Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1951, p. 2

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paotwo the acton free press acton ontario tlluiuilsay novkmliril tat 1011 trend to under 5000 commentinp on the location of a new in dustry in one of the smaller contros of ontario the minister of planning and dovolopmont said it was potoworthy that tho company was espoc lally interested in ontario towns under 5000 in fpull4on thochoicoomuqownwjsmfliio after an extensive survey of other possiblo sites there ere certainly plenty of ontario towns in the under 5000 population q which will welcome new industries and a selling ob of these towns would apparently be welcomed by large industries here in hallon courtly are fine locations which provide all the requirements even to the so acre sles which the firm referred to above has purchased tho locations are pushing back from tho front howovor and under 5000 con tres are now limited to such places as acton inquiries are becoming more numerous hero and the trend seems to bo for more industrial do velopment the turn the results of the recently completed british flection are stqmficant in several ways atlee md tho labor government qave way to the churchillian conservatives the conservatives wmmuwh imr nkrifr fqhleh times with many problems at home and almost as many m foreign fields churchill tho man seems- to have been the election point rather than churchill the con tervative as prime minister at the age of 77 he seems to bo determined to contradict one point in the land where those 70 and over receive a pension and a fair percentage retire from the active list churchill on the contrary at 77 is re tirnincj to shoulder tho burdens of troubled times he seems to be one of the typo that refusos tc become entirely dependent on the state the benefits of higher taxation with the state providing and the benefits of lower taxation with the taxpayer providing are tho two sides that often appear in an election and its preced ing campaigns election promises of free this end free that are actually only a mist covering the necessity of taxation that must follow to pro vide the necessary funds r british electors evicted from power the labor regime that was noted for its dispensing of free teeth hospital care and many other benefits england the centre of the great british empire was not built up by englishmen that were hand ed down on silver platters from state operated organizations perhaps some realized that in the current election but more likely they realized who was paying and how much more it was costing for federal operated institutions and in dustry tax free governments one cannot help but wonder where the ad ventures of governments in business will lead in spite of the unfavourable background of busi ness conducted by governments wo find more and more adventures down in ottawa a big printing establishment is being built and equip ped with public money the products turned out in this establishment wont be subect to ten per cent sales tax such as every other buyer of printing is obliged to pay government printing i tax free of course that applies to dominion and provincial bodies but municipal bodies meet the levy the printing establishment in ottawa will likely be free of many other taxes we use the printing establishment as an example to merely show the danger of government operat on of business it s largely the taxes provided by pn vate business that provides the deficit incurred by qovcmmt nt operation the climax of the operition w ii come when oovernmltits find thttr source s of revenue mxcs on private industry limin ittd ltt s qtt into tximplts ii nn wl pk sume the cpr pis salts tax on ill its printed nnthr it the rate of 10 per cxnt when the government printing pi nt at omtvi is in operiton is only reason able to expect th it here the print ng v ii be done for the cnr md since it s government owned we presume it will be tix free all of which of course winds up with who ib going to pay the pensions and bonuses when the mx sources are qone diy or how long will it be before the sources ot taxafion are dried up it s not too late to turn back to the principles of initiative and dar ng that developed this canada of ours its time the electorate how ever became aware of the dangers ahead if it is lulled into a state of apathy of being pension ed and bonused and babied by governments it s you who pays for the soft process is your name on the yotorv list for the provincial nluclioit on november 22nd is now in courau of preparation enumerators have cnmpletoil compiling the of ficial lim of qualify d voters throughout the riding of halton they had a limited time to perform this important work as it had to he completed promptly because of tho time factor anfl tho human element even tho most conclonllous eriumorator can make mistakes errors can be corrected if the proper author ties aro notified in tho right way and at the right tlrmo within the next few days the preliminary lists for lite rural municipalities and in all ridings throughout tho province will bo posted up in tho offico of tho respectlvo municipal clorks as well as at the offices of tho enumerators posters giving tho names of enumerators and their ad dresses have already been posted up you should check theso preliminary lists to see if your name is properly onterod if not apply to tho rural enumerator at tho placo and within the time staled on tho posters if satisfied that you aro untitled such enumerator has tho authority to add your name generally speaking here is who may vote in this county every man and woman who at the time of voting is of tho full ago of 21 years is a british subect has resided in ontario for tho 12 months next preceding election day and who re sided in the riding at the date of the issue ot mt writ of election october 4th if you are in that category you htvea right and a duty to vote so wo suggest that you take the necessary steps now to bo sure that your name and the names of all other eligible mem bers of your family and household are correctly entered- on the list if they are not then the blame will be yours and yours only this move is sound once again a bill is before parliament which would tidy up our calendar on the matter of national holidays if it is passed dominion day and victoria day will be celebrated on the near est monday in their respective months instead of any day during the week as at present when either of these two anniversaries is observed on tuesday wednesday or thursday they are of little use to anyone by adding them to the regular week end howover there would be a real holiday and a complete break for that reason alone there is justification in fixing these holidays on the nearest monday but there are sound economic reasons as well a midweek holiday causes confusion and loss in business and industry it upsets our busi ness statistics in several industries where mol ten metal is used it means that there must be a long wait following the holiday until normal operations can be resumed there is enormous public support for this chanqe the bill before parliament should be passed the financial post editorial notes november and ust two months of 1951 are left no need to remind anyone of how close christmas is drawing but merchants who have early advertising of christmas stocks get the ear of a buying public pre election prom ses in the heat of a cam paign are always taken with a gram of salt the incredible promises being made in the present campaign reminds one of a familiar remark often heard if you tell a lie often enough you soon get to believe it s the truth inmasi weeks municipal election the citizens of st boniface mvi voted five to one rn favor of colored nnrganne that doesn t mean that they are going to gtj it r ght awiy it is the pi o vine al governments hit are responsible fcr the present discnm ml on but if the principle of secunncj publ c op n on spreads we m iy get some staril ng decisions cant vou evut forget that youke a bukhcur the good old days may have seemed better mttttrii llltirrl n eutiuha antm ontario parsnniiitii 20 llownr avmie ilimi iii llv v a urmy ii a ii l minister mll m lannlimnt atom orunnlut hntl choir tender sunday novimtll it 4lll mill 111 iii ii 111 sunday hi linnl 1 1 ikiil in mniiilnii wmiililp min imi i tin lit v 1inl alniiwnllh of llnthliy mm pill lvtlilnu wolhllip inn nmt ntrnr1t alio ktidlli illllllhtl ymi will i njny i hounlil for tin- ivi u di uu nlist joy ihul will nine t t tin tn nrt nt thn tmlnth in iniivi ii wilt ih not to tw iwlil tu mnnslonh hut ltd majdor llllys jimpri wupttmt ulitrrl amn ml douuliih shut r slildimlt inilor siniiav novimllilt 4th iii1i 11 jo i ill slimlliv hihnnl ii ii n m mfiinlnu si i vl 7 ik pill la nihil hi lull imlimtulon following ioiiiiiiik hi i vli i wt ilni iilny ii pin pinyrr mi i 1 lllll i ililnv i ii pin mu inn llinl ii pin ii v ill back in 1901 changes in procedure in parliament are long overdue declares the edmonton journal the present rather happy go lucky system developed in another era when canadian parliaments had comparatively little business before them and could afford to handle it in a leisurely fashion allowing every member to speak at length on everything before the house in the last thirty ears however parliament s duties have in cieasod so enormously that this spacious method cf doing business tends to stretch the sessions out interminably even with sittings twice a day q nan ln of ihurxiuiy orfolu r 71 tht wliil tlushnu nt tin rum of ml mali nlni mm imu ismi lu i llmriiliiy iift innon ltoln 1 1 sw ick h imt i sou uf 1 ivitl sw u kluinit i nu t u illi n n at i mi in whit li nm i nw lv i hi on tl 4k iiik flit il hide i d llu yoimtf in in is stil in a pi i tar ions nmtitiun i lit stiii t sin vi of liis i ijlit nun was c tuhl in tin pulley and lie w 11 thnmn with in it finn jihisl tin ilrlvlrtji u he 1 lf on f coltfns nun ill u i uf pi i suit nl william m kmli p ml tin i xtu mi pmi illv stun kt il lu ill itli lv 1700 villi- nf l nihility 1 hi piihln siliudl imiiki m is ii i n pi i mission tn fiinin t thi ir pip s of thi piopnsiit st mi hi itini sv ti m wllh tlii limit r il tlu paw r housi fur tlii pin pi i of h itlntf dn sihonl biiildhin 1 st ini lniin i r lank m 1iii7 v is 1 1 ml 1 ti an inrn isi of sil rv of fift dollirs pi r annum mijiln his s il nry six hundred dollirs pi r annum a nritkli m wspiper hii nisertid thit kinu ktiv- iril is snffi riii fi m c nicer of tin thro it slneo hls n ei ssion his mijesty hls jind time opi rations assistant wis iaslilv summoned said this journil and in immediate opt ration was pi r- formed si rious devt lopments an xpectod fvirsieral wei ks pleasurnblt an ticipallons nspietlnj the at hom to be held by the employees of w h stony and son of the canada clove works wi re indulged md bv fnda the high marlv of cx- pectation had bein reached this being the first gathering of its kind it u os regarded as tnmcwhni of an experiment after the pror im he i mplovces partook of the tempting fowl and o st rs provided thosi v ho enjoved tripping the light fintnstie nmainid and under thi dinetion of prot f o smith and to the rhvthmic radenci s o the it ilian orchera cnjocd them sijcs for several hours back in 1931 worth digging up lrtmh of llturulttu o foht r ju ijtt a ipnup of li iniplnii bitidsnnii vm ie- 111 ai liiii mi s ituid iv 1 vi iiini adviitlsing thi i rnni inti fiiiln lh it to iiioiiiiw nlgllt mi niiim hi mulioit h is pin 1 h isi il tin fun ii nu nt lto k hotin on imiit h stn i fiuin mis n 1 01 in s mi nut mis aljir npps mil f iiilllv 11 inn vi d lltis wi 1 k to 01 t town wluii mi 1 ipps will in ii 1 til it ii ik buslin oi mi w o hiowridt uf iiiiin 1111 lownship wis tin winiii r of lh l nitifiil sllvi t ii 1 s rvl don iti il bv thi r i ton co t aton i 11 i- 111 i his wi 1 k 1 inuplt of old ti th it h ivi hi 1 11 i hi im irks on mill still i fill ii 11 hiiiiivill lh uioiinl lin ish tn in xt to syrnnn s ii ud in h is h in n mn vi d mtl tl 1 whiti ish tm on th ku of mis wm s iyi 1 pi opi rty is 1k0 giiim i x 11 1 vi h 11 im r w is th woodsman who filhit this tr a sph ndid mission iry r illy wn hi id in milton united chureh on tin sday vi nlng ovi r fifty froi 1 ai ton itti tult il tlijs c nthuvisll t ithi ring mrs hiibdh kltchlng of vu s ig iwi a c h hr 1i1 d in r i ighty fourth birthday it tlu home o lu r daughter mrs c ildwell tjrm hniim on sunday october 2ith nonv paiijvnt in st tosi ph s ho pit il gin lph on thursday oct otn r 12 1011 to mr md mrs m pill ml at ton d iugt r nu 11 gouoon at thi home of mr f a williamson toronto on mon da october 21 1011 bi 11a a gordon d uifihti r ef the late j gordon in her 81st year mociini at tin home aelon ontario on tin sd iv october 11 mil j imes moehru in his 71 t electric whaling harpoon whin tn expired it i compi lie i mr f white of flin flon manit obi to givi up a tract of 1 net on which he w is nusin 1 r rhub 1 b plants ht offered them to tb local bo seouts thc nn ful jug 111 i the pi mis md old th m to ai 1 iti ur kirdvmrs ht r b rnsini sun moo ft r the 11 c imp fund momic nid humitinin whtlis im r pticklv m t rninih in ti id of in hour or sil and lni 1 littl d un n to thi flesh in th the acton free press ti only poptr fur pubhsht i in acton 1 ul lili l nh 1 hurit i il 0 mill s act ui om inn authorlzrd as srrnnd la mall lol otflrr drpartmrnt ottaua c dii ls publishtr mrmlirr audit llurrau imitation w n a and ontario qurbrc itlllon cw s a advertising ritas on raquest subscription in advance 3 50 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial offico 174 residence 131 at th jlrrnliiitrrluti telmrrri im buiiaha i knox iltlkoll acton kkv itollliitt il altmhntonm ma ii t mlnllf r wiliv niivimiih r 2 ii pin miit- lllll fill iii clllihllllll oll 1 lli v hnlny fl hli in ipi ik i i miniiay nivi mill ii llll lllll t firlnllnii oiifriiiih siihiiiiii 10 iii nm tutiiliiy sil nl uml niblu hum ii ml mn hi iviiii nf diilkn i in 1 id 111 iillliiitliinnl vktlut- inn 7 ml p in si i vli i- nf t llnnkjiulv- hili hi v liitui t t stitlii rlund will pn ai h vlhltnrn nro w it mini t albttttn siurrlt auilomu itmitor luv w 1 ioimuu sunday nflvkmmhi till i i rlnlly xxiv ii 00 a m sunday hi linnl linn nm holy ciiiiiiiiiliilnn hi klnnt rn iiiiii 7 ml pm kii nlntf pmyir a wi ii nun awnlta ymi anil professional directory and travellers guide mlllll a i dr w g c krnniy- rllyiilrlan and hurgron riffhi in syiiiuii lllork mill si aden offlri- ilinnr 7a itmldrnrr liurrli ht tlion im dr d a garrftt imiyhlrlan and hurtren nrni r of willow mid illvtr sla i- ntiani itlvi r sin i t ai inn ntiirlii l ilionr 23 11 mai dr a j buchanan drntul hurgron orn i i ihliniiin hi k mill st offlli limits 11 ii iil in fl pin x hay ii i i iliont 148 dr george a sirrs drntal hurgeon mill si l nm i 1iidiiltk attun olflci llimrh 11x1 am lu iii p m th hhonh 1u vjtrlllnattv b d young bvsc c l young d v m vrlrrlniry hurgrona offni ilruiikvllti ontario llimn mlllon mom f g oakes v s b v sc vrtrlnary hurgron offilc unil kcmdincl knox ave aclon illonc 1ju ii- gal c f leatherland uarrulrr a kollcltor motary public olfici z2 phoni hii 151 acton lever i hoskin chartrred accountanta suci i vsors to jivkivs and hardy 1j05 mi tropolitun hldu aa victoria st toronto hi 0131 miscillaneoub the victor b rumley funeral home funrrai iloror llratrd ambulmae phoni 30 nilit or day srvini tin tominunity for 41 yt irs ul ai fhtaif and inhtllranoat 111 allr uj apjiomliiknt wm c milligan r 0 optomrtrlkt is nrl ini wiiiiiimjju of the m in h 2 p rn to u p in it mill st hi mil nci of a t iikovvs ephead optometrist eyes examined scientifically glasses fitted guelph 58 ht gtergee bn phone 1s2s established m yean whlooghhy farm agency ijiii nl uml oldi nt auimy in nmitlii 1i1 offlir jwi liny bt toronto imioiid kmrilro 3tthoa ii inii lown hi pn hi ntatlve loin hrwbun rlninr clrorgrtown 332w wright real estate and insurance i- i whkiii n ii whtam jll wllhilr st iii mm ilonneu 8t alton onl n lph ont ihom in ihoin 4015w valuatnra itraltora insurers mi ml i r appi un il initituto of f imiilu mi ml ii i in lph unit district hi nl r tnli ho iril miniliin uilph ill onlrlct in omimi ai 111- asoi lutlon wi iiritiilly ri ipnr listings ot f irm prop rty from m to 101 acrea alv m ill liolliiiui ii mi 1 to 20 ii r a ontlict andy frank aiolili at camplji llvllle ilmns mlllon 325r2 c h dyment realtor 11 wiitworlli m s iljmllton ilnin 7h0h5 wm r brnckcn krai 1autr 1nhtai insuitam k iliniii 11 acton w h parkin floor banding end llsflnlthlef phone 105i1w oakville travellers guide gray coach lines stantlnrd time oadlrs ifave actom laslbound il3l urn hli um 1123 sjxl 2 tl i p m r 03 p m 033 pm 1j p m hlo r l p in wrstbound 10 17 am u52 pin 2 57 pjn j7 pin 7 27 pin u 12 pin 11jm pm 1 12 im sun to kitchener onlyi a ijuly ixtpt sunday and bott day- 1 sit ml i sunday and holl- 1 ly canadian national railways smniurd tun rasthound i i vl n u il x sun- 4 n 10 p n sunday im i ui x p- sun- r i r i t i i diij u t i n 10 11 itound u si in 1 mon 1 01 t s 1 i 1 1 unlay li 1 v xt p sun- i i n ilak 41 ui x sat- l s i rn s jln only i s u i 1 9 41 am s 1 i i r 1 r al r o m i a your eyes deserve the iest consult r m bell registered opeantetrlat phone 23rl2 erin vs oad

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