Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1951, p. 5

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thursday october 18th 1051 the acton free press acton ontario pad nva dont delay join today our christmas lay- a way club shop now at your leisure while our selection is at its best a deposit will hold any article until christmas vcton home furnishings nornvlust limit of guelph skxdvaie avenue east fttl oct 19 lady of burlesque adult outpost in morocco montuesweo oct 232324 grand canyon facts of love adult thursfri oct 2526 two mugs from brooklyn chl dpln z ilaycrouni 2 shows nightly m ot i 1 i ah children undei 12 year free miss louise reith speaks to wms members of the missionary group of the other churches in acton were guest of the senior auxiliary wm3 of knox presby terian church on thursday after noon october 11th at tho autumn thankoffcrtng meeting the worship service of thanks giving was led by mm f s blow assisted by mrs xl ii armstrong and mrs 5 anderson mrs john davidson contributed a sqio with miss ethel franklin at tho console of the organ mrs h u boruiio ufa member- shlp secretory of the auxiliary pre sented to mrs r h armstrong o- wms llfo membership certificate a gift of miss h wallace who in turn presented the accompanying pin a gift of mlssm garvin mrs a j buehnnanjnjroduced the speaker miss louise helth of toronto literature secretary of council executive miss relth in her address followed the theme of thanksgiving and paid tribute to many persons who had through the year in our own land remain ed stead fait in the faith the president of the auxiliary mrs h malnprlze presided acton loses first game by 8 7 return match here saturday acton jr farmers plan meetings the acton junior farmers held their regular meeting at r l davidsons there was a good attendance with the respective president ln the choir the boys meeting was opened by end mower for winter storage the usual business was dealt with the boys had a discussion on the dif ferent prices of grains this had to be sent in the girls meeting was highlight ed by a talk on first aid by miss email e she told of the treatment in case of scalds bums bruises and so forth she was the guest speaker plans were drawn up for a sewing club with mrs frank brown ns leader they plan to hold these meetings at different homes throughout the season plans were drawn up for a euchre and dance in october and november ot the joint meeting and also the amateur entertainment in november ralph mckeown put on a comedy radio program with several talcing part lunch was served and on en joyable time spent halton riding ccf association nomination meeting monday october 22 1951 town hall milton 800 pm guest speaker charles h millard mpp west york director ot steel workers of america everybody welcome acton bantam lost the first tftuno in tho befit of three final ser ies with slmcoo saturday ln tho slrocoo waterworks park slmcoe ncorcd tho winning tun in tho last inning lo earn on 87 victory in a hard fought nine innings of ball cunningham for acton pitched good ball all the way for acton al lowing nine scattered hits eight errors for the acton club cost nioai of the runs king on the mound for slmcoe was a ono man team for five innings claiming 13 strike outs in that stretch he weakened in tho sixth when acton scored three times arid was pulled in the seventh i after giving up another 3 runs pond and cunningham were the top hitters each having three these two evenly matched teams get together ln acton park rth saturday october 20 for the second game of the championship series acton ab n h po a e heatloy 2b 2 10 12 0 slrrs rf 1 1 0 0 1 laweon jb si 1 12 0 3 cunnnlnghom t 5 2 3 3 0 1 holmes 3b 4 110 0 0 slcullng a 1 0 0 0 0 02 morton c 5 0 l g s 1 ooont cf 4 1 0 0 0 0 footltt if 300110 33 7 7 28 14 abkhpqae pond m 5 2 3 2 2 0 ilogers rf 5 0 0 0 0 0 king plb 4 0 2 111 sabatlne lbp 3 10 0 10 cross cf 4 12 10 0 kowolsky if 3 0 10 0 0 fisher c 2 1 0 20 0 0 loveday 2b 4 2 0 2 2 2 longford 3b 2 1110 0 32 8 0 27 6 3 it h e slmcoe 000 031 211 8 0 3 acton 000 003 310 7 8 8 two base hits cunningham mor ton pond king base on balls off cunningham 4 off king s off sab atlne 5 struck out by cunningham 11 by king 15 by sabatlne 3 hit by pltchor coon presentations made to mrs clayton before leaving for toronto its the friendly wiy to travel v you ue ill the sights along the wiy you hive mote to spend on othei things because fates ate low round trip svt omsj boston 2485 pittsburgh 1720 detroit 1120 surcharge extra mm harold wiles mrs wh clayton who is leav ing acton shortly to moke her home in toronto was presented with n beautiful cup and saucer by the altar society of st josephs church on sunday morning the presentation was made in the hall following mass mrs clayton who has been an active member and worker in the society during her 15 years in acton will be greatly missed by the association on tuesday afternoon friends held a farewell ten at the home of mrs e m schrocderand presented mrs cinyton with a royal doulton figure prior to her removal to to ronto halton tb assn endows new ward d 11 stevens chairman of the halton tuberculosis and health association presented dr h t ewnrt medical superintendent of the mountain sanltorlum hamil ton with a cheque for 1000 to endow a word in the new holbrook pavilion in the noma of tho coun ty association at a meeting in hawthorn lodge on monday of this week dr ewart pointed out that the pavilion is modern ly equipped and will accommodate 04 children with room on the second floor for 42 nurses it is expected to officially open in november the mountain sanltorlum is the largest institution of its kind in the british empire the doctor said having accommodation for 750 pat ients at present there are 14 patients from halton county hosp italized there various forms of educational programs are carried on by 13 full time teachers and 0 parttime it is possible to secure your matric ulation university decrees housc- k le work journalism salesmanship business courses or almost anything you might want dr ewart emph asized dr ewart stressed that it would be impoisiblc for the sanltorlum to carry on without the help of voluntary workers and urged the meeting to try to educate the public to this fact dr w d s jamieson of the deportment of health tuberculos is division also attended the meet ing and gave details of the mass chest xray survey which is to be conducted in halton county nuaft year ii is planned to have ths mobile unit visit both urban and rural areas in the county to give free xrays he said the public should be urged to have a yearly chest xray in spite of the fact there are fewer deaths now from tb there are just ai many active cases found of this infectious disease as more cases were discovered ln 1050 than there were in 1040 final plans were made for the christmas seal campaign which opens in november the funds from this campaign will be used to help defray expenses of the mass survey for preemployment xrays and tuberculin testing of children nnd to purchase comforts for needy patients from the county the doctor urged the people of halton county to contribute to this worthy cause and thus take an active part in the voluntary effort baptist mission fall thankoffering tho kail ttunkofferlng service of the bipilnt mlfwkm circle wan held tuesday owning october 16 with the president wtm stanley chpps hi charge a welcome was extended the ladles of hillshuroh nnd georgetown circle and tho prowbyterian and united churches from town mrs charles landsborough led tho devotional nndmr gordon mitchell read the scripture lesson mrs d dunk and mm j chap man led in prayer for horn and fo reign mlssjoim miss shirley thompson itan very beautifully my tusk and tho love of ood with miss ethel franklin ot the plono mrs lyal mocutoheon introduced the speak er miss edith maclenn of mc mas ter university hamilton she told in a most interesting way of her work on summer fields ln the cochrane area and of the very great need for mission workers in that district this arefcr til being developed but tho need for church s is very urgent it seemed hard to realize that even ln our own province there are so many chlld- icn who thove no opportunity for christian teaching and who have never attended sunday school she urged our constant prayers and financial support for the work in bringing the gospel to the people so near at hand mrs chapman thanked lhi speaker on behalf ot the group mrs mecutoheon closed the meet ing with prayer a delicious lunch will served and n pleasant time of fellowship enjoyed jnv wiener roast by knox church vp 1000 cheque was presented fo dr h t ewart at a meeting of the halton county tuberculosis and health association at hawthorne lodge on monday evening chairman d h stevens oakville is seen handing the cheque to dr ewart medical superintendent of the mountain samtorium mrs m e lunau secretary looks on staff photo a most enjoyable evening of fellowship games and food was enjoyed by knox church pyps on october 10th at their fellowship meeting which was in the form of a wiener roast after meeting ot the church all members proceeded to the farm of mr and mrs j moore of speyslde where a bright ly burning bonfire was waiting a virginia heel started off the evening nnd whert everyone had some breath back several games were enjoyed with some members noaedlving down the hillside mr moore produced a porcupine which he hod shot and it was ex amined by the members who had a lively rospect for the sharpness of its quills hot dogs coffee and apples were then served and u very nolsy singsong was enjoyed the worship part of the meeting then began with jane elliott reading the scripture nnd james greer led in prayer all sang blest be the tie that binds and tho metnrj was closed by repenting the miz- pah benediction everton group guests at cgi t a farm improvement loan for the kitchen stove theres more to farm improve ment loans than tractors or comb ines pamb out gordon oder man ager of the bank of montreal at acton theyre designed to help the farmer nnd hb wife m ike the pom out of their home ns well as their land for oti can get a farm improvement loan to cover the installation of water ami elect ric systems to improve your plumbing and put in stoves wash ing machines and heating or light ing appliances even the building of tourist cab ins and summer cottages vhich prm ide a farm family with valu able extra rvvenue during the vacation season may bo financed through an f1l if ou feel that a low coit farm improv erm nt lo in could benefit our fjrm or better our living condition- make a point of calling on mr oder next time youre in town talk over our plans with hkn in confidence so that u can work out together how the b of m can best help you with financing your farm improvement on mondav evening the cgit group of the united church enter tained the indies- of the congreg ation in the sunday school room miv muriel burns acted as chair man and welcomed the ladies after a few opening remarks by mrs west the leader en a jen nings took charge of the devotion al period bettv mae limbcrt gave a read ing the quest for jewels which was followed bv a quartette of girls en a jennings carol fetterlev nan- cv lambert and georgina piaster singing my mothers old bible a group of girls from everton were guests of the evening mrs t p smith their leade introduced them and ilean parker told of the club project work joy smith described the projects on dlspliv and jean pettie read the club story from their record book mn parker a former cgit leader and alice fountain were also pre sent from this everton institute project club joy smith and ilean parker have been chosen to rep resent wellington county on fri day afternoon nt the oac at an institute project rally carol fetterlev gave us a hum orous read ingan titled cgit helps me become a failure in typ ing after which elaine hufnagel plaved a delightful piano solo the whole cgit group put on a stunt skit of scene in a school room the most enjoyable part of th evening camt when mits grlndlcy showed her movie pictures of her twp to england scotland jind ire land these were colorful in formative and most tjmelv during this vear of the festival of britain and the iloval tour of canada after the movlet a hymn was sung followed bv the benediction a dainty lunch was served and a verv enjoyable evening came to a close when the ladles were invit ed to inspect the handwork done by the sunday school children during the summer months warning as a result of tho fire caused by young children playing with matches in the lumber piles at ajax englnoois notice is hereby gluen that al trespassers of tho properly of aire engineers will bo prosecuted according to law ajax engineers you ara cordially invltad to attand thai anniversary services of attutt unit ii gllfurrfi sunday october 28th 195v 1 1 amspcclal speaker the rev j w oliver of rockwood soloistmrs k randell of millon 7 pmguost ministerthe rev e w jewitt ba runneymede united church to ronto special music church choir runneymede united full order of sarvlcas will appear in the naxt issue clearance o boys shoes wo ai clearing llnaa of bay thom al pricas considerably below praunt day uvals boys good quality oxfords with leather soles worth 650 per pair 9 ao clearance price pjfo boys calf boots those have leather soles todays price is 650 per pair tf ao clearance prico sjsjajfo boys full grain work boots ust like dad wears on tho farm leather soles worth 598 d ao clearance price irj0 boys and youths hicut boots of full grain leather up pers with knife pocket and good quality leathor soles re- gular 750 per pair frm qjc youths full grain work boots with leather soles regu lar 495 0 ji- clearance per pair 0u youths black calf oxfords with leather soles regular 298 youths black calf boots with leather soles regular 550 per pair o ijp for juo these are broken lines with not every slie in each range the values are super and this i your opportunity to outfit the lad with footwear at a real saving first come first served b d rachlin for the home owner who wishes to do mis own sewer installation or buy his own plumbing and heating materials check these prices for bargains 5 ft left or right enamelled iron bath tubs tub only 10185 17xl9 enamelled iron basins basins only toilet outfits less seat range boilers standard no 40 range boilers standard no 30 cast iron range boiler stands steel enamelled acid resisting sinks 24 x20 ly 2 left bargain each galvanized smoke pipe 7 per length 28 gauge galvanised smoke pipe b per length 28 gauge galvanised smoke pipe 9 per length 28 gauqe galvanized tees7 open tee galvanized tees7 closed lee galvanized ells 7 ad ells galvanized ells 8 ad ells i galvanizod pib foot 1 v galvanized ells pipe fittings galvanized tees pipe fittings cast iron soil pipe and fittings for sewer connections 4 deep seal p traps 563 294 18 j 294 1 40 2105 4290 up 3895 2395 179 1875 88 e 104 e 132 131 180 73 94 20 20 23 690 635 4 double hub per five foot length 4 smglu hub per five foot length 3 single hub per 5 w 500 150 3 doubje hub per 269 five foot length 540 all materials made in canada guaranlmd satisfaction or your mony rafundad bilt0n perry limited main st north acton ont ph 464 daysnights sun and holidays 341w or 269w for floor drains 4 ys 4 4 bend 4 ty 4x3 reducer 4 sisson joint 4 1 bend 4 x2 y

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