reg 120 doz our prico 89c doz grape hyacinth or mascari rog 49c doz our price 25c doz snowdrops single rag 98c doz our price 59c doz double rog 120 doz our price 89c doz also lawn grass seed vigoro and regale lilies hintons 5c 100 store mill st acton way to ifh5hrl 1 housewives and homoownart ara constantly facad with tho probum of incraaso in prices to make use of tho opportunities presented by merchants in price re ductions shop through the advertisements in your hometown papor each w lj the various merchants advertise bargain buys which will help you get mora for your money classified advertisements assist in cutting down on expense tea if you have some article still in good condition but no longer of use to you a clas sified advertisement in this paper will bring surprising results and increased j advertisements supply the shopper with a survey of bargain buys i shop through the advertisements in the acton free press phone 220 main st

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