Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1951, p. 3

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tkuhsday october lblh 1b51 the acton free press acton ontario 5h0 ilrmnrtal mml a monument built of endur ing granlto or marble sym bolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in aur- roundlnglof peace and boau- ty a tribute of rospect and honor to tho dead a constant sourco of inspiration to tho living from steam to mechanization fire fighting is interesting oakville monument works wtomployrto agents yu py mo commission buy direct a card or letter will bring bur sorolcirrcrvurdooit large display n slock vo colborne street west l9fwii tomato juice s x 8s x5e tangerine juice 2 orange juice 2 27e mooormtokb orawwy cookies 23c tjlim9 surra s b trw8 mt fv fw mi 1yhh valley mk iboz pork beans 0ljtek 2 25e cake mixes ttxbkstb speoial oites l package each of sponge cake and white cake all foe 49c lusnus jelly s wm8 29c puddings ra 3 29e marcene 3 41o bt 28c heinz ketchup baby foodsbhz3i sockeye salmon ub mn 45c swifts pbopuots pka 41c swiftning baby meats 2 43c brookfield cheese 101 pard dog food 2 27c swifts cleanser 13c romar coffee 96c carrolls pka tea bags peanut butter 34c 67c 37c 16oz jab johhsons new hard gloss glo coat pint tin 65c 112 c i l sponges for many household uses shall size 25c medium size i ikm itul 45c bananas lb 19c sinkim hlze u oranges doz45c wi11tk cauliflower lg head 17c hum green cabbage head 10c lrli miuhrooms tomatoe celery splnuh sud crtinberrle special weekend prices arrival of n brund now fire pumpor in acton brlnga to mind tunny recollections of flro fighting in this town wo ctm novcr recall tho time when acton hadnt soma equipment and it muut hnvo been over half n century ntfo when tho titotitn fire engine wn put into fiervlco hore nnd did splendid work until 1024 it the blfi fire in tho board mon co plant wo think the vnglnos liwt work won at tho clnrldfjo farm on no 7 highway many a hpoctncuarfrre tho old engine fought and conquorod wa ter supply jn those doys wnn from tankuhiome or them fed from pipe llncfl from hendenionfl pond thon tlioro wore basins mndo in the crook bod on main street north and south acton didnt covor so much territory in thou days and these half dozen wotor supply spots filled the needs thoro was no riding to tho fire in those days the old engine was equipped to be horse drawn but usually a bunch of men and boys reached tho fire hall before the horses and a long rope was ntrunff out and the engine hauled to the nearest wator supply the engl- ncor followed along behind putting fuel undor the hollar and usually by the time the hose was laid steam was up and tho brigade was ready for action tho re wereof course tho fconl foit and tho jione reels to be hauled to tho fire as well and ft fireman in those days had to bo hardy and strong perhaps many of our readers will recoil some of the iippctnuiilnr fires in those days at tho notol at tho coiner of mill and main street the sawmill on not th main street the boardmoro residence on church street and no on wi recall loo thai the enjdna urted to bo mod to put the first flood on the outdoor links for tho tieannn thero was the old king edward rink on main street and thane on willow street later with the arrival of wntorworks and the motor age enmo the first flro truck it was really just an equipment vehicle with some eho- mlcal tanks and was a ford chas sis of tho 1022 model it wasnt new when acton acquired i u about 1027 nnd had been used nt mount dennis before there was this in its favor that it took the horses work off tho firemen and thay arrived on tho scene not all out of breath pressure for fires was boosted on the mains with the pump house equipment and this equipment was satisfactory until some of the home installations grew weaker with constant uio and higher pres sures often played havoc with wa ter heaters eveiy time thw wftn n flro about ten years ago the need for n tiuek with pumper equipment was evident and tho 1027 pride and gloiy gave placo to a rebuilt machine which had seen duly at sudbuiy this equipment lti still in service nnd its disposition undec ided it might he used as nn aux iliary equipment we piesume it will eventually go tho way of all old fire equipment the old steam engine was stored for years in the building at tin park and finally went to the wreckers it should hove been preuerved for pouletlty bltl with nn muiieiim in acton this was im possible the old ford model was the first munlclpnl truck with n reconverted box body it holiled away street accumulations of leav es better than the two trucks now used nnd each of more than doubt capacity now we hove a brand now fire pumper with walling siren all kinds of fine equipment and room for moftt of the brigade to ride to tho fires there have been some greot chonges in fire fighting here in the post fifty years from our files we reproduce tho various models that hove served acton in the half century it will be noted wo change models much more frequently as tho years go along tho old at earn was from ifldo to 1027 this new pumper will be the third gasoline driven vehicle in tho last twentyfour years uiaiidadcdc h nit viallr arek of wallpapers to chooi from in weiurti ontario pa i li t c rnorm popular brands of a i n i j nationally advert lied paints carried in stock books toys stationary suppllat kennedybookstori 25 wyndham st ouelph angus kennedy prop tho pump old stoam that serv- 90s- until 1927 tho last big fire in which it did fine work was tho big beardmore flro and bofore retire ment it served at a barn fire at tho farm on no 7 highway then owned by a g claridgo where it saved buildings adjoining tho barn the first motorized unit to go into ser vice for acton was the above unit and secured second hand about 1927 youll get more miles per tire with goodvear inner tubes thompson motors goodyear inner tubes are molded full ike to fie caalnga they are tough not porous and airpres sure tested properly inflated they increase tire life by many extra milca s30omlttxtut- i fokdmonarchsaus ft servici ten years later the first fire pumper came to acton and the old model t went o n duly as a truck after shedding its fire equip ment soon enough oil if in the next decade we rirakc the same progress ju we have since 1147 cmula v ill produce enough oil to imet all dumeitic require- menli ay gordon grant in the financial pcwl this year we will meet ul per cent of our 404 000 ubl dallv lequiremenl jrom dom- 1hc source contrut lhat u ith onl 5 per tent of our need jl0 000 bbl a da met b turner valley 111 carl 1947 next year it look as if the eoimalent of 04 per cent or more of oil consumption will be met in 1951 50 per cent of oili need- could come f i om our ow n wells optometrist 7 douglas st gueiph eyes examined glasses fitted halloween havoc cut in moose jaw hire i wi of cutting danuiti mi hallow fin mjyor lxnvry of moose jaw sosk v nttb nopler moore in the financial post he hud it 1ls mar he tot out nn honor cerlificau which with the cooperation of hc nt s ithool boa id vm dutnbit- td to all pimils durme tho uk ltfnn ocober jim beaniik tlje seal of the city tile tt rtifilato is n pledge of cituonihip it bear the name and addrts of the pupil and the name of tn mi100i and the signature of the maor tht folder of it ii pledged on his her honor as a citizen of mimxse jaw not to deface mutil ate or distro proprt or perform ap harmful act to othtrs during the hallow e in season last ear the amount of harm and damage usually done in tho prairie city on halloween was mati rialk reduced canadians used four per cent more sugar in 1050 than they did in 1010 its the price a mm tring to bu a horst from a vtnnont fanner was stirt- lid whin il lumid 100 as his pi ice nonithi lcsi the prospoctivt bujtr countered with a reasonable 100 uffir thats an awful dis- lount inustd the farmir but 111 take if as tiie buir counted out the mom i he tuuldn t reslat asking w h the farmer had accepted 100 after firt naming ten times that sum well he drawled i thought niebbe joud like to own a thous and dollar iioas the header digest a man who makis money hand oer fist usually has a wife who makes the fist hand oer th- money eca adds zest to the hour beafctwoldfacwi anydaifpad awhile back he figured out just what a new tractor would do for his farm he didnt havo enough cash in the bank to handle the deal so he talked things over with his bank manager fair and square he got his bank loan and the tractor from now on he expects to work more acreage increase his farm income soon the bank will be repaid he looks to his chartered bank for market information too and any other banking service he may need thats what he wants thats what he gets sound business all round rv oire of a series by your bank iff ygu have an eye for a bargain read the want ads

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