Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1951, p. 6

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pacut six the acton free press acton ontario i i i i i i i tilunsdav octoileu 25th lftsl fine shoiolno by flallon pltrtvhot at international the iur lntfmatlontil plowing wnvh and farm machinery show tor 1051 u over the alto nror woodstock whs in mimy roftpocti of mi flutktimdlru fnrmlpu district muny vlsltom wi ro heard to ctm- rtiml fnnumh on tht excellent irwim ll on tin will puinlnl luirnh find proiiuroua nppoarlnu farm hnmts in turn ml wi ntlyr conditions vrnro cxcdlint nnd thc four liuv nt intuit ha attracted voll ovtr the 100 000 murk byron jehvey uho tfi will knovn to nil hobtuin breedevs wnn in course of tickit miles nnd he informed un that thiri win over 40000 on thursday nlone the tented city seemed to be as lnrut ns ever nnd wlille tuo or thre of the larffe implement mnnufneturt rs did not exhibit there woa neyertheles a groat dwplni of all that is modern in farm machinery near the tinted city the oxford crop improvement association had an excellent dis play of you demonstrating all the newer varieties of n roues nnd clov- ors in the livestock sections the ox ford bnedirs displayed same of thoir top livestock it wnn n rev- elntion to tec w mnny excellent one county quuln ue uirrnnndirm finltlithc while on thursday hu two bro- thi rs competed in a olaiw of fifty- four plowmen john w taking v nth nnd vrn ninth tht lower end of the county won ropnwnted by jack taylor of i wh cnnlnred n ninth in second ciuka hod on friday while in the yaw tractor 5hamplonn cljuw snncr wiltion of norvnl wns u vjhth one of tlu hluhlufhtji at the finnl days prornmnle it olwnvi the in ter cotinh tractor clrwq for teams of tv o plow bov under 2 1 years fliihti i n cmintlijt were represent ed halton h team of lahn picket hornby nnd john xteadhend f irmvillo placed sixth as a team an excellent showing in o touch dnsa the tap award went to hnldl- mand 2nd to york 3rd ontario 4th grey 5th brant while we have not received n complete re port peel wnn 12th our heartiest con am tula tiorw nrc extended to all of the halton plov- boyn on the honoura wop in such fltronj competition they certainly kept halton and hornby in par ticular on the map spcnklnjj of hornby we overheard n npectntor who was standing at the end of stan maa ridge mv to hit com panion hornby where s hornbj nnvwnv hls friend replied oh mm immnrth gnmchcre dc by carol iit oak the ruicby team lost their necond iinme u milton in the acton pirk to the tune o 220 lout thursday improvement wni wltown by the hoytt in their necond ttame but th y wire itill unable v wore the plnynrr chett i endertti ndfltiwen is- top ploubnv wtri thtfi from all lections of thi prmlnci needles to add halton ui- well nnd worth il represtntid pi rh tps tin hirh- lirht from i mnltnn standpoint was tk fchow inj or st in m i of hornby in tht ilknn plow classes on eln d iv which va- the first opt n ii hi wns third li the t eond cl l on thursdn ht is f fth in h i is 1 nimu is tht 1 m ll htrld and wukh stir ci is it was on fi id n howuir that ht almost at hit x t d tht ultiinati in thi fsm clnmpions class ht was run in r ui n tin 0 c rs as trip winm i cut iu timbt rs his sec ond pri7i v i good for 110 in cash nnd tht mlvtr medal as n cllmnv to nil this his p rctu rnn team pine ed thirtl in tht horsi show arnold how dm nnotht r hornby bo nlso made in excellent show ing in brief hi topped the boys class undtr 16 vtnrs nnd the pre vious da wis 8th in the class for plowbovs under ib vears on the final dnj he stepned up nrnin with the older plowmen nnd still made the prize monc jack mnrchment tlsa of hornby was second in the row crop tractor class c f picket had nn eighth in opt n stubble on wednesday iiinwnrth mewhnre tie a native of oxford personally ing wt c in onl personalty conclude thnt the jjintlimpn in question wore not oxfonlites fall wheat 1 003 promising tht wnrm wmtlier of thi past two wotks has ctrtainly popped up tin fall whiat in genenl tht crop is tominr nlonk ur niceh and should go into the winter in rood sh ipi incidintillv it was t nrour mtk to u irn from prof 11 l oobli thit his inesttrntional w rk o d iti ls most encouraging from th stmdpolnt of h l in fi this pist wnk hi informed us thnt he hid imlncd th ht it sown on tlu college plots in thi ir expm 1111 nt il worl n dntes of seeding plots wtri own on ug 23 aug 2 sipt i sept 11 ind sep 17 hi n ports that to date only one hesim flv lirvai in the wheat sown in august nnd n very very few in the september sown plots incidxntnlh we delivered uomc w heat plnnts taken from one of halton s earlier sown fields to prof goble tins pist week nnd n report on his findings will possibly nppeir in our column next week in belgium pigeon racing com pares wlh our baseball as n nat ional sport acton united church anniversary services sunday october 28th 11 am spical speakerthe rev j w oliver of rockwood united church soloislmrs k randell milton united church 7 pm order of divine worship org pluiimr dilm ivirst somln imindilssohn t1ut ioud is in his moia tl mrlf irtmiumnudo unittd church choir iroc i ssion u ii 1n no im unto tlu hills i lift mj eyes snndon till cml to worship thimltllmirl 1nv0ct10n itih mimsttit citorol amen sriin i lvl st m ittlu 1 lu hi r armstrong ma bd ikno pnsbtermn church trvmiv tlu h stiuti 1 huitist clnirch ichonl mtnl tull 1l it id is m stnitutd tsntart nnnoi nci mfnts h 1 ni tn llu ctiuntisoiu ouitditton iurtlia oimnum wnontuinc till ntnol oc sim 1 nini all standinr nth1m- it h uiluul i in tht mountains tharl or acton high school news gave it vervthlng thev lnd but jiut couldnt leep up to the mil ton ti am thorc b no rugby ifanu this niurulay omi thing new in the school time tabh ls a five minute reccis ciry morning from l6 4a10 53 for idtidi nb and teachers so far thbt airangtment hits been very buceesji- fnl and on thcie brlcht mnrningn its nice to gq oulnide and get n brenth of fresh nlr i notice by the bulletin board that mr heron has dlvhded the boys of the school into three tenm for intormurol rugby the boys ore anxious tp get started nnd their romps will be hold in hr pnrk the three captains of these teams jrtc don dnwklns jack dnvldson and dnve mcvey the executive of the llternry socielv met to draw up n constit ution this will provide for student council rather than a lit erary society it has not yet been presented to the society the newspaper committee plans to get an eyeopener out in the 1 p 1 ttt walls xf sheet steel stctl ft hi arch bun doveloped a m w ulnruiuj curtain wall panel tohbtriictlnu for building exterior which cohhbttti of fluunt kheeu of htttl tu outt r coat u utalnleu htcel and thi inner n carbon irtoel between them lu a eor- of fibre glaiuf insulation though only 1 thick the panebt have iniulatlng value uunerlnr to 0 12 wnll of man- on ry nnd planter auction sale in tlir twp op pusmnfl or k ive stoek i hi pit men u hay iruln lliauuhold lfftu vie tin nndc intend has irclvid in tuietioiu torn the ixicutoiu lot p state of the tli ill i lti mi n contribution box put up but 90 jar there hnn been ery little res ponse could it be thnt evervonea too rugby minted thene dnyi mondn moftilncrmnny student i dwciltsed hnving seen the rovnl couple some rot pictures ind oth ers got wi excited thc forgot c tnke thi m spt ikiiir of plcturt s i class in the school hid lb pie ir t kin last utk tin results are mp po t el to inmi baeli thus etk ia1- tiioh hfaton to mi 11 b juirilon at ih firm lit 111 eon 10 two and t h ilf mih s i nst of no u llijihwi 1 miles i i st of mornston on tuimsnav novuvmer 1 commencintt nt 1 o clok hnrp tin followlnn cows hid durham ow bred apr 0 hi i durham cow bn el api 10 lied durham coy bred julv r red durham cow hr d sept 0 jud durh im rojv bred sept 17 hid cow fresh with calf at ulele not bred black jfcrscy- dui ham cow calf at sldo not bred fat calf 10 mon hs old 3 vounr calve poultry 12 henst n rooitcri 25 pullets 0 kttst 1 gander implements sine plow 2 furrowed plow dump lake ha todder mower waon with flit hnv rnck nnd wncon box masacy harris binder seed drill cirl 2 bitrkies democrat cutter cultivnt or set hnrrown sleiflhs fanning mill pulpi r scuffler delnval crenm separator sugar ktilc hny fork 150 ft rope iiitiiir box lfauivg auction sale houtrln cattle tractor and trac tor i- qulpment larm implements hay grain and turnuure i the unelersiknf ti hu reccied in ti uctiem f 1 om the ext cutors of thi est tc of the latf alf xakdfil mckevzie to m11 b public auction at lot 9 con 1 twp of esqulilne on no 1 highway 4 miles norlh of mil ton on saturda october 27 at 12 30 o clock the follow infi horses and harness 1 krey percheron marc d years old 1 brown pcrclilion tldinfi pood workers 1 set ilmast new brtlch- inr hnrnissl 2 sets back band nnr- ihss quantity of new horse shoes 4 high top collars slujh bells horse blankets odd bridles halt 1 rs e tc hay and grain 12 ton mixed ha bilid 1000 bus oits 12 ton mixid hn ioqsl 12 ton alfalfa ha loasi rltrnituttr umnut finuih bed springs and mattress cook stove g lid reuroir ind w lrminc clnst pmpin chest of driwtr 1 burner toil oil stent ind oun dmuif room ixtiniion iiblts no of lit th n ch urs cnkmin limp 3 pine cupbo ircls wish mds tl tt il c limit t ruho no tf crorks odd tlishts eitht r nunuroib snnll hoasehold rrf cts hoistein cows d hfik i rs si holsti in cows fyish mu of silt holstt in cows dm in nov 4 holstt in cow dui in dec 1 h lstt m tow f rt ih 1 month 1 hulst m cow milkinc brtd s p 2 holstt m cows milkinr brtd in turn 2 holsteln cows aulkinr bn d in ur holstein cow milkuir bred in apr 2 holstein ht ift rs 2 t irs old open ii01- stt m heiftrs 1 eir old 4 holstein htiftr cahes c months old 2 hoi s 1 in heift r ci1ls 4 we ks old tractor and power mach iner ord tnetor on rubber likhts 1 wded tirt hdrnulic lift and eh mis ft rciiion tn t r 2 furrow ilow ft rpu on tn iff ft mow r ft rriison 14 plntc el uihli tiisi m h 2 w hot u d man un spn idt r on rubbt r 1 irt rxw r ni r f rpu in s 1 f 1 im cirri il u s rf nd cirtulir bttich n 10 hi idt ttm jmn rrin r md m 1 r 1 h 1 m nor 2 c c w 1 jm 1 v r t n u o rh ml d 2 11 i n t u ih if 1 id pul forks and all small nrticlen hay nd grain 20 tons ha 75 bus miutd rrnln 25 bus who t iiousfhold efffcts coil or wood heater benrh compinton eotikinc range unshinc mnchini w 1 mtt r sauwire jinnder filler couth bitlsti it ch urs ind othi r ifnuti hold effects a qunntit of wood a f e w re dir po t plinks stenm doors vhilhirr tibles thstii s limps sc ill s sip uls and splits b irrel brnti mi rhum bntti r bowl e hirki n erttc t tt trm at thi sim 1111 nd pi 11 th firm con is ir of 100 11 1 mon 1 1 w ill b of 1 d f l snh sulij ct t 1 1 tl hid on ihi firm u n e imf t bl 1 1 id h his bmk hirn 40xf0 d t lbl s pik7pn hf n house di h i htiiimil ihh wdl wt id th i ind 1 1 tl iv 1 un f0 1 x 1 ibl r ur fill wh nt th b il mr bu h nd pi ture soni 1 od timh 1 fu furthi r puticulirs ipph to auctmni or tt rms in 11 il t stite 10 pr ct nt on di of ilt bil incp h n pos 1 ssinn is nin pos u 1 i uit purchase r tirms on clnttols cih with le il on tli of sale wm a crnsov b auctioned obituary former resident dies in hespeler foimer n midi nt of acton c luster oeore mellnlti of lliplnr puiuod iiwuv there on filday ottolur lit in lilu tuth yun- mr mlialn wiui the hon of the late gorut nnd maltha myfutln ami the hutihind of thi bae violet graham who pro fit n hjuki him in 1u47 i ft to moipn hu pakuinu are thi 1 wirm and one datiuhfer cioiii nf himpilor client f 1 of ijuunjiaiid wlllla moffcrjfujtanii mrs llammill tj out lh id also i iis 1 li vi 11 uiandi hildn n piillhiaurt wen slanhy plumh 1 1 andy kon ter tack otttrltlen cainpbi 11 curile gordon currie md 1 re tl daw kins all ni phewn thi funeial took place fioni iy virtoi r rumlev funeial home acton on monday october 15 at 210 with rev williamson con duttlnu hie jicrviccii interment was in the acton cem etery f l wright authorized repretentmlve or canada savings bonds it aln accoptlna npplicatlons from lu cllenlt or the 1951 sorlos write phone or call so wiibur st acton phonl 5 john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w wwiiwsiiisa m s 6 mill st acton phone 110 coming soon november s78910 you mutt sm it i uuuifinj jllll anl mus acton this it four kinrf of picture 1 picture hit hwiits voui teui vom iiuchs voui eveiustine reuehiitmce youll think nc1vei foi it ind foi tie thrill of seeing iti wim uitiut march scott i qiul wt vtoutu howtjm 1- iioit or raiid 1 vh hu oki lool w nil wlcaso tan uiial ihi ihi vim tug wonduru tioit or rmov wni mm it wit in the we at home and overseas serve canada front lines of freedom 1 i strvxon lin ti l u i wthi m ii no so 1 v ni o lli n ii v 1 u u o 11 ii k sol o in i- l i lft your licht shine kw it b a runntsmtde i chunh toronto tctiunodl i vl i 1 ii u uol qi ml lii 1 t i tmt i nil l un c it tl un l uh in tin v lilcrtus st tt o ir 1 iki n mo tin 1 t clurd sulhanl wi tl lm nl iiis uibil cmllii von tbcr wtu1 v li tl nun ti still miuti i cnn lih 1 ssion m h n 1 o misni u t mi walk with t imiritunt 111 1 lirio hi lv 1 nm thru old chnrul amen oki vn imllni vi il otlirtoruira ihitilur li f li d- soloists hilda censtra sopr mo gladvs naokton conlnlio elliott grant tenor james crockatt baritone orqiinisi iind choirmaster mr george bishop mus bac worship thr lord in ibr brauljr s lloltauu 1 chrab it 2 ntri fmrvrs ftc i i h nil t h hi r- 1 n bin 1 i ihi m h r f in vv r din li n 1 id in v 1 rik 4 in- i 1 hi d i rns r i 1 f l u ri v i id w 1 i d i in i ir h i id 1 i 1 nil nfl iirl d 1 ni 11 m h nt it r p ml n i r i r i il i 0110 lh cm il i n 1 1- s i i hi n h id r i i md i li n v h n rk ind ro i 1 ht w it r tn i r ch 1 i o i li 12 mod 1 fork u ilk ilk pi iw 12 hi u toni i r p n 1 s n li f lii ho n of r h r rli t r i ul h irl mith tiols h 1 1it i hi n tr nin roiipmftn i n l m tqn i ni 1 i r lint i ih p mc md m top iiluinn rnck md c ih n w v ki milk coil r 10 cin nt n nullc pulls ttlrs stnini rs i tc term cash sittlimmt with cli rk di of salo scotch block w i cotirlnc no rtir o us fnrm ls sold mndlxy and elliott auction pni i ph lbr3 rock vood 1t7j milton geo currie clerk b152 modern inventions hae not taken away from the infantry its allimportant part in victor again and again in the battle uf 193945 and in korea infantry ha proved itaelf queen of battles the job of the infantryman ha become tougher mora complex he mull lie able to handle more weapon and to meet a greater variehv of mtuations in defence and attack more mtn am niimd immhmattiy enrolment standards to enlist you mutt olunur to enr niiwvkrrr ij lto4 irdirt iikii to i mitt nn rtiiin nuiitt murriti mill tll be uccipitj apply to the nearest recruiting depot no unrumuwlpapof wolla huu txuau a ckfloh jit oubwo out no s prbnnl dpt artlt ry pork kagol it kinatton ortt comodia army lcru ring stotiow 90 ruhmond st w tomato 0f no 7 pirtmml tfepot woluuy bartockt euiablk tlrt undo 0l army cruittng ccntro 230 motn ittt wt narth lay ont army rocruiaao crft jom slroot armoury 300 jomct st north hmllo 0t join the canadian army active force now

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