Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1951, p. 1

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wht gitfitm sttt ffrfcgg sevenlysevorith your no t7 acton ontario thursday november 1st 1951 ton homo print purjoj six conl 450 enjoy annual halloween party pumping station x ready to operate pumping equipment at the ntn- tion on main street nn the sewer lint l ready to go into operation but n brief tun on the pumps yes terday revealed some new dif ficulty the wnler was forced nbove gi mind and tt has been necessary to exebvnte beside the building again and endeavor lo find the cause of the liouhle tills woik was stat led r yisleidnv aft t noun and those who watched the diffi culties t neounteied in tins mii when tin station was built will np- pieciite whit may be em ountered the e isl iinn pipe has bei 11 found to tyt sbimd lb 111 inoutji it about it ft et f 1 urn the building special speakers anniversary music large enngt egatlons attended he morn inft and evening nnnlversary services held in acton united church iilsi sunday when hev j oliver rorkwood and hev i w jewett totontn weie the special speakeis miisii foi the evening service was provided by the run- nviikile choir of toronto mis k itindnll was soloist i i the moi nlng service and misi 1 simmons and mrs veldhuls cori- spetinl anthems choir led b miss costume prize won by lonesome gal ti ibulerl 1 duel 1 mi ung b tlii i o iunpird mi olivei bi erviie on the whosocvt 1 he 1 ri th lhi mine and dui tb ihem him ui recognize them three acton businessmen attended the hal lo weertpa7iy in the arena last night wednesday and as seen here their disguise was very effective the lady in the centre won the prize in the adult group for the best costume if you really dont know who they are here is the answer from left to right doug manning les hotchen and gordon oder staff photo nassagaweya lot mecca for ann plow match ideal weather conditions favoured the annual match of the halton plowmens association which was held on thursda of last weik on jumping deere ranch near campbcllvtlle owned bv r mcduffe and son soil conditions were excellent nnd the workmanship in general was high william barrie veteran judge of waterloo county and alex block of wellington county a former champion in both walking plow and tructor classes were the official adjudicators in the program held in the nas tl sagawcya township hall folowing the banquet both officials complim ented president vernon mcarthur and his fellow officers both on the quality of work an 1 the gmerul efficiency with w hich the mach iv as run a total of 30 contestants were in action for more than 1000 in prizes which is somewhat below the ov erage entry of the past tc years r g brown a veteran plowman from waterloo hod the top ridge in the walking plow classes but homb s stanley may was a strong contender throughout and woo the esso champion special for he best ridge in walking plow clisst 5 b a halton contestant in the tractor classes whtre there were 30 contestants norma 1 ln- dall of richmond hill who rennllv won the overseas trip at tho inter national again showed the wnv in the mi nn iilss halton was wtlt and worthtlv represented bv sp net 1 wilson and claude pitke w ho were 11 w aided the esso tru n champions special and rismvc the bank of nov 1 siotu s d foi the best ridge in class box under is veats was won foi th second viu in suetessum n in- oul iluui ti of trafalgu tow nh p whio ih hmk of cnmmnce t o ph 1 1 cass tl foi the best ridge b a llii pw m m w th i t 11 m llliuiiiul plow went to hov 11 in uii f callipwlvij was the scene of the orogram fol lowing the banquet and here under the chat ran anship of president mc arthur a spendid program v as presented this included numbers by alex nears orchesra and the harmony kids of campbcllvtlle the guest speaker was dr g i christie a former president cf the ontario agricultural college others who spoke briefly includ ed prof jas laugh and of the field husbandry department at the college stanley l hall mppfor halton geo elliott of mtlton reeve edgar ellenton of nassaga- weva and messrs wm barrie and alex black the judges of the day the awards in the plowng clas ses w ere as follows class 1 jointer plows in sod 1st h g brown gait 2nd alf dickie jtjrsev ville 3rd stan maj hornbv ah harley timbers un- lonv ille cliss 2 jointer plows in sod 1st gt o markle alberton 2nd jack turner moffat class j jointer plows in sod- 1st merle timbers aurora 2nd got don liver hornbv clisj 4- tractors in sod 1 t n cotirinud 011 pflue fli 1 this vvek s meeting of knits f i iw w october 301 h and was 111 the form of a halloween masquerade mmv ftiji tlmg 1 us tumes were worn and kai hansen and babe rcxsell 11s lubes of shaving cream and tooth paste and douglas davidson as bahv and crawford iouii a mitmmi excited some curiosity the 1 venmg began with a candy hunt and then even one jr in ssed who the people wiie under the disguises with a pi i7c going to the best costume hill bell as a lone some gal m evening dress won th pne and dn ssed in a blonde wig nnd flowing gown he leallv look ed the part even one then unmasked nnd started ducking for apples several games were plaved anil lunch was served the worship p irt of the evening was opened bv the president an 1 bill nruce read the scripture and lull bell led in praver last nights pictures appear in todays issue of the free press the free press aims nt all times to feature the local news while it is news and our local pictures and features give the latest possible coverage this week we have however exceeded our usual spot picture ntws and pictures taken nt the halloween party in the nrena last night are presented to readers in todays paper you may be aura the eighteen hours that elapsed from the time the flash bulb click ed until the picture was reproduced for our readers were not idle ones d his moililuu text therefole s i n- of will pken w ise man w tin h built his house upon i rock the speakei pointed out that the umlil must build hi the guspel nr wipe out the iisliin 1 ivill7 1lon and leave onl a few b irkwoods pi ople is t hi sole survivor mr olivet siid we have a right to be concerned about the foundation of our social economic and spirit- 11 il life he continued in eoneliison he likened the flag ver windsor castle in england to the flag of just lie and recalled the lomnieiit of a guide the king is not in residence because the flag is not flving rev jewett at the evinmg ser vice those as his tit the pass ig fiom st matthew let voui light so shine befoie men that thev m iv si e your good woik m glo if wiui father which is m he iven the minister urged that pe iph let theirlijht shim for two n a ons fust for the sake of other people and seeondlv because of what it will do for jourself rev jewett suggest d that if vott believe in the christian faith now is th time to proclaim it we have put too much emphasis on hiding our religion were afraid of hpocns he concluded members of the runnymede choir and soloists under 01 gnnist and choirmaster george bishop mus bac provided many anthems for the evening service included in the selections were the holy city the lost chord and o divine redeemer rev armstrong of knox pres byterian church assisted at the evening service mr shuter was unable to attend because of illness wa sees articles mode by eskimos 1 sl alhans w a held theli tobei meeting at the home of mlt ii jolley on x tuber 2i with 1 huge numbej of- member t nnd visitors present the piesldent mis w dennv opened the meet ing with piayi r llepnrls wen- lead and adopted 11 ms were made for the little helpers tea to be held in nnvein- ber chn tmei eud and iihnd- 111 wei e sold guext speakei for i hi evt ning wa const cm iv ton fi vet w ho poke of his win if 111 the it c m i tiut dlspliw d minv at th les m it h the iluimo niunetous sn ti sliu mil- p 1 1 d around uiil const fi vt 1 uis kepi busy 111- w et ing pll stions the men wot king at the new palish hall weie al 11 invit d to v 11 w tin 11 tu lis on displnv aftei uhidk ill mijowd a detlelmi t engineer claims plumber is delaying sewerage operation consulting engineer r v ander son reported to council at a special meeting list thursday that de in the operation of the cwrage disposal svstem were due to the uncompleted plumbing contract in trie hands of g r muckan georgetow n count il considered in lenglhv discussion the constant delavs in the 1 siunited time of op- t ration for thi disposal plant and sevvtrigi svstim at a r mmittv meeting of c un til last siturdav all acton build- iis wt iimvited to attend to ds- iiiss pi ins a allow for housing the m w fin pumper thri e propos ds wiii ui ide to tht builders lor ing dvn mm hi tt h tot k iss ih fotd i qiupiih it w is ii to lor 1 km mi ti from om ih age 11 oungest plowb m the th i 11 the tvs ptiw v t w won bv 1 tlt 1 i- wis th field and lu r fore f em ott speet il the stanlev ma special oi he best plowed ndge in walknt plow classes b a halton conte taut a ho htul not pre ioilsis competed at a math wls won b gordon lav it of hornbv the wants of the inner man were abh looked after at noon bv the ladies of the campbell ville wom ens institute two hundred attend ed the banquet in the cvenng which was held in the ebenezcr church where the ladles of the womens auxiliary lived up to their reputation ai ou standing caterer the nassagaweya township hall halton named as support area in civil defense organization ors w mild b r frune pnr nn nn pn s n h 11 w 1 hilto in h is be n destg it d 1 stippot art 1 bv the civ 1 ti f tii org mi itum and fire chuf fted sh iw or oikville has h1 tiinud lsslt mt fire mirihil 1 1 sponsible for directing fire figh- ig in s ri thi countv in the ivent f disistir the mutu 1 aid stheme was pion- ti r d b hilton countv firenun md is sepirite from anv arrange ment made bv the civil defens or- ganiration but could fit in perfectlv w ith the nation s overall defense setup chief shaw is coordina ir of the ccuiptv scheme coder the mutual aid setup the countv brigades operated much as do the various units of a bit city fire department in short it means that any com munity endangered by a conflag- t it on u 011 id h iv e not onlv fs o vn tpipm lit i ul ible but also 1 max nuin of four pumpers from ohi r otintv umls in the i v ent of an emergency the munii ipilitv s own apparatus would arfswer the first call on tht second alarm two additional pump ers from neighboring comminittrs vould nspond with other units in different centres in turn moving equipment to the town thus left uncovered the third call would send twq more units from another town speeding to ihe scene of big fire flood or other catastrophe running cards similar to tho it- used in big cities are now being drawn up the plan includes a sec ret code to be used by chiefs when asking for outside aid meeting the emergency and all weie invited to give estimates on the building proposal for the meet- ing on thursday onlv two tenders were reciivtd on the three proposals for storage of the new fire truck both the ti nders submitted were for new buildings onlv and no tenders weie received on alterations to the pres ent hall the tender of t gordon and son was for 3 730 50 j f mcmulien tendered at 3 703 nei ther tender w is iccepted the building committee and the mivor were to arrange to have the inside doors of the present hall ik 11 ff 1 be mi instilled to hold thr arch md 1 p irt of tin present in u k plot t ikt n out the outside d plmd and thn th front of hi to bt usuau d to suppu thi d spo- 1 pi mt w ih ii r it w is di tided to d r a well ibout 12 fit j7t p ind instil a pump it is necess irv to jnstal 1 toll and sink for he washing of 1 tbor itorv e pupment it wis ijso necessirv to hive 1 1 onstant sur- ph of hot w iter jones and vingils were engaged to complete this work when the engineer prepared a statement showing the detailed cos of equip ment and installation the heating 0 the control build ings and wash rooms at the dlspo al plant was discussed and the eng ineer proposed a large size unit heater council suggested that perhaps electric heatem would be more economical the engineer was to investigate all councillors were present at this special meeting with mayor tvler presiding tumi tvi mimliils of iho wa tllu nil v liii i ith praf no new fire hair necessary itatepivers uf acton will be ri hived to litin that a 1000 attdlt ion to the file hull to house th new pnmpi 1 will not be teqiiind at this tune tow n workmen 1111 1 r town fori man al ktrkness n ive sun e 1 mint it meetings reported ilsewlltli take ilown p lit of the obstructing pillit nnd seitncd the tu t ess 1 v w tdth the supporting hi am ovet the doorway ha been put 111 and the brick wm k tlono above under the guidance of a cliffoid the oltl inner doors have been removed now all that lemains to oe done is to irsulalethe projecting poith tm replace the doors with a new set so far the cost has been maintained to a minimum nndttit ii ns have reason to be pleased that a further big expenditure will not be required nt the present time witches ghosts clowns enjoy ys mens program cnstiimeti of witches uhoitts tlnwini tublnlh uiih and rnwlinys dis guised home 3 chllfjitn nt the annual halloween patty held in tho aienil on wednesday veiling stat ting with a puinde letl by the acton citiins hand the stoiy bonk t hiitncbiit tmindi d ftom the town hall to the nieliii whei e they welt tl 1 a led ti movhti ittlllllh kami s ptli s nnd a kr 11i1 ling a gi and inniih took the t hlldn 11 tiiound the niena leviinl timer and then the bioke oil into m pwtlw gioitps foi 1 olluini judging by otin vi iv puh d j ode 1 pub d b 1 nilii of the fine hbowlltg of cos- litm i w in the fust pioiip lohn kentm 1 lid lltldii muihla wit the pi l wititpis uitli tin 11 10 tiuio philip sutton mid siiidia im in 1 in hum tapturid the honni in jtoiip two and hnhit tikei and s11 an wil son hud he lie- i losliliiii iii the thud rjottp don cook nnd i ii 1 janv w n tin wiuihis in iitmp font while hi imt ii 1 va is nnd i h ibi th janv took i was won bv jai k mi 1iiddi 11 nnd main hnlilin and i unlh u and tv is r hiuiiav 1 1 aptun d the pi t foi ii otip si ven iliiiiiaski d bv this turn a iionp uf itiihltlou bov pal tit ip il rl ill 1 stunt blow out tbetaiidle tonduit id bv cliff sutton a plate uf floin wa injitlid 111 pirn e of tin catidu and the bov s nded up with the tatulle blown out and will ovnd w ith floui chiths khknss 1 master of i m imiiiik t tilldlli ti d 111 pinpnilll foi tin iiovwl nf voiin tii w hfifio 1 vi niii wa luiiiivifl 1 s tin distri bution of n hitj of latnh md an ap- joe llmsl bail a v 1 initialing ilisjiiii hut 111 th ji md man h whih smoking ins w if 1 niiht fire and a tht own tjr tin iniiiinl in lllllih ntlfli d no motis effi eta ui te fi ii flout tin iiliiinltv kubliil rnnsk pi e ii nt 1 a vaiuil appiainiik nf iliflttin kt h toill and meki d inaivt is out ing miouh tlisgmsi inlimued of a wig nindo fiom wood shav nigs adult as wi ii a t htldicn mi 111- 1 d lit i njov tht pattv and tin small amount of damngo 111 town was in k epini w ith what hullo wi 11 should lie calvacade of cars escorts statue of virgin to church description of acton so attractive lindsay folks want to moye a letter from lindsay yesterday was nn inquiry from n family who would like to move to acton thih description of our town in satur days telegram proved so attnetive that it prompted an inquiry weve sent along information concerning acton and we know that a visit would show that the telegram article was not far fetch- id and acton will be just as ap pealing to the folks from lindsay the newspaper folks found it on their visit incidentally the writers from the city told us they had the best cooperation from citizenshere of any place they had visited and getting acton story had been a t pit asnnt tisk auction address ys mens features a chun se auction and 1 talk tv const cli ton frer rcmp wie fti utes of the regular meet ing of the alton y s men s club list wik clav ton ft w r n v n wt d 1 v ear s woik om naff in i land where he hi in 1 ti s it nru d fur thnetpirs with h k c m p starting from the u v il of thi supplv ship h foi l14j thtuugh the vears activities out i hi bo it igan visitid th is- 1 md a iv o l if it of t us fiom alton iltove to itotkwood witltn div 1 v- 1 niiu and e tui ttlf buk to town one of tlliee plul im vllgiii sla- iii s uf rilimi w hu h ate in mg t lit n right atoiititl the voitd cats of roman cat 1ml it pari di loin rs fiom gin ipb 1 seoi led tin statue whuh 1 onimi mointi s 111 appear- uite oniie vtigin tvtiryls tar l hot k wood millions have seen this statue which is now touring the hamilton diocese under the direction and supervision of father patrick j monte of the scarboro foreign missions the statue was taken to st jos ephs church and placed on a spec ially built throne devotions were conducted by father moore who told the story of the apparitions of the mother of god amd the pur pose of veneration ft the mother of god but not adoration which is due god alone the devotions were closed with solemn benediction of the blessed sacrament three shepherd children saw six apparitions of the virgin mary 34 years ago near fatima portugal it is believed that she appeared there to bring a message to the whole world three statues an travelling to roman catholic dioc- j ese all over the world and the statue w inch arrived yesterday in at tun h is be n t mi d t 000 niil it was taki n from the shuno at fatlmi in umlt for spteiit bb sstnf at itotni and has in in si 1 11 in tin ijomlliltali ibpubllt trini dad ibitish and dutli giuina h111i vr nt h gut in i jamaica and alaska fatln r moore reports that in all tountries the n sponse to the blessi tl mothers appeal to deal with si 1 ions world conditions baa been inspirational during the tour of the hamilton dnicesi thi statue has been carried on 1 specially built van with motor est oris to nnd from each place the statue will be taken this ev- 1 rung to georgetown escorted by acton parishioners the tour of the diocese is expected to be comp leted in the middle of february in this district it has already been seen at drayton alma elora fer gus and guclph the statue was made as clov ly ns possible according to descriptions given by one of the three children who saw the apparition the sad- ess that she said was in her yei has also hi en transferred to the statue j by canadian law copyright pro tection of a work remains in effect during the life of the author and for flft years after his death u tu flln vhi ur d l ed rs it hmdli md 1 aluig with ch rk f wngh sist d it the community n eirlier thus vear wtre fet- the club thi also enriduct- chinese auction articles wiie put up for sale and each biddt r paid ihe amount he upped tin bid a time limit was vet and the last bidder was a warden thr article final plans were made for annual halloween partv the canadian hockey players were greeted with rattles and cheer when they got off the boattrain nt waterloo station london recently they will play hockey in britain this coming winter as membets of the earls court rangers team little dutch boy and the little duch girl with an angel irt be tween are shown here at tho halloween party in the arena last night sponsored by the ys mens club about 450 attended th party ronnie heller linda jeanne braida and karin heller are seen here in their attractive costumes notice the wooden shoes and the bows on the angels shoes staff photo

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