Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1951, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday octonen mill 1011 changing elections ontario is going to have an election and for those who have seen many elections both in the province and dominion there cannot help but iftkntwthrwmtoch- in contrast with a few come ret the election of today year back- before the day of the radio and the filling of the air with oratory from every corner of the world the local candidates could count on a good attendance at meetings to discuss the issues of the day today the public meetings in connec tion with elections seem on the way out we have to many issues under discussion so many promises of easier living at lower costs that there seems little left for the hustings in the election no leader of any party has time to appear in every community but he can make a recording and have his address sent out on the air he however never has the satisfaction of meeting the electors or of knowing how many listened to his massage moro and more it appears that the closest contact is through the local member and his timeto moot and minglo with the olctors there is no ear to the ground provided by radio thore was a dayrtoowhonthe party workers had the ejoctoraje pretty well tabulated before election time that appears othing of the past and in those days of lavish promises of govern mont caro thore is often a tendoncy of every man for hlmselfeven if he doosnt really believo ful filmont is possiblo yos elections are changing the campaigns are shortening and the promising becoming more inclusive thore ust doosnt seem to bo the leisure for them there was a few years back and we are not prepared to agroe that the trend is in the right direction indian summer every period of warm fall days brings the query is this indian summer and the hope that it isn t and another longer period of nice fall weathor is yel in store we still have thoughts similar to those of the indians and a desire to delay the approach of winter advent of indian summer or as it is some times called st martin s summer is unheralded in canada the weather may change during oc tober and november in place of autumnal cold the genial influence of warm la summery days is felt for a time the air is usually dry and in the woodland away from the hurry and bustle of the city there is a pervading stillness the only sound the rustl ing of fallen leaves stirred by some vagrant breeze the plaintive note of some migrant bird the vibrating bark of an inquisitive squirrel origin of the term indian summer is uncer tain there are a number of interesting explana tions as to how these days of delicious mildness precedinq the boisterous winter season come to be so designated the one we lite best to accept is that of the old indian legend that a beneficient providence qave the indians warning that they should qet supplies in for the winter by sending a pool spell in the early fall then in older that they might garner their crops and lay awa provisions against the coming of the long season of winter when the earth blanketed in snoxx gave not of her bounty there followed weeks of glorious weather bright sunshiny days born of mist mornings with a tang in tht air but we are more mteremed in the delightful diys that accompany this bctwten seasons visita tion than wo are in the origin of the mine it is a phase of a viable clirnatt that we f nd very ac ceptable and one v inch is too often interrupted i y the sudden advent ofdrtar novtmber days that portend tilt rapid approach or a st ison of snow and storm tile only tiling the matter with hid an sum nier is that it dots not last nearly long enough if inflation is here to slay vx fiat about in creasing tile sie of our fines asks the windsor star if the fine for assault today is 50 will it be a sufficient deterrent 20 inflated years from nov tq curb the blpodlust of even ihe poorest among us the romans apparently ran into tfys very thing to such an extent that they abol shed fixed fines and set up boards of arb ttrs to ap praise damages at current rates llxs estimated the airplane starch m on tario s northland for the missing hockey player bill banlko has cost close to 250 000 involv ing the use of three lancasters four dakotas one norseman and one helicopter this is only one case of hours of search and the cost in locating those who venture into the vastness of ontario s northland the maple leaf gardens reward of 10000 doesnt seem unduly high those who dare weve been reading the past week houghs once more the thunderer and getting a thrill from a country editor who put into interesting community we also like the reasoning andon elusions that the editor makes in dealing with the many problems that confront every weekly newspaper most every community provides the material for such a book as hough writes or of which ste phen leacock wrote in his sunshine sketches of little places but there are few who can tell the story as these two put it into print most of us would like to give such stories but few seem to have the time and the ability to tell of the human interest and interpret the philosophy and the people of the smallor communities as can hough and loacock leacock of course writos of a day that old timers romember while this latost book on com niunity life has its background in moro recent yoars weve wondered as wo read once more the thunderer how folks in the community in which hough lives are receiving the book most every editor soon finds out that often the most interesting stones are not alwaysjho best roc ed especially by those who are the subccts but igp i given to us by those who dare t6 write and muse and draw conclusions and present such books about the places they know so well and have been so close to their lives of personal interest ih the world of newspapers the big city daily wields a poworful influence in the direc tion of national affairs it gathers news of world importance from the four corners of the earth and it details ihe important happenings within our own borders we can pick up our copy from the doorstep each morning and absorb all this while we drink our breakfast cup of coffee but news that is of sufficient importance to make the headlines of the metropolitan papers is usually depressing war and threats of war nrave political crisis and a pessimistic outlook for the national economy tram wrecks and plane crashes bank robberies hold ups 5nd murdtr with a running recital of fatal fires and highway accidents these make up the bill of fare dished up to us by the daily press most of these occurrences do not touch us personally but they have a bad effect on our morale after all it is the small and seemingly unimportant things that make up our daily lives and command our great est interest says the bowmanville statesman that our neighbour bill jones threshed his oats last week and got a yield of 34 bushels to the acre interests us more than the fact that the pound sterling has advanced two points on the world money markets that the women s insti tute held a successful quilting bee is perhaps not so important as a session of theu n coun cil but we can understand its signifcance more clearly it is in the reports of the small neighborhood happenings that the weekly newspaper fills a more intimate place in the lives ot the average reader than does the impersonal city daily and the backbone of the weekly paper is the country correspondent week in and week out these loyal contrtbu tors send in their budget of news the average country weekly cannot afford to pay them for their services but the men and women who re port the neighborhood happenings and the com mq and qomg of their citizens do it because thc arc public sp rited and take a lively interest in the affi rs of their communities and feel a ense of pride in keeping the public informed of their ach evements we have often commented the service the render is equal in many cases to that of tht mm ster or school teacher the weekly newspapers and the communt- t es they seie owe a debt of gratitude to their lo il corps of country correspondents and agatn ve are glad to pay a tribute to their worth most any time now the christmas shopping i sts will become active and of course the early chr stmas suggestion lists get the early shoppers inject ons of pure alcohol into the scalp is a ntv way said to prevent baldness we ve seen plenty of bald headed men who were always well injected with alcohol it looks as if setting of uniform prices is now being frowned on by governments if its not right for one line of business it ought to be frowned upon in all lines and perhaps govern mentjrice fixing is our most serious form a lit tle example would be helpful n reducing living costs anddp away wtfh expensive boards and drmrtisfrafioh the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 tnktn roni flu win of tti fru pnss of thursday ootatur 24 i oh rin township iui loiltui il hk is tin iwinl micci sji notwilh- stindinu cold writlnr i oflo vtsitois ithtr d list kruliy and the rt- ii i ivts nl l c nts ijiuri k itt d to 572 i acton tmninjt co his n stuff of c ir nt rs uho m constantly in kajd in nbuildink or nnrvnk ihi immonsc worlcs at thi foot nf lin st the firm hns just com pleted tht purcho of the 1 ind south of qiitm n st ullonuuak to thi testate of the into wjlliam mas- ilis on n portion of this proptr a new huh hmkic of liberal prop ortions will iw enscted mr hiikh mnnn son of our cs tumid ft how citi7tn mr hiiro minn sr and brotht r of thi will known rulu m in it ii i minn his inwnwd mri put ml i snro ssful op r itmn ti uk liinj m u him uhirh pi rfoniut thi wiirk ot 100 mi n mr a t hroun vin it in r n lit nt picture of th it il trim is it plsd through alton lust wik tht first t lstt of uuitr i inn 1 ist tutsfliv alxiiit in inch f now fi it but it w is ill gone b n mil thi n xt d i the ru u milit u i 11 ct is tin f iwminh or with til w liir 1 ink rufti i ihout town it pn i nt mr abnm st itiffi r md finiil hi s ttlcd in their n v horn it tht conn r of church md fikin struts a fi how uho v us nemth isktd to slibsc nbt for i pipcr npliul hit his fithcr hid left him i lo of old pipt rs th it hi hid not n il back in 1931 f nun fjti fiim of tin hrtt pre tjnrujji ot ttln r 22ml j07j alu nl sunn of tin limit y fin t fi vi ttlu i a ni ilsuii of ilurubv won tht iiton pui il tu us t ilr for tin u u d nr dalf thi gills jviftlull t tm is inu roiinilnik into sli ip for thi fall fceison thi y in id thi ir first pr it tist in thi mni on tin sd iy night llistuct i puty v t kmnidy of attou m ts in th irgi of the in stall dlon of off uirs nt thi iook nil i imi in gcorgi town on mondiy hi v gorj how land i li of knox cliurth stmford wis th iiium rsii v sjm iki r at knox churth on snmt t the umivers iry supper wis will itti ndisd ind i unvst i njouiliti i le nt mrs helith grow nu mh r of toiinto n ni oi lm ition ml istijvin 1 iw if mr ind mrs j a mow it diil s th i ult of i hi i ill it k n s ituiel i i vi ninj mi i i w l- n it d i lut itiom t ind i iw iti r i f i rsi th i id i k it i n f th unit a ehiiuh r- nt thr i 1 1 ml hiw un tt 1 i ii 1 1 i i f f j tuff- f i h i in n to h wi st nifi mi 1h ii m u iph in 1 ii ml ii s nt il i n h d i oi t 1 i n wllumwtphiil f i u w n hip j i i u m it su nrit d h supri foundi 1 i i qu b i n itm 1 ttorm h it i re d ilnton s ni irs i nni of the world in f un ni shiinc s you cant build by destroying it i- ibout i hundred i ir tic bnhim i mcoln gie voice in irji us iddresse to the mihstince f thi follow mi w ords tht n is true teid i i- thi un h i ni nnniit brtiu it nit iras r it h discouriing hrift i c innot srinith n th wcik b wi iki n ni lji s ig u t innot forth r th br h r li nl of nnn h i ncounrinc e t iss h itnd i it cmn hi lp th r b d ttumiif tht nrh i u e mnot build chir icir in i t mi im b t ikm iw i nvin nii ii md ind p id it ni t mi o in limn pcrmine nth b dung for tli n whit h l hi i ind should do f thi m u lcs executors sale oi- hoi sfiioi ii i- 1 niti rl avi fhkts nr at tme lrrbbtrruti eiuril in esmtalui knox eanmon aoton jcv itorkkt il alsmhtssomi jl hj mtamar 1031 htld sunday octobwt mlh 10m i sunday hchool nim claw thwvtrwr pmimrvlee 7 00 tm unluvd church annlv- emutty vuiuiiv aw wmcoia enlt- ihla lilt oaln with llml- piviig t album dlttl sunday octonkn sfllh 1051 trlnhy xx1h 000 am jloly communion 1000 am sunday school nop oni momlna prayer nml njtflnncrn cliuifl 7 00 pm kvcnlna prayer a welcomi awaits you tliouoht for flip week and whal un r rnlnmlty i un fill upon n tuttinn thin tin hits nf ilhlp i run ifinnl kulub cutufcli nf thruiba aaim uh laraonag 39 bowar avanuai imiimo so kav k a omy ba bdl mmlaiar organut and choir lakdar bunday octoiivil iiuh iftsi ahvijirdrl avri lr htdo u tn kiliuv hi lieu i ii 00 am mnmihtf wirhl an- nlvenmry amiauit llw ltnv j w oliver of km kwiml molnul mm k randill nf milton 700 pm kvanlna wnnhln am- nlveraary hleaur tlm llxv k w jowllt ii a f llunny- mimln united chiitvh toronto anniversary miule ituuny- mede united church iliolr and nranlit see order nf service in tlibi liue sutittat hlurrl aoton mjniuy ottoiihl jlllh 1011 10 10 a m siinilny si h iol 11 111 ii m mr iifiiitf1ni shuler fvi iiinil m rvii i i nu i llwl foi un til i i hurt h annlvi i u y widmidi ii iiil li ii i me t- inil riifin i n i iii mi i n ii in i n inn 11 iu professional directory andjrraelleksjsujde midi al dr w g c kcnncy phyrlhan and hurceon offlct in syiimin dlock mill st acton office ilionc 78 residence c liureli kt ihana lo dr d -a-ga4jrrtir- rhyalclan and hurfean corner of willow and itlver 3u 1nlranci itlvtr strict acton ontario phone 2111 dr a j buchanan dental hurgeon offici ia ikhmiin illoik mill st offici iiimii- ii a in to 6 p in x i1a th 1 illosh us dr gcorgr a sirrs llcnlal surgeon mill st ti un i lndiriili arton olfiti lloui i iki am to ijii pm th h iiom- i itlai ihtati and inhiirancal willougiiiiy tarm agfncy i in j ht nnil olili nt an in y in mi nl i hi nd office liw nay st toronto ilmrrc emnlrv 2 0004 ii oi i town iti pn si ntatlve tain llrwnon plinne tcorgetoun 332 w l ihinarv- b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeon offici hrookvilli ont irlo ihoni milton hom f g oakes vsbvsc veterinary surgeon orfict and kisidinti knox i ave acton ilionc 110 iroai tht undi rmiini i hiiii ni i i instrurtnins from tli fi t i i of hi iti s j rui to 11 l putilii hum n t i ii ii r am set mi stllinl 0imiifr 1bd v 1 i kk lh f lit aiiik 2 ii di j fl v r lh i t v i f ti m 1 hti n t ii n i i i i i ir y ii h inn il ii i i i u i v out h i i k k iu i hi r i lil hi i i i t 111 i n i in lull 1 mi 1 m i 7 i r nl i u r hr ick i 1 h iff 1 d n ml m i ihilr un iu r i li i i r 1 inn thi i ill iiiil ro m 1 i h r i 1 ni r ui u 1 i i i ti s hj 1 nil i n m i i k ml 1 iii q i i i r i k 1 1- ih ii ih i k h n i di i i i i i h v h r l m ii h ii s i ul r ir fi i hi n i h i rs 1 i i h i id ii li s i v tchi n i i in n i p c ir pi r iilj njn iiiiih i i ii it thims ci h hindi fi m fi iiott ucm n r h n i k nl i x cuf x 11 c f leatherland ilarruter it solicitor notary puhlie offici j2 ph n it s 151 acton lever hoskin hartcrrd crountanu s iii is i jinkin- ni iiaitlll 11 i i i i iii oi hi 1 1 11 nl r i si t i nlo h 111 mist h i niol s trle victor b rumiey funeral home funeral home healed amhulanm ihi n 30 nikht i r ilu s ri in tl i- ii in for wright real estate and insurance f i wltlgmt n ii wijioht 20 wlllnir st iii m icdonnall st acton ont r in iph ont ihoni 111 ihiini loltw valuatom realtom insurarv m mh r appriliil institiittf of in ili mi mhi h mi iph mid diitrlct iii ll i si it ill 11 m ml is on iph oil uistrlct in in un i a nt aj i i i ition w tlli illy r v i i i stintfs of f i in pi j ii fi m 0 iikj acroa al ii in ii h id i s fi mi 1 to 2 i i tit lit andf fraljr a i 1 1 mill ikill phone milton 32ir2 c h ttymi 111 realtor ul v i ji ilh st s hamilton ih ni 780111 vjm r bricklii ileal lalale 1 nutai insi hani t ii i li acton w h parkin floor sanding and rerinuhlnf ihoni 101i1w oakviile travellers guide gray coach lines sin ills tir 1 7 111 1 1av1 aitov 1 jhtllo 1 j 1 til f 1 i 1 0 j j in und i n l j 11 1 3 a m in 3 w 1 1 1 11- ii rtlinund i ii 1 ii i- s in lu i i k 7 p m 11js u henr i i s mil i nil hoh s mil md holl the acton free press the only paper eier published in acton published iach thursday at 58 mill st acton ontario aulhorlicd ail second claia mall poat office department ottawa g dills publisher member odit bureau circulation c w v a and ontarioquebec dlvuuao c w va advertising raus on raquatt subscription in advance 250 in canada i3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business end editorial office 174 residence 131 hi taitt il appo nlnupt wm c milligan ro optometrist li and 3id w dmidajs of the mnh 2pm to 9pm it mill st hindi net of a t biohv l phead optometrist eyes examined scientifically glasses fitted guelph si bl oeenres m phone 1s30 talalihalni h ton canadian national railways s i 1 1 1 r i tl takthound i i li i i x i s in j ill 10 si day f f r li i xi sun- i 11 i i s in m i i r 10 11 hrlhound il x s in 1 mnn- i ul i s i 1 in day v ii j il i x p sun- 1 h 41 o fla m p 1 x aat i il sin ii 111 s li nly il i n s nlo n i 1 i a m f o p s i ls r at c i h 0 t your eyes deserve the best consult rm bell b 6ptomarll pfumte 23u erin vs

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