Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1951, p. 8

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tagx xk2rt the acton free press acton ontario thursday 6bptemdeb 27 ltwl ii ii annum atfdreaxeg halton federation if nny government thinks of clnmpink prire control on food wftlimitntthe mirm limupiiuint controls on wntfes and profits it in tfoini to hear from farmcrs orjfnn- jzed ojrheuhuro will fijjht rind the jfovcrnmontvill have n bigger row on its hnndi than it now hns with uui clamour forprico con trolc this wns the statement of dr h h hnnnnm mbe president of the canadian federation of agri culture addressing a halton farm audience at the town hall milton on thursday evening of last week it wns the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the organization of the halton branch of the ontario federation of- agriculture in support of his statement on control prices dr hannam pointed out that from the viewpoint of nn abundance of all kinds of good wholesome food at ronoonable prices the canadian consumer is one of the most fortunate anywhere ip the world food prices are not high in relation to other prices or in relation to wage rates or to the profits being made by industry mast food he stated in terms of hours of work required to purchase when we compare average hourly earnings in manufacturing industries with average prices of staple food products this fact ls borne out to suppor his conten- tion dr hannam pointed out that the average price for milk paid by the canadian consumer in lfl19 was 111 cents per quart whereas on june 1 1051 it was 1dj cents per quart in the case of butter the average price paid by the canadian con sumer in 1930 was 29 3 cents per pound and on june 1st of 1951 the average price was bfl cents in contrast to this the average hourly wages paid in canadian manufacturing industries was 42v cents in 1939 and on june 1st of this year the average hourly wage paid in industry was 1158 cents in other words in 1939 it took 15 fi minutes of working time on the part of the industrial worker to make enough money to purchase one quart of milk while in 1051 it took only 10 1 minutes of working time to purchase the same article in the case of butter it took 412 minutes of working time to bu one pound of butter in 1939 while in 1051 35 2 minutes of working time purchased the same amount of j butter others who can control their production stated dr hannam and ivhn do set or help establish their price or wage levels have been more responsible for the hifih price structure of today than has the firmer labour stated the speaker uses the strike to force wagi and maintain them industry use doubtedly are arent we all help ing them out by paying taxes for family allowances canada paid round three hundred million dnl- hir-in-faiiiily-nhowiinces-lftst-yrrtr- yhy should sutisidles on food lu urged and not subsidies on other things it is humiliating to the farmer stated dr hannam to be picked mil af t he on ly one who is not- entitled to a fair exchange value for his product in the market place and why he added should the milk distributing companies refuao to accept the ruling of an official milk board in respect to the far mers price it may be that they are making the mistake of think- ink the milk industry should be run in the interests of the milk distributor this large meeting of halton farm folk for which m j brown president of the halton federation was chairman was thrilled and de lighted by dr hannams logical and clear presentation which also dealt with some of the accomplishments of the canadian federation of agri culture and also of the interna- j ttonal federation of agricultural producer- of the world of which dr hannam had also been presi- in short those in attendance went home feeling that their in terests were in sife hands wtth a man of herb hannams sane sound and energetic leadership at the head of the canadian federation of agriculture continue penta care in county dr george k clarke who serv ed as public health dentist with the halton county health unit until the end of july has now gone into private practice in ottawa specializing in the care of children it has not been possible to replace him the faculty of dentistry uni versity of toronto is prepared however to cooperate in further ing the work begun by dr clarke in the child health centres dr glenn t mitton associate profes sor of dental public health will supervise the child health centre program seven centres in the county will be covered each month it was reported this week by this means services of dental health education to the children and par ents will be continued in the coun ty in addition three dental stu dents will attend each conference where they will have an opportun- t see an educational program in public health dentistry actually i in operation i for the past two years halton county health unit has by means llp a national health grant had the usl seivues of a public health trained resale price maintenance nn on v i dentist llis work has been prim- to establuh their own prices n eo-t- i i anlv that of education and survev sinners but also to fi margin for the distributor- in between resale price maintenance he added ii n form of price fmng if the bustn ess want free enterpiise and want fanner and othei to com- the child health centies the pete in competitive market why dentist has inierwewcd the moth- dont he do so themsvlves heis ansu eied then questions about asked resale pruv maintenance tooth development mouth habits ought to tie made illegal and pro- etc and has advised them in le- seeuted as a restraint of trade i glvtv to milt num oral h giene etc suited di hannam in m opiituui mjted tin- speaker theie aie jius many low income farm families- as there are low income urban families and todo because of a high pruv structure mam farm families have to do without lots of things that are considered ordliltrv necessities in the average urban home if some food puces an high for the low ineonu laie families- as thev un- originally his efforts wei e confm- led to the school age group in tlu past veai much time was spent on infants and preschool childieii uluough the child health centres for their eluldieii thisseivuv has been most enlhusiaslicall v lectlved l tlu paients ihllfl- iespoisibie fol iage of slage new bloweis now on the ad the ehoppoit- mat- to gt a tight pack puvent spoilage v is- i v go fob broke mgms grat successor to famed battle ground stars von johnson and tho heroes of the 442nd regimen tal combat team ig as punchpacked a story as has ever come to the roxy screen in a long timel see it monday on standard timel jt s jtolde optometrist 7 douglas st guelph eyes examined glasses fitted chronicles of ginger farm written specially lor the acton free preat l gwendoline v curke cml snvi our kiwi wehnvi hoard mil ik thiiii- wunls wi of ten havent uu md nlmnsl a often have pud llllk- alulltlop to llioir mennmirbut now quite mi1- kiily ihiv have taken on much n tinlflcancy nnd nnirt f u- fashion hint will hi snying liternlly unci enrn- estly god save mifkliik- few can doubt thnt the king is urgentlv in need of the prnyri of his people ns also nro the physician and ffurgconn attending him uneasy lies the head that weavw a crown who can doubt it after seeing recent press photographs f our present kintf i wonder how th duke of windsor feel when he sees the tlrod haraased appearance of the brother who took over the responsibilities which he relin quished for purely personal rea sons if and when princess kli7abelh and the duke of edinburgh do come to canada perhaps the illnsi of the king will cause us in can ada to be a little more restrained in our welcoming demonstrations 1 am mire less bunting nnd nion consideration would be gnatlv np- youll find it really handy to travel by but right from downtown in your town to down town in any town along the route for business or pleasure the main street landing is tops in travel convenience plan your next trip by bus youll enjoy it r round trif new york 2225 washington 2440 chicago 2155 subject to change surcharge extra itbcand lnforn harold mies prec tiy ihe their arduous tour and how did everyone enjoy the leturn to summer lami vvu if you like hot weather yon could inve had my share as well as your own i prefer fall weather thatjias a little tang to it it was loo had it rained so heavily on saturday two fall fairs and three wed dings in this district and the wea therman had to put on an act like that but there was another affair last week with which the weather did not attempt to t interfere at all the annual meeting of the county federation of agriculture nt which dr h h hannam mbe- was the giiest speaker partner nnd i were both on hand to hear dr hannam who has done so much in the in terest of farmers partner had heard him address a meeting some years ago but it was the first time i had either seen or heard him we were both very favourably im pressed dr hannams obvious sin cerity nnd his delightful sense of humour were particularly pleasing and he is about the only speaker 1 ever heard who could quote stat istics and still hold the interest of his audience apparently he is ab solutely unbiased politically ns he promised stiff opposition fo any government who tried to put con trols on farm products without placing controls on other goods nnd services that you may have heard on the radio as jack dennet jump ed the gun and quoted dr han nams remarks before he had even given them nothing slow about our newscasters dr hannam mentioned his ot tawa staff of six including himself two assistants and three secretaries six to look after national and internationil marketing problems for organized canadian agricult ure a voluntary tax especially for the ffderit ion of agmulture is paid by nianv rural municipalities which i collected from the farmer per hap it might serve a better purifcim if more of it went to dr hinnamv department and less were used for local projects if more for the teenagers a tjnger tip length coat for the nippy fall dnysj this flyfronted storm coallct luw n snug round mouum collar nnd cosy pile lining also note the nont- ly flapped pocket and button cuf fed sleeves the right kind of coat for the high school rugby games as well as nilpurpose school wear its the fall version of your sum mer shortie funds were available to dr han nam he would have a better chance for expansion in the splendid work he is doing not only for agriculture but foff humanity by a more equ able distribution of food to other parts of the world there was not loo big a crowd at last weeks meeting and how i la m his ui f tnncl i i actons early days we are pleased to announce that we now have upproxinmtely 25 copies of actons early days avail able at a price uf 5 00 each tins weltbound book of nearly 300 pages has not been available fi tht past fivt or six ars we uttf able however by reprinting some paqes to itktko a limited number of copfes of actons recollec tions available arui just received these copies from the tock kndors list friday orders v i be filled as re ceived while ine 25 copies last when these- are sold no more copies will be available and we hjve had these copies bound in an effort to meet the requests of tnose v ho were not able to secure copies previous ma71 orders should be accompanied by cash or cheque mailing is tncluded m the price we sugges that you place your order early to avoid disappoint ment copies rtitike very fine gifts for christmas or any other occasion t sit artmt jfrrr jlrrbb rrort to be piesent we flt the one who were absent missed so much or hannam has such a won derful personality friendly ap proachable and aleit just to see ind hear him inspires confidence wih dr iluinam at the helm you fel that agriculture is less likely lo become canadas forgotten in dustry- i heard several remark upon dr hannams changed appearance from a slim young fellow he had changed to a broad thickset man it occurred to me that the breadth of his shoulders had developed from the load they had hod to carry for so many years and to change the subject an editorial in one of our daily papers raised the question where are the old sqbgs i would like to add to that question and ask where are the old hymns in our church as in others the ten dency ls towards newer and less familiar hymns to me the old hymns are the best not only for their content but by association with ones childhood and with those who have passed away not only that with old hymns all the con gregation joins in the singing un familiar hymns and most of the singing ls left to the choir giving you a sort of unsatisfied undefined longing looking for a dwelling take your choice from theie while price are reatonable owner occupied and poneliton given secure your fulure by getting nettled in your own homo small holding22 acres good garden soil aclon and georgetown district near highway on open county road dwelling with large garage attached small fruits barn with equipment for bees wagon tractor almost now prico completo 550000 reason for soiling illhealth of owner fjirje room dwellingwith semidetached garage partly divided and rented conveniences right in centre of town close to churches schools and business districts 650000 only half needed balance at 5 first mortgage cut stone 5creenedin verandah collar divided possession given for availablerooms double semidetached brick dwellings one side con sisting of 5 rooms and bath othor part consists of 7 rooms and bath which could bo made into two apartments idoally located in good residential district close to both highways good view and well landscaped seven room house in rockwood 1 minute to bus service and high school bus to guelph and no 7 highway land consists of threefifths of an acre twopiece bath hot and cold water never failing well deep well electric pressuro pump hardwood floors full length screened in porch overlooking beautiful scenic view garage and stable vvry reasonably priced heated by hot air forced draft fume house is in excellent state of repair modernized wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors i wlglh in h kfxnn winnw n ii wrlcht office- cd macdonnell st gurlpli rlmnr 9i3w yes w have others aswell as small holdings and building lots notice to creditors and others in the estate of thomas nodwell all persons having claims arnlnst the estate of thomas nodwell late of the town of aeton in llrc county of halton manager he- ceased who died on or about the eiishtcenth day of june 1031 are reciuned to send pnrlieulirs and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the twentyninth dav of september 1951 when the assets wil be distributed among the pers on legally entitled thereto having regard only to the cliims whuh shall have been filed dated at acton ontario this twelfth day of september 1051 c f lealherland acton ont n103 solicitor fbr the cxeeutors notice to creditors and others in the estate of andrew james altkrn all peisons having elainis against the esljte of andrew james aiktn late of the tuwishlp of krin ll ihe tmintv of wellington cjenlimai detea d who dud cm or about the sis h day of mareh i1 are lrililid to fini paitliiilil and piuifs thereof to the lllltlei g i d hifue the twentwunth dav of si iti mtiel lflil when the av s will he d sir but d among the po sons legalls entitled thel to ll imlg ird onle to the el urn- v hi h sll 1 have been filed llited it aelin ontaii ill twlfth dav of septemh r lfil cuii 1 atkn a n i aeton i iio c ieithi1 ui i aeton o ltar 10l kxeeil ers moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 27sj acton presented in joint recital for your entertainment the commodores popular male qurtotte of concert and radio fame with edgar g00daire well known concert and radio organist at the consolo of the wurlirzer electric organ st davids presbyterian church campbellyille october i 1951 com vi jcf p m ajtt ainiimon 1 hi lhidrfn under 12 50c milt t 111- inr mij r mi kifslif u l ti hiv hi j r- of mi t j miluitl liui uu ill- u ah jjitiuilt fin uistd every week is thrift week in the want ads

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