Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1951, p. 10

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pc faosikn theacton free press acqn ontario thursday november lit 4bs ttms ftyr this column mail phoned to 174 or srni to th pr prwas otficm fat acton the first snowfall of the scn1- n could surprise us nny dny now the full akaixca ore being held jn the county court house this week well bruiebnll in over for thli year nnd now to the sports of the winter seoson your home town pnper this week 1a again ten pngen of local nd district news halloween with all its hosts witches nnd energetic youths is over for another year provincial elections on novem ber 22 nnd munlcipnl contest fol low immediately after be sure your nnme is oni the voters lfits dont wait for eleet- ion dny to make n correction a michigan man who smnshed m juke box was judged iniane how near to insanity n lot of us have been a number from acton attended the presto club in guelph on mon day evening when bein bosior- menyinagy celebrated hungarian concert pianist was guest artist 1 the periods of bright min- nhlny days become more brief thoie attending knox church fowl mipper totalled about 700 n final count shown it was report ed last week that about wo at tended sorry that nt limes the demard rorceednthe supply and youcaa4 get your home town paper at the sales outlets regulnr tubacrtbers are always sure of their copy each week at 2 80 per year the ninetieth birthday or mrs john stout wni celebrated at the home of her daughter m a k thoman in rockwood last week another son franklin stout abio liven in uockwood mrs stout herself now uvea in guelph it was announced this week that ellis rognvaldion guelph who with his brother rescued a woman from going over niagara falls last august will bo awarded a bell telephone co certificate of merit mr rngnvalrison who i a brothel of clarence and gordon rofcnvalrison has wprked m acton for the bell a full account of the heroic rescue was carried in the free prevs at that time letter suggests renaming t0neiwendymfaw4 obituary masonic service held for t cook the funeral was held on thuru- day october 25 at 2 30 pm from the victor 11 ilumley funeral home acton for thomas hcibcrt cook who passed away at his homo in enqueuing township on october 23 mr crok vho hud been in till ing health for some lime wh ojiii in kumasn and came to eaqui ing 2 jenis ign whine he resided u his death mayor ted tjler received a let ter this wcelf from someone who had just made up her mind after one short visit what she thought of acton that sounds as if she might not hove been altogether complimentary about the town and recalls still lively shades of the days when comments flew about ourtoads but the writer thought nothing derogatory just the opposite elizabeth b cuddy is a full time writer and not juit of letters she vpent a day in acton last week nnd following her visit an account or this town with her byline appear ed i th to telegram following her day in acton miss cudd wiote to mayor tlcr dear mr tlcr manv thanks for all your assist ance in getting material on a story for acton i think von should re name it the fnendlv town as never have we had so complete co operation and we certainly ap preciated it sinccrcl elirabcth b cuddy campkuvitu harvest completed forum reconvenes no 1 school farm forum mem- bers have the harvest completed nnd met on mondn evening to be gin the winter series of radio broadcasts discussion and recrea tion periods joe meghuvray as sistant manager of the milton co operative was guest speaker for the evening robert hurrcn was discussion leader for 1 when should a cooperative organize in a community when a private enterprise mono polizes a business as it helps to con trol things 2 tn setting up a cooperative what steps should be taken to in sure success in having me who are in tercsted in the business and having o good manager who is able to ac quire a large volume of business 3 what steps should the mem bers of a cooperative take if their cooperative is not giving good ser vice or if it is showing a financial loss members of a cooperative should investigate and find out vvhut the trouble is progressive euchre was enjoved bv ull and prizes were awarded to mrs john small mrs robert hur- ren harold small and joe mcgil- l ra the lunch committee was mrs robert inglis und mr claude ingllb campbelu llle women s institute served lunches at the hulton coun- t plowing matili held at u mc- dutfes fmni last thuisdav when a good rowd attended mr and mrs john gilmour havt mild thin mini to mr cluttu of hamilton and will nui to tin ir iiitt limm iu t to tlu i hut ill mi and mis toi toldmi n hivi inovid to di wan s m tin m must mark nov 11 on sunday same rimiumhiuui d i nowmbir 11 whuh filb on buudjx thi via i umot ik itliluiud on anv other u a tinte ikpartimnt offliil said rueiulv rrowiou la m ide in the aits sit ting up other tjtulut holiday uch us chrlstmas new year s da dominion dav and the king wrthday that if they fall on a sunda tho following day u a holidaj hovtever the act setting up remembrance day makes no such provision hornby sunday school has halloween party a halloween party was hold on saturday afternoon october 27th in the orange hall at hornby for members qf st stephens sunday school and the little helpers the party which was a real success was well attended by the children and many of their moth ers the meeting was opened with prayer and hymns were sung led by mrs royce many old and new games were played by the children under the direction of mary thompson and evelyn course after which a del icious lunch was served which was enjoyed by everyone a highlight of the afternoon was the presentation of mrs maxwell the rectors wife of a fairyland house complete with lawns trees picket fence and even little birds all made of cookies and candy this very beautiful little house is to be given to the pupil who is considered the best behaved most polite girl or boy in the sunday school grant royce who underwent an operation for appendicitis at brampton hospital recently is now home and is progressing favorably h s holden optomatrut 7 douglas st guelph eyes examined glasses fitted twenty years ago ihe girls never thought of doing the things they i j t why they say merry christmas with 52 weakly issues of th on march it 1020 he wn mar ried to edna may scott at klora they have resided on their farm nei acton until the present time the deceased was a member of walker masonic lodge of which he was a post master and also a member of knox presbyterian church acton always iptlrested in community affairs he was a member of blue mountain school board and georgetown fair board of which he was a past president he leaves to mourn besides his widow one daughter nnd one ion eleanor of sunnybrook hospital toronto nnd george nt home three sisters and one brother alio sur vive mis jtrank mclarty of ed monton miis anna cook strome alberta mrs i gibson tubeiose sask and george of strome follow ing the funeral sci vice conducted by rev armstrong a masonic sei v ice was held at the crnvesidc interment was made in fnirview cemetery acton the allboarera being mason were fred cole ollie moffat jn burn- ett d mathewson a c patterson and j a leslie flower bearers were sam lindsay m madlll a b petrie harding price w hard ing stan matthews fred shortill and wilfred mossop -ci- voters list 1951 municipality of th town of actom jn th county of haltor nolue li hereby given lliit i have toinplicd with net 1 1 on 0 tit tit- voters lint act and unit i luiw posted up at my office ln aclon ontario on the flrat hoy or nov- irnlvrr iftm- uui8tf ill-naiuutij- entitled tn vote in the jinm mun icipality for municipal klertftmji and that surh list tcmnlui then for inspection and i hen by call upon all voter i to tnke immediate protecdlng to have any errors or nmuuilnni cor rected according to law the lnnt da for appeal being the 15th day of november 1011 j mcgeoehle a172 clerk of the town of acton eca at your party births marriages deaths etc itohn lincoln- at the fl run m ilmi- nltul olllnuwood in mr and mix c a llm olu tlmrnhury ii linightt t a nltler rii jifirg nnd iuicc nun itltoauilknt pnwil iiwiv early thuihtiiiv morning jetolx t 111th 1ua1 nt the toronto western hospital mary lotilii kltnn ut it it no 1 milton w out denrly ov wife n wa mimur inv- wm itroadlumil loved slslir of nfrtt annie llaby wllllani nnd cliarl- ci kltson nlljjf yorkshire eng land service wan held in the thapnl of the tinner and porti i funeral home toronto saturday nrternnon inteinieiit park lnwn cmetery in mkmohiam cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 douglat si tel 1091 if possible premier leslie frost will speak in arthur town hall thursday november 8 at 330 pm auspices north wellington progressive conservative association everybody welcome artrnt do nowadays didnt do them 56 mill st remembrance day sunday november 11 november 1 i th being observed as our remembrance day acton branch no 197 canadian legion britisli empire ser vice league in conduction with the mayor reeve and councils of the respective municipalities and the local clergy will hold memorial day services for those who have given their lives in service to king and country on remembrance da as follows acton it the ligion monument c cl aden alt those taking par aie isked to assembl hill n i 30 pin to parade to the soldier by acton cititij band yh placing ot wreaths leading of names and two minute silence will be followed by a memorial seivice in the united church rev r h armstrong will deliver the memorial addiess berets and medals to be worn 1 nassagaweya cars will leave acton legion hall at 3 p m to convey legion natres to nassagaweya monument for a short service thence to nassagaweya presbyterian church for the me monal service after these services at the municipal hall brookville lunch and hot drinks will be servedby ihe wives and daughters of our nassagaweya comrades r m storey president a mills secretary saturday november 10th poppy day watr peppy in rcittfntbrane coik in lovlnit monviry nf n dcur mother mnrtfnret cole who piuunri nwny october 20 kill anil while ihe hi in pi ireful nlee hor memory we nhill nlwnyi keep always rcnienihi rr d by hi r rlmiuhti r nnrl soninlaw i lin by her jirandrhiulren hon in invintt mi miirjf of a rlenr vuf chirlolte m dron wtio p isseri awny october 31 1114 dei p in die hiirt llii n plctnr- of n lover one llirl to relt in mi nuirj i frame 1 hull ki ep it hi cnirr he was one of the best lovlnrly riimmni nel by hnsb mil dlton in lovini memor of our dear si til chiilntte dron who pivad ac iv ortobi r il 1011 tho i chom wi lov ro jilt of slcbt rut never out of mini tin are i herishi rl in thi lieirts of tttim uiuai li ir ti bin 1 wantads for sale kolt kalk him 1lymouth 1 75 phone niflw it vm kalk srnull pltf d week ld w hill ihunr- i7jl u koil sall nv t brum over- hit hle hi ihriw fllw fl ql salk invnlidh wheel imlr immiim- milton flrl a foitttalk -ptndlirrrtl- henter llkejw iminrif itwijii tip- wn voh salk hnlvi pliy pi n in tood londlliou mrs 1 mtgui- i hie ilhnne initio a oll kalk 22 hos1 rlfl 12 ciick shot rifle nnd ualsy ilr kuii apply mm w gowdy mii i st a vow salk small rnnjte while in id ondition hi utonibl jim c ijeiiriin 20 willow st a ton i yoll fsale lirje con hi iter in nnd corulitlon 11 hi rish offir li1 mi donald hlvd phone j2lr i vinlnih voh salk kiuhen libln t white willi rhronu trim ytm i ondliioii apply lirl m isil jjhnm dirj a uromuri iid sijtnrr grossman in lnvinj m ihory of albert iz crossmin vhj pissed tiuay novi mber f 1010 oh wlmt would i iive to da p yniir hmd yom di ii kind fice to si e youi loving smile jour vckont voice that meant so much to m wife and fimily wansbrough in lovinj mem ory of i dear mother and jmnd- motlnr who pissud iwiy oct ober 2h 1040 god saw the- path was cellini roujh the hill too hard to climb he gently closi d her wi iry rvc s and whlspered peice be thine ever remember d by daurin er anna md cranddatijihter wa- ittn wansnnough in lovin mem- otv of our dt ir mother emma a who pissr d on to her reward october 23 1010 her memor is is dear todav a- in the hour she pod awiv someday we hope to meet nfjain someday we know not when to clasp her hand in the b iter land never to part arnin lovinnlv remi mbered by all her family mcdonald in loving memory of mrs neil mcdonald who pasftd awny on october 11 1048 its not at tho time the tears orj shed that tell of a heart that is tonj but the lonely tears of nftcryeors and remembrance silently bone surrounded by friends wo arc lone some in the midst of our joys w ore blue vith a smile on our face ou- hearts arc broken and longing dear mother for you sadly missed by husband jean and family foil salk yo rri chu ii n i for loatlliu capr n llm a f w ii n- for bo lull r ri ss il mi ii in iil phriru l ll koil saik- wo ml ir r o il hi id r with wati rfr nit 2 i ookiiii 1 oh and slovi pill ov n ihou llllj ae ion or app ly 1 i i i 1 st ioll salk- 2 black and vlnl hi ifi rs l m old also 1 ii r injerey row dm iii ian ap ply thus llimshy it it 3 vl ri phoni 07j2 i for salk- lillys bl h k noth cont trimmed with bl ir k lamb sii 11 apply 71 mam sir i south qr phone 312j pnfcibly in twi en 0 10 and 7 00 p rn a fou sale 1000 liushi is appli well spracrl spvs 1 u5 grein- mis si fio ontanos si 7 snocs 100 urine contain rs jas l ud- law norn lol 9 fith lino n172 wanted wantkij curllna utoneit geo ilobi rlson ii it 1 ac ion phone wantki fo kknt a kirtii- apiily 11 john si n or phone vlj a wantki home for thr e klt- li ns may be jierun d liy nppyln lo mm j k clardlnir mnln st i ihi j lol pr oodiv lllion afiply br twet n ii nnd 4 eit- rept nl wiikirnlk or id nlllht oftkj- ii mm j iuenby 170 fn scent st a dead on disabled anim als wanted gown hor hok wp pay cnbh nt your farm phone guelph 3334 rollret for im mediate lervlco wm falntf op- ernllnif for oordon yountf tf wanted pullet all bfed nnd nji ifrkkl prlcm paid alsj flork wnntrfl to nupply uj with hnthlng ettllh on rme hredi vjf t nn tike i ukfl the year rminrl ap ply tweddle chicle halherleil ltd e ritut ontiirlo oltti for rent port kkmt 2 h d light bousi vi pini zniuu flirnl bed or inform hi d suitable for jvorki iniipli ur 2 iohs wrn i meood aiori phoni 201 rx lost isi p ir rl p ivu in lirojui i t lhnru ml x lost 2 hiin inmt of sp- vsmi- rmi it ndtan and i bl k k trifl jhiti with brojvn hid ih iru a actnn t lost ok stolen- oi thur rl iy ortobr 2 hi il hound pup u months y tnnp fjt n collar anai rs to ifl pnsitiv- id- i rilifn ttion on thi- don rwnd in ir fr inn ghnpt firms phone l y b ioh sale 1 boys twetd ovi r- coat 8 year old sie also 1 li i- c cle medium sie both in jnod ondition applj mrs e w sun ti r 21 mam st phone 312v a foil sale winter apples v ell spraved northern spys snov s raldu ins di licious ontarioi in anv quintitv alco some nod cook- itik mcintosh delivered in acton wdlnrd unidliw lot 8 5lh line w it chinruacousy phone brampton 37012 atf notice cards of tiianks mrs james chalmers would like to thank her friend for the rifts of cards and flowers received dur- inr her illness at home nnd in the hospital these kindnesses arc rreatly appreciated the family of the late mr t h cook wish to thank their friends and neijihbors also rev arm- stronr and the membt rs of w ilk- er lodre for the expressions of smpath and kindness shovii dur- inr their recent sad bereavement town of acton notice mr farmer i am soliciting business for myself for a short trip with a coar or sow for the deal which has need of a small truck have you something for the weekly sales are you looking for stockrs contact jack holmes i am located in town at the corn er of church and elgin the street leading to the main gate of the tannery i also will buy old hoc sows cows bulls calves and fresn hides am now taking orders for beef by the quarter or smaller quantit ies cujtom slatiohtermrj done the miitm ipil council of the town of acton uill aft r th i-x- pirition of urn monh from the il t of thi u take in i con suieri ion and piss a bsliw to slop up ami il thi loll iwi is- d- li in th s ud imii n in 1 lb it pin iiii f l i img ii ki ti ml pi nl n i 7 m the i d 1 n of it n iv nt i en 1 ot hi mil 17 ii in n 7 md v mi ii fi m ti v to b i u of 1 ot i ii ti in n th n m i t i t 17 ll 11 n 1 thi- n in g v i pu mm i to s u j lj of ml m in ii i so ilsi h ipi r m i it i i o i ir o th hull il n o t ii 1 li j mic ii hie 1 j mimiup il ci rk farnworth memorials monuments t modrrmt prief cfmeteuy lettering elorm rd at omrtfry gitflph ovt miscellaneous washer repairs roll parts complete overhauls ernle ridio ind electric georffotowa phone tfii roxy theatre bldg tf sewing machines sales and service repairs to all mokes- ernie s radio and electric phone 4g5 roxy theatre bldg george town atf kitchener upholstery huvc your chesterfield suite re-jp- holstcrcd for as little as ss0 tot prompt and efficient icrvlce cau 103 acton one weeks service housewives vklcrjmc the- farnih x mm for guaranteed uec- ssitu s renbaniblo prices prem iums quality and service we are in need of n few age ns- splendid income for the mtin d worker i et us tell you how by wtng to ramilex icood delonmar mont- rtdl the acton free press moore rocher painting and decorating contractors m phone 399w or 27sj acton classified advertising rates now 1 huct no ihiiki fur mnoui uimnh of ilisjhs mn i ut s 1 urn ami t m ig tin nt in mrmarlim s0e plus iftc per linr for vrrves articles lor sule rent etc 2c a vurd minimum cash s5e if not paid until mfteftnscruon ste box no lo thu office 15e addltlotul coming lt nu 10c per count line win 30c minimum all isssllrd advertisement mu4 rekeb the office before 2 p m on wednesday coming events thur ollice cannot b repoiulbie or conflictno dates o tventt acton junior farmers euchre- and dance lome sthool tues day november 6 8 30 admission 35c a 16s st albans guild baraar kndiy i mninit and saturday afternoon ninimber 2 and 3 m new piush hall turkey supptr and conn t ir acton united church monday now mber 12 adulu jl 00 child ren 50c a dance old time and modern at brookville hall friday novembr 9 red newman s orchestra ad mission vc b- the at ton legion annual christ- mns tree v ill be held in the town hall thursd iy iwrune dittmbcr 20 at 7 10 p m a turk suppi r rcxkwxd un t- d chiirrh wtdnesdiv nov nider 7 1 p m to ii p m adult jl 00 i hidri n undi r 12 soc a tin lu hi insltu i ill hold h r anmi tl mi in mil kmhre ii llio i 11 11 ill 1- rid in w limit s iw inl r 2 i-iithr- imi lunch 2 i i ii v mi n institul is hnlrl- hr id il inn si v i t- ii w dn mii novrrbir h n in i ii ii rw il ad- ii hi i ii 111 s iriln t b i i 1 i i i p ii iii vim i 111 ll fn lid i ii ill h iii ii 1 imi h ili n c uitv f d n i ui of nnculture annual mietmit vwll i id i i m ltrn on 1 k 1iv- ii rnh r 11 sp i lil s k r will 1 mr i ii k brudri k st cilhir- in i primtl nt of the ontirio r d r itiuri of ajjrltulturi b tin hun willi mi a go- ifuliiw lid vinisur of liblit wlrirt md v ml v i iiill proyri ive c hum i ilw indui ite will ad- driss he i it rtors of nisiiffaweva md idjoinlnit territory in brook ville hall on novimber 8th at 8 30 all welcome a72 euihre ind hanre implc ks- quelng young liberals club tuesday november 20 rsqui slnu communiv hall stew in iwn cards 8 30 sharp lunch provided kood prlies dojls hulls orchest- rn admission wc evervbodv welcome b223

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