thursday september 27 ibm the acton free press acton ontario page wptk report increase in house building starta on e6ruttructip of nw dweuintf unit in the first six month of tho ycur in ontario were le200 nil lncreosn from 13 221 in the same period in 10m tho dom inion bureau of stutlhtle roporb for cnnndti the total wujf 38 4a5 compared with 42h0 in the um period in 1050 halfyear eompletlon in ontario rose to 18 062 unite from 12240 number of dwellings in varlout htnuth of conntrucuon at tho end of june thu ytar in ontario was 21 215 compared with 23 mis 11 yen nuo second province in line was qui hoc with m 850 compared with 14 0114 a year ntfo 11 perfect tea is so easy to make with sa1ada list prize winners at fall fair in many well contested sections coitiitxut tl from paoe six funnrd unri ivriwrveol lrwlttcu strnwlu rrh s mrfl ft whet le w fry or mrs t awn y rasp bi rrlc ii w i ryt r tj thornton llmebouse w i peaches w frvei mm l staufft r mrn ft whet li r peats mm i jnck ion w rr r mrs i j stnuffi i cheriits lim jiouil wi w 1 ryt r mm j aw rty plums mm l jnckson mrn j awrty w i i yi t rhubnrh mm t awn y w my i mm l stnuffi r tomntots w 1 1 yt i mrn n nobtrt son mm f milltr tomnto juitt w fryer mis n noburlson mrn li stauffer peas xi l davidson mm j awrcy mm l stnuffcr cprn w fryer mrfl l stauffer take notice the period of daylight saving time for the town of acton will end on sunday september 30th at 2 a m this is in conformity with the surrounding municipalities which revert to standard time at this time e g tyler mayor bilt0n and perry limited plumbara suim fitter tlntmlbts we carry a complete stock of furnace pipes steel pipes oavestroughing toilet outfits basins sinks baths furnaces oil burners etc we sail direct office showroom and plant 126 main street north phone 464 acton mm j awroy gooseberry jam w fryer mrn l stnufftr mrs j aw rty strawberry jnm mrs j aw rcy mm l stnuffcr mm e mil ler raspberry j mj k- stnuf ftr l thornton llmehouso w 1 blnck currant jnm w frytr mrs l jackson mm r l davidson applt jolly mrs t stnuffcr w fryor mrs l jnckson crnbnpplc jtlly mrs l stnuffcr mrs ft l davidson currant jelly limthoufit wi w frytr mrs r l davidson ornnjje mnrmnlndt mrs l jnckson mrs l stnufftr rhubnib mnrmnlndo w frytr mrs r t davidson mri i- jnckson picklwi onions w frytr mn j awrty nint dnv pick it h mrs n robertson w tijr mm r l dnvidson mustard bi nn pickle mrs r l dnvidson mrs j awiuy w v i t r tomato cntsup mis 1 jnckson mm i stnuffi r mrs r whtthr brtnd nnd butter picku stnuffcr snlnd dnssinj mrs n robf i tson mrs l jnckson mis r sptclnltf homi mndt br nd mm i jackson dm k inyi r enke mrs it patterson chocolntt layer cnk mm n robi rtson ilkhl lnyer coke mrs j awrev blue ribbon tin biscuits mm l jnckson mm i tnuffu mm r whttler moult invt r enki mm r mill r mm l jackson domestic compttition pit mr i r wluiln mis n robtrt pon mrs i stnuffi i enki mm r pa ttei fon mm n robei tson mrs j awn v homecraft quilt plectd m mccrtndy mis jl l dnvidson quilt applique mrn x stauffpr mrs j awroy quilt fnncy mrs j awroy mm j a rnblnpnn quilt piocod and ap- h4fon agricultural societys 99th annual county fair at wilton friday and saturday september 28th and 29th over 3500 00 in prizes special attractions 50000 in races 2 27 pace 25000 classified pace 250 00 livestock exhibit special holstein jersey and guernsey dairy cattle show boyi calf club in guernsey nolitam jertey shorthorns boys and girls club work and junior farmers section robinson i babs show display of w i work boys and girls exhibits milton junior band f admiuion to grounds 50 cants in town hall it a c t in town hall saturday night l n n v li catiidhav mirut saturday night admimon 50 cents d ividson norm madi smp mrs h jnckhon w fryi r mrs i stnuffi r domrhtlc selrnce whiu brend mri l jackson umihouuc w i mrs f mllkr plain bunr mrs r clirtir mrs l jackson llmehouso wi chiltea buns mrs c miller ten biscuits mrs l stnurfcr mrs l jackson mrs r patterson bran muffins mrs e miller mrs n robertson mrs r whttler sponel cake m mccready mrs j awrcy onrcl cake mrs j awrcy mrs r pat tlrson mrs e miller chocolau cake mrs j awrcy mrs r car ttr tarts 2 arktks mrs n ro btrtson mrs e milkr mrs l jackson butter tarts mrs n ro b rtson mrs l jackson w fryer cookies mrs n robertson mrs r whulir mrs l jnckson apple pie mis l stiufftr mrs n ro b rlson mrs l jackson nnsin pie mrs n robe i tson mrs i jaekson mrs aun li mini pie m mecre ich mrs n rouitsnn w iti pumpkin pu mrs n rub rlson mis r carter mrs i aere d it bri id mis w e iiurunshiu m mccitidv mrs r pitteison ippltsiuei e ike mrs n roberlsim w htr mrs j auu mi i liri id w trier m mccrad ii l uixidsun mc cookies mis n robertson mrs r pittersnn mrs w e buru nsliuw siliiinn unf vv imr mrs r pal tiisun mrs j arci cheese dish mis r uluilu w iier mrs j ai wmtble pi m mrs n riibiitsim mis r l j3 imiisi n auction sale dairy cattlt daiul fcquipmtvt hay gums corn tin limli isinid bile ricinid ins ructions from william miltov to sill b pubhe iiietlon it his firm lot con 5 ti of espies me on tutsttai october 2nd at 2 oiliek the following cmtjjr 1 r1 holsttin eon fitsh st pt 5 1 ree holsttin cov hint timi of silt 1 ittr holsttln a frtsh auk 20 1 htii holsttin tow milklnj brtd junt 7 1 llij holsttin ctiu mllkini brtd apr hi 1 hit holsttln htlftr brtd mn 2 1 uer holsttin ht itt r brtd m i ji 1 rtk holsttln huftr i ilf 7 months old 1 tride holsttin t nt diu unit of silt 1 unide ho it in tow nillkiiir brtd apr 9 i hi idi holsttin tow frtsh auit 111 1 ur idt holsttin cow milking bud mir jo 1 rik guernst t w iiiilkinr brtd tunt 12 1 fndi gili rn ii tow milking bri d st pt 10 m idi hi isti in huftr cilvts lit m nths old 1 cnidi holsttin hi ft r ilf h months old 1 pndt ii 1st in bull cilf miph unit null ilid in this h rd bi md t t i t il k s iuii pn ions ti silt da1u kjlipmfnt wind ni lki ir ill i h in 2 urn mot r nnd i pini d i ilt r 6 t m bo h n t i lltn i ntitidn i hhi 1 i r t f ood t lrn n fjjtv f nit piii usl sild 200 til v t nd nittiik ilfilfr fioo i il ill 1 ln 10 t n low mix 1 lin 1001 bus ths s i on oit i if rms cish s ttlmin with il fk dii if ill n i n r is tht pr prit t ir i pu t hi th d i r bus n ss nt rt i1im1i r wd fi i iott uttlonterv ph in 1lrt lli kmd od 1 mil in c currn tli rk b ii 2 a dixon president mrs g e readhead sec treas phone 266 1 4 adds zest to the hour pllquo mrfl j a robinson mrs it rohurtiion quilt nursery doslun mrs l stauffor mrs j awrey bedspread croc hot or knit mri r cartor bedaprd any dnlai mr e miller m mccrendy tablecloth mrs r cnrtor mrs footitt af- khnn mra w burtenshnw mrs l suuffer wool rue shirley elliott betty bauer rnr nir alex mc gregor betty bauer ten towels mm r cnrtor mrs n robertson pillow cases embroidered m mc crendy mrs n robertson pillow i in th ince trimmed m mccrendy mrs h robt rtson pillow enses jpphqui m mccrtndy mrs j a robinson guest towels si vtrwood wi shiihy fluolt plnce i mats mrs n robtrtsnn mis fooliu bi idiit stt mrs n robi rtson mis t awrev bruit vi r mrs n robot tson mi s r cm u r clu sttifield s t mis r cniltr tm wood wi shirli v i llintt tttttnt siktrwood w i mis r c uur knilluik bij sihiruood wi lnnthousi wi shopping bir sil c i w ood w i mi s r cirti r put st limchoust w i tin cosy mrs a robinson mrs n robert son nikhl dnss mis n robi rtson mrs i awrty bed jneket mrs c f lenthdrlnnd limchoust w i houst drtss mrs n robertson mrs j awrey pyjnmns mrs stnufftr mrs j awnj mother nnd dnuph ttr apron mrs j awrey mrs g hargrove prncticil npron m mc crtndy fnncv npron mrs l jnckson w fryer shirt lime houst w i mrs stauffor child s drtss mrs stnufftr mrs e miller smocktd dress mrs g harrnvc pln suit mrs j awrty coirst socks mrs e milur mrs r cnr ttr fini pliin socks mrs j aw rty mrs stiuffer fint f incv socks limchoust w i mrs r c irttr diamond socks mrs l j ickson mrs r cirtti cjovis mrs r wht oler mrs l st lliffer sin it ss sun ttr i irruhousi w i mrs foolitt b ib s bonni t md jitkit knit mrs n rolx rlion mts r cutti b ib s bonntt nnd j irk t crochi t mrs awn silt r i wood wi mituns c ip md boot ttts mrs c f lmthtrlind mrs fiolitt cirri iit cotr mrs n i hi bt rlson mrs ioolitt pot hold t rs ms n robi i tson mrs c f i i ittu rl md om nulls mrs aw i m mtcu idv bov s pints fi m m n s tiousirs mrs rootitt s frir bov s coil from otrcoit mi s footitt mrs l stnuffi r snmi ihinj m w from sonu thini id mis aw ii sil crvmkid w i il th s pin b ik mrs awn mrs j it kson stuff d fett shirk v fl lutt mrn milui si 1 sin 11 jiwtl ki rrtr mrs n robtrtsnn tot ud hind b it siuirw od n i k tlur irtitli mrs c r l itht r 1 md spi ci ils colli it ion t uic work mis 1ootitt mis j a robinson liwlti mis n robi rtson mrs jiititt nuilt articles mrs foot lit silwrwnod wi christniis trft rtitks mrs n r ibinson shirley rlhott mw c inidiun displ ly spteiil imntion mrs j m school ciiiliris work ivnmanfthlp gridi 1 jimmie rot ronald 1 mi dn ild robirt dt nn gnih j mm ui ka bi t rk v holmi s anne w itkim gr idi 3 theodore zions kenneth rotz i illiun phil lips gr idi 4 margaret morriso birbiru daidsin sijl thomp sin gridi i i itsv rsttr gill de bbu gordon holims gride 0 brian runs john bri w n shirk v awrt fii i li bruce stun audn v currn dim sichijsin ci idi h maijorit mcdon ild t inn rmhii mm m t n rt c i ide 1 el n i i iti i cr ik 1 bill smf id i nun mru tr ni s tt gi id 4 stinlutk tkt n d tl kuki itutk uor nn mil nil i b irbn i t urn gink 5 ia r mn rnd urru r idi n skin glide t jim hrbo ji lui bre w n k i nil ti n gi i k shujev giund udrev curru but bent n md lhark mi d hi ki ctik i muv alon kalh kii kirki itiuk anna spitie r i lluit abkm work ilookk gi rhihp t ill i grid 1 i jix b wn 1 inu t ii iu giii 4 bubna c irra i i tin knk patnek gi di 5 mil turrit don- ii mi dm ild gi i it tl jim roibts ka norti n ji hn brown gr id audi t ctu i u c hark s mcdonald grade nmi spiuer kathleen kitkpitiiek lilliun ah kin crfu grarh ft 3 nnd 4 if nvi n trudlu stott grndih i and 1 john brown jim forbes gulden 7 and i lawn ornament don wilds grades 7 nnd 8 household art i tie allan inulen bob di nnls ilnrtli v defonl wayne currle collection knots ilm forbi s bird iiouii don wiklti tl th sim ford toi brown and jim fm hi s basket f low i n mnrjorh mcdon tiki mai km 1 1 mini i on shlik v mtponnld enmlv patricia foati r inpf t ot nnnu n audi v uri u jim i orbi fi tl curl it 1 wood nitith pitti cm rn lohn broun fin pnvtntton posli i gnii dobhli ronnld davidson bnrhnin dyvid iroyr ilantn anil mnurm bouonia any varitty w fryer mrs j awiey mrs g hnrurnvt tuberous begonia mrs j awrty mrs g harjrnve colcous w fryer h l davidson mm g oof grnvi f rn w fryer mrs g hor- gravt i cranium single w fryer geranium double mrs g hor irav house plant mrs r cnrti r mrs g hargravt mrs j awrey oi nnnu ntjil plant g ridley mrs r patte rson mn g hargravt display mra g hnrgrave w frytr asle rs j f poarcn j timbers fr tyer asters display j tim bird w irvtr 12 blooms glndlolt l thornton w fiytr g spiki s gladioli i thornton w fryt i inrjft dahlias r l dnvidson w fiyir nniill dahlias mrs r pat tt rson w i i i r m mcct t nd v pinks display mis r p itt rson stocks displav j f pt in en cosmos displ ly mrs r i dn idson ml s c ailkt n w i i vi r n istut hums it i dmilsin i hplkis phlox ii i davidson mis i slnufft i phlox tiispl iv i i pi inn mis i nuwffwiftaatv pt turn is smtli r i dn idson i i pt inn mis c aitktn petunias doublt j timbiis 7inni is one toluui i orm school i tnnbt t s j timbt rs zinnias b isktt mra c aitktn w irvor vast annuals j crnsty loi nt school mra r pit ttrson floril arranktmi nt mrs l stnuffcr w r rylr mrs g h u grivt flowrr specials white gladioli l thornton liv ink room bouciui t mri l stauffer basket cut flower l thornton centit piece mrs j awrty mri l stauffer wild flowers w frytr j e pearen enjoy warnthome even if short of fuelsupply cash coal loans available at b of m tin rt tomfoit in the thought it h iv inc i full eo il bin will bt f 1 1 the snow fius md vou i l i d t f th it nnoiiiii eh met if bi mj i nith d without hi it tin hijh foiii tfulnexs bet his of tin hiih tost of living uu like in ui othi r c in idian m iy find ou hum t tht n id c uh to 1 1 in i full w inter b supplv of ttial tl its the smut thinj to th it s t is too simpl st t gordon odt r b ink of mon re il m mui r it at tin ibout in itonomitd loin to i i tir foil intmt an ont in ti ui t it p i e in b now it the b of m you em irrmm repiment in t is in tilnutil inti rt si tonus t tt nt i m nth for eich 100 1 ri wid if rep ud in 1 ciju j nn nthl ulstalmi nls iquil to 0 pt r ci nt in t rest pi r innurn tli r no other ch iri whither our in in imounls to more or less th in 100 th s sm ill cast remains pn portitm itt iv the same mikt sure of ket ping our fimily w irm in i snug cheirful home ruxl winttr visit mr oder today whih the m iui r s frish in you- mind auction sale milton livestock market every thursday at 1 pm ho 25 highway mile south op milton watch for sign rarmi nnd hvt stock dmliii an cordinllv invittd to consign tin ti linstock to tlur nun ku highest pi it i i astund horses ipiinku town fn ih tows taiuiiis tutttis fat cows sheep lninbi fat cnttlt itotluis fndim baby bt evi n vi al tnlvc a bolji in ood now h fat m uiekiis iihonls ho us fui hogs nnd nil kinds of poultry c mnfotlabk and aanitntv limldt aclottirnodntion 1 oti of pat king hpaec tf lit li nt and t xpi i it net ti staff tim rnun- iii i mt nt has hud manv tats t xpt rlt net rni thin type of sale plenty tif waiting buveis no sale no commission contlgnmvntt of livestock should be stalled as early as possible morning of sale linn and dance livestock auctioneers pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 watar st north gait tilipiiove zou lphead optometrist eyas examinad sciantiftcally glasses fitted guelph is tit georfta 84 phone 15id eatablulmd m yaan no squinnrl irownd simmy would nvar do whil you vm dano today i bui all i did waa buy flv new moaa plllowa tlottd sophl biawifa dmmhmra mid sammy did wa mid to gat naw mou plllowa no anawaiad sophia but avarybody knowa thaie a a larrlflc ahortaga ot moaa ao mou pll iowa ara galtkng acarcar and car car baaidaa iha pdcaa ara bound to go hiqhar thay cartalnly will if avary body foltowa your axarapla growlad saramy that aort ol buying fuat aonrja piicoa up high ar but what wotrioa me iawhat a happening to our aavlnga savinqm achoad sophia how can wo aavo whon tho coat ot living la hjghnr lhan a douglaa hi talco thla iau bruah for in atanco ten year ago i could buy ono for flvo moaily boochnuta now thoy coat wo horaochoat aula or tako i know i know cut in sammy but wa till naad to aava for iha aama reaaona wa always havo wo va got to kaap adding to our bank accoiinl paying our ufa insurance and buying aavlaga bonds or imava town lmtvm own gaapad sophia for haavsa a aaka why bacauaa aald sammy a vary body think a aqulrrala ara aavara so if paopla find out wa ra not saving thay it aay wa ra not sgujr rasf wa 11 ba asilad banlahad oh daarl axclalmad sophia i navar thought of that i m sorry sammy from now on 1 1 rsaily try to aava avary way lean oak oakl id simmy moral thoss days it la vital ly important for averyona lo aava monoy lo help chock inflation nd to provide for hla own future neoda note to fathms ifmmml i innuimn it your moil lmrwinf lam t nvjny b mum it pfovlde i nncil ircuiity lot your fttmijr si xijr your ptm miumb to luuily ait nmw lilm in unco you nd it ifo lie insurance companies iii gwukj whan you build your nay home wilh scheu product you li know thai it 1 abiolutaly flra- us proof ii will hava charm ond archltactural baauty too bscaua schell blox ond brlx ara aaily adaptabla to any danrad ttyla thar i prolaetion and comfort in a schbx- built homa bacoua of tha imulatlon char octarlitks of iha molanolt utad ma fomou hollow cora principal i ui all schell blox so whan you plan your draam homa ba raolutlc about tha motarial usad order aw rfii schall and ba tut m mm mmmm twtited woodstock ontario c ana ci am toy fllh houioih amd m111voi alllill phona mr jack ridley acton 331 v